Life Psych

We offer a safe space for you to confront your wellness issues with the help of our professionals.


Are you looking for support, guidance, and a space to grow? This August and September, take advantage of our special online therapy offer: just P1000 for four sessions!

What’s Included:

• Four Therapy Sessions: Scheduled at your convenience, providing you with consistent support.
• Experienced Therapists: Receive guidance from qualified professionals dedicated to your well-being.
• Flexible Online Access: Attend sessions from the comfort of your home or anywhere you feel safe.

Why Choose Online Therapy?

• Convenience: No need to travel, saving you time and hassle.
• Confidentiality: Secure, private sessions ensure your peace of mind.
• Flexibility: Schedule sessions around your busy life.

Limited-Time Offer:

• Price: P1000 for four sessions
• Validity: August and September only

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your mental health and well-being. Reach out today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Book Your Sessions Now:
Contact us at [ 74 541 054] to secure your spot.

Life Psych We offer a safe space for you to confront your wellness issues with the help of our professionals.



Why Men Sometimes Have Better Sexual Performance with Extramarital Partners: An Insight

Have you ever wondered why some men seem to struggle with sexual performance with their wives yet thrive sexually with extramarital partners? This phenomenon is more common than you might think, and it's rooted in various psychological, relational, and physiological factors. Understanding these factors can help us address and improve intimate relationships in healthy ways.

One key factor is performance anxiety. Men often feel intense pressure to perform well with their wives, leading to anxiety that can impair their sexual function. On the other hand, extramarital partners might provide a sense of novelty and excitement, reducing anxiety and boosting performance. Additionally, the validation and confidence gained from these new partners can enhance sexual performance.

Relationship dynamics also play a crucial role. Over time, long-term relationships can fall into routine patterns, reducing sexual excitement. Poor communication about sexual needs and unresolved emotional conflicts can further contribute to dissatisfaction and performance issues. Conversely, the thrill of a new relationship can reignite passion and arousal.

Addressing these issues requires effort and open communication. Couples therapy and can help partners resolve conflicts, improve emotional intimacy, and rekindle sexual excitement. Introducing new activities, fantasies, and settings can break the monotony and reignite the spark in a long-term relationship.
By fostering open dialogue and making conscious efforts to maintain novelty, couples can enhance their sexual connection and overall relationship satisfaction.


It’s been more than 10years mo lenyalong.
Dirang a small lunch for close family and friends, abo le bitsa le Moruti, buy new rings and RENEW YOUR VOWS.
Le tswa kgakala and you have been through a lot. Le godisitse bana, le lona le godile and most probably you’re even different people now. It’s time to reaffirm your commitment to each other
These are some of the advices tse re di neelang our couples therapy clients.
Book today on 74 541 054



Goa diragala gore o jalasetse your siblings ka ditebego tsa bone especially ha kgang ya teng e buetswe ruri. Go diragalela both genders.

Jealousy stemming from physical appearance can be particularly challenging, as societal standards and media often perpetuate unrealistic ideals that fuel comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. This form of jealousy can lead to low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and even body dysmorphia in extreme cases.

As a therapist, my approach to assisting individuals struggling with appearance-related jealousy involves creating a safe and non-judgmental space to explore and understand their feelings. We would work together to identify the underlying beliefs and societal pressures contributing to these feelings, challenging unrealistic standards and fostering self-acceptance and self-love.

Therapeutic techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be beneficial in shifting negative thought patterns and developing healthier ways of thinking about oneself. Additionally, mindfulness and body-positive practices can help individuals cultivate a more compassionate and accepting relationship with their bodies.

Empathy, validation, and encouragement are essential components of this therapeutic journey. It's about empowering individuals to embrace their uniqueness, recognize their inherent worth beyond physical appearance, and cultivate a positive body image that aligns with their values and aspirations.

Remember, everyone's journey towards self-acceptance is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. As a therapist, I'm here to provide personalized support, guidance, and resources to help individuals navigate and overcome appearance-related jealousy and foster a more positive and healthy self-image.


Jealousy within families can be rooted in a variety of underlying issues, such as feelings of inadequacy, fear of abandonment, or unresolved past traumas. It can also stem from comparisons, whether it's perceived differences in achievements, relationships, or even physical appearance. These underlying factors often amplify the intensity of jealousy and make it more challenging to address.

Manifestations of jealousy can vary widely, from subtle behaviors like passive-aggressive comments or exclusionary actions to more overt displays of anger and resentment. Some may resort to gossiping or spreading rumors to undermine the person they're jealous of, while others might withdraw completely, avoiding family gatherings or interactions altogether.

Understanding the root causes and recognizing the ways jealousy manifests is crucial in addressing and managing these complex emotions. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, requiring openness, honesty, and sometimes professional guidance to navigate successfully.

Remember, addressing jealousy within families is not about assigning blame but creating opportunities for understanding, empathy, and ultimately, healing. It's about fostering a supportive environment where each family member feels valued, heard, and accepted for who they are.



Navigating jealousy within families can be an emotional journey for everyone involved. It's a complex emotion that can arise for various reasons, from perceived favoritism to competition for attention or resources.

In my work as a therapist, I've seen family members at different stages of dealing with their jealousy. Initially, there's often denial or minimization of the feelings, followed by guilt for even having them. This can lead to isolation as individuals may feel ashamed to admit their struggles, even to themselves.

As jealousy festers, it can lead to resentment, strained relationships, and even distance within the family. The internal battle becomes consuming, impacting self-esteem and overall well-being. It's essential to remember that jealousy doesn't make someone a bad person; it's a natural emotion that, when acknowledged and addressed, can be understood and managed.

If you find yourself caught in this secret battle, know that you're not alone. It takes courage to confront these feelings and seek support. As a therapist, I'm here to offer empathy, understanding, and guidance through this challenging journey towards healing and stronger family connections.


Addiction ke eng ka Setswana?



Jaaka dikolo di tswetswe jaana, ke yone nako ya gore bo Junior ba visit the other parent.
Co-parenting conflicts often arise when one partner is scheduled to have their designated time with the child. These conflicts can stem from a variety of factors, including unresolved emotions from the separation or divorce, differing parenting styles, communication breakdowns, or logistical issues.

The tension can be intense, with both parents feeling anxious, resentful, or even competitive about their time with the child. This can create a challenging dynamic where the child may feel caught in the middle, torn between two homes, or pressured to choose sides.

As a therapist, I would advise the following to navigate these conflicts:

1. **Open Communication**: Establishing clear, open, and respectful communication between co-parents is essential. This includes discussing schedules, parenting expectations, and any concerns in a calm and constructive manner. Buisanang go santse gona le nako gore plan ke eng.

2. **Put the Child First**: Remember that the child's well-being should be the priority. Avoid using the child as a pawn or weapon in conflicts, and focus on creating a supportive and loving environment for them in both homes. Ngwana a seka a tsenelela dintwa tsa lona ebile a seka a feel gore o tshwanetse go chose side.

3. **Consistency and Routine**: Maintaining consistency and a predictable routine can help reduce anxiety and confusion for the child. Agreeing on shared rules, expectations, and routines between households can create a sense of stability for the child.

4. **Seek Mediation or Counseling**: If conflicts persist, consider seeking mediation or counseling to help facilitate productive conversations and find mutually acceptable solutions. A neutral third-party can provide guidance and support in navigating co-parenting challenges.

5. **Self-Care**: Take care of yourself emotionally and mentally. Co-parenting can be emotionally draining, so prioritize self-care and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to help manage stress and maintain perspective.

By prioritizing open communication, putting the child's needs first, maintaining consistency, seeking professional help when needed, and practicing self-care, co-parents can work together more effectively and create a healthier environment for their child to thrive.



Here’s a list of budget-friendly ways couples can enjoy their weekends:

1. Picnic in the park: Pack homemade sandwiches and snacks. Le ska la lebala di ice.
2. Movie night at home: Create a cozy atmosphere with blankets and popcorn.
3. DIY spa day: Take turns giving each other massages or facials. Gona ledi Face Mask tsa P20 each ko Besco and massage oil is around P60.
4. Hiking or nature walk: Explore local trails or scenic spots like Kgale Hill.
5. Cook together: Try out new recipes or bake desserts.
6. Board game or card game night: Rediscover classic games or try new ones.
7. Visit a free museum or art gallery: Many offer free entry on certain days. Don’t forget to charge phone for pictures.
8. Stargazing: Find a quiet spot away from city lights and enjoy the night sky. There’s a place at Oodi great for this.
9. Volunteer together: Help out at a local charity or community event.
10. Explore a farmers' market: Sample local produce and artisanal products. Farmers market eko Phakalane on Saturday mornings
11. Attend free community events: Check out concerts, festivals, or outdoor movies.
12. DIY home improvement projects: Tackle small home projects or crafts together.
13. Take a scenic drive: Explore nearby towns kana metsana ee bapileng le ha le nnang teng.
14. Plan a future trip: Research and plan a budget-friendly getaway together.
15. Visit a bookstore or library: Browse books, read together, or attend a free event.



Relocation can put a strain on marriages, sometimes leading to their dissolution. Let’s look at some scenarios;

⚠️Communication Breakdown⚠️
Relocation can disrupt established communication patterns within a marriage. The stress and adjustments associated with moving to a new location can make it challenging for couples to maintain open and honest communication. Over time, this lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, decreased intimacy, and feelings of emotional disconnect between partners. It's essential for couples to prioritize communication, express their feelings, and actively listen to each other's concerns to bridge the gap and maintain a strong connection.

⚠️Infidelity or Suspicions Thereof⚠️
The strain of relocation, coupled with feelings of isolation and emotional distance, can sometimes lead to vulnerabilities within a marriage. One partner may seek comfort or connection outside the relationship, either emotionally or physically, leading to suspicions of infidelity. Alternatively, the mere perception or suspicion of infidelity, whether founded or unfounded, can erode trust and further widen the emotional distance between partners. Addressing these concerns openly, seeking couples therapy, and rebuilding trust through transparency and commitment are crucial steps in navigating this challenging situation.

⚠️Isolation and Emotional Distance⚠️
Relocation to a new and unfamiliar environment can exacerbate feelings of isolation and loneliness within a marriage. The lack of a support network, coupled with the stress of adapting to a new place, can lead to emotional distancing between partners. Over time, this emotional distance can create a wedge in the relationship, making it challenging to connect on an intimate and emotional level. It's important for couples to acknowledge and validate each other's feelings of isolation, seek support from each other, and actively work towards rebuilding emotional closeness and intimacy.

In addressing these challenges, empathy, understanding, and a willingness to work together are essential. Seeking professional counseling can provide couples with the tools and support needed to navigate the complexities of relocation and maintain a healthy and strong marriage.


Relocation to an unfamiliar village can stir up a complex mix of emotions for government employees.

Grief may manifest as a feeling of loss for the life they had built, the familiar surroundings, and the relationships they've nurtured. This sense of loss can be particularly poignant if they are leaving behind close family and friends.

Anger can arise from feeling powerless or overlooked in the decision-making process. Employees may feel that their preferences or needs were not taken into account, leading to resentment towards the system or those responsible for the transfer.

Depression may set in as a result of the upheaval and uncertainty that comes with relocation. The sudden change in environment, coupled with the stress of adapting to a new place and community, can lead to feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and low mood.

Overall, navigating these intense emotions requires support, understanding, and coping strategies to help government employees adjust to their new surroundings and find a sense of belonging in their new village.


Imagine a scenario where a female partner starts noticing unusual behavior from her male partner, such as overly close or inappropriate interactions with her daughter. She might notice lingering glances, inappropriate touching, or even secretive conversations between the two. These signs can lead to growing suspicions that the male partner may be sexually attracted to her daughter.

This is a deeply sensitive and serious issue that requires immediate attention and professional intervention. If a female partner has suspicions that the male partner is sexually attracted to her daughter, it's crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of the child above all else.

First and foremost, it's essential to trust your instincts and take any concerns or suspicions seriously. Ignoring or dismissing these feelings can put the child at risk. Open and honest communication with the child, ensuring they feel safe and supported, is vital.

Seeking professional help from a therapist, counselor, or child protection services is crucial in addressing and investigating these suspicions. They can provide guidance, support, and resources to ensure the child's safety and well-being.

It's also important for the female partner to prioritize her own emotional and mental health during this challenging time. Seeking counseling or therapy for herself can provide a safe space to process her feelings, gain clarity, and make informed decisions about the relationship and the safety of her child.

Remember, protecting the child should always be the top priority. If you or someone you know is facing this situation, please seek help immediately from professionals trained in handling these sensitive and complex issues.


“GONA LE BA BA RATIWANG”😤-Blended Family Problems

Let’s dive into a topic that many families grapple with but often shy away from: the tricky territory of favoritism and financial support between biological and non-biological children. Yep, it's a touchy subject that can stir up some serious arguments between partners.

Let's get one thing straight: every child in the family, whether they share your DNA or not, deserves an equal slice of love, support, and the occasional gift. Playing favorites? That's a surefire way to brew up some resentment and drama that nobody needs.

So, what's the game plan? First off, partners need to get on the same page and start communicating openly about their feelings and expectations. Setting some ground rules and finding middle ground on financial support and gifts can help keep the peace and make sure everyone feels valued.

If you find yourselves stuck in a cycle of arguments, don't hesitate to seek outside help. Counseling or therapy can provide a fresh perspective and offer strategies to improve your family dynamics.

At the end of the day, it's all about creating a loving and inclusive environment where every child, biological or not, knows they're an important part of the family. So let's let go of the favoritism and focus on building strong, supportive relationships that stand the test of time!


Do you dread Mondays because it means facing unresolved conflicts with co-workers? Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed at the thought of returning to work after the weekend? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with ongoing conflicts in the workplace, which can significantly impact their well-being and overall job satisfaction. These conflicts can lead to chronic stress, decreased motivation, and even mental health issues if left unresolved.

Persistent conflict with co-workers can create a toxic work environment, affecting not only your professional life but also your personal relationships and mental health. The stress and anxiety from ongoing conflicts can lead to sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, and physical symptoms like headaches or stomach problems. Over time, this can result in decreased job performance, lower engagement, and a lack of fulfillment in your work. If you find yourself feeling unsupported, undervalued, or isolated at work, it may be time to seek help.

Therapy can be a valuable resource for individuals struggling with conflicts in the workplace. A therapist can provide a safe and supportive environment to explore your feelings, gain insight into your patterns of thinking and behavior, and develop healthier ways of relating to others. Through therapy, you can learn effective communication skills, set boundaries, and build stronger interpersonal relationships, both at work and in your personal life. Don't let unresolved conflicts with co-workers continue to negatively impact your well-being. Take the first step towards healing and find support through therapy today.


Alcohol can indeed be a contentious issue for many couples. Some individuals may turn to drinking and going out as a means of escaping stress, conflicts, or unhappiness at home. They might see it as a way to temporarily forget their problems or to seek relief from the pressures of daily life.

On the other hand, their partners may feel hurt, neglected, or even resentful when their loved ones prioritize drinking and socializing over spending time together. For some, it can be a source of anxiety or insecurity, fearing that their partner's drinking could lead to risky behavior, infidelity, or simply a lack of quality time together.

These conflicting attitudes towards alcohol can lead to arguments, misunderstandings, and strained relationships. Instead of letting these differences drive a wedge between them, couples can benefit from exploring shared activities and interests that don't involve alcohol. By focusing on building stronger connections and finding common ground, couples can reduce the tension surrounding alcohol and create a more balanced and fulfilling relationship.


Understanding the Stigma Faced by Men in Relationships with Wealthier Women

In our society, traditional gender roles and expectations often dictate that men should be the primary breadwinners in relationships. However, as societal norms evolve, we see more women taking on high-earning roles. While this is a positive shift towards gender equality, it can sometimes create challenges and stigma for men in relationships with wealthier women.

⚠️The Hidden Struggles:⚠️
📌Emasculation: Men might feel their masculinity is questioned or diminished when they earn less than their partners. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or shame.
📌Pressure to Conform: Society’s expectations can pressure men to hide their true feelings or pretend to be more successful than they are to fit into the traditional mold of a "provider."Financial
📌Dependency: In some cases, men might become financially dependent on their wealthier partners, which can create power imbalances and strain the relationship.
📌Self-worth Issues: Constant comparison to their partner’s financial success can erode men’s self-esteem and self-worth, leading to anxiety and depression.

⚠️Breaking the Stigma:⚠️
It’s crucial to recognize that a person’s value is not solely determined by their income or financial status. Relationships should be based on mutual respect, love, and support, rather than societal expectations or financial contributions.

✅Support and Communication:Open and honest communication is key to navigating these challenges. Couples should discuss their financial expectations, fears, and aspirations openly, creating a supportive environment where both partners feel valued and understood.

As we continue to challenge and redefine traditional gender roles, it’s essential to acknowledge and address the stigma faced by men in relationships with wealthier women. By promoting understanding, empathy, and open communication, we can create healthier, more equitable relationships for everyone.


Navigating the complexities of being in a relationship where one partner is the primary breadwinner for their family can lead to tensions and disagreements.
It's completely understandable that this situation can stir up feelings of pressure, resentment, and imbalance. Both partners bring value to the relationship in different ways, and it's crucial to acknowledge and validate each other's contributions.

Open and empathetic communication is essential. Take the time to listen to each other's concerns and feelings without judgment.
Remember, it's not about placing blame but finding ways to support and uplift each other through understanding and compromise.
Together, you can work through these challenges and strengthen your bond as a couple. 💕🤝


"Have you been finding it hard to manage stress lately? Are you experiencing persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness? Is anxiety making it difficult for you to focus on daily tasks? Therapy offers a safe space to explore these feelings and develop coping strategies. If you're facing these challenges, why not consider registering for therapy? Take the step towards healing and well-being. Register today!"
74 541 054


Does your family struggle to host effective meetings?
Are you seeking to reconcile with your siblings but you don’t know where to start?
Is there a family conflict that you are failing to resolve?
We offer a safe and confidential platform for your family resolve issues with the help of a professional.
WhatsApp 74 541 054 to book a family conflict resolution session.


A word for men❤️


As we’re in this long weekend, it's a perfect opportunity for early year reflection. Taking time to pause and reflect on the past few months can offer valuable insights and set the tone for the rest of the year. Reflecting allows us to celebrate our accomplishments, learn from our experiences, and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Here are some tips to get started:

✨Create a Quiet Space: Find a peaceful environment where you can relax and focus without distractions.
✨Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences from the past few months. This can help clarify your thoughts and emotions.
✨Set Goals: Based on your reflections, set achievable goals for the upcoming months to help guide your actions and priorities.
✨Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the positive aspects of your life and the lessons learned from challenges.

Don’t wait for December to reflect.


I understand that holidays like Easter can be particularly challenging for those who feel isolated or lack a supportive social circle.
Seeing others celebrate and come together may intensify feelings of loneliness and highlight the absence of close friendships.
It's not just about the festivities; it's about the connection and sense of belonging that comes with it.
I recognize that feeling left out or isolated can be painful, and it's okay to feel that way.
Your experiences and feelings are valid, and I empathize with the struggle you're going through. Remember, you're not alone in feeling this way, and it's okay to seek support when you're ready.
With Love❤️
-Your Therapist


Holidays can be difficult to navigate.
We're open Saturday and Monday.
Book a session on 74 541 054 and let's start unpacking your family patterns traumas.


Family and Mental Health


Go lebaka o ikutlwa o imetswe? O nna ka pelo ee botlhoko le letshogo?
Therapy offers a confidential space to express yourself freely, without judgment. Your feelings are valid, and your story deserves to be heard in a safe and supportive environment.
Re tshware mo 396 0434 re go thuse go buka session.


Aa o itemogela dintwa le dikomano tse dintsi mo relationship? Wena le mokapelo wa gago lea ratana mme go thata gore le nne ka kagiso? Gongwe ke nako yago go kopa thuso.
Rena le COUPLES THERAPY/counselling.
Re tshware mo 74 541 054 re go thuse ka booking.

Call now to connect with business.


O kgakala le Gaborone mme o eletsa go simolola therapy/counseling?
Gongwe le gongwe kwa oleng teng o ka bona thuso.
Re tshware mo 74 541 054 re go thuse ka booking.


Reflecting on the aftermath of the festive season, dear clients, I understand the weight that this period can carry on your mental health journey.
It's not uncommon to feel a sense of regression after such celebratory moments, as if the progress we've diligently cultivated has been momentarily eclipsed. However, let me assure you, setbacks are not synonymous with failure; they are intricate threads woven into the fabric of our growth. The challenges faced during the holidays, while formidable, provide an invaluable opportunity for introspection and resilience.
In these moments, it becomes imperative to extend the same compassion to ourselves that we readily offer others. Growth is not a linear path; it's a nuanced dance between progress and setbacks.
So, take a moment to breathe, acknowledge the hurdles, and recognize that your journey is defined not by a single episode but by the unwavering commitment you've demonstrated in navigating these complexities.
Together, let's embrace this juncture as a pivotal moment for renewed learning and continued progress. Your journey is uniquely yours, marked by the depth of experience and the wisdom gained along the way. Here's to navigating the ebbs and flows with grace and resilience.
Warm regards,
Your Therapist



The belief of being bewitched can significantly contribute to heightened anxiety levels. Individuals who hold this belief may feel a constant sense of fear, suspicion, and a lack of control over their lives. This anxiety can stem from the perceived threat of harm caused by the witchcraft, leading to an ongoing state of distress and hypervigilance.

Moreover, the ambiguity and lack of tangible evidence surrounding witchcraft can exacerbate anxiety. The inability to prove or disprove the existence of a curse or bewitchment can perpetuate a cycle of worry and uncertainty.

Addressing these anxieties involves a delicate balance of validating individual beliefs while also exploring alternative explanations or coping strategies. Therapy can offer a safe space to navigate these complex emotions, provide tools to manage anxiety, and empower individuals to regain a sense of control over their lives.


Building romantic relationships with Avoidant Personality Disorder presents unique challenges. Individuals may struggle with deep-seated fears of intimacy and vulnerability, making it hard to establish and maintain close connections. They might initially crave closeness but then feel overwhelmed by it, leading to a push-pull dynamic within the relationship.
The fear of rejection or being judged can cause them to distance themselves emotionally, leading partners to feel shut out or neglected. This behavior, often misunderstood as disinterest, stems from a complex inner struggle rather than a lack of care. The need for reassurance clashes with the fear of dependency, making it tough to strike a balance. This constant battle within themselves can create tension, misunderstandings, and difficulties in sustaining a healthy, fulfilling romantic bond.
Helping them feel secure and valued while respecting their need for space can be crucial in nurturing a successful relationship. Communication, patience, and empathy play pivotal roles in bridging the gap between their fear of intimacy and their yearning for connection.

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Videos (show all)

A word for men❤️
Love & Light
Holidays can be difficult to navigate.
Holidays can be difficult to navigate.We're open Saturday and Monday.Book a session on 74 541 054 and let's start unpack...
Family and Mental Health
Let’s get help❤️
Food for thought… let’s have this conversation



Acumen Park Plot 50370 Fairgrounds

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 12:00

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