HydraFit Performance

All health. All wellness. All you. One day, or day one. You decide.
• Transformation
• Nutrition


~ Motherhood Untamed ~

"This tummy? It carried you for 10 months. These rolls? They show that life was created there. These lines? Marks of strength for every pain that was endured. These stretch marks? Road maps to the greatest journey to ever happen.
For ever tear shed, scream muffled, pain felt; it was all worth it. A million times over, I would do it again. All for you. I am forever yours."

We put such emphasis in the world on superficial looks, photoshopped models, carved abs and tiny waists. Let's look at how we all got here; the sacrifices made by our mothers to their bodies. The changes these women went through to expand and accommodate growing life.
Let's dial back and look at the simplicity of what raw beauty is, the process and the end look of these bodies. We overlook the magic of what these lines truly represent. Beauty is all around us. Health is among us. Our ability to thrive on the love for our current bodies is just a small blink away we just have to look a tad closer.
Maybe this is or maybe it's just unfiltered and raw truth. What is your biggest insecurity? How can we work together to love it and embrace it? Let us know below!


💥 Personal Empowerment 💥
"I'm currently 150 pounds at 5'3". This is 10 pounds lighter than my heaviest I've ever been. I've got 122 pounds of lean muscle, leaving me with 28 pounds of fat/water retention to lose. I've got stretch marks and cellulite. I carry weight in my midsection and it's definitely not looking how I want it to. I have rolls when I sit down, I feel bloated some days and thin the next. But this is LIFE. We are humans and we make mistakes. But we shouldn't beat ourselves up about it. We need to stay dedicated and honest to our journeys and I promise.. in TIME, you'll make it to where you want to be. Best yourself!! This is something I've been trying to embrace for a while. Most days I don't like how I look, but I'll push that aside and tell myself I am BEAUTIFUL, I am WORTH IT. The only person to change this and make me who I want to be is ME and only me. So let's make this game plan and do it!!"


Mangos - super delicious fruit!
Seen a lot in Brazilian food, these yummy, colourful fruits come packed with nutrients.
Giving you a healthy dose of vitamin C, mangos can be put in almost anything.
Indulge yourself in a juicy red mango, or little yellow ataulfo mangos. Have a bite of mango salsa, or a cold mango smoothie
Your options are almost limitless!
Do you have a go to mango recipe? Drop it below, we'd love to know!!


Normally, we would be celebrating Canada Day in red and white. But this year is hitting a little different.
All of us over at HFP are taking the time to sit in solidarity and reflect on what truly has happened in this country, and how we can better support everyone moving forward.
HFP is fully inclusive, Canada should be fully inclusive and give respect to those who had so much wrongfully taken from them.
Please take a moment to consider what more can be done to walk further into the right direction for this year of life in Canada. So much good can come out of deep thought and consideration.
We stand by you. By all of you. We thank you for all that you were forced to give, and all that you confinue to fight for. Thank you to ALL of the Canadians for letting this beautiful country be our home 🇨🇦🍁


💥 Pelvic Tilt Correction 💥
A main movement we are working on to strengthen spinal stabilizers - primarily the erector spinae.
Reason for this is, my client has a severe posterior pelvic tilt, which means his butt tucks under. Essentially, when someone has a posterior pelvic tilt, their erector muscles are lengthened.
An easy fix for this is to help strengthen the erectors and the other muscle imbalances, to help pull the pelvis back to neutral.
A post will follow with more information on pelvic tilts. Stay tuned!


made some very valuable points here!
Progress can come in many forms, surprisingly a lot of them not being physical.
It is beyond freeing when you start realizing that you are getting plenty of progress, even if your physical progress or consistency isn't as great as you'd like.
Never discount progress being "I got out of bed with less pain today", or "I got dressed this morning", or even "I feel happier today". These are the little stepping stones that will carry you towards those big goals, those big progress jumps, those physical changes.
You could be the most physically fit person, but if your head space isn't great, there's progress to be made!
What is something non-physical that you made progress on recently?

Photos from HydraFit Performance's post 05/28/2021

💥 Results 💥
"My awesome client did her third check in today and saw great progress yet again! This girl works super hard for the results she has achieved. Note that she only trains with me one time per week.
Picture 1 - One month and 4 days apart: last check in compared to today's check in. 9.1 pounds of body fat lost - that's 3% down!! She also increased her muscle and water intake, while her scale number is still down.
Picture 2 - Four months apart: first body composition test we have ever done on the first day I met her, compared to today's check in. Look how far she's come!! Down 16.6 pounds of body fat, increased her muscle by 3.3 pounds, and decreased her scale number by 12.2 pounds.
She lost a total of 25.5 inches, and beat her time of 2:16 on a 500m row. She clocked it in at 2:07 today! 🎉 Great results for a great girl! I know she doesn't see the change, but it's happening! I couldn't be more proud!"


Why do you like the gym? What impact does it have for you? Let's compile all of the reasons why fitness facilities should stay open during lockdown!!
Comment below! 🔽


Unspoken courtesy of the gym. Everyone has a right to be exactly where they are. Everyone starts exactly where they need to start. Everyone is on their own journey.
If you see someone in need of a smile, be that reason their day gets better!

Photos from HydraFit Performance's post 05/17/2021

meets ✨
We invested in reducing our carbon footprint around this time last year by getting rid of cling wrap & tin foil!
We found this amazing company in British Columbia that makes beeswax wraps.. and let us be the first to tell you how AMAZING they are!! Our favorite use for them is baked goods and cheeses!
They not only keep our food fresh, but they seal amazing, clean amazing, last a long time AND they don't even hold the scent of the food you're wrapping.
Cleaning for them is super simple; wash under cold water, no soap and avoid hot water/hot items, as it will melt the wax.
We have not once purchased cling wrap or tinfoil since investing in these! Highly recommend!!


brought to you by Coach Daniel!
Quarantine is an awesome time to learn new skills, new hobbies, explore new areas!
A new skill Coach Daniel learned recently is a Rope Dart! Inspired by Mortal Kombat, he has embraced his inner Scorpion and became pretty proficient fairly quickly in this wicked style of cardio!
What's a new skill you have picked up or want to learn in quarantine??


We wanted to take this opportunity to show why it's integral to have a spotter when you are lifting heavy, and why having your chest up during a squat is also very important.
In this video, we are testing max weight lifts, and are in the 1RM territory.. meaning we are trying to see how much the client can actually lift through this movement.
First, we will address the chest high. We cue to have the chest high during a squat to avoid center of gravity misplacement. If your chest is forward, your center of gravity will pull you forward too. Add heavy weight to that, and it's a recipe for injury. On the way up in his squat, you can see his footing get lost.. but if you look closely, it's due to his chest not being angled up enough to compensate the weight on the bar and the center of gravity change. You can also hear the coach cue chest up as he noticed the bar path change abruptly.
Second, having a coach or a spotter watch your lift and be ready to catch it is so integral. This could've ended badly, if one, the lifter didn't catch himself, and two, if the coach wasn't ready to catch that weight. You need to have a spotter capable of being able to offset some, if not all, of that weight if the lifter can suddenly no longer complete the lift. This can be lifesaving.
Things we watch for as a spotter or coach, is bar path. During powerlifting lifts (squat, bench press and deadlift), the lift typically follows a very consistent bar path, whether you're a new lifter or experienced lifter. This gives us coaches an idea if something might not be going properly if we see the bar path change. This also can tell us what muscles are tight or need to be worked on more prior to the lift. With this, it helps us make sure the lifter is safe at all times as well.
Have you ever max weight tested before?
Disclaimer: these workouts are generic and not personalized for individuals. Be advised that this could exacerbate any current injuries or put you at risk for new injuries if not done correctly. Please talk with your doctor before starting any new form of physical activity. HFP does offer personalized workout programs.


💥 Deficit Kettle Bell Swing 💥
Awesome full body workout, cardiorespiratory training and a way to work on mobility and stability
The fun thing about the deficit swing, is that you can't rely on momentum to make this movement easier
By stopping the kettlebell, you're forced to maintain core tightness and form, while working harder to get that kettlebell to move again.
Have you ever tried a deficit swing??
Disclaimer: these workouts are generic and not personalized for individuals. Be advised that this could exacerbate any current injuries or put you at risk for new injuries if not done correctly. Please talk with your doctor before starting any new form of physical activity. HFP does offer personalized workout programs.


💥 Pushup Variations 💥
Diamond pushup on a ball.. why?!
A diamond pushup is a tricep loaded pushup variation, and the purpose of elevating it onto a ball? It requires balance.
Balance is DIRECTLY related to core strength. So this movement goes from having more focus on chest muscles, to primarily triceps. Add the ball and now its heavy on core too.
Main muscles you'll feel this in is triceps, core and chest.
This is an advanced progression. Try a diamond pushup on the floor first, and then when you feel comfortable enough, add the ball!!
What is your favorite pushup variation??
Disclaimer: these workouts are generic and not personalized for individuals. Be advised that this could exacerbate any current injuries or put you at risk for new injuries if not done correctly. Please talk with your doctor before starting any new form of physical activity. HFP does offer personalized workout programs.


Home grown and hand picked Nanking cherries
I love home grown food, how about you?




Happy Mother's Day to all those boss babes and women who show every and all day how incredible they are! We see you! Let's all celebrate together ❤ Love, HFP


One of our trainers doing 1RM testing with his client today!
What do you think his max deadlift will be? 👀


It's all about mindset. "While everyone else is asleep dreaming, wake up early and chase your dreams".
You get what effort you put into it, water your grass and watch it grow!
What did you do today that helped you grow?


What is the first step?
back dropping some facts about what really matters when looking at the first step!
Stay tuned for a summertime collab 👀


💥 What are you afraid of? 💥
is dropping some amazing insight on what it is like coming from a resolutioner's standpoint, while honing in on the importance of identifying what is blocking you from your success
What are YOU doing today that will better YOU for tomorrow?
Drop some ideas below!


May the 4th be with you, friends!


These little guys pack a punch, all while providing great health benefits!
A great source of Vitamin A/C/B, Iron, Potassium, Manganese & Magnesium. Also loaded with the active ingredient of chili peppers, Capsaicin - the stuff that makes it 🔥
This food is a thermogenic agent that aids in fat burn and weightloss by boosting the metabolic activity in the body. This means that it will make your internal body temperature increase, potentially making you sweat, therefore forcing your body to try and cool itself down. This in turn will burn more calories!
These also help protect your heart by lowering your cholesterol, triglycerides and helps the body dissolve Fibrin (responsible for blood clots).
Other benefits of Korean chili peppers (or any chili pepper) include pain relief, reducing inflammation, fighting off cancers and intestinal disease!


: Put Yourself First 💯
Remember when things get tough, you have yourself. Remember when all else seems bad, you're the one who will pick yourself up again. You're the one who will rise to the top, because you're the writer of your story. You will always have your own back!
Make sure you put YOU first, take that nap, eat healthy, go to the gym, make yourself your priority. Therapy doesn't have to be four walls and a doctor; it can be whatever frees your pain. Be sure to love yourself for the unique, fantastic person that YOU are.
Your health is your life. Your health is your longevity. When you start letting that go, you'll lose you!
Do what sets your soul on fire. Do what sets your mind at ease. Do what makes you grin ear to ear.
Health is NOT always how your body looks, it's how your mind feels.
Take care of your temple, your body, your heart, your soul. It's the only one you have!
What is your escape?!


with our favorite company + favorite pre-workout!! Dymatize is a wicked awesome company with amazingly tasty products!
Good for blood flow with 8g of Citrulline, higher side stim which will give you the tingles and enhanced focus, as well as extra hydration due to being made with coconut water!
This pre-workout would be best suited for high intensity workouts, or if you're looking for a good pump!
Disclaimer: These supplements are generic and NOT personalized for individuals or recommended for everyone, especially if you have heart problems, or are pregnant/lactating. Be advised that this could exacerbate any current illnesses or put you at risk for new illnesses/overdoses if not used correctly. Please talk with your doctor before starting any new vitamins or supplements. HFP does offer personalized nutrition programs that can work with proper daily amounts of vitamins specific to you.


What was the coolest place you visited during ?


Trying out BCAAs for the first time. Have to say.. They're pretty tasty! Currently sipping on Sour Peach Rings in this hot weather 😌


presenting cookbooks! These are awesome ways to explore new ways of eating, try new recipes and so much more!
Do you have a cookbook you swear by? Or is it just cookbook that's the best? 😉


💥 Deficit (Parallette) Pushup 💥
Another variation of a pushup...if his arms were closer to his body, it would be a full parallette pushup.
Benefits of doing a pushup like this are:
• Build Strength to help with pull ups
• Lack of compression on the wrists..meaning anyone who struggles with having hands flat on the ground can easily achieve a pushup in this style
• Lets you get into a deficit position, which increases your ROM (range of motion), and can aid in stretching your chest muscles
• Arms further away from the body put more load on the pecs, closer to the body will give you a killer tricep workout
• Increasing ROM for shoulders
Have you ever tried a pushup like this??
Disclaimer: these workouts are generic and not personalized for individuals. Be advised that this could exacerbate any current injuries or put you at risk for new injuries if not done correctly. Please talk with your doctor before starting any new form of physical activity. HFP does offer personalized workout programs.


Alternating lunge with weighted core rotation! Amazing for working quads, obliques and shoulder stability!
When the left leg is back, you can see a slight shift in the heel.. this is due to a tight glute med, which can be corrected by mobility!
Overall a wicked workout, give it a try!
Disclaimer: these workouts are generic and not personalized for individuals. Be advised that this could exacerbate any current injuries or put you at risk for new injuries if not done correctly. Please talk with your doctor before starting any new form of physical activity. HFP does offer personalized workout programs.


Back to when Coach Sav had cupping done to relieve tension through her body.
Cupping is adding suction cups over areas where you hold tension and leaving it for a certain period of time. The suction creates a pressure which helps relieve muscle tightness and knots.
This is a form of massage. If you are left with dark circles or any circles, it means you held tension in that area. The darker the circle, the more tension.
We at HFP love getting cupping done as a form of therapy! You have to make sure you hydrate a lot after a session to help your body repair!
The only downfall of cupping, is you look like you got attacked by an angry octopus 😂

Timeline photos 04/28/2021

Throwback to when Coach Sav did some teaching 🎉
We had an incredible day doing a three hour nutrition and fitness talk with an old classmate for Costco's Health/Wellness Week! She's such an amazing woman and a huge inspiration to us. We can't wait to work more in the future with her 💛
You can follow her on Instagram and Facebook at Determined Nutrition


Inspiring others. Supporting others. Motivating others. We are here to GROW together.
Keeping people accountable to their goals, their inspirations...teaching people it is okay and amazing to step outside of your comfort zone.
All the best things are found OUTSIDE your comfort zone... grab yourself a buddy and start chasing them!


here at HFP, celebrating this spring like weather again!!
Fitness doesn't always need to be inside a building to get results, just as education doesn't need to be four walls and a desk to teach you things.
Get outside, breathe some fresh air, get some vitamin D and explore the beautiful world around you! So many exciting things you can find, like the hidden waterfall in this picture! (Can you find it?)
This hike is gorgeous, fairly flat the whole way, and relatively easy with stunning views just past Banff AB.
Comment below your favorite hike to do! We love to find new places!


What are you training this Sunday?


💥 Focus on YOU 💥
Don't worry about who is around you and what they are doing. Why? Cause they're not you. Putting energy into them is not going to push you forward with your goals.
Take time to sit down and ask yourself truly what is it that you want to accomplish. Start with some manageable short term goals, but have something not too far away that you're striving to reach.
Once you have determined where you're going, reflect on where you came from. What have you improved on? What is different and/or better than it used to be? What are your current successes?
Show yourself that YOU have brought yourself to where you are. Show yourself that only YOU matter. Show yourself that no matter what, YOU will always be in your own corner.
You've made it this far, what's next!?


Happy from one of our trainers! What are you training today?


What are you training today? For us.. isolating glutes & mobility!


🧠 Automatic Thoughts PT 2 🧠
Just as we are not always conscious of the way we walk or how we drive a car, we are often not aware of our thinking
Some of our thinking is so habitual that it is automatic, we might not be conscious of them. All of the time, our brains are turning over thoughts and ideas. However, we are not consciously aware of most of them because it happens relatively fast and we are not accustomed to slowing them down.
Our automatic thoughts, however, play an important role in our emotional well being
There are 3 kinds of automatic thoughts:
> Neutral Thoughts: eg “I think I will buy some bread today”
> Positive Thoughts: eg “This is something I can do really well”
> Negative Thoughts: eg “I often find it hard to concentrate, I must be really stupid”
Automatic thoughts often reflect worries and concerns, however they can be about anything at all, anything we have ever seen, heard or learned
In addition, it can be anything we know about from any source at all. Obviously, though, negative automatic thoughts are the ones that can cause us emotional distress
People who are depressed tend to think negative thoughts about themselves, the world about them, and their future, and it is these thoughts that can be changed to lift your depression
-Centre for Clinical Interventions: Psychotherapy, Research, Training

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