Good News International Ministries

Bringing Good News to the poor and oppressed


Choosing Jesus when you live in Thailand often means losing your family.

Last month, three families came to faith in Northern Thailand. They were immediately asked to leave their village and started living together in one home.

We don't have many details about their situation, but we are asking you to join us in prayer for them, for their protection and provision.

If you would like to partner with us to help support those in need, please visit our website.



The reality of the ongoing coup in Myanmar means that the boys in Uncountable Grace are at risk of being forced into the army. We are so grateful for their courage, for our partner S's wisdom as he monitors the situation and their faith that God will see them through.

Will you join us in prayer for these boys protection, and for peace for Myanmar?


No one expected when we first got the call about an abandoned little girl, that she would be the one to bring everything full circle.

In the past few months, we were able to celebrate with our partners S and A as they baptised their adopted daughter. She is the one they first rescued, beginning their family and starting the dream of operating a safe home for at risk children! How wonderful it is to see their daughter now step into her own faith journey!

If you are interested in partnering with us or hearing about more stories like these, please visit our website! You play an important role in helping us keep precious children safe!


Do you know we have an education campaign happening right now?

For $50, you can provide educational supplies to one of the children in our safe homes! We believe that education is key in keeping kids out of harmful situations, which is why we value elementary, high school and college education for all those in our safe houses.

Want to know more? Visit our website for more information!


It doesn't take much to wreck my mood.

I suffer from the typical first world problem of believing that any minor issue has the potential to have major impacts, mostly in how it inconveniences me.

What always amazes me is how the children in our safe homes are ready with a smile, a word of hope and a prayer of thanksgiving. Most of these children come from dangerous living situations where home was not a place they were loved or protected. Despite their circumstances, they are full of joy and hope! It challenges our north american mindset about what is important and of ultimate value, what is worth getting upset over or letting control our moods.

If these kids in Thailand can find joy, I think we can too.


What comes to mind when I say the word "refuge?"

It's a word that often gets used among those of us in GNI. What does it mean? It means safety - a place to learn and grow without the threat of being trafficked, abused or misused. It means comfort - a place to experience a family atmosphere in it's healthiest form. It means love - without strings, without expectations. It means hope - an introduction to a Savior who can forever offer hope and comfort in trying times.

Uncountable Grace offers refuge to more than 20 children, all who have been rescued from dangerous situations where they would have been abused. Under our partners care, these children are learning about Jesus and growing to love Him!

We couldn't offer refuge to these children without your help. Are you interested in partnering with us to give these kids a hope and future? Visit our website for more info on how you can help give these kids the refuge they need!


If someone was to ask you what your purpose was, would you know?

GNI exists to advance the principles of the Christian faith in Thailand and Myanmar by countering human trafficking, providing refuge, food, shelter, clothing, education, health care and spiritual support, through preaching, teaching Bible Study and discipleship.

That's a whole lot of purpose and action, crammed into one mission! Want to hear more about what GNI's purpose is? Send us a message or visit our website!


What a gift it was to be able to experience a missions trip once again with friends and family! We were blown away at what God is doing in the lives of those overseas, and in the lives of those who ministered to the Thai people.

As we continue to reflect on what the Embraced Team experienced, we are challenged to continue to look for "God Moments" now that we are back on Canadian soil. Maybe that looks like ministering to a neighbor, or praying for a sick friend. Perhaps for you, it means answering the prompt to support a local missionary or ministry.

We are excited about what God is doing in the lives of those surrounding GNI! Want to know more? Send us a message! We'd love to share what God has been up to!


Interested in hearing more about what GNI is up to? Sign up for our newsletter where you will receive photos and information about specific children, ministries and opportunities within GNI!

Information can be found on our website!


While in Thailand, we had the opportunity to connect with They are an incredible ministry that also focus' on anti-human trafficking. What a great experience to meet people who share our vision for keeping children safe and restoring healing to broken lives!


Have you ever found yourself expecting one thing and receiving another?

Our team recently went to Thailand, expecting to be a blessing and encouragement to our ministry partners. What we didn't expect, was to be so blessed and loved on by those we came to love! Our ministry partner S was able to bring the children from Myanmar into Thailand, where they prayed over our team. Talk about humbling.

Being able to see the kids whose lives have been changed through GNIM and our ministry partners was an incredible experience, one that won't be soon forgotten.

If you are interested in learning more about what we do overseas or how you can be involved, please send us a message! We couldn't do this without you!


A New Year brings with it new opportunities and new adventures!

We can't wait to share with you what our hopes and plans are for GNIM in this upcoming year!

If you are interested in becoming a first time supporter, or increasing your donation amount for 2024, please visit our website. We rely on people like you to help keep our ministries running - the gifts you give really are life changing for the children who receive them!


What a trip!

The Embraced by Jesus' Love team has been home for a while now, and I am confident they are still sharing stories of their incredible time in Thailand.

One of our first stops was here at Doi Suthep - one of Thailand's most famous and sacred temples. Visitors from all over Thailand and the world, climb the 309 steps to the top to offer incense and candles. Seeing the steps, the height and magnitude of the temple was such a reminder that we do not serve a God that can be contained to a temple or building. What a blessing to be able to have a personal relationship with the life giving Jesus!


From all of us at Good News International Ministries, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! Let us not forget the true reason for the season, the hope for our faith and the purpose of our calling!

"For unto us is born this day, a Savior, named Christ the Lord." ~Luke 2:11


For those of you who know our President, Rob Griffioen, it comes as no surprise to hear that on super short notice, Rob and Judy packed up their house and moved!

This is a huge testimony of their hearts for their family as they made the move to be closer to Judy's mother, to be able to help take care of her better as she ages.

Please pray for them as they settle into a new town and home in Saskatchewan, and as they have had frequent trips back and forth between SK and BC throughout the last few months! They are a huge blessing to GNI and we want to support them in prayer as they support those around them.


Today is Giving Tuesday - a day recognized across North America as one where we are able to give to charities and organizations that help make a difference.

We wouldn't be able to do what we do without your support and generosity! Would you consider an extra, one time donation, an increase in your support, or coming on as a supporter for the first time today? We need people like you to help keep GNIM running, to help create change in little lives in Thailand and Myanmar!

Visit our website for more information on how to give.


Having an identity is something we take for granted.

Most children in Myanmar aren't given any kind of ID which makes it incredibly difficult for them to get jobs or an education. The process to procure an ID is extensive and complicated, often requiring travel and money to make it happen.

Our partner S worked tirelessly to procure ID's for these six precious kids! With these ID's, they'll be able to travel into Thailand and have an easier time finding work and continuing education later in life. We are so grateful!

Want to see these beautiful children's faces? Subscribe to our newsletter for the full photos and story! Message us to sign up or click the link on our website!


It's been a long time coming!

We are finally able to take a team into Thailand!

November 19, a group of individuals will be travelling to the Golden Triangle (Northern Thailand) where they will be spending time teaching about God the Father's Love. Even though the gospel has been in this area for many years, there remains much ministry to do. For many, it starts with hearing the Good News, that there a God who actually loves them. He's a good, good Father! For many of those who have heard the Good News, their spiritual roots have not grown deep due to abject poverty, oppression and lack of good clear discipleship training. They need the saving grace of Jesus, they need an understanding of the Father's love for them, and they need good, solid, biblically-based teaching. This is what we hope to bring through the Embraced by Jesus' love team.

We are so excited about this team and their passion for seeing lives transformed through the love of Jesus! Will you pray with us for them as they travel and share the gospel?


It's estimated that close to 70% of children in Thailand are not living with their parents. This obviously poses significant safety risks to these children.

Out of the 30% that do live with parents, drug and alcohol abuse runs rampant, often threatening their safety.

One such girl is little J. Her brother was sold at birth, and she was on the brink of being sold as well before she was rescued by Uncountable Grace.

Today, J is thriving, happy and healthy, thanks to people like you partnering with GNIM to help keep her safe, give her an education and a place to call home. She is loved like a daughter and will grow up with security, unlike so many others.

Will you help us continue to support J? Message us to find out how you can help. Your partnership with GNIM can mean the difference between safety and security for other little girls just like J.


This year, we have seen one incredible blessing after another.

Our partner S from Uncountable Grace in Myanmar asked us to help support his friend (C) who was interested in doing some evangelism work. We agreed to sponsor him temporarily, wanting to encourage his heart for evangelism but also holding back a bit to see where this all would go.

After only a few months, we have heard reports back that NINE new communities and villages have been reached through C! He is committed to travelling and sharing the good news of Jesus to individuals who have never heard the gospel before. We praise God for this new friend who is dedicated to carrying the life giving news of Jesus into new areas!

If you are interested in supporting C, Uncountable Grace, or any of our other ministries, please visit our website! We would love to have you partner with us in helping the gospel reach even more villages!


Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be thankful for!

- Wonderful ministry partners that are actively seeing lives saved and rescued!
- Prayer warriors that keep our ministry upheld!
- Opportunities to share what GNI is all about!
- Increasing awareness about what human trafficking is and what we can do to stop it!

We are thankful for YOU!


Would you move your entire family to ensure that your children got a better education?

That's exactly what our partners J and A did this past year! They know how important education is, especially for the Thai girls in their care, so this year they packed up their family and moved north to be closer to better education opportunities! We admire their strength, dedication and commitment to seeing the young women in their care flourish and have a promising future!

Why not send us a message and learn more about Families of Blessing!? We'd love to share what this ministry is all about!


Our partner P is a force to be reckoned with!

Her passion is for the marginalized and forgotten. She makes numerous trips to visit specific people groups who are considered outcasts in their communities, bringing them love, hope and the joy of the gospel. We are so grateful for her!

To learn more about P and what Passion in Action is all about, check out our website! We'd love to have you join us in supporting her ministry!


Uncountable Grace is our ministry in Myanmar that helps keep children out of risky situations that could lead to them being trafficked. Instead, they are welcomed into a loving family atmosphere where discipleship, education, safety and love are the key focuses!

We get so excited to hear about where these kids have started and where they are now! This is truly a life changing ministry and we would love for you to be a part of it. Why not send us a message to hear more about how you can help keep children safe in Myanmar?


September classically for us is "Back to School" mode!

For our partners in South Asia, they've been back to school for a while already! We love hearing stories about what the kids are learning, how their lives are being changed by education and the dreams they have for the future.

Want to help us invest in the education of children who have been rescued? Any gift helps! Visit our website for more information!


Interested in finding out more about what GNI is all about?

We send out a newsletter that is full of detailed information on our ministries, our ministry partners and the kids that we are helping rescue from dangerous situations!

Like or comment on this post and we will contact you to send you our newsletter via email! We would love to have you learn more about what Good News International Ministries is all about!


"I would like to thank GNI for giving me the opportunity to study at a higher level than I intended, and support my expenses. Thank you also for your prayers."

Faith was the first of the children under our care to go on to get further education. Breaking out of the poverty cycle for her has been quite a challenge, but Faith's determination to stay focused paid off. Currently, Faith is in her final year of getting her degree in accounting! She is a brilliant student, full of joy, full of faith and when she shares about her faith in Jesus, she bubbles over in delight. She has seen God do so much over the years, especially in providing for her needs.

Joining us in through financial support means that you are the catalyst behind life changing stories like Faith's. Please consider a one time or monthly donation to help us continue to help other children like Faith escape the cycle of poverty and abuse.

*face blurred for safety*


Loving on the unloved is one of the key values of our partner P.

Through support from GNIM, P and her husband U recently brought gifts to the Moken Sea Gypsy tribe on Koh Chang. After travelling several hours by land, P then arrived at the tribe on a long-tail boat in order to visit this needy people group. Looked down upon by many in Thailand, P sees the Moken differently and worthy of God's love. Though many in this tribe struggle with addictions and poverty, the Gospel of Jesus is changing lives!

We love hearing about how our ministry partners are sharing the love of Jesus and affecting change in the lives of those around them! Want to hear more? Visit our website for more info!


Remember that time we ran a half marathon, raised over $20,000 and actively saw God work in amazing ways?!

It's hard to believe this was a year ago!

No group half marathons are in our sights this year, but that doesn't mean we have stopped "running" towards the "finish line" of seeing kids free from trafficking situations! We do have a board member who will be running a trail race, in the hopes of bringing awareness to GNI and anti human trafficking efforts!

If you are interested in donating on her behalf, please visit our website. We value every donation and gift. We look forward to having you join us in meeting our goal of seeing kids freed from dangerous situations!


As our partners J&A in Northern Thailand have settled into their new home, they have not stopped looking for opportunities to minister to those around them.

One of the most recent developments is the production and launch of a discipleship program!

We are excited to see how this program will be used to bring others to know Christ and walk with Him in life changing ways, leading others to Him along the way!

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