Bhutan Natura

Developing plant based natural, healthy superfoods, inspired by science and new technologies.


Let Food be the Medicine.

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Why millet is considered a miraculous grain? Know its main reason
written by Kisaan Helpline!

Millets have a low GI index, which means they can help regulate blood sugar levels and are a good choice for people with diabetes.

India is the largest producer of millets in the world, and accounts for more than 40 percent of global consumption. Millet cultivation is the mainstay of rain-fed agriculture which provides livelihood to about 50 per cent of the total rural workforce and sustains 60 per cent of the cattle population in India. Millet is the most unique among cereals. The term millet includes a number of short-grained cereal grasses.
On the basis of grain size, millets are classified as major millets which include Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] and pearl millet/Bajra [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] and minor millets Including finger millets [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn], foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beurav], little millet (Panicum sumatrans), kodo millet [Paspalum scrobiculatum (L.)], proso millet [Panicum milicum (L.) ] and barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea).
Millets are often referred to as miracle grains because of their numerous health benefits and the fact that they can thrive in harsh, dry environments where other crops may struggle. Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses that are widely cultivated around the world, particularly in Africa and Asia.
Some of the reasons why millets are considered miracle grains include:
Nutritional value: Millets are rich in nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are particularly high in iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Gluten-free: Millets are naturally gluten-free, making them an excellent option for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Environmentally friendly: Millets are drought-resistant and require less water and fewer pesticides than other crops, making them an environmentally friendly option for farmers.
Versatile: Millets can be used in a variety of dishes, including porridge, bread, and salads, and can be cooked in a similar way to rice.

Overall, millets are a healthy and sustainable food option that can help support both human health and the environment.

Published by Kisaan Helpline

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 10/05/2024

An opportunity to say YES to healthy low GI Foods.


My two famous professor from Lund University; “Siv Ahrné och Göran Molin”

Remembering you two.


I m not there but all are invited!



Today, people are more conscious about what they consume than ever, which has become the reason for the creation of healthier substitutes. Bread is consumed everywhere in every course of the meal, and every variety of bread has its own recipe and benefits. Commercial bread available in the markets has a high GI index which is not suitable for diabetics or patients with high cholesterol levels; therefore, a few years back, bakers came up with its nutritious alternative, ‘low GI bread’. This blog will tell you all you need to know about GI bread and the reasons why it is more nutritious and healthier choice for you.

The term “Glycemic Index,” or “GI,” indicates the effect of a particular food on your blood sugar level. Food items with a high GI have a tendency to spike your blood sugar levels quickly. Whilst foods with a low Gi will do it more gradually, they are considered a healthier option. Factors that impact food’s Glycemic Index include carbohydrates, chemical structure, cooking method, and amount of fibre, protein, and fats.

Generally, food items are classified into three categories of Glycemic Index, namely:

Low GI: less than 55
Food such as fish, milk, natural yoghurt, and low-sugar fruits such as oranges, pulses and beans have low GI.

Medium GI: 56-69
Food items like rye bread or bran cereal have medium GI.

High GI: greater than 70
This includes white and whole wheat bread, white rice, potatoes etc.

Why should you start eating GI bread? Low GI bread is known to be best for people with diabetes and high cholesterol. Moreover, it also offers many health benefits and is known to be healthier than white bread. Some health benefits GI bread offers are:

Low GI bread, as the name suggests, has a low Glycemic Index, so it does not immediately increase your blood sugar level. Moreover, unlike other bread, GI bread is free from cholesterol and contains polyunsaturated fats to protect your heart. Therefore by eating bread with low GI, you are doing your heart a favour and keeping yourself safe from diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and obesity.

Low GI bread does not digest immediately; it gradually releases energy, making you feel full for a longer time by consuming fewer calories. GI bread is very helpful in maintaining a diet, and it also helps you minimise hunger, reduce snack cravings between meals for an effective diet and prevent overeating.

Recent years have witnessed a spike in Type 2 Diabetes due to genes, excess fat, lack of physical activity, consumption of processed foods and unhealthy eating habits. Studies have shown that people who consume the wrong carbs are at higher risk of diabetes than those who eat a low GI diet. Low GI foods help you maintain your blood sugar levels and are safe for people with hyperglycaemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and diabetes type 1 and 2 because they do not abruptly raise blood sugar levels.

Cholesterol in arteries triggers an inflammatory response by your immune system. A high-fibre diet such as low GI bread helps to reduce cholesterol which results in the reduction in the inflammatory response.

Dietary fibres in GI bread aid digestion and encourage bowel movement, preventing constipation and other digestive issues.

Vegetarians can not consume all types of bread as some of the bread contain ingredients derived from animals. But GI bread is suitable for vegans as it does not contain any ingredients derived from an animal source.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 27/01/2024

On this cold snowy day, low GI (low glycemic) foods project continue to strive to be on tract. With dynamic team, and lead by functional food scientist, our products will see limelight soon in the market.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 05/09/2023

Different kind of Millets: Sorghum panicles

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 29/08/2023

I like turn the discothis combination. Has brilliant taste. McTea and Zaw(roasted rice snacks) make good treat.

Since it us much loved here, our Food authority can verify labelling and test what additives such as flavours, preservatives and ingredients are used in these sachets.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 26/08/2023

By Shifa Fatima, MSc.
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Apoorva T, MHM. on April 20, 2022

Low-glycemic foods for diabetes
We have gone through the glycemic index values of hundreds of foods in this blog post, and we prepared a low GI food list for diabetes. It is also a helpful tool for anyone looking to lose weight or have more energy throughout the day.

What is Glycemic Index?
The glycemic index (GI) is simply a system of eating foods containing carbohydrates. This rating indicates how quickly blood sugar levels will increase when one eats these foods independently. There are two types of GI rating foods, i.e., high GI rated foods and low GI rated foods. Foods with a high GI rating are broken down quickly by your body and rapidly increase blood sugar levels soon after.

Examples of high GI rating foods are:- white bread, potatoes, white rice, etc. Low or medium-GI foods take longer for the body to break down into simple sugars, which results in a gradual rise in blood sugar over time. Examples of low GI rating foods are:- fruits, vegetables, barley, brown rice, etc. Also know more about the diabetes diet chart

What constitutes a Low Glycemic Index?
The glycemic index is a concept that essentially measures how much effect the food you eat has on your blood glucose levels. The higher the food's glycemic index, the more pronounced its effect on your body. There are many tables available that list types of foods and their GIs. These tables can give one a greater understanding of what options might be feasible to include in a diet. The GI of a food is considered low when it has a value of 55 or under; high when it has a value of 70 or more; and midrange when it has a value of 56 to 69. Also read about are grapes good for diabetes.

List of Best Low Glycemic Foods For Diabetics?

1. Oats
A GI score of 55 makes rolled porridge oats a low-GI breakfast option. Oats also contain beta-glucan, a type of fibre with several health benefits. Steel-cut and rolled oats have the best health benefits and the lowest GI scores. Instant and quick oats are more processed and have a higher GI score.

2. Milk
Low-GI dairy products are healthy additions to morning porridge. Skimmed milk has a GI of 37, while full-fat milk has a score of 39. It is a good source of calcium, which supports bone health. Reduced-fat soy milk can have a GI of between 17 and 44, and full-fat soy milk may score 44.

GI scores will vary among brands. But you can also add it to smoothies that contain low GI fruits, such as apples, bananas, grapes, and mangoes.

3. Chickpeas
Chickpeas provide a good amount of protein and fiber per cup, with 11.8 grams and 10.6 grams, respectively; they also contain calcium, potassium, and vitamin B-9. Chickpeas have a low GI score of 28, making them a low-carbohydrate source. Roasted chickpeas make a delicious and fast snack.

4. Carrots
Carrots have a GI score of 39, making them the perfect alternative to bread when enjoying hummus as a dip. They offer a good source of beta-carotene and potassium without the high-fat content of olive oil or dairy cream. These are good for eye health.

Carrots are packed with antioxidants, making them essential to achieving body protection from free radicals.

5. Kidney Beans
The GI score of kidney beans is 24, making them a versatile low-GI food. They are also very high in protein and fibre, with 13.36g and 11g per cup. Kidney beans are also low in fat and high in potassium.

Low Glycemic Index Vegetables for Diabetes
People with diabetes often face challenges searching for low GI vegetables. While most vegetables are ok for consumption, people with high diabetes levels should stick to vegetables with a comparatively lower GI. If you are planning your diabetes-friendly diet, consider adding items from the below-shared low GI food list for diabetes.

Low Glycemic Fruits List for Diabetes
Now that you’re aware of the vegetables low in GI, let’s take a quick look at other food items having a low glycemic index. The following list of low glycemic index foods for diabetics will help you decide what other food items you can have during diabetes.

Besides vegetables and fruits, you can include the following whole or minimally processed grains in your diet because of their low glycemic index.

- Whole wheat
- Wheat tortilla
- Oat bran and rice bran cereals
- Whole-grain pasta
- Sourdough bread
- Whole-grain pumpernickel bread

If you want to add dairy and dairy-substitute items low in GI to your regular diet, you can consider having milk, cheese, plain yogurt, soy milk, cottage cheese, and soy yogurt. Other food items worth your attention are nuts and butter, poultry like chicken, meat like pork, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, eggs, fish, etc.

Low Glycemic Fruits List for Diabetes
Now that you’re aware of the vegetables low in GI, let’s take a quick look at other food items having a low glycemic foods index. The following list of low glycemic index foods for diabetics will help you decide what other food items you can have during diabetes. Also know about best fruit for diabetes.

What is the importance of Low GI in Diabetes?
The glycemic index provides a classification of carbohydrate-containing foods based on their tendency to elevate your blood sugar levels. Foods with a higher glycemic index will raise your blood sugar significantly faster than those with a lower value. To manage your blood sugar properly, you can apply the basic principles of healthy eating, portion control, and counting carbohydrates. Also know more about diabetes diet chart.

What are the Indications of consuming food with different Glycemic Indexes in Diabetes?

Low Glycemic Index foods
Low Glycemic Index foods with a low GI have many means in your quest to lose weight and keep you eating satisfyingly between meals.
The insulin hormone regulates how much sugar there is in your blood from one meal to another.

Foods with lower glycemic ratings will help you feel fuller for longer because they will not cause such a sharp spike in blood sugar levels.

High Glycemic Index foods
Foods that rank high on the glycemic index are easily digested, and they tend to raise our blood sugar more than items lower on that scale would.

Like carbs with a low glycemic index, foods rich in sugars that rank high on this scale should be avoided by people with diabetes and other medical conditions related to blood glucose levels.

But these meals can still be taken into account during periods when we need extra power for some vigorous activity (such as exercising) or after suffering from hypoglycemic attacks (when the body has run out of fuel).

What is Glycemic Load, and what is its importance in Diabetes?
The glycemic index (GI) is just one method of analyzing carbs. It has become very popular in the past two decades because it is a quick, easy, and cheap measure to process. However, earlier this year, a team of researchers came up with a new system for examining carbohydrates. The combined measurement known as glycemic load (GL) incorporates both the GI and the number of carbohydrates in each food item.

A formula calculates a food's glycemic load (GL). To do so, we need to know the glycemic index and how much carbohydrate is in that food in grams.

The Glycemic index is calculated by multiplying total carbs by the glycemic index, then dividing by 100.
GL = Total no. of Carbohydrates in grams × Glycemic Index (GI) / 100.

Many people with diabetes are interested in lowering their blood sugar after meals. In general, the lower a food's GI, the better it is for you. You can use this low GI food list for diabetes as a guideline to see which foods are best for you. If you are interested in learning more about how the GI of food can help you, feel free to read this blog post.

What meats are low GI?
The significance of low GI foods can be great for each meal that a person with diabetes consumes. Meats like beef, pork, lamb, etc are low in glycemic index. Additionally, chicken and the protein obtained from chicken is also a good low GI foods. Since chicken has fewer carbs, it won’t affect blood sugar levels directly.

Is cheese Low GI?
Yes, cheese is also low in glycemic index. This means that upon consumption of cheese, the sugars will be released slowly into the body. In other words, eating cheese will not trigger major spikes in the overall blood glucose levels. However, it is important to be mindful of what you are consuming cheese with. A white bread and cheese combination will raise blood sugars

What can diabetics eat instead of bread?
In today’s times, there are several healthy options that a person with diabetes can choose from. Instead of the traditional white bread made out of processed grains and refined wheat flour, a person can eat multigrain bread, whole wheat bread, etc. If you want to avoid bread altogether, roti or wraps can be other good options.

What drink lowers blood sugar?
Drinking water regularly can help to reduce blood sugar levels. Since water not only hydrates the body but also helps to flush out the toxins and keeps the kidneys healthy, it is the best drink to consume. It can also help with weight loss. Other low-calorie drinks could be green tea, salted lemonade, etc.

Is a Low GI Diet Good for Diabetics?
Yes, research shows following a low GI diet can help diabetics manage long-term blood glucose levels, especially in people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. If you stick to a low GI diet for the long term, you can experience reduced hemoglobin A1C and blood glucose levels. A low GI diet can also help you sustainably maintain a healthy weight.

Which GI is Good for Diabetics?
A glycemic index of 55 or less is considered good for diabetics. Generally, the lower the GI number, the better it is for people with diabetes. A GI of 56 to 69 can have a medium impact on your blood glucose levels, while a GI of 70 or higher can have a high or negative impact on your blood sugar levels. So always look for food items lower in GI to prevent any unwanted blood sugar spikes.


The content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice. Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 26/08/2023

𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 know as Seyab and in Tsangla; Khomang Shing, or as a flowering quince, Chinese quince, or Japanese quince. It is a thorny deciduous shrub bear yellowish oblong sour fruits with numerous seeds. It is eaten raw, or dried to make tea or fermented into wine.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐚
Wash, slice, and deseed and dry the fruit. Boil with a few normal tea leaves and honey/sugar and serve after 3 minutes.


Pictures of stakeholders involved at the National Centre for Organic Agriculture. Picture courtecy NCOA.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 26/08/2023

Bhutan in a small area, has varied climatic zones, and vegetation from the subtropical region (100m MSL) to the alpine region (4000m plus). Different organic and natural products are cultivated/found and harvested including medicinal herbs.

Throughout the country, educational and field visit activities are carried out by the Govt. in the area where we source our natural and organic raw materials.

Farmer's group from Yusipang makes the best out of their day during field and educational visits to organic, and natural produce farms. This helps the group to derive knowledge, exposure and hands-on experiences besides deriving economic benefits from their own group and enterprise related to Renewable Natural Resource Sector. Bhutan Natura


11 years ago, on this day, I took this picture.


Cold pasteurization technology based on UV light is evolving.

AseptoRay has developed a UV light based proprietary cold pasteurization technology. While traditional UV has been used to treat liquids, it has been limited to clear liquids like water. AseptoRay has taken UV technology a step forward and created a unique technology which enables UV treatment of a range of liquids, including turbid liquids.

Core advantages are:

Increased shelf life: AseptoRay’s technology is based on hydrodynamics and fluid dynamics. The fluid dynamic model increases the time that particles are on the tube’s surface, which in turn enhances the efficiency of the UV dose.

Energy saving: A 73% reduction in direct energy costs compared to thermal pasteurization, and dramatic decrease in costs compared to High Pressure Processing (HPP) -0.34 cents/gallon using AseptoRay vs. 130 cents/gallon using HPP.

Organic and Natural products: Unlike thermal pasteurization (which heat and then cool down the products), cold pasteurization doesn’t change the natural make up of the treated products. As a result, the nutritional benefits remain the same and there are no organoleptic changes (i.e. the taste and odor are unchanged). This process greatly appeals to consumers searching for healthier and less processed foods and beverages which contain less preservatives.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 24/07/2023

Plucking berries from wild. It is natural, it is in season and it is of course organic. This we use in our bread and cookies.


How to Count Carbs?

By WebMD Editorial Contributors and Medically Reviewed by Michael Dansinger, MD on March 18, 2023

Carbohydrates are a great source of energy for your body, but they affect your blood sugar too. If you have diabetes, keep track of how many you eat with a few simple tricks.

Know your carbs. It's a lot more than just pasta and bread. All starchy foods, sugars, fruit, milk, and yogurt are rich in carbs, too. Make sure you count them all, not just the obvious ones.

Put together a meal plan. Figure out the amount of carbs, protein, and fat you can eat at meals and snacks throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels steady. Most adults with diabetes aim for 45-60 grams of carbs per meal and 15-20 grams per snack. That number may go up or down, depending on how active you are and the medicines you take, so check with your doctor or a registered dietitian.

Look at labels:
They make counting carbs easy. Find the "Total Carbohydrate" number listed on a package's "Nutrition Facts" panel. Then, check the serving size and confirm the amount you can eat. Repeat this step with other foods you plan to eat. When you add all the grams of carbs, the total should stay within your meal budget.

Starch, fruit, or milk = 15. Fresh foods don't come with a label. You may have to guess the number of carbs they have. A good rule of thumb: Each serving of fruit, milk, or starch has about 15 grams. Vegetables don't have a lot, so you can eat more of them. Two or three servings of veggies usually equal 15 grams of carbs.

Pay attention to portion sizes:
The size of one serving depends on the type of food. For instance, one small (4-ounce) piece of fresh fruit, 1/3 cup of pasta or rice, and 1/2 cup of beans are each one serving. Buy a pocket guide that lists carb counts and portion sizes. Or download an app on your smartphone. Measuring cups and a food scale when you eat at home will help you be accurate.

Adjust your insulin:
Your doses may change, depending on the amount of carbs you ate at a meal and the difference between your target blood sugar level and your actual reading. You'll need to know your "insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio," or the number of carbs one unit of insulin will cover. Generally, one unit of fast-acting insulin covers 12-15 grams of carbohydrates.

Your body can also be more sensitive to insulin changes throughout the day. Stress or how much you exercise also has an impact. It's important to work out a plan with your doctor for how to change your treatment if you need to.

Make healthy choices:
Carb counting focuses on the number of them you eat at every meal, not what types. Still, pick healthy options when you can. Foods and drinks with added sugar are often high in calories and low on nutrients. Healthy carbs like whole grains, fruits, and veggies will give you energy and the vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can help control your weight.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 21/07/2023

My daughter’s day care mate birthday today. Happy birthday KINLEIGH!

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 16/07/2023

This is a good read for future of Food and nutration.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 16/07/2023

Join Nutraceutical & Functional Foods Division (NFFD)!

With global uncertainty and increasing challenges (viruses, infection, non-communicable diseases), nutraceuticals and functional foods play a critical role in prevention, therapy assistance, reducing medical costs, and providing a higher quality of life to everyone. With treasures from nature, proper application by using scientific evidence is required. NFFD is the best bridge and platform to push and promote such development in the near future. With many members from the functional food area, our goal for this Division is to enhance our engagement with the nutraceutical (dietary supplement) field and bring in different perspectives to provide more information, knowledge, funding, collaboration, and job and internship opportunities to our members. Please reach out with questions about getting involved.

We welcome ideas and suggestions and encourage you to engage with us on IFT Connect and follow our LinkedIn so that you can receive Division news and participate in group discussions instantly. We also look forward to meeting you in person at IFT FIRST!

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 15/07/2023
Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 15/07/2023

Which are the healthiest Berries?
It's tough to say if one is healthier than others. Most berries are :
-rich in antioxidants,
-vitamins and minerals,
- and fiber.
Their superpowers differ (for instance, strawberries are teeming with vitamin C, while blackberries boast more than 7 grams of fiber per serving), but none of them are unhealthy.

Studies show that berries can help:
-control blood sugar,
-support eye and
-heart health,
-reduce inflammation and
-even protect against Alzheimer's.

-Berries are loaded with vitamins, minerals, water, fiber, phytonutrients (the plant pigments that are responsible for their color) and carbohydrates.
-They have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer and immune benefits.
-All berries help to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, diabetes and heart disease, [plus] improve skin health, immune function, gut health and overall nutrition.

"The only reason to avoid them is if you are allergic or if they cause GI distress."


What is Glycemic Index (GI)?
It is the ranking of carbohydrate in foods from 0 to 100. It is done according to the effect of foods on blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 09/03/2023

What are the benefits of low GI foods:
A low GI diet causes a gradual rise in blood sugar levels that has shown to:
-improve blood glucose control
-prevent and manage diabetes
-increase satiety and reduce appetite
-facilitate weight loss
-improve blood lipid profiles
-possibly improve acne (preliminary studies)
-enhance sport performance and endurance
-reduce risks of diabetes, coronary heart diseases (CHD) and
-certain types of cancer (prostate, breast and colorectal)
-improve the intestinal flora imbalance, which will help to increase production of antimicrobial compounds, modulating the immune system
-prevent against early age-related macular degeneration

Source: Tamasek Food Research Centre.

Photos from Bhutan Natura's post 09/03/2023

With the challenges posing to the people of Bhutan from lifestyle related diseases, we began developing plant-based health products in our very small laboratory in Thimphu.

We are inspired by existing knowledge in functional food science and newer technologies. Our small team of dedicated food and professional are working hard to bring out natural superfoods sourcing raw materials from our pristine environment in very sustainable.

Our scientific approach to products is challenging though the benefits they offer in long run to our people may be far reaching.

We are venturing in low GI, functional health foods, and nutraceutical products.

Kindly be our patron and help better health of our countrymen.

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