UNI Trading Cosmetics

A global Brazilian brand specializing in the development and marketing of professional products for UNI Trading Group

UNI Trading Group
متخصصيّ الشعر والجمال UNI
الحل الكامل للصالونات و دور التجميل بالإضافة إلى مستحضرات العناية الشخصية
عام 2017UNI Trading Group تأسست

وهي تقدم مجموعة من التقنيات الحديثة من المنتجات البرازيلية والخدمات والمنتجات لصالونات التجميل و منتجات العناية الشخصية. تفخر الشركة بتوفير أفضل نوعية منتجات لمختلف الاذواق، وتقدم الدعم المستمر لعملائها لتحسين أعمالهم والانتفاع منها.
باعتبارها ش


Royal Coffee collection from Uni Trading Cosmetics for stronger and shinier hair. ✨
The group works with BioPlex technology, which contains protein, keratin and collagen extracted completely from nature.
✨ Treats hair perfectly and increases its density
✨ Nourishes hair with protein and amino acids and rebuilds it
✨ Treats damaged hair with deep nourishment
✨ Reduces hair loss, keeps hair moisturized and makes it shiny

👈 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👈 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👈 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Does summer humidity affect your hair and leave it dry? UNI Trading Cosmetics offers you different protein groups that suit all hair types.
High quality Brazilian 🇧🇷🇧🇷 products extracted from natural raw materials. 🌱
👈 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👈 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👈 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


اتميزي بشعر لامع وناعم مع مجموعة العناية بالشعر من Uni Trading Cosmetics 🌟✨ منتجاتنا الطبيعية والخالية من الفورمالين هتخلي شعرك صحي وحيوي من غير أي أضرار. جربيها النهارده واستمتعي بشعر أحلامك! 😍💇‍♀️




يوني تريدينج تهنئكم بحلول عيد الأضحى المبارك أعاده الله عليكم بالفرح والسعادة

عيدكم سعيد 🐑

Unitrading congratulates you on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, may God bring you joy and happiness

Happy Eid 🐑


تشرفنا بوجودنا في أول معرض للمنتجات البرازيلية في مصر الذي أقيم في المتحف المصري الكبير. 🇪🇬🇧🇷
We were honoured to be part of the first Brazilian Expo on May 2024, that was held in the Grand Egyptian Museum.


X-Deep shampoo, with its unique formula, helps open pores and remove dandruff that prevents hair from breathing, while at the same time nourishing it and revealing its beauty.

X Deep Clarifying Shampoo is the best pre-protein scalp stimulator because:

✔️ Helps open pores
✔️ Prevents crust formation after protein surgery
✔️ Removes toxins and fats accumulated in the scalp and locks
✔️ Helps hair breathe better
✔️ gives hair more vitality

👈 Intended for use in salons and beauty centers only.

👈 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👈 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👈 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Mais Linda serum helps in stimulating blood circulation in the head, which helps in better delivery of nutrients to the hair, in addition to giving the hair a noticeable shine because it contains amino acids, macadamia oil and coconut.

MAIS LINDA serum also moisturizes the scalp and maintains its water content, which prevents dryness and the formation of dandruff again, while preserving the natural hair color and protecting it from graying.

Mauritia flexosa palm fruit oil repairs dry, damaged and chemically treated hair, giving it a silky shine.

✔️ To get the required result, use the MAIS LINDA complete care set (shampoo - mask - serum).
👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


The MAIS LINDA group helps highlight the beauty of hair, especially damaged or chemically-treated hair, because the MAIS LINDA collection consists of coconut oil - macadamia oil - arginine - Mauritian flexosa palm fruit oil.

Macadamia oil helps pe*****te the pores of the hair, maintain its hydration, strengthen the follicles, soften and moisturize the hair, treat dry scalp, damage and brittleness, and protect it from ultraviolet rays, dust and chemicals to which it is exposed.

It also reduces hair frizz and facilitates styling and detangling. It is one of the most important oils recommended for damaged and chemically treated hair. It maintains the color of the dye for a long time, while reducing damage caused by hair dyes, and reducing hair loss by strengthening the follicles.

👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


متحمسين جداً لمشاركتنا في معرض Brazilian Expo Egy 2024 أول معرض للمنتجات والشركات البرازيلية في مصر. 🇧🇷

زورونا في المعرض من يوم ٢٤ مايو الي يوم ٢٦ مايو في المتحف المصري الكبير. 🇪🇬


Oh God, grant us security, faith, safety, Islam, and help in prayer, fasting, and recitation of the Qur’an. Oh God, grant us peace. Ramadan and grant it to us and accept it from us, O Allah *Blessed be the month of Ramadan*
🌙 Ramadan Mobark 🌙


UNI Trading Cosmetics




Royal coffe protein👑


Royal coffee protein

Send a message to learn more


Mais Linda protein


حقفي حلمك واحصلي على شعر أملس وصحى مع بروتين مايس ليندا.

ويقوم بروتين MAIS LINDA بفرد وإصلاح الشعر التالف أو المجهد من
استخدام المواد الكيميائية، ويعيد له حيويته من خلال ترطيبه وتقويته وتنعيمه
والحفاظ عليه من العوامل المضرة.

كما يعمل بروتين مايس ليندا على ترميم الشعر التالف ويمنع تساقطه ويفك
تشابكه لمنع تكسره وتقصفه أثناء التمشيط.

👈 اطلب الآن ليصلك من البرازيل 🇧🇷

👈 أسعار خاصه جدا لطلبيات الجملة والموزعين

👈 مطلوب وكلاء في الدول العربية والأوربية 🤝


The MAIS LINDA group works with therapy technology to treat hair problems, by nourishing it with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and natural keratin to nourish the hair follicles.
It facilitates many hair problems, most notably heavy hair loss, dandruff, dry scalp, hair breakage, brittleness, and detangling to make it easier to style without splitting it, while giving it softness and a healthy shine.

👈 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👈 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👈 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Argan Cream repair ampoules are considered one of the best hair treatments of any type because they:
✔️ It softens the hair and gives it volume and length.
✔️ Protects hair from harmful sunlight and nourishes the scalp.
✔️ Treat damaged hair, reduce its loss, and enhance its growth.
✔️ Works to get rid of hair breakage.
✔️ Treats dry hair and contributes to moisturizing the scalp.
✔️ Helps control frizz as it contains Vitamin E, Omega 3 and Omega 9.
✔️ Helps get rid of dandruff and gives hair a healthy shine and appearance.

👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Royal Cafe shampoo is distinguished by its composition of coffee and grape seed oil, which help promote hair growth, strengthen follicles, improve hair texture, make it smoother and softer, enhance the natural hair color of dark hair, and give it natural softness and shine.

Royal Coffee shampoo also deep cleanses the hair without damaging it, stimulates hair germination, nourishes and moisturizes it, strengthens the roots and follicles, and helps hair growth and lengthening by stimulating the production of natural scalp oils and natural collagen.

✔️ For the best result, you must use the Royal Coffee complete care set (shampoo - mask - serum).
👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


The Rivers PLEX range is suitable for all types of damaged and damaged hair, as it contains more than 7 natural oils in addition to other organic ingredients.

Features of Riverplex:

✔️ soothes the scalp
✔️ Improves hair moisture level
✔️ Reduces static electricity, which helps improve hair appearance
✔️ gives hair enhanced shine and volume
✔️ Helps improve the appearance of damaged hair
✔️ Provides hair with antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids
✔️ stimulates hair growth and prevents loss

👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Unitrading congratulates you on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, may God bring you joy and happiness

Happy Eid 🐑


The Emerald Blue hair care group works with nanotechnology and natural oils that are free of formaldehyde.

The EMERALD BLUE hair care group works on:

✔️ Scalp nourishment
✔️ Treating dry scalp
✔️ Strengthening hair follicles
✔️ Giving hair smoothness and flow
✔️ Targeting and repairing damaged areas of hair
👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Collagen Cream repair ampoules treat hair loss, promote its growth and protect it from damage by building strong hair that is resistant to external factors.

Ampoules provide the hair with the amino acids needed to build it, help treat hair loss, promote its growth and protect it from damage by building strong hair that is resistant to external factors.

And because it consists of organic materials, it also treats strands of hair damaged by dyeing or frequent exposure to the heat of dryers, to restore its brilliance.

👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


The mechanism of action of the GREEN APPLE integrated care group is based on the mesotherapy technique to treat hair problems, as it stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp and increases blood flow to the follicles, thus nourishing the hair to grow healthy.

It also treats hair breakage and weakness and makes it more dense, and restores the hair’s glow and luster that it lost when exposed to sunlight and other external factors, in addition to combating skin diseases and scalp infections, reducing hair loss and strengthening the follicles.

👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Whatever your hair type and how damaged it is, Plasma Filler ampoules, consisting of organic, natural and chemical-free materials, help you treat and repair it.

The effect of Plasma Filler restoration ampoules lasts for a long time, thus ensuring healthy hair that is resistant to loss and premature aging.

Plasma filler ampoules consist of natural acids and oils that restore hair strands and give them vitality and shine in a completely natural and safe way.

Ingredients of filler plasma ampoules:
- Sesame seed oil - Grape seed oil - olive oil – cinnamon - Macadamia seeds - Hyaluronic acid - Vitamin E

👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝


Emerald Blue Mask is a mixture of natural essential oils, including macadamia oil, grapeseed oil and shea butter, that moisturize the hair.

The mask nourishes hair, reduces hair loss, makes hair healthy, strong, and smooth, and gets rid of waves and wrinkles.It also makes your hair more manageable and reduces its fall, and it strengthens hair and increases its growth.

✔️ For the best result, you must use the complete EMERALD BLUE care set (shampoo - mask - serum).
👉 Order now to receive it from Brazil 🇧🇷
👉 Very special prices for wholesale orders and distributors
👉 Agents are required in Arab and European countries 🤝

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البرازيل ساو بالو

مركز برج الذهب العالمي للتجارة العامة

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تشرفنا بوجودنا في أول معرض للمنتجات البرازيلية في مصر الذي أقيم في المتحف المصري الكبير. 🇪🇬🇧🇷We were honoured to be part...
Royal coffe protein👑
Mais Linda protein
حقفي حلمك واحصلي على شعر أملس وصحى مع بروتين مايس ليندا.ويقوم بروتين MAIS LINDA بفرد وإصلاح الشعر التالف أو المجهد مناست...
حقفي حلمك واحصلي على شعر أملس وصحى مع بروتين مايس ليندا.ويقوم بروتين MAIS LINDA بفرد وإصلاح الشعر التالف أو المجهد مناست...
حقفي حلمك واحصلي على شعر أملس وصحى مع بروتين مايس ليندا.ويقوم بروتين MAIS LINDA بفرد وإصلاح الشعر التالف أو المجهد مناست...
🧚🏻‍♀️ #BLACK_GOLD_PROTEIN 🎊🧚🏻‍♀️ #Collagen_Protein 🎊🎊 #بروتين_الكولاجين 🧚🏻‍♀️🎉 #بروتين_بلاك_جولد 🧚🏻‍♀️ هو البروتين العضو...
🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ #BLACK_GOLD_PROTEIN 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ 🪙خصائص فريدة من البروتين العضوي البرازيلي 1️⃣زيت الأرغان 2️⃣الكولاجين 3️⃣حمض الهيا...
🧚🏻‍♀️ #BLACK_GOLD_PROTEIN 🎊🧚🏻‍♀️ #Collagen_Protein 🎊🎊 #بروتين_الكولاجين 🧚🏻‍♀️🎉 #بروتين_بلاك_جولد 🧚🏻‍♀️ هو البروتين العضو...
آقوى منتج بروتين في سنة🌹 2021 🌹#بلاك_جولد✨ #بنترات_الذهب ✨ الذهب الأسود 1️⃣ نسبة فرد تصل إلى 💯 ✅2️⃣ نسبة طريب عالية ✅3️⃣...
🧚🏻‍♀️ #BLACK_GOLD_PROTEIN 🎊🧚🏻‍♀️ #Collagen_Protein 🎊🎊 #بروتين_الكولاجين 🧚🏻‍♀️🎉 #بروتين_بلاك_جولد 🧚🏻‍♀️ هو البروتين العضو...



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