Gore IDA Pharmacy

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Pharmacy Your health is our concern and we take that responsibility seriously! We are more than your typical pharmacy.

Our team of experienced Pharmacists and Home Health Care Specialists take pride in providing exceptional care, support and service to all patients. Our services include but are not limited to:

Free Delivery
Curb-Side Pick up
Vaccines & Injections
Home Health Care Equipment (Hospital Beds, Rollators, Walkers, Bathroom Safety Products, and more!)
Lymphedema Management
Diabetic Resources (Diabetic Neuropathy Foot Exams)
Blood Pressure Check
Health and Wellness Tips
Medication Reviews


It's !

Do you have over-the- counter allergy essentials in your cabinet for any fall allergies your child may encounter this school year? Not sure where to start or what to get, that's what we're here to enlighten you about!

1. Antihistamines:
When you come into contact with any allergy triggers, you body produces chemicals known as histamines. Histamines are responsible for your allergy symptoms including runny nose, runny eyes, and itchy skin. Antihistamines such as Claritin work by blocking histamine, so you no known experience these horrible and annoying symptoms! Block histamine from attaching to itch-producing, snot-making cells. They work great for runny noses but not so well for congestion. Antihistamines are best for mild, intermittent symptoms.

2. Nasal Sprays
Most over-the -counter nasal sprays contain a small amount of steroid to decrease swelling. Nasal sprays such as Flonase are great for congestion and stuffy noses. However, unlike antihistamines nasal sprays take longer for symptom relief. Nasal sprays may have to be used for at least 2 weeks of daily use to see a difference in your symptoms.

3. Eye Drops
Over-the-counter eye drops use a combination of antihistamine and mast cell stabilizer. Mast cells are cells in our body that are responsible for releasing the chemical, histamine. Eye drops prevent mast cells from producing histamine. This limits itching and watery eyes.

When it comes to your health, your IDA pharmacist knows best. Come in store today to grab your allergy essentials before school starts. We have top brands available for you. These include but are not limited to Flonase, Claritin, and Refresh Tears. Your IDA pharmacist can help you choose the best products for you!!

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 09/02/2021

The summer has almost come to an end and its back to school time! Are you ready to go back to school? Are you
nervous as a parent to send your child to school after a
tough year? Do not worry as we are here to help make
this stressful time much easier for parents and their

Today on we present to you 5 tips to keep your child safe from COVID-19 this school year! We hope you find them helpful :)




Today on August 31 2021, we encourage all of you to take a moment to talk about the stigma surrounding overdoses, remember those we've lost, and understand how to prevent overdoses.

Check out our last post to recognize the signs of an overdose.

Remember help is available, you do not have to go through grief or recovery alone.

For more information, check out: https://www.overdoseday.com/


There has been an increase in opioid-related deaths across Canada. From January 2020 to March 2020, there were 1,018 opioid-related deaths reported and 96% of them were accidental. The opioid crisis is on the rise, in fact, there could be people in your life currently who are struggling with opioid use. If you are using drugs or know of someone who is using, please know the signs and symptoms of an overdose. It can help save someone's life!

Signs and symptoms include:
- Blue lips or nails
- Cold and clammy skin
- choking, gurgling or snoring sounds
- Inability to move or wake up
- Dizziness and confusion
- Slow, weak or no breathing
-Very small pupils

Call 911.
If you think someone is overdosing, ALWAYS call 9-1-1 immediately. Time is critical. If you have a naloxone kit, give the person naloxone while you wait for medical help. It's a medication that is used to reverse the effects of an overdose.

Help is available.
If you are struggling with a drug addiction or know a loved one battling a drug addiction. You don't have to go through it alone, help is available in Ontario. Speak to your IDA pharmacist today and they can point you in the right direction of where to seek help.


This lets talk about antacids!

What are antacids?
Antacids are over-the-counter (OTC) medications that can help treat heartburn.They work by neutralizing stomach acid. Antacids can come in three different forms which includes a chewable tablet, liquid, or a tablet that you can dissolve in water.

When can I use antacids?
Antacids are good to have in your home in case of an occasional heartburn. Take antacids approximately a hour after eating or when you have a heartburn. If you find yourself taking too many antacids for relief, talk to your health care provider to figure out any other underlying causes such as appendicitis, a stomach ulcer, gallstones, or bowel problems.

Are there any side effects?
Side effects from antacids are rare. However, there may be side effects if you misuse them. Just because antacids can be found OTC does mean you can use them carelessly. Antacids contain calcium, thus, taking too many antacids can result in having too much calcium in your body. Some side effects from having excessive calcium in your body include:
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Kidney Stones

Can anyone take antacids?
Antacids are safe for most people. However, individuals with certain health conditions such as kidney failure or heart failure should speak to their IDA pharmacist or health care provider first.

Can I take antacids with other medications?
Antacids can interfere with the function of other medications or vitamins you may be taking on a regular basis. This is exactly where your IDA pharmacist can help! Your IDA pharmacist can suggest dosage changes or help you pick the right antacid brand to fit your needs. Don't hesitate to ask!

Come in store today to pick up your antacids! They are a great addition to your home medicine cabinet, so you no longer have to search remedies to battle your acid reflux last minute!

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 08/26/2021


As summer days turn into school days, many parents struggle getting their children back into routine for school. To avoid a sleep deprived start to the school year, here are some back to school sleep tips! We hope this makes the transition to back to school a little bit easier!

Let us know if you have any additional tips in the comments below!!


Ever wonder which over-the-counter painkiller to take when experiencing muscle aches or a fever? Not sure if you should be reaching out for Advil or Tylenol? Well, you've come to the right place because the two are not entirely interchangeable.

Here's an overview of the difference between Advil vs Tylenol. When used correctly both ibuprofen and acetaminophen are safe and effective in treating pain and fever. However, it is important to ensure accurate dosage is taken and you do not exceed the dosage recommended for your child's body weight.

If you are unsure about dosing or what time you should be giving your child medications, your IDA pharmacist can help! We can also tell you about any possible drug interactions that can occur with ibuprofen and acetaminophen. We're a call away, don't hesitate!


Your health is our concern!

Our pharmacy team works exceptionally hard to ensure you get the most out of your pharmacy experience at Gore IDA Pharmacy and ADAPT Home Health Care. When it comes to your medications, your pharmacist knows best! So ask as many questions as you can about your medications- we love answering them!

Here are 5 main questions that you can ask at your next medication review appointment with your IDA pharmacist. We look forward to continuing to help you understand your medications and meet your health goals!


Guess what day it is? It's

Are you suffering from urinary incontinence? Have you tried to figure out why?

Urinary incontinence is the physical inability to be able to hold urine. Incontinence could be a short-term condition and can occur due to a urinary infection, or medications such as antidepressants, diuretics, or antihypertensives. However, incontinence can also be a long term condition that can be due to a physical problem or increased age.

Your IDA pharmacist will be able to inform you if any of the drugs you are currently taking are linked to your incontinence. Don't be afraid to discuss your concerns with your pharmacist, after all we're here to help YOU!

Have you considered protective pads?

We cannot stress the importance of protective pads or undergarments when it comes to urinary incontinence! They are a great way to reclaim your independence and lead your normal life without having to worry about leaks all the time. At Gore IDA Pharmacy & ADAPT Home Health Care, we carry the best brands available for you, such as TENA. Your IDA pharmacist can help you choose the right product for you based on absorbency level, size, comfort and type of incontinence.

You shouldn't have to compromise with your quality of life, come in store to get your TENA pads today!

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 08/19/2021

Did you take your medication today or did you forget?

Skipping a dose of your daily meds may not seem like a big deal at first, but in the long term it can have serious consequences on your health.

Start by taking your medication on time today! Here are a few tips to help you remember to take your meds!


Don't miss out on our amazing deals this month! Check out our e-flyer today on Flipp. We bet you'll find something for yourself or your loved ones!

If you have any questions on how to download the Flipp app, DM us and we would be more than happy to help you!


Have you ever had a burning question about your prescription but you were not able to comprehend its answer due to language barriers? At Gore IDA Pharmacy & ADAPT Home Health Care, we make sure this is the last of your concerns! Our pharmacists are equipped to answer all your questions in a language you understand! English, Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati you name it! Your health is our concern and we take that responsibility seriously!




Let's finish the week off by talking about INSECT REPELLENTS!

With so many insect repellents to choose from, the decision of which one to purchase before a camping trip becomes difficult. But it certainly doesn't have to be! We're here to help!

Start by looking for a Health Canada approved product, this will allow you to be confident in your decision. As long as you follow the directions of use, it does not pose a health risk.

Next, pick a repellent with the right amount of concentration and active ingredients. Insect repellents containing a chemical known as DEET are most commonly used. DEET is approved as a safe and effective insect repellent by various studies. The higher the concentration of DEET, the longer its protection lasts. A DEET concentration of anywhere from 25 to 30% is typically enough to provide several hours of protection for anyone above 12 years of age. Products containing DEET should not be used on babies under the age of 6 months! Instead, use a mosquito net over their stroller.

We have a variety of top insect repellent brands available for you, so don't miss out! Come in-store today to grab yours! Also, while you are at it, get any questions answered about insect repellents by your IDA pharmacist for more information.

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 08/12/2021

A new week means a new 💊

Today we bring to you 5 tips to help prevent tick bites this summer season! Check out yesterday's post if you haven't already to learn about everything you need to know about ticks.

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 08/11/2021

We hope you are enjoying your summer with safe precautions! If you are finding yourself spending majority of your time outdoors this summer, make sure to be aware of potential ticks.

Read more to find out everything you need to know about ticks!

Stay tuned for tomorrow, we'll be sharing some tips to prevent tick bites on !



Everyone meet Dipen Patel, our amazing Pharmacy Manager!

In this post, find out how much Dipen enjoys taking care of his community and what he does as a pharmacy manager at Gore IDA Pharmacy & Adapt Home Health Care.
My name Is Dipen Patel and I enjoy taking care of our Castlemore community in Pharmacy and Home Health Care needs! It is an absolute pleasure to be part of Gore IDA Pharmacy And Adapt Home Health Care for over a decade. As a Pharmacy manager I work with family practitioners to improve the community's health.


It is ! Let's talk about the importance of PROBIOTICS!

What are probiotics?
Probiotics are living microorganisms (bacteria and/or yeast) that live naturally in our bodies. Most of the time, when we hear bacteria, we instantly associate them with being "bad" and the cause of disease. However, probiotics are "good" bacteria as they help keep our gut healthy.

How do probiotics work?
Probiotics work by maintaining balance between good and bad bacteria to keep your body healthy and functioning well. When you are sick, your body has an increased number of bad bacteria which overpowers the good bacteria in your body and knocks it out. This is exactly where probiotics come into play. They work to fight this bad bacteria off and help restore the balance. This act happens naturally throughout your body. However, benefits of probiotic supplements have been seen in the treatment or prevention of:

- Diarrhea
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Upper Respiratory Infections (common cold, sinusitis)
- Eczema
- Vaginal Infections
- Recurrence of Bladder Cancer

Side Effects:
Probiotic capsules are generally considered to be safe for most people. However, in some instances they can cause minor side effects such as an upset stomach, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. In rare conditions, some may experience an allergic reaction.

Wondering whether you should start taking probiotics? We've got your answers! We have options from ATOMA Probiotic Capsules (seen in this post) to other brands for you! Come in store or call us to talk to your IDA Pharmacist and discuss further.

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 08/05/2021

We are back with another !

Here are 5 tips to stay hydrated & beat the heat!

Let us know of any tips you have to beat the heat in the comments down below, we would love to know!

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 08/03/2021

August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month!

Gastroparesis is a chronic condition in which the stomach cannot empty food as it otherwise normally would.

To all the Gastroparesis Warriors- continue shining and do not let this illness slow you down!

If anyone would like to share their Gastroparesis Warrior story, we would love to hear more about in the comments down below!

If you have any questions about medications you are currently taking to manage Gastroparesis symptoms, come in store and speak to your IDA Pharmacist at Gore for more information.


It's ! This Friday we feature some atoma® summer essentials:sunscreen and aloe vera that you can find in store at our location.

Wondering why you should wear sunscreen? Here are top 5 reasons why:

1. It protects your skin from both UVA and UVB rays.
2. It prevents premature aging of the skin.
3. It lowers your risk of skin cancer.
4. It prevents skin discolouration
5. It reduces inflammation

With so many sunscreen options available around you, it is difficult to know which one is the perfect match for you. Let your I.D.A Pharmacist at Woodland take the additional stress away and help you choose the best product, one which is right for your skin and matches your needs!

Photos from Gore IDA Pharmacy's post 07/29/2021

Guess what day it is? It is ! Here are some quick tips to protect yourself from the sun.

Visit your I.D.A pharmacists at Gore for more information.


Today is SENIORS' DAY!

Seniors 55 years of age and older will receive a discount of 15% off all regular-priced items.

But wait, the savings do not just stop there! You can also earn bonus points for our rewards card program and earn a double stamp on your Atoma stamp card to redeem FREE products.

See you in store today seniors!


Don't miss out on our amazing deals! Check out our e-flyer today on Flipp. It features everything from BOOST Meal Replacements to Voltaren. We hope you are just as excited about our flyer savings as we are!

Have questions on how to download the flipp app, DM us and we would be more than happy to help you and your family members!


Every atoma® purchase gets you 1 stamp on your collector card. After 10 atoma products purchased, your 11th is FREE!!

With atoma® products you get the same effectiveness and active ingredients as other brands but at a lower price tag + the satisfaction of the product being pharmacist approved! Amazing, right?

Come in today to get your collector card & start earning stamps! See in-store or call for more details.


Did you get your first or second dose today? Is your COVID-19 vaccine appointment coming up soon? If so, here are some aftercare tips to help you recover from some common side effects. Feel free to save the post!

In case, you have not booked your vaccine appointment yet, visit the link in our bio to book at Gore IDA Pharmacy.


We are back with more information about COVID-19 Vaccines!

Chances are at least once throughout this pandemic, some of sort misinformation has made it your way through family, friends, or social media. We've heard it all from kid's cannot get COVID-19 to ingesting garlic can kill the virus. But today we help debunk some of the common myths about COVID-19 Vaccines!

Let us know some of the myths you have heard in the comments down below!


Which vaccine should I get; Pfizer, Moderna, or Astrazeneca? This is a common question that came up when three different vaccines became available in Ontario. However, the truth is get any vaccine that is available to you because although they all have different levels of storage and effectiveness, some protection is still better than none! The sooner you get vaccinated, the faster you can help protect yourself and your loved ones!

So why wait? Vaccination appointments have opened up for everyone 12 years of age and older. If you have not gotten your first or second dose yet, book an appointment by visiting the link in our bio or call us if you would like to discuss further about any concerns with one our IDA pharmacists. All our Pharmacists speak English, Punjabi, & Hindi.


63% of eligible people, 12 years of age or older are fully vaccinated in Ontario! Have you booked your first or second dose yet? If not, take advantage of booking your appointment today through our easy-to-use website. It only gets easier from there. Who thought the process of getting your COVID-19 vaccine could be so seamless?

To protect yourself and your loved ones, book your appointment today: https://adapthomehealthcare.com/

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Don't miss out on our amazing deals! Check out our e-flyer today on Flipp.  It features everything from BOOST Meal Repla...


4515 Ebenezer Road
Brampton, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 10am - 3pm

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