The One Brasil

Brazilian manufacturer of high-performance cosmeceuticals and hair solutions.


Conheça a linha Biotin da The One Pro Therapy e tenha resultados incríveis:

💚 Estimula o crescimento capilar: fortalece os folículos capilares, estimulando o crescimento do cabelo.

💚 Prevenção da queda de cabelo: ajuda a prevenir a queda de cabelo.

💚 Melhora a saúde do cabelo: fortalece o cabelo, tornando-o menos propenso a quebrar ou ficar fraco.

💚 Promove saúde do couro cabeludo: ajuda a manter a saúde do couro cabeludo.

💚 Hidratação e brilho: ajuda a manter o cabelo hidratado e com brilho, evitando o ressecamento.

Experimente! ✨


Discover the Biotin line from The One Pro Therapy and enjoy incredible results:

💚 Stimulation of hair growth: strengthens hair follicles, stimulating hair growth.

💚 Hair loss prevention: helps prevent hair loss.

💚 Improves hair health: Strengthens hair, making it less likely to break or become weak.

💚 Promotes scalp health: helps maintain scalp health.

💚 Hydration and shine: helps keep hair hydrated and shiny, preventing dryness.

Try it! ✨


Cabelos macios e sedosos com SEÑORITA BIOPLASTY ORGANIC! 💚

👉 Alisamento orgânico em apenas um passo.

Com biotina, óleo de rícino e cravo, sela e nutre as cutículas capilares com resultado é imediato: cabelos naturalmente lisos, volume reduzido, sem frizz, maciez intensa e brilho espelhado por muito mais tempo. 😍


Soft, silky hair with SEÑORITA BIOPLASTY ORGANIC! 💚

👉 Organic straightening in just one step.

With biotin, castor oil and clove, it seals and nourishes the hair cuticles with immediate results: naturally straight hair, reduced volume, no frizz, intense softness and mirror-like shine for much longer. 😍


Consejos Profesionales: Descubre los beneficios e indicaciones de uso de nuestra línea tecnológica de terapia capilar cosmecéutica profesional, BIOTINA.
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Acceda a nuestro WhatsApp en Bio.


Você merece um cabelo incrível todos os dias! ✨ Conheça nossa linha de finalizadores que transformam seus fios:

💧 Leave-in 10 in 1: Uma verdadeira revolução em cuidados capilares! Com 10 benefícios em um só produto, ele hidrata, desembaraça, protege do calor, controla o frizz, e muito mais! Perfeito para todos os tipos de cabelo, trazendo praticidade e resultados incríveis.

🌿 Óleo de Copaíba: Rico em propriedades nutritivas e reparadoras, nosso óleo é ideal para dar aquele brilho extra e suavidade aos seus fios. Além disso, fortalece e protege o cabelo contra danos externos, mantendo-o saudável e radiante.

🔹 Dica: Use o Leave-in 10 in 1 no cabelo úmido para desembaraçar e proteger antes da escovação, e finalize com o Óleo de Copaíba para um toque de brilho e maciez incomparável!


You deserve amazing hair every day! ✨ Discover our line of finishers that transform your hair:

💧 Leave-in 10 in 1: A true revolution in hair care! With 10 benefits in one product, it hydrates, detangles, protects from heat, controls frizz, and much more! Perfect for all hair types, bringing practicality and incredible results.

🌿 Copaíba Oil: Rich in nourishing and repairing properties, our oil is ideal for giving that extra shine and softness to your strands. Furthermore, it strengthens and protects hair against external damage, keeping it healthy and radiant.

🔹 Tip: Use Leave-in 10 in 1 on damp hair to detangle and protect before brushing, and finish with Copaíba Oil for a touch of shine and incomparable softness!


Se você está procurando uma solução poderosa para cabelos mais fortes, hidratados e cheios de vida, o Shampoo Collagen é o segredo que você precisa! 🌟

Nossa fórmula exclusiva combina esses ingredientes de alta performance para revitalizar seus cabelos da raiz às pontas:

💧 Ácido Hialurônico: Hidratação profunda que retém a umidade e proporciona brilho incrível aos fios.

💪 Colágeno: Fortalece e reconstrói a estrutura capilar, reduzindo a quebra e promovendo um cabelo mais saudável.

Experimente a diferença e dê aos seus cabelos o cuidado luxuoso que eles merecem! 💖


If you are looking for a powerful solution for stronger, hydrated and full of life hair, Collagen Shampoo is the secret you need! 🌟

Our exclusive formula combines these high-performance ingredients to revitalize your hair from root to tip:

💧 Hyaluronic Acid: Deep hydration that retains moisture and provides incredible shine to the hair.

💪 Collagen: Strengthens and rebuilds the hair structure, reducing breakage and promoting healthier hair.

Experience the difference and give your hair the luxurious care it deserves! 💖


Explore o novo site da The One Pro Therapy e fique por dentro de lançamentos exclusivos de produtos, dicas de cuidados capilares e muito mais! 🌟

🌐 Acesse agora:
Link na Bio.


Explore The One Pro Therapy's new website and stay up to date with exclusive product launches, hair care tips and more! 🌟

🌐 Access now:
Link in Bio.


A máscara Collagen da The One Pro Therapy é enriquecida com ácido hialurônico e colágeno para proporcionar uma hidratação profunda e fortalecer seus fios de dentro para fora. 💧💪

🔹 Ácido Hialurônico: Retém a umidade, deixando o cabelo incrivelmente macio e hidratado.
🔹 Colágeno: Fortalece a estrutura capilar, aumentando a elasticidade e prevenindo a quebra.

O resultado? Cabelos sedosos, com brilho intenso e aparência saudável. 😍✨

🌟 Benefícios da Máscara Collagen:
✔️ Hidratação profunda
✔️ Fortalecimento dos fios
✔️ Redução do frizz
✔️ Brilho espelhado
✔️ Maciez intensa

Experimente a diferença e dê aos seus cabelos o cuidado luxuoso que eles merecem! 💖


The One Pro Therapy Collagen Mask is enriched with hyaluronic acid and collagen to provide deep hydration and strengthen your strands from the inside out. 💧💪

🔹 Hyaluronic Acid: Retains moisture, leaving hair incredibly soft and hydrated.
🔹 Collagen: Strengthens the hair structure, increasing elasticity and preventing breakage.

The result? Silky hair, with intense shine and healthy appearance. 😍✨

🌟 Benefits of Collagen Mask:
✔️ Deep hydration
✔️ Strengthening hair
✔️ Reduction of frizz
✔️ Mirror shine
✔️ Intense softness

Experience the difference and give your hair the luxurious care it deserves! 💖


Você já conhece o leave-in 10 em 1 da The One Pro Therapy? 🌟💇‍♀️

✨ Esse produto incrível é a solução completa para quem busca praticidade e eficácia nos cuidados com os cabelos. Com 10 benefícios em um só produto, ele transforma a saúde e a aparência dos fios.

- Protetor térmico
- Finalizador
- Hidratante
- Nutre os fios
- Auxilia a desembaraçar
- Auxilia na escovação
- Promove brilho intenso
- Anti-frizz
- Anti-age
- Anti-odor

Como Usar:
🔸 Aplique uma pequena quantidade nos cabelos úmidos ou secos.
🔸 Espalhe uniformemente por todo o comprimento e pontas.
🔸 Modele como de costume, com ou sem uso de ferramentas térmicas.


Do you already know the 10 in 1 leave-in from The One Pro Therapy? 🌟💇‍♀️

✨ This incredible product is the complete solution for those looking for practicality and effectiveness in hair care. With 10 benefits in one product, it transforms the health and appearance of your hair.

- Thermal protector
- Finisher
- Moisturizing
- Nourishes the hair
- Helps to untangle
- Helps with brushing
- Promotes intense shine
- Anti-frizz
- Anti-aging
- Anti-odor

How to use:
🔸 Apply a small amount to damp or dry hair.
🔸 Spread evenly over the entire length and ends.
🔸 Model as usual, with or without the use of thermal tools.


Did you know that scalp care is the new routine for you who want to have strong, healthy, beautiful and voluminous hair? ✨

👉 That's why the Biotin Line is perfect for you to include in your daily life. It is made up of products that care for the scalp, reducing hair loss, strengthening hair, as well as stimulating hair growth. 💚

Discover the complete Biotin line:
🌿Power Dose
🌿Supplement in Capsules

Try it! You will be surprised by the results! 🤗


🌟 A linha Collagen da The One Pro Therapy é formulada para revitalizar os fios, reparar danos e devolver o brilho e a vitalidade, deixando os cabelos mais macios, flexíveis e resistentes aos danos do dia a dia. 🌟

Nossos produtos são:
🌿Cruelty Free
🌿Dermatologicamente testados

Você merece o melhor! Você merece The One! 💛


🌟 The One Pro Therapy's Collagen line is formulated to revitalize strands, repair damage and restore shine and vitality, leaving hair softer, more flexible and resistant to everyday damage. 🌟

Our products are:
🌿Cruelty Free
🌿Dermatologically tested

You deserve the best! You deserve The One! 💛


✨ Leve a beleza com você para onde quer que você vá! ✈

👉 Apresentamos a linha Collagen da The One Pro Therapy em tamanho para viagem, enriquecida com os poderosos ingredientes do colágeno e ácido hialurônico. Agora, você pode manter seus cabelos hidratados, brilhantes e saudáveis durante todas as suas viagens! 😍

O colágeno fortalece os fios, restaurando sua elasticidade e resistência, enquanto o ácido hialurônico proporciona uma hidratação intensa, deixando os cabelos macios e sedosos. 💛

Com tamanhos perfeitos, nossos shampoo, máscara, condicionador e blowout são ideais para levar na sua bagagem de mão, nossa linha de viagem é a companheira perfeita para os seus passeios, viagens de negócios ou escapadas de fim de semana.

Experimente! 😉


✨ Take beauty with you wherever you go! ✈

👉 Introducing The One Pro Therapy's Collagen line in travel size, enriched with the powerful ingredients of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Now, you can keep your hair hydrated, shiny and healthy during all your travels! 😍

Collagen strengthens hair, restoring its elasticity and resistance, while hyaluronic acid provides intense hydration, leaving hair soft and silky. 💛

Perfectly sized, our shampoo, mask, conditioner and blowout are ideal for carrying in your hand luggage, our travel range is the perfect companion for your outings, business trips or weekend getaways.

Try it! 😉


Conheça a linha Collagen! ✨

Nutrição, revitalização e hidratação em uma só linha!

👉 Previne o envelhecimento precoce dos cabelos, tornando-os mais saudáveis e macios com a máxima concentração de colágeno dourado e ácido hialurônico.


Discover the Collagen line! ✨

Nutrition, revitalization and moisturizing in one line!

👉 Prevents premature aging of hair, making it healthier and softer with the maximum concentration of golden collagen and hyaluronic acid.


✨Collagen Blowout✨

Reconstrutor capilar que proporciona revitalização, nutrição, hidratação, brilho e intensa redução de volume aos cabelos.

👉 Possui aminoácidos, colágeno e ácido hialurônico em sua fórmula, trazendo suavidade e maleabilidade duradoura para os cabelos.

Vários benefícios em um único produto! 😍


✨Collagen Blowout✨

Hair reconstructor that provides revitalization, nutrition, hydration, shine and intense volume reduction to hair.

👉 It has amino acids, collagen and hyaluronic acid in its formula, bringing long-lasting softness and manageability to the hair.

Multiple benefits in a single product! 😍


O colágeno é uma proteína essencial encontrada na linha de produtos Collagen da The One Pro Therapy. ✨
Conheça os benefícios da Power Dose para a saúde do cabelo:

💛 Fortalecimento do cabelo: ajuda a fortalecer os folículos capilares, tornando os fios menos propensos a quebrar.

💛 Estimulação do crescimento capilar: promove o crescimento saudável do cabelo, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para o desenvolvimento de novos fios.

💛 Melhora da textura e elasticidade: melhora a textura e a elasticidade do cabelo, tornando-o mais suave, brilhante e maleável.

💛 Prevenção da quebra e das pontas duplas: Ao fortalecer a estrutura do cabelo, ajuda a prevenir a quebra e as pontas duplas, mantendo os fios mais saudáveis e intactos.

💛 Promoção da hidratação: ajuda a reter a umidade no cabelo, evitando o ressecamento e a aparência de cabelo frágil e sem vida.


Collagen is an essential protein found in The One Pro Therapy's Collagen product line. ✨
Discover the benefits of Power Dose for hair health:

💛 Hair strengthening: helps strengthen hair follicles, making strands less likely to break.

💛 Stimulation of hair growth: promotes healthy hair growth, providing the nutrients necessary for the development of new strands.

💛 Improves texture and elasticity: improves hair texture and elasticity, making it softer, shinier and more manageable.

💛 Prevention of breakage and split ends: By strengthening the hair structure, it helps prevent breakage and split ends, keeping strands healthier and more intact.

💛 Promotion of hydration: helps retain moisture in the hair, preventing dryness and the appearance of fragile, lifeless hair.


💚 A linha Biotin da The One Pro Therapy possui formulação rica em vitaminas e minerais que auxiliam no combate à queda dos cabelos, além de deixá-los fortes e com muito mais brilho, proporcionando volume e 3X mais crescimento.

Experimente e tenha resultados incríveis! ✨


💚 The One Pro Therapy's Biotin line has a formulation rich in vitamins and minerals that help combat hair loss, as well as leaving it strong and shiny, providing volume and 3X more growth.

Try it and get incredible results! ✨


The future is full of great promise and brightness 💫😉🤩


The power of a transformation with The One Pro Therapy! ✨

Transforming and caring for your hair with excellence is part of the essence of The One. 😍

With quality products connected to technology, the brand delivers a unique experience for your hair.


✨ An incredible transformation with FORMING COLORS! ✨

The Forming Colors line is perfect for hairdressers and beauty professionals who appreciate high-quality products, with maximum performance and incredible results. 😍


A Brazilian, natural, vegan anti-aging facial booster enriched with the secrets of the Amazon. ✨

👉 With the power of collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, face booster is a powerful facial booster indispensable in daily facial care routine for perfect and healthy skin.


Our Therapeutic Power Dose penetrates deep into the hair fiber, fortifying it from within and reducing breakage for strands that are stronger, smoother, and more resilient. 💚

👉 Packed with nourishing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it stimulates the scalp and encourages healthy hair growth from the follicles up.


B-tox Therapy was developed to promote complete cellular regeneration of extremely damaged and aged hair fibers. 💚

👉 The active ingredients present in its formulation act to soften the hair, leaving it looking like new, silky, soft and with a mirror-like shine.

Say goodbye to frizz and hello to silky smooth strands! 😍

Our B-tox Therapy helps to seal the hair cuticle, smoothing away roughness and leaving your hair with a sleek, polished finish that lasts.

With exclusive THE ONE technology: Anti-frizz | Anti-age | Anti-yellow.


Our Collagen Power Dose Treatment delivers an intense dose of hydration, restoring moisture balance and leaving your hair feeling silky smooth. ✨💧

Health Beyond Beauty 💛


Achieve salon-worthy smoothness and shine with our finishers that tame frizz and flyaways, leaving your hair looking sleek and polished from root to tip. 💚

👉 Define and accentuate your natural texture with our finishers that provide definition and hold without weighing your hair down. 😍

You can try:
✔Copaiba Oil Repair - Repair and Finishing Oil
✔Miracle Leave-in 10 in 1 - Thermal protector finisher


🌙✨ Ramadan Mubarak! Wishing you all a blessed Ramadan filled with peace, joy, and spiritual growth. May this holy month bring you closer to Allah and shower you with His countless blessings.

Let's embrace the values of compassion, empathy, and gratitude, spreading kindness wherever we go.

May this month be a source of strength and inspiration for us all. 🌙✨


Our Señorita Detox Shampoo is formulated to gently yet effectively remove product build-up, excess oils, and impurities from your scalp, leaving it feeling clean, balanced, and revitalized. 💚

👉 By detoxifying your scalp, this shampoo promotes a healthier environment for hair growth and helps prevent issues like dandruff and itching.

Say hello to a scalp that feels refreshed and rejuvenated! 😍


Forming Colors bleaching powder from The One Pro Therapy comes to revolutionize bleaching. 💜

👉 Developed with Brazilian technology, its formulation offers powerful active ingredients such as collagen, soy protein, keratin and biotin, which provide total cosmeticity to the bleaching processes and the perfect opening of the desired tone.

Contains The One Plex in its formulation, providing safety and an uniform opening from start to finish without staining the strands. 😍

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Vídeos (mostrar tudo)

Consejos Profesionales:
Did you know that scalp care is the new routine for you who want to have strong, healthy, beautiful and voluminous hair?...
✨ An incredible transformation with FORMING COLORS! ✨The Forming Colors line is perfect for hairdressers and beauty prof...
A Brazilian, natural, vegan anti-aging facial booster enriched with the secrets of the Amazon. ✨👉 With the power of coll...
Our Collagen Power Dose Treatment delivers an intense dose of hydration, restoring moisture balance and leaving your hai...
Our Señorita Detox Shampoo is formulated to gently yet effectively remove product build-up, excess oils, and impurities ...
Hair Growth
💚 Les cosméceutiques THE ONE, succès absolu en France, au Maroc, en Algérie et en Tunisie et au Canada 🤩😉 Soyez notre di...
Бажаємо успіхів нашому новому офіційному та ексклюзивному дистриб’ютору THE ONE UKRAINE 🇺🇦. Ласкаво просимо в сім'ю THE ...




Taubaté, SP

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Terça-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 18:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 17:00

Outra Saúde/Beleza em Taubaté (mostrar tudo)
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