Dr. Lydia Brodie

Pregnancy, Postpartum and Paediatric Care
Family Chiropractor 🙌
Mama to Theo 👶🏼

Photos from Dr. Lydia Brodie's post 04/04/2022

Think it’s too late to rehab your body after baby? Keep reading. 👇

We’ll be honest, the sooner you get started the better. But regardless of how many months of years postpartum you are, it’s NEVER too late to start rehab.

Weak pelvic floor, bladder and f***l incontinence, chronic pain, diastasis recti – all of these things can seriously impact your quality of life, and none of them will go away on their own. ✋

Whether you gave birth 1 year or 20 years ago, we can help you build a buffer of health and strong foundation that will support you through years to come. 🤗

It’s time to put yourself first so you can be the best mama you can be! 🙌

Hit the link in bio to join one of our GrowCo group rehab classes and get started today.

Photos from Dr. Lydia Brodie's post 03/16/2022


Sure, you want to feel confident in your own skin. To lose the weight. To see more definition. But your GROWCO post natal rehab program goes far beyond the aesthetics or the fitness.

This is about shedding the narrative that all moms p*e their pants. That as a mother you are destined to ensure back pain, pelvic pain or suffer from pelvic organ prolapse This is about F E E L I N G G O O D.

And this is the most important kind of healthcare you could ever invest in.

Because when mom’s health is in check, so is her family.

DM to learn about our next GROWCO post natal rehab program.



I couldn't resist sharing this AMAZING post!⁠

Reposted from ⁠ (posted with permission)

We can't get enough of this picture! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
💥This is a great picture of how forces on a soft, malleable skull can affect the overall head shape of an infant.👶 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
⭐If a baby is always sleeping 😴 on the same part of their head the skull responds by growing in the areas of least resistance- thus pushing the forehead forward on that side and also on the opposite side of the back. Therefore- THE ENTIRE SKULL is affected!!! 💥This is why we see the ears 👂 are uneven, jaws are asymmetric and facial asymmetries are obvious. It affects the front and the back. 🤯⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
Our goal at Baby Begin is to show you EXACTLY how to position your baby to reverse this process and direct the head to grow into the FLATTENED areas to make it nice and pretty. 😊 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
We do not use pillows or positioners of any kind and the techniques are safe and very effective (90% success rate when started before 3 months of age). ❗ There is a very small window of opportunity to correct a head shape without a helmet. (Check out our timing highlight!) If you are interested in that- we are your people! Sign up for a consultation on our website- Let's meet! 👍⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠


PROBIOTICS— 70-80% of your immunity resides in your gut.⁠

Studies of the microbiome-gut-brain relationship — specifically the signalling that takes place between the GI tract & the central nervous system — place a huge importance on how this system functions as a contributor to mental health.⁠

Often, the gut is referred to as the second brain, and while it may seem obscure to some that there is a relationship between gut health & mental health — it exists.⁠

Taking probiotics to boost + support a properly functioning digestive system could impact your post partum mental health tremendously (among other things like digestion and nutrient absorption).⁠

I’ve linked the probiotic I took throughout my pregnancy & post partum along with the entire protocol in the bio link. I selected shelf stable probiotic because it’s easily stored & consumed. It’s also a Canadian company using high quality Canadian sourced ingredients.⁠

DM us for more about making a post natal plan for yourself✨⁠

⁠ ⠀⁠rehab


The GROWCO postpartum supplement protocol was developed through research & discussion with many expert perinatal clinicians and the understanding that your diet after giving birth is likely not giving you everything you need.

Supplementation is an effective way to make sure you’re nourishing your body in the hard weeks & months of healing, stress, sleepless nights and difficulty getting enough food after baby is born. They’re like little buffers to keep you well and away from depletion.

Magnesium is a mineral that is necessary for relaxation and appropriate nerve function.

While pregnant, magnesium is absorbed in huge doses by your baby & placenta.

Further, lactation is known to deplete maternal magnesium as well.

Depletion without replenishment in the form of food or supplementation may contribute to the onset of postpartum depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and migraines.

A deficiency in magnesium has been shown to induce depression-like behaviour (mice study) and on the other hand, exhibited anti-depressant-like activity when consumed in the proper dose.

Given that magnesium is understood to be part of over 800 biochemical reactions in your body and has 3750+ binding sites on human proteins....
.. and that magnesium regulates neurotransmitters, which send signals throughout the nervous system and brain.
.. and regulates the melatonin, which guides sleep-wake cycles in your body (more wake than sleep after baby, right?!)

It makes sense to add this supplement into your post natal line up and as part of your postpartum plan.

We've compiled our entire protocol and the brands we recommend through the link in bio.

Send us a DM with your postpartum plan question!

⁠ ⠀rehab


There’s a strong understanding & compliance about the importance of supplementation during pregnancy.⁠

But did you know you should continue with a supplementation protocol after baby is born?⁠

Supplementation is an effective way to make sure you’re nourishing your body in the hard weeks & months of healing, stress, sleepless nights and difficulty getting enough food after baby is born. They’re like little buffers to keep you well and away from depletion.⁠

OMEGA 3 – the majority of women are deficient prior to pregnancy, and it can worsen throughout as the placenta provides the fetus with DHA from mom. It persists for months or even years postpartum – even if you eat a healthy whole-foods diet!⁠

Deficiency in omega-3 can be caused by inadequate intake, fast depletion during pregnancy and lactation and is a risk factor for postpartum depression.⁠

One study found that “Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids rich in EPA during pregnancy or postpartum reduces some symptoms associated with depression. DHA supplementation to healthy pregnant women can also reduce the risk of PPD.”⁠

You can find both fish & algae-based omega 3. We recommend an omega 3 supplement from pregnancy to postpartum… and beyond!⁠

⁠ ⠀⁠rehab


All pregnant and postpartum mamas you are gunna wanna check this out!⁠

This year for my birthday I want to give one lucky mama (or mama to be) the full postpartum supplement protocol I recommend!⁠

Over the next 2 weeks I will be going through each supplement I recommend and WHY it is so important for our healing postpartum. ⁠

How can you win this AMAZING bundle? ⁠
- Following my instagram page ⁠
- Sign up for my mailing list (link in bio)⁠

For an extra chance to win share any of my posts in the next 2 weeks talking about supplements. (remember to tag me so I know you shared my post 🙌 )⁠

⁠Winner will be pick on my birthday, January 29th at noon 🎉

𝘗𝘦𝘳 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘯𝘰 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘥, 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥, 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮, 𝘐𝘯𝘤. 𝘉𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 13+ 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮'𝘴 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘴𝘦.⁠

⁠ ⁠.rehab


Postpartum posture can have a huge impact in your recovery and overall well-being.⁠

Those long hours of feeding, carrying, and holding your baby add up. If you’re not checking in on how you’re sitting or standing along the way you could end up with forward head posture.⁠

It’s kind of like text neck but add in a rounded upper back. So, If you’re experiencing neck, shoulder and back pain, forward head posture is most likely to blame.⁠

As a mom you’re probably spending a lot of time in some awkward (even new) positions. To correct this, you need to incorporate movement that opens up the chest, extends the spine, and strengthens the front of your neck, mid back, and core.⁠

This stability and support can eliminate those pesky aches and pains while helping you heal diastasis recti and prevent/reduce the symptoms of prolapse.⁠

Ready to get to work? Send us a DM. 📩⁠


Feeling a little extra stressed this week? You might be holding tension in areas you never thought of before.⁠

In a 2001 study, researchers examined the body’s response to stress by looking at the pelvic floor and upper trapezius (those achy muscles on the tops of your shoulders) and found that the pelvic floor muscles actually contracted BEFORE the trapezius when women watched scary movies. ⁠

The more your pelvic floor contracts and holds tension, the more likely you are to experience back pain, pelvic pain, incontinence, and more.⁠

Our bellies need room to breathe and relax. And we’re here to help with that.⁠

Tag someone you love and remind them to take a few deep breaths. 💛⁠


Body work for infants is so crucial. ⁠
One of the things we look at with our little patients is head shape. ⁠

This little guy had plagiocephaly that caused mild flattening of the back right side of his head and increased volume in the forehead on the right. ⁠

With body work and repositioning techniques that parents do at home, this little one developed a more rounded and symmetrical head. ⁠

All of this was done in 2 short weeks and without the use of a helmet. ⁠

Do you think your little one needs to be assessed for plagiocephaly? Book an appointment with me through the link in my bio!⁠

A helmet free technique is more successful when the little one is under 4 months of age, so don't wait, get in and get assessed!⁠


With January 1st around the corner (✌️ days to be exact) a lot of us are thinking about new healthy habits that we are hoping to start. ⁠

For me, I am focusing on my post partum healing. ⁠

This includes ⁠
▫️ drinking more water⁠
▫️ eating more whole foods⁠
▫️ resting, and enjoying it⁠
▫️ moving my body⁠

When it comes to moving our bodies after having a baby it can be difficult. difficult to find the time and difficult to know WHAT TO DO ?! ⁠

We have made this easy for you. ⁠

Join Dr. Alli Cain from and January 1st for a FREE postpartum rehab class. ⁠

If you have had a baby in the last 5 years, this class is for you. ⁠

Want to join? ⁠
Find the link in my story, or send me a dm. ⁠

What are your new year healthy habit goals? ⁠

⁠ ⠀⁠rehab


For all those celebrating, ⁠
We wish you a Merry Christmas!⁠

and don't forget⁠
- "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."


If you’re struggling with a tight low back or tight hips as a new mama, keep reading. 🤓⁠

▪️ As your baby grows your core is forced to weaken so your belly can expand. A weak core means other muscles need to pick up the slack to keep your spine stable.⁠

▪️ Your back muscles typically take on this extra load. The psoas (which usually provides support to your hips) is now busy supporting your spine. ⁠

▪️ This means other hip muscles need to take on the additional load and become overworked. Another chain reaction happens here as this inhibits the function of your glutes which in turn affects muscles deep inside your pelvis.⁠

Your body is more connected than you think it is. When it comes to treating postpartum aches and pains it’s important to remember that the source isn’t always where you think it is. 🤔⁠

We’re here to support you in your healing. ⁠

Together we’ll go through a comprehensive checkup to identify the root cause of your pain and prescribe progressive healing through exercise to get you back to pain free living.⁠

Our DMs are open. 📬⁠


So, you’ve just had a baby and you’ve been told to rest, take it easy, and listen to your body . . . ⁠

How are you supposed to “listen to your body” if you’ve never been taught what to listen for? ⁠

You’ve just been through a beautiful, but traumatic transformation and chances are you’re feeling anything but at-home in your body right now. ⁠

Tuning in to how you’re feeling can be a challenge at the best of times. The stress of learning to take care of a newborn on little to no sleep, while navigating a surge of hormones doesn’t make it any easier. ⁠

Before you know it weeks, months, even years have passed and you’re still living in a body that doesn’t feel quite like yours. This is the reality for many too many mothers out there, but it doesn’t have to be. ⁠

Mama, we’re here to support you in your healing. ⁠

We’ll help you navigate the physical, mental, and emotional changes that motherhood brings. Together we can help you unleash your strength, eliminate pain, and embrace your transformation into the best version of yourself. ⁠

This is a new beginning for you and your baby. Our DMs are open. ⁠


Feeling comfortable in your skin postpartum is difficult. ⁠

I am 10 weeks postpartum and I had a scheduled C-section. I began my postpartum rehabilitation at 6 weeks. In this time I have been able to BEGIN my healing. ⁠

I am seeing changes in the FUNCTION of my body. I am feeling stronger and in more control of my core. ⁠

In early postpartum days I remember feeling pressure in my pelvic floor pushing Theo's stroller. After 4 weeks of rehab I could push my costco card with no symptoms. ⁠

But I still don't feel good in my body. ⁠

I appreciate that my body created and delivered my baby, but I do wish it was fitter/small/like it used to be. ⁠

But I understand I cannot rush my way through my recovery. I want my body to LOOK a certain way, but not at the cost of my FUNCTION. ⁠

I am doing the important work to make sure my body can support me for the rest of my life!⁠

So all the moms out there feeling like they are putting in the work and they are not SEEING the changes, focus on how you are feeling. The healing may be slow but it will last your lifetime if you do it correctly!⁠

You got this mamas!⁠


Saturday looks a little different these days.

Taking the moment to appreciate my little guy it this phase.

As moms we tend to get through the tough parts but are not always able to just appreciate the moments.

What is the best part of you little one right now?

I love the noises that this little man is making and he is discovering his voice 😍


The not so pretty side of postpartum.

Did you know that when you are pregnant your immune system changes.

During pregnancy our immune system could get confused. Our baby only had half our DNA, meaning half is foreign. This could be a problem if our immune system tried to attack this “foreign” object. So our immune response decreases in a way.

Once we have given birth our immune system “bounces back”. I like to describe it as the pendulum swinging back rapidly.

All of a sudden things that may not have caused an immune reaction during pregnancy or EVER, now cause a significant reaction.

That is what happened to me.
8 weeks postpartum I treated myself to eyelash extensions. I had a significant reaction to the glue.

This had never happened to me before. But that doesn’t matter. After having my son my immune system became more sensitive than ever.

Even though I knew why this was happening it still SUCKED.

Have any of you had postpartum reactions or sensitivities??


The 6-week mark is where your healing begins, not where it ends. ⁠

We see it all the time: new mamas go in for their 6-week checkup, get the all-clear, and jump headfirst into high intensity exercise in an effort to get their pre-baby body back. ⁠


You may feel ready to get back to moving like you used to, especially if you’ve been taught to push through discomfort and pain but chances are you’re doing yourself more harm than good. ⁠

Diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, back pain, and pelvic pain, etc. are no joke. These conditions are treatable, even preventable if you’re willing to take a pro-active approach to your healing. ⁠

Your 6-week clearance means you SURVIVED giving birth. We want to see you THRIVE. ⁠

It all starts with your post-natal plan. We’ll empower you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to embrace your perinatal journey, prioritize your health, and come back stronger than ever. ⁠

Who’s in? ⁠


As I sit here feeding my baby formula I feel shame and guilt.

I can sit here and explain why we came to this decision, but I shouldn’t have to.

But I feel like I have to. To myself. To others.

My baby is healthy. I am healthy. We are happy.

Shouldn’t that be enough?

Yes. But it isn’t.

As I have weaned off breast feeding the hormonal changes have been drastic. It has been the hardest part of my postpartum journey so far. No one told me this would happen.

It has caused severe doubt in my choices as a mother. It has caused sadness that time is passing too quickly.

Emotions have been a lot.

And on top of everything, shame and guilt come in.

So for all the moms out there who have given, are giving and will give their child formula, I understand you.

It may be an easy decision. It may be hard. And it may change from day to day, moment to moment (it does for me).

I am not going to tell you not to feel your emotions because that never helped me.

I am sharing my experience and hoping others will do the same. Every mom has her own journey. Let’s support each other unconditionally.


Storytelling is powerful, but it can also be misleading.⁠

If you’re pregnant, or have just given birth, chances are there’s no shortage of people around you sharing stories and advice from their own experience. Don’t get us wrong – I LOVE that!⁠

Storytelling can be a powerful healing and therapeutic tool and we love seeing women support each other. There’s just one thing you need it keep in mind: This experience is completely unique to you.⁠

You may have similarities with other moms in your circle, but no two pregnancies are the alike, and neither is recovery. You can’t base your expectations on the experiences of other women – why would you want to? This is YOUR pregnancy, YOUR experience.⁠

I know it can feel overwhelming, even scary at times, especially if this is your first baby. Having the proper guidance is a game-changer and that’s what I’m here for.⁠

I’m here to support you no matter what part of your pregnancy journey you’re on. Send me a DM to learn how we can help.⁠


You don’t need to live with back pain. 🙅‍♀️⁠

Your thoracic spine is located in the upper and middle part of your back. Its job is to hold your ribcage, and to protect your heart and lungs. Making sure this area is mobile and functioning properly is important when it comes to preventing and treating low back pain. ⁠

As a new mama, hunching and rounding your spine as you feed and care for your little one can cause this part of your spine to stiffen which reduces mobility and has a domino effect on your low back. 😲⁠

If your thoracic spine can’t rotate enough, your lumbar (low back) will be forced to compensate and voila, you have low back pain. ⁠

Low back pain is just one of many symptoms women are taught to believe is an inevitable consequence of giving birth (it’s not). ⁠

We can teach you how to improve your thoracic spine mobility, while strengthening your posture and low back to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pain. ⁠

It’s never too early or too late to start prioritizing your healing. Send us a DM to learn more about how we can help. ⁠



Pelvic floor health should be on everyone’s radar, but if you’ve recently given birth, it’s non-negotiable. ⁠⁠
Pelvic floor dysfunction can lead to a variety of different issues in postpartum women. ⁠⁠
If the PF muscles are lengthened and weak it can lead to prolapse, and a lack of pelvic joint stability. If the PF muscles are too tense it can cause pain, incontinence, and tightness in the back, pelvis and hips. ⁠⁠
No matter what you birth method is/was your pelvic floor is going to need some extra love and kegels aren’t the answer. ⁠⁠
Your pelvic floor needs targeted rehab to regain proper function. No pain, no gain is NOT a thing. We can help you: ⁠⁠
✔️ Learn good breathing mechanics and optimize posture to allow your pelvic floor and diaphragm to work synergistically. ⁠⁠
✔️ Build strong hips and core to support your pelvic floor. ⁠⁠
✔️ Perfect daily movement patterns through a combination of strength building, endurance, and relaxation. ⁠⁠
A strong pelvic floor is the foundation for all other movement. It should be able to contract, relax and lengthen without you even thinking about it. ⁠⁠
We can help you get there. Send us a DM to learn how. ⁠⁠


Pregnancy is marked by routine check-ups with your midwife or OB.
When baby arrives, they follow a scheduled set of appointments & milestones.

But what about mom?

Well besides a quick 6-week check up, moms are often left to navigate post partum largely on their own. Their aches & pains dismissed as the inevitable side effects of pregnancy, childbirth and being a mom.

I am here to change this — to support moms through post partum & beyond.

From thorough full body assessments, proper rehabilitation tools and just generally holding space for mom in this important time — the 4th trimester deserves this level of care, attention & respect.

Here is a peak into my first postpartum rehab class since giving birth to Theo. I am so happy to have a program I can follow to start my recovery process!


Postpartum is forever.⁠⁠
Generally, the term “post-partum” is used to talk about the period after birth (about 6 weeks). Technically, from a physiological and mental stand point postpartum is forever, and that’s not a bad thing!⁠⁠
Your body and mind have been forever changed and we think that’s something to be celebrated. 🎉⁠⁠
Chances are you already expected to see some outward physical changes after baby, but did you know that pregnancy alters the size and structure of some regions in your brain? The grey matter of your brain physically changes post baby – how amazing is that? 🤯⁠⁠
Take this time to embrace your new role, body, and brain! After all, you didn’t have a baby so things would stay the same right?⁠⁠
This is your chance to rebuild, slow down, fix old injuries, correct imbalances, and become your strongest self so you can sp*ed up later.⁠⁠
We can help you dive into post-partum life with strength and confidence. Send us a DM to get started. We’re ready when you are.⁠⁠

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Videos (show all)

So, you’ve just had a baby and you’ve been told to rest, take it easy, and listen to your body . . . ⁠⁠How are you suppo...
Pregnancy is marked by routine check-ups with your midwife or OB.When baby arrives, they follow a scheduled set of appoi...
What are Mamas saying about what I do?⁠⠀⁠⠀Check out what this patient had to say about getting prenatal and postpartum c...
Enough is Enough. The difference between a white pregnancy and a black pregnancy.
I interrupt your regularly scheduled program to make everyone smile. 💃🕺 Would anyone be interested in my YouTube dance c...



3040 New Street Unit 2
Burlington, ON

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 1pm
Thursday 12pm - 7pm
Friday 8am - 1pm

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