Feeding The Hungry Global Ministries

Feeding The Hungry Global Ministries

Feeding the Hungry Today the government of Malawi has recognized the school they helped to start as one of the best private schools in all of Malawi.

Pastors and Missionaries to the Poor and the Orphans: Desi and Martha Jakab
have been working in Malawi since July 2000 when they went as volunteers to help set up a school for the orphans. Both Primary and Seconday Schools have been built in a remote area of Malawi. Desi and Martha are so thankful for the very primitive beginnings "When we had to work without electricity the first 3 years, and al


In Romans 7 Paul tells us: The flesh man versus the Spirit Of God. Romans 8 tells us the "The Law of the of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS, SETS US FREE FROM the old law, of SIN AND DEATH". Also "He that sits on the Throne of our hearts, HE MAKES EVERYTHING NEW." Rev.21:5,6,7. Please read those scriptures. The opposite to those verses, is verse 8, and 27 and also 22:15,18-19. WE know so little of the Word of God and how they apply into our own hearts and lives NOW in The Present Tense, HERE NOW.
I have been asked to share at Mission Zion Christian Fellowship in Mission @ Second Ave & Grand St. On the 22nd of September @ 10:30 AM Please mark that down.. Blessings and Love 🙂 Desi and Martha


Come Jesus Come :)
Revelation 1:7


THIS IS WHAT THE LORD HAS BEEN SAYING AND REVEALING TO US NOW OVER THE PAST 45 YEARS, Love Dezso and Martta https://www.facebook.com/reel/1030724585127336


The following is what the Lord has been speaking to me re: the vision He gave me ON FEBRUARY 28, 2013
It has to do with Ezekiel chapter 44 regarding God's true priesthood. Also the Lord said to me a few weeks back when I asked Him in Prayer 'Why do you give to me all those insights that you have given over the years?' I loved His answer: FOR YOU TO WALK IN THEM.
Ezekiel chapter 44 is very clear regarding the true ministry of God - Those that minister to the Lord and those that do not. Ministering to the Lord means that they want God's Life and Relationship within their own lives more than anything else. He gives us His Revelations to walk in them to be the firstfruits of His Creation UNTO HIM! May the Blessings, of God's life be imparted into all of us even as He desires that life to be in every one that is willing to minister to the Lord FIRST and to Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness before they seek anything else.


This Friday Dennis Quade is staring as President Ronald Reagan // We have a date to see that on Friday Night in Mission BC
President Ronald Reagan he was a very special man in my life.. When it came to the Lord speaking to me on March 24, 1981. When I saw him going to Moscow to sign agreements with the Soviet Communist Leaders.. that happened 7 years later in the Spring of 1988.
And the Great Changes coming to the Soviet Union and all of Eastern Europe.. Even Pat Robertson wrote me in 1981 and Quoted Jeremiah 1:4 to 10, Pat Robertson said that in the personal letter he replied to me after I shared the visions with him.. And God actually also told me to share them with Pat Robertson of CBN, I was just so excited and happy that God was even speaking to me.. True story.. Love Dezso and Martta Jakab :)


Happy 77th Birthday, Desi! from MALAWI AFRICA

As you celebrate this remarkable milestone, I want to honor the incredible journey you've walked. Seventy-seven years of wisdom, strength, and grace—a life that has touched so many with kindness and courage. Your presence is a beacon of hope and a wellspring of inspiration, reminding us all that age is but a number, and true greatness lies in the heart.

May this year bring you even more joy, love, and fulfillment. Your legacy is written in the lives you've uplifted, the challenges you've overcome, and the love you've freely given. Here's to many more years of health, happiness, and the boundless blessings you so richly deserve.
Happy Birthday, Desi! The best is yet to come.


Thank you all for the best wishes for my 77 Birthday wishes from friends, Relatives


I'm not hung up on World War 3, but since the Lord spoke to me on March 24, 1981 I have known that, and 43 years later, it will soon come. And we all need to make sure that we are truly Abiding and Living in Christ, and seeking the Fullness of His Power He has promised to each one of us, that Truly Love HIM: "For He bore the sins of Many and UNTO THEM THAT LOOK FOR HIM, SHALL HE APPEAR THE SECOND TIME (Within our own hearts and Lives) WITHOUT SIN UNTO SALVATION" Hebrews 9:28
Love Dezso and Martta 🙂 ❤🙏🙏❤


In The Visions on March 24, 1981 "All North American Automakers and All North American Airlines had all God Bankrupt" Then at the end, Russia was also shown Erupting Like an Untimely Volcano as Russia very Belligerently Broke all the agreements they had ever signed. This was World War 3. Western Europe and North America will definitely be attacked. "The Middle East will be lead by Turkey, attacking Israel" this last vision was given on October 5, 2011: And Described in Ezekiel 38:3-9 and 39:2-7 very accurately & Rev.1:7.


THESE ARE SOME OF THE ORPHANS AND THE SCHOOL CHILDREN WE HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH IN MALAWI, AFRICA FOR THE PAST 25 YEARS. We feed close to 3,000 elderly the Orphans etc., plus we also have 250 churches that our Pastor has in both Mozambique and also in Malawi. The money that has come into Feeding the Hungry Global Ministries has not been waisted. We are a Canadian Charity and you are welcome to come and help us. Thank You. Love Dezso and Martta Jakab


JEWISH Man Hears From JESUS and then…| Ross's Testimony 08/07/2024

LOVE Dezso and Martta Jakab

JEWISH Man Hears From JESUS and then…| Ross's Testimony Ross Reinman grew up in a Jewish home with a Jewish Dad and a Sicilian Mom. His Jewish Dad, a believer in Jesus, shared the gospel with Ross but Ross didn't ...


If Jesus had not raised me off of 5 death beds over the past 25 years, and healed me 100 and more times, I should have been 6 feet under a long time ago. Love Dezso and Martta Jakab

Feeding the Hungry – Global Ministries 08/03/2024

Prophecy and vision given October 5, 2011 at 2:30 am:
regarding the nation of Israel: Coming to pass Now!
This is on Page 11 in our book published in October 2011.
“I was very suddenly awakened with a jolt and did not expect
to see the following: In a terrifying and shocking vision, as if
this will take place in the not too distant future, the armies of
Turkey were literally moving against Israel. It was a most
horrifying sight to see these massive armed forces coming from
the north against the small nation. As, I saw this taking place,
the words also came, that Israel would have no choice but to
resort to defend itself with weapons the world has not yet
No matter how the Devil tries to destroy the Jewish
people God will keep the Covenant that He made with the
Fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). It was not Russia that was
shown moving against Israel, (In chapters 5 and 6 I share the
visions God gave to me concerning Russia over 30 years ago)
but it was Turkey and according Ezekiel 38:3-9 tells us:
Thus says the Lord God; Behold I am against you,
O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will
turn you back … I will bring you forth and all your army,
horses and horsemen ALL OF THEM CLOTHED WITH ALL
SORTS OF ARMOUR, even a great number of them
handling swords (weapons of war): (From east to) Persia,
(and west to) Ethiopia and Libya all of them … Gomer and
all his bands; the house of Togarma (Turkey) of the north
quarters, and all his bands: and many people with you …
You shall ascend and come like a storm, you shall be like a
cloud to cover the land, you and all your bands and many
people with you.

Page 12 From our book Published Professionally in October 2011, Love Dezso and Martta Jakab The book has a brown cover on it with a picture of Africa and 3 Crosses.. We gave them all away free and if you have one please let us know Tel. 604-870-0472

In Ezekiel 39:2-7 we also find, "I will turn you back and leave only 1/6th part of you as I will cause you to come up from the north parts and will bring you upon the mountains of Israel: I will
cause your weapons of war to fall out of your right hand
(they will not succeed)! And you shall die upon the
mountains of Israel, you and all your bands, and the
people that are with you, … you shall die in the open
fields for I have spoken it says the Lord God. And I will
send fire on Magog and among them that live carelessly
in the Isles (including the western world) and they shall
know that I am the Lord. So will I make my holy name
known in the midst of my people Israel: and I will not let
them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen
shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.

In the end we find in Zechariah 14:5 telling us that the
enemies of Israel are going to flee even as they did during the
earthquake that took place during King Uzziah’s time: “and the
Lord God is going to come bringing all His saints with Him.”
How can anyone argue with what God has already spoken
through His prophets, 2500 years ago? Throughout the last 30
plus years when ever God has given me visions, I have always
found the answers in the Word of God – the Holy Bible, and He
would show me things that I would never have learned
otherwise. Also please read Luke 21:25 to 36 and Rev. 1:7, 16:13-21
Author, Desi Jakab (in the Hungarian language – Dezso Jakab)
Love Dezso and Martta Jakab Tel. 604-870-0472 and

Feeding the Hungry – Global Ministries 4 May 2023 We are making a difference! Dean McMaster | Those who are touched by the spirit of Yahuah to help these orphans with food, clothes and shoes are welcome to do so. Thank you for all the love and support! READ MORE


With all the hatred in the world and corruption in our governments,
I am Glad that Jesus is
Coming Soon :) Rev.1:7


"Watch and pray that we may be accounted worthy to escape all the things that are coming on the Face of the Whole Earth." Luke 21:36 Then again "If you do not watch and repent (and pray) then I will come on you as a THEIF, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you." Revelation 3:2-3


In 1983-1984 God opened the door for us to start a work and pastor in Nelson BC. God One Saturday God spoke to me and said: "God has given us His Ability to Create Things". Then God again spoke the second time and said: God has given us His Power, His Ability to Create His Very Own Self and His Very Own Life within us.

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and the Powers that have exalted themselves in the hearts and the lives of people who have given themselves over to the powers of evil and the darkness." When people teach their children to hate the Jews and to hate the Christians, and in the name of their god murder and destroy. Whose kingdom are they loving and adhering to? Satan's Kingdom and this is why there is such craziness today in the world and the politics of the world.
Yes, "Life and Death are in the Power of the tongue" Rev. 22:1-7
Love Dezso and Martha Jakab


Hope you enjoy the Book, and never doubt that God is not able to speak to me or to us today. In the Gospel of John chapter 10 Jesus said "My sheep know Me(Jesus) and I know them, they hear my voice and they follow Me: Other voices and others they will not follow" I learned God's Voice before I even knew God and even before I knew Jesus. He saved me from death before I was even born. He spoke and I escaped Soviet Communism just after turning 9 - One little boy, All Alone at the age of 9. And directed me into one of the best churches in all of Canada in 1962, five years after I arrived in Canada.

I accepted Jesus, when I had just turned 11 years old. But knew God was real all my life, and heard his Voice maybe 4 or 5 times before I left Communism on December 11, 1956. And escaped into the Free World into the Big Nothing, with no relatives, no connections, nothing just obeying God's Voice, all by Faith when I had no idea and did not even know all that was taking place in my little young life: The Word of God says, "Before you knew Me (God) I called you and before you knew Me I knew you" I was the youngest of 8 children, and did not return to my family until 18 years later. My story is in the book, Free to Down load, Enjoy Please. And let us know if it comes up: Thanks,
Love Dezso and Martta Jakab

Also a good friend from Malawi we have known for many years also wrote, within five minutes of me posting the above message:
His name is Joshua Lyson: On July 20, 2024
Dear Dezso and Martta,
Thank you for sharing your incredible story and for the book. I am deeply moved by your testimony of God's guidance and protection throughout your life, especially at such a young age. Your unwavering faith and the clear ways in which God has spoken to you are truly inspiring.
Escaping Soviet Communism at the age of 9 with nothing but faith in God's voice is a profound testament to His power and care. Your journey to freedom and finding one of the best churches in Canada, as well as accepting Jesus at 11, reflects God's meticulous plan and unwavering love for you.
Your story reminds me that God is always present, even in the most challenging circumstances, and that His voice can guide us through the darkest times. I look forward to reading your book and diving deeper into your remarkable experiences.
Thank you for sharing this gift. May God continue to bless you both abundantly.
With love and gratitude,



Restoration of Resurrection Life and Eternal Judgement, is what we all need to know and understand: The Apostle Paul, in Hebrews 6:1-3 had such a passion for seeing God's Promises fulfilled in his Lifetime. "Let us not lay again the foundation of repentance from dead works, salvation, born again.. BUT LET US GO UNTO PERFECTION! Not laying again the teachings on Baptisms.. Not only John the Baptists baptism of REPENTANCE: But also the being BAPTIZED BY JESUS OUR LORD INTO THE FULLNESS OF THE POWER OF GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT, AND ALSO INTO THE TRUE BAPTISM OF GOD'S LOVE AND THE FIRE OF GOD. Then we are also encouraged about the teachings or doctrine of the Restoration of the Laying on the Hands of the Presbytery (True leaders and true men of God) just like it was in the EARLY CHURCH as Paul describes in Timothy, etc. We have to have the purity of GOD'S LIFE AND THE PURITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN US even as the Early Church received in the Book of Acts 2 onward. It was that purity of God's Holy Spirit that killed Ananias and Saphira in Acts. 5.

Those who have the purity of God's Life and Purity of God's Holy Spirit and Power alive and well in them: They are are the True Overcomers, according to all that the mysteries of the Gospels that Jesus proclaimed and the many mysteries that the Apostle Paul spoke about and all that other apostles also wrote about. Including the mystery of iniquity and the many antichrists that the Apostles of Christ preached and wrote about. "2Thess.2,2, and 3:1-6 and 1John through 3John!

Jesus also said "Many False prophets have gone out into the world. As they were and are still part of Babylon the Great, that was fallen and is still fallen from the Grace of God's fullness of Life that both Jesus and Father God desired to become in them.

Over the years (January 1986) the LORD SPOKE TO ME AND SAID, "BE EVEN AS JESUS UNTO THE PEOPLE". That is the "EQUITY OR THE STANDARD THAT Psalms 96:12-13 tells us "to rejoice before the Lord, for He Comes, He Comes to judge the earth: He shall judge the world with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND THE PEOPLE WITH HIS TRUTH." Untruth is all the unbelief and deception, where God's people are never able to enter into the REST OF GOD, Hebrews 4 and Rev.14:12-13. How the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil have been able to and the knowledge of this worldly minded harlot church systems of men have been able to deceive God's people right into our day! A day God spoke and said, GREAT DECEPTION!

And again THE WORD OF GOD repeats how He is coming in Psalms 97:1-12 and 98:1, 8-9 "Be joyful together Before the Lord for He Comes to judge the earth: WITH RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL HE JUDGE THE WORLD AND THE PEOPLE WITH EQUITY (all in the KJV because other versions will not have it worded like this). Judge the people with EQUITY, means Judge the people by GOD'S STANDARD OF TRUTH and this has nothing to do with the standards of men, or the standards of men's own private interpretations with unbelief and their own deceptions. The False Prophet Spirit and the Beast Spirit and Satan's Spirit are all very much alive in the Harlot Woman and the Harlot Church systems of men (present tens as they are are in the world today) as they are described as warnings in several of the Chapters in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, including chapters 2 and 3.

THAT THEY MAY DWELL WITHE ME, HE THAT WALKS IN A PERFECT WAY HE SHALL SERVE ME." Rev.21:2-7, 9-26 And also please NOTE: Rev.21:22-26 (pure Gold, God's Life and Deity, pure as Glass), and also read Ps.101:7-8 and Rev.21:1-7 and 9-26 and also 22:1-7 while 21:8, 27, and 22:11-19 are clear warnings!

Please Not how 1Thess. 4 describes the Lord Jesus Coming for His Bride: "The dead in Christ (those who were killed and crucified) in Christ will rise first and those of us who are ALIVE AND REMAINING IN CHRIST (ABIDING AND TRULY LIVING IN AND WALKING IN THE FULLNESS OF THE POWER OF GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT AND LIFE OF GOD AND REMAINING IN CHRIST) WILL BE THE ONES CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THOSE WHO LIVED AND DIED IN CHRIST, Since the Days of the Early Church to meet the Lord in the Air. Revelation 14:1-7, 12-16, Chapter 15, and the Final destruction of the Harlot woman in Rev. 17:13-14, and all of chapter 18 and chapter 19:1-16 and 19:17-21 and 20:1-3 and 20:4-6 have all to do with "the First Resurrection and God's Eternal Judgment".

"The Government of God will be on His Shoulder, (God's Government is described in the 144,000), and "The increase of His Government and Peace there will be no end" Isaiah 9:2, 5, 6-8. The things of God are understood when the Holy Spirits of God reveals the mysteries of God, into our hearts and lives. The Power of God Alone is able to make them alive in us and nothing else; The Things of God are foreign to, and not able to be understood by the natural mind of man and foreign to men's private interpretations.

The Natural mind of man as well as the Carnal mind and Carnal Evil Beast Nature in mankind, they side with the unholy trinity, these are the spirits of the Beast, the spirit of the false Prophet and Satan; Rev.16:13-14 and These are all Enemies of God. 1Cor.2, 2Cor.11, Romans 8, Ephesians 1 to 5 and also 2Peter 1:16-21 and 2:1-3. Atomic Warfare is also described in 2Peter 3:7, 9=14. in the Greek "Ouranos" means "heavens" - the same word "Uranium" comes from.. and also check out Luke 21:25-36.. Amen!

Just like the word "nephilims" LITERALLY MEANS IN HEBREW, "TYRANTS AND BULLIES" in Genesis 6. Just like Jesus said, God did not create any of his angels including fallen angels with reproduction abilities: making the word of God into fables, 2Peter 1:16-21, and 2:1-3. Also just like the Word "Delight" in Psalms 37:4 tells us "Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart" The true meaning of that verse is "delight" In the Hebrew allow the condition of your heart to be "soft and pliable" NOT HEARDENED BY SIN OR THAT SINFUL BEAST NATURE THAT IS NEVER KILLED AND NEVER CRUCIFIED: AND HE (FATHER GOD'S HOLY SPIRITS WILL GIVE YOU (PUT INSIDE OF EACH ONE OF US) THE DESIRES OF HIS OWN HEART" and when we pray according to His Will, He hears us." May God give His True Saints Ears to Hear what God's Holy Spirits are saying unto us in the Day and Hour that we are now living in." Amen
Love Dezso and Martta Jakab


Funniiee // And if that is the case it is time to become more like Jesus.. 🙂 I married my wife because it was also God's Will.. Amen , Love Dezso and Martta Jakab "I actually married an Angel" Can you imagine me interfering with her kitchen and cooking for 2 years.. she never complained but knew how to talk to God.. and it was 2 years after we had been married that God SPOKE TO ME, AND SAID: "YOU WOULD HAVE A LOT MORE PEACE IN YOUR HOME IF YOU STAYED OUT OF THE KICHEN" After I told Martha that, I said "From now on you are in charge of the kitchen, and I am out of here" Instantly we had at least 70 % more peace in our home.. I was the problem, interfering and not her 🙂 True story..

I ALSO USED TO DRIVE a Volkswagen Beetle when we first got married, (54 years ago). And other drivers would get me upset and get on my nerves.. to the extent that I would even offer them a knuckle sandwich, Literally. Not a good thing for a young Christian man to do.. Right? One day again the Lord spoke to me, and told me "IF YOU PUT BUMPER STICKERSS ON YOUR CAR (MY SUPER GIANT VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE) IT WOULD CHANGE ME". Those were the days that Bumper Stickers were in. So I put 2 on the front bumper "Jesus loves you" and "Jesus Saves" then another two on the back, "Things Go Better With Christ" and "I LOVE JESUS" IT WAS LIKE A MIRACLE. NOW INSTEAD OF GETTING UPSET WITH DRIVERS I COULD NOW LAUGH AT THEM. True Stories, Love Dezso and Martta Jakab // Not only Does Jesus Save, but He is also able to keep us from ALL EVIL. Amen 🙂
And still another time the Lord spoke to me and said, "Blessed is the man that stands not in the way of sinners". In other words, Don't let the sin in other people's lives upset you! Just get out of their way. Amen.. Little nuggets to help people overcome. Especially when John 10 tells us "My Sheep know Me (Jesus) and I know them. They hear My Voice and they OBEY MY VOICE AND THEY FOLLOW ME, other voices and others they will not follow" Amen




The True Revelation of Jesus Christ needs to be made a True Revelation of Father God and His Son in ALL OF OUR LIVES. Even as Revelation 1:1-3 tells us clearly.. Because that is the REVELATION THAT FATHER GOD GAVE INTO THE LIFE OF JESUS HIS SON, AND TO ALL THE TRUE SERVANTS OF JESUS CHRIST, all in the FIRST PERSON: And we need to seek that same Clearness of Message to be made alive in every one of our hearts and Lives that are called to be the True Followers of Jesus Christ, AND THE TRUE LEADERS OF GOD'S PEOPLE. With much Love and Blessings and PRAYERS from Dezso and Martta Jakab.


A friend shared the Holy Spirit Majorly moving on little children's lives. We saw this not only at the Glad Tidings Temple in Vancouver in the late 1960s or early 1970s: This happened in the prayer room, as we saw the Holy Spirit move Mightily on the children First, and later He moved on the teen agers.. When He moved on the teen agers,, one of the girls was seeing visions in the Spirit, and was describing different people that were part of the young people's group. And then Martha asked a friend to ask her if Martha was there? The young lady said, Yes.. she saw Martha plant a sunflower seed, and in an instant the sunflower grew into a beautiful plant. Then I think it was Martha that asked if she saw Desi Jakab there, and she said Yes, "he was running up and down the Streets of Gold"

Seems simple and childish, but the scriptures as we are reading them in the Bible and paying attention to them ARE THE STREETS OF GOLD. That was over 55 years ago, and yes Martha has been sowing her sunflower seeds all over the place, including all the time we have been in Africa, into little children as well our own children's lives, and all the little orphans' lives and have seen the Son of God growing them; and me I have been faithfully running up and down the streets of Gold. And want to thank the Lord for all the Gold and the Insights He has given us into the Word of God. Blessings and Love, Desi & Martha


Salvation and coming to Jesus and asking Jesus into our hearts and lives and to forgive our sins is only the beginning of the Story.. The Power of the Holy Ghost even as Jesus was baptized, and the Holy Ghost came and Rested upon Him and we are told that HE (JESUS) WILL BAPTIZE US INTO THE HOLY GHOST AND FIRE. NONE OF THE DISCIPLES WERE READY FOR WHAT WAS AHEAD, AND THEY FINALLY BECAME ALL THAT JESUS DESIRED TO BE IN THEM AND ALL THAT THE FATHER DESIRED TO BE IN THEM UNTIL THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME..

Jesus commanded them in Acts 1:1-8 and the same commandment goes for us, is to make sure we are and have been baptized into the same Power that the early church was in Acts 2 and onward. Amen.





A Pastor From Africa wrote and said, he was tired when it came to walking with Jesus.. // Ask God's Holy Spirit to Fill your life... it comes through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit where Jesus Baptizes you into the Power of God. Many people get baptized into water, but never come into the same experience as the Apostles and the believers did in Acts chapter 2 onward. Hebrews 6:1-3 and also Acts 1:1-8, Jesus did not say this as a suggestion.. to the believers before He ascended into heaven.. HE COMMANDED THEM TO WAIT UNTIL THEY WERE BAPTIZED INTO THE HOLY GHOST AND WITH POWER. In the Gospels we are told, it is Jesus that will baptize us into the Power of God. That does not happen when people pray, "Jesus come into my life" It happens as we fast and pray and seek the Lord for the Power of God.

If we are serving God in our own strength, one will get tired.. which is not bad especially when we realize that we are working in our own strength and ability. And we all need the Fulness of God's Power and the Fullness of God's Life, and that is the only place one will never get tired of walking with the Lord. Psalms talks in many places that we are to be PERFECT kjv JUST LIKE ACTS 6:1-3 KJV, ALSO DOES "LET US GO UNTO PERFECTION" THAT MEANS TO BE MADE BY THE POWER OF GOD AND FOR US TO COME INTO THE MATURITY OF CHRIST as the sons of God, ALL IN CHRIST. Rev.21:1-7 God promises to make everything new in our lives when He is Seated on the Throne of our heart and life. and that we will also be made by His Power into the sons of God.. Jesus set the Example of God's Life to be manifested in the flesh in each one of us Even As it was in the Life of Jesus, and Even As it was in the lives of the True Apostles of Christ and the believers in the book of Acts. // All of Jesus followers needed that Baptism of Fire and the Power of God.. Even as it was demonstrated in the Book of Acts and all of the Apostles letters. Amen.. Prayers and Blessings In Jesus Wonderful, and HOLY AND POWERFUL NAME.. In most cases people have to repent, pray and ask the Lord to forgive us for not asking and seeking Him for his Powerful infilling of God's Holy Spirit. Most Christians have never been taught properly in these truths.. We have been working in Africa since 2000 the past 25 years with the extremely poor and Orphans. Here's our Free E-Book and history:



A Pastor From Africa wrote and said, he was tired when it came to walking with Jesus


1. The Lord spoke and said to me a few years back, that when we focus on Jesus totally and completely, and our dependence is on the Lord at all times, He keeps us in the Center of His Will. 2. The only area we will ever be Perfected in, is the Love of God. God's Love is different from what people understand.. His Love is A RADICAL LOVE THAT SPOKE CLERLY INTO A LITTLE BOYS LIFE, AND LEAD A LITTLE BOY 9 YEARS OLD halfway around the world, so he is able to find Jesus as Lord and Savior and who will be able to experience that Radical Love of God, and have a life fulfilled in the True Love of God: Amen. Love Dezso and Martta Jakab


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