Creating U In The Universe

Sandra & Leah take the time (weekly) to share how you can create U in the Universe.


My intention for you today is to align your time with your true intentions, ensuring that every moment is spent in a way that brings you closer to your higher purpose. May you recognize the value of your time and use it wisely, knowing that it’s a precious resource that reflects your priorities.


See you for Energy/Healing Circle tonight. Check out the link and bio over Creating U In The Universe


Join our energy & prayer circle this thursday! 830pm.

Click to start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Join us for today's episode of 'Creating You in the Universe' where we explore the concept of resistance. Often viewed as a signal to halt our efforts, resistance can actually serve as a crucial catalyst for growth and transformation. We challenge the notion of surrendering to resistance and instead, uncover how it may signify the threshold to achieving our dreams. If you're encountering resistance in your journey, tune in for valuable insights on pushing through and embracing change.


Welcome to this week's podcast on Authenticity, featuring Sandra & Leah. Authenticity is the cornerstone of genuine connection, allowing us to tap into our true selves while embracing the authentic energy of others. When we approach each other with authenticity rather than fear, we unlock the power to co-create a reality filled with love and resonance. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of authenticity in our lives and relationships.


"Co- Creation; Embracing the Power of Collective Creation"

Dive into the boundless realm of co-creation, where we illuminate the profound essence of human existence intertwined with collaborative energy. Join us as we unravel the intricate tapestry of co-creation, revealing its omnipresence in every moment of our lives. From the subtle dance of thoughts and emotions to the grand symphony of collective endeavors, this episode explores how our creative impulses spark ripples of influence that shape the world around us. Amidst the journey filled with moments of joy, surprise, and challenge, co-creation serves as our guiding compass, leading us to the exact places where our presence is most needed. Tune in to discover the transformative power of co-creation and embrace the wondrous journey of shared evolution.

Our latest podcast, sent here FIRST on Facebook.


By far one of my favorite episodes. I mean I love them all..but from source starting the video tape before we were even ready and everything else in between

So amazing 👏 🤩
So much fun
So so cheeky


Hey, mommas! It's your day, and we're cheering for you! What makes you go 'WOW' about being a mom? Is it the endless diaper changes, the sleepless nights, or the constant juggling act between work and family? Whatever it is, we salute you and hope you have a fantastic Mother's Day!


I invite you to share with your children, or maybe the child within you needs to hear this message


Wishing you a weekend as comfy as your favorite sweatpants!


Practice makes perfect when it comes to faith and trusting the process.


Being Cheeky/Testing The Universe – Creating U In The Universe – S2,E7

The Universe Loves To Play Games TOO

The Universe started this episode (started filming) while Leah and Sandra were discussing the topic for this episode (and Sandra was being Cheeky), demonstrating the Power of the Universe at Play.

Do you Test the Universe? Do you Play?

Careful Not to be too cheeky for it is a power beyond your control and beyond what you can comprehend.

Also careful not to wish ill will upon someone or something.

If you catch yourself judging or saying something negative recant that or apologize and put out your true intention in the positive way to offset. For if you don’t, you surely will at some point in time reap the reward/consequences of the intention that you put out.

So we say go ahead and play, but play nice and play with fun things. Make a list of random things you want to see/feel/experience and watch the universe bring them to you demonstrating its power to you and your life experience.

As always if you need help, reach out.

Sandra is a Blu-e Energy Healer, An Awakener, and Co-creator of Thought Amnesia a Method that removes limiting beliefs, fears, phobias. Reach out if you want more information ⁠⁠Thought Amnesia⁠⁠

Leah is a Healer, Awakener, and See'r' specializing in transitions between segments of life to the next level.. Reach out if you want more information.

Sandra & Leah take the time (weekly) to share how you can create U in the Universe. This podcast & live show is teaching people that we create everything in our lives. We all fundamentally know this to our core but do we practice it in our everyday lives? And if not, why? Over the course of our segments we will guide you and hope to inspire you to get past some of your resistance and blocks; as well as show you wellness & everyday tools and practices for your own self-advancement.


Leah Lacerte and Amnesia are now accepting pre-registration for our 1 and only FREE Beta Test.
Children ages 0-17
anyone who has anxiety,
fears/phobias ( fears of dark/spiders/bugs, etc)
trouble making friends/
troubles focusing on tasks
low self esteem/ depression


When you work with us, you will learn the precise steps necessary for both inner and outer transformation.


Part of life involves claiming your power and living up to your potential. Are you using your power?


Needing/Asking/ Receiving Help- Creating U In The Universe - S2, E6

We all need help at one time or another during our life experiences. Some need help more than others, and at various times.

Do you struggle with asking for help?

Would you ask for help if needed?

Or do you feel the need to struggle in silence and wish that help would come but refuse to ask for help no matter the cost?

Rely and Lean on the Universe to Help anytime, any space, and be open to how help comes to you. You might be shocked at how it shows up! As always if you need help, reach out.

Sandra is a Blu-e Energy Healer, An Awakener, and Co-creator of Thought Amnesia a Method that removes limiting beliefs, fears, phobias. Reach out if you want more information ⁠⁠Thought Amnesia⁠⁠

Leah is a Healer, Awakener, and See'r' specializing in transitions between segments of life to the next level.. Reach out if you want more information.

Sandra & Leah take the time (weekly) to share how you can create U in the Universe. This podcast & live show is teaching people that we create everything in our lives. We all fundamentally know this to our core but do we practice it in our everyday lives? And if not, why? Over the course of our segments we will guide you and hope to inspire you to get past some of your resistance and blocks; as well as show you wellness & everyday tools and practices for your own self-advancement.



Everything you think or say is manifesting something!

Whether it be a good experience or a not-so-good experience it is literally all stemming from the words you write, the words you speak and the thoughts that you think. Every second of the day.


Once you know this, you can’t unknow it, or unlearn it. You can however choose to ignore that and therefore experience the life experience of going against the laws of the universe and all that that brings upon your daily life experience BUT KNOW THIS, that is a choice.

Is it hard? You bet, but once you embrace this universal law that words matter and all thoughts and words manifest your life (every moment of the day) your life will transform into true beauty, true magic, and be truly magnificent.

It takes time, it takes breaking old patterns, old systems, old habits. BUT IF YOU CHOOSE this path. You will have the life of your happiest, and blessed dreams.

As always if you need help, reach out.

Sandra is a Blu-e Energy Healer, An Awakener, and Co-creator of Thought Amnesia a Method that removes limiting beliefs, fears, phobias. Reach out if you want more information ⁠⁠Thought Amnesia⁠⁠

Leah is a Healer, Awakener, and See'r' specializing in transitions between segments of life to the next level.. Reach out if you want more information.

Sandra & Leah take the time (weekly) to share how you can create U in the Universe. This podcast & live show is teaching people that we create everything in our lives. We all fundamentally know this to our core but do we practice it in our everyday lives? And if not, why? Over the course of our segments we will guide you and hope to inspire you to get past some of your resistance and blocks; as well as show you wellness & everyday tools and practices for your own self-advancement.


Owning Your Gifts-Supernatural Gifts and Imposter Syndrome – Creating U In The Universe – S2,E4

Imposter Syndrome- What is that?

Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon
where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud" despite evidence of their competence.

People experiencing impostor syndrome often attribute their success to luck or external factors rather than their own skills or abilities. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and a constant fear of being discovered as a fraud by others.

What are your gifts? Everyone has a gift that is needed on the planet.

Do you have a superpower? If you don’t know of one, then if you could have any superpower what would it be? What would you do that?

Listen to when Leah and Sandra discovered their powerful gifts and what that looked like for them in their lives.

Embrace your gifts whether they are earth bound or
supernatural. Your gifts are real, and if you want help exploring this more reach out and we can help!

Sandra is a Blu-e Energy Healer, An
Awakener, and Co-creator of Thought Amnesia a Method that removes limiting beliefs, fears, phobias. Reach out if you want more information ⁠⁠Thought

Leah is a Healer, Awakener, and See'r' specializing in transitions between segments of life to the next level.. Reach out if you want more information.

Sandra & Leah take the time (weekly) to share how you can create U in the Universe. This podcast & live
show is teaching people that we create everything in our lives. We all fundamentally know this to our core but do we practice it in our everyday lives? And if not, why? Over the course of our segments we will guide you and
hope to inspire you to get past some of your resistance and blocks; as well as show you wellness & everyday tools and practices for your own self-advancement.


Call To Action/Be The Change - Creating U In The Universe - S2,E3

Often times when we see/hear someone complaining about something. Instead of dismissing that, take a moment to reflect if in the complaint there is an opening or a call for a solution. Sometimes people show us where there can be change that is most needed in our lives, their lives, or even the planet.

This episode highlights and asks "where are all the architects, the designers, the car manufacturers, where did everybody go? Where are the ones who create beauty, luxury, grandiose? Why when you look around is everything plain jane?
Why is everything now achievable to the masses? Which then makes it boring to achieve to the go-getters, the ones who strive to be different, have different.
When everything is achievable to everybody with no effort things become dull and boring, mundane. We lose the passion and hunger to reach to get more, have more, BE MORE..

It is not an accident that things are being watered down, nothing is by accident. What can you do to change your life? Your passion, and your desires not only affect your life, but you wanting more creates new and more in the world too.

Be the change you want to see in the world, don't hold back. You are needed, someone wants what you want. Be bold, be different, be brave. It's okay to want more, want big.

If there is something you are being pushed (pulsed) to do or stand up for, then do it. Stand in your power and watch your life experience unfold.

Sandra is a Blu-e Energy Healer, An Awakener, and Co-creator of Thought Amnesia a Method that removes limiting beliefs, fears, phobias. Reach out if you want more information ⁠⁠Thought Amnesia⁠⁠

Leah is a Healer, Awakener, and See'r' specializing in transitions between segments of life to the next level.. Reach out if you want more information.

Sandra & Leah take the time (weekly) to share how you can create U in the Universe. This podcast & live show is teaching people that we create everything in our lives. We all fundamentally know this to our core but do we practice it in our everyday lives?

And if not, why? Over the course of our segments we will guide you and hope to inspire you to get past some of your resistance and blocks; as well as show you wellness & everyday tools and practices for your own self-advancement.


Introducing our transformative program: "Being U In The Universe

Embark on a 3-week journey that transcends traditional coaching or mentoring, guiding you towards unlocking your fullest potential. Our mission is clear: to remove the barriers hindering your manifestations and empower you to shape the life you desire.

Through personalized guidance and proven techniques, we delve deep into the core of your being, addressing and dismantling the obstacles standing between you and your dreams. Whether they stem from limiting beliefs, past experiences, or unexplored emotions, our program is tailored to help you break free and thrive.

Join us as we align your thoughts, actions, and intentions with your deepest desires, paving the way for a life of abundance, fulfillment, and purpose. Let "Being U In The Universe" be your catalyst for profound transformation and unlimited possibilities.

Book Your Session Today

Be Blessed As Always
Leah and Sandra


**Trigger Warning**

Speak your truth, say what you got to say.

There is a big misconception about spiritual people, that they don't/can't swear, don't/can't get angry, don't/ can't be mad. They are all full of love, peace, harmony. They don't struggle, you get the point.

Sometimes you are the messenger chosen to give a message to someone.

This episode is giving tools on to how to give the message more clearly, not so aggressively but also knowing that a message is meant to be said before it gets out of hand, before you "blow up" or take the anger out on people who don't deserve it.

Sandra is a Blu-e Energy Healer, An Awakener, and Co-creator of Thought Amnesia a Method that removes limiting beliefs, fears, phobias. Reach out if you want more information ⁠⁠Thought Amnesia⁠⁠

Leah is a Healer, Awakener, and See'r' specializing in transitions between segments of life to the next level.. Reach out if you want more information.

Sandra & Leah take the time (weekly) to share how you can create U in the Universe. This podcast & live show is teaching people that we create everything in our lives. We all fundamentally know this to our core but do we practice it in our everyday lives?

And if not, why? Over the course of our segments we will guide you and hope to inspire you to get past some of your resistance and blocks; as well as show you wellness & everyday tools and practices for your own self-advancement.


Revealing My Motherhood Journey: Rethinking Children's Medication The speaker reflects on her motherhood journey and the pressure she felt to follow the recommended pharmaceutical products and medical procedures for her children. She discusses how she never questioned these practices due to societal norms and education. However, as she delves deeper into her role as a mother and shares her experiences on a podcast, she begins to question the necessity and impact of these interventions on her children. This introspection has led her to reconsider the traditional approach to healthcare for infants and young children.


Parenting Reality: Love, Gratitude, and Teaching Children In the video, the speaker discusses the misconception that having children will automatically fill a void of love in one's life. They emphasize that children require love and care, but may not express love and gratitude easily. The speaker highlights the importance of teaching children these emotions as they grow older. The message is that while children are loved deeply, they do not inherently fulfill the need for love in a person's life. It is a process of nurturing and teaching love and gratitude to children as they develop.


Why Discipline Matters: Setting Boundaries for Children is Essential for Parenting Setting boundaries and disciplining children is crucial for their development. Without parental discipline, external forces like the government and court system will step in. It's important to find a balance between being a friend and a disciplinarian to ensure children grow up with structure and guidance.

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