Energy Medicine Tips

Our bodies are electrical. With a little bit of knowledge we can learn how to correct imbalances in


Really works - worth a try if you are feeling like you are being enveloped by your environment:

Lets have some fun!
I posted this over on the private BBN Manual owner's group page but it was so cool I wanted to share it here too!
Line up your heart line on each hand. Look at your pinkies and see if they are even. If they are not, recite the
Entity energy elim 76875842839
Release all Negative Energies From Body 9988676258834372
recite 7 times each and recheck.

Uneven pinkies are an indicator of Energies in your Field that don't belong there.
There is a prayer that can be said too:

"Whatever is in my auric field with or without my permission, I ask you now to go to the core of your being. Go with light, go with Love. So Be It."
It's from a book called Awaken the Healer Within. I heard about this little test from Jean Slatter in a recent interview with Regina Meredith on Gaia.

To purchase the BBN Manual, please visit:


I love the sound of running water. When I hear this and connect it to my meditation sounds (say them outloud or to yourself) I feel an immediate relief around my eyes and my vision is clearer. We have 2 electrical lines in our body that directly relate to water. The Bladder that I use the sound of E (like the sound of E in the word - see). The Kidney that i use the sound of I (like the sound I in the word - eye). I invite you to say these two sounds E and I while you listen to the water falling.


Learning how to muscle test is a great way to communicate with your body. I share two of my favorite muscles to test and pendulum testing. Easy to do and free. You can garner great information from your body if you learn how to listen through muscle testing. Every person, young and old, would benefit learning how to energy test. It can be of great help to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Use muscle testing to grade your food allergies, for pain control and learn how to live a better healthier life for your body and your environment.


Great way to stimulate your electrical points while keeping your hands free - or, you can also hold the points with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes. Love this!! The ears are one of the quickest ways into your electrical system.


Quite a lovely and refreshing take on the Hanged Man.


Many people are suffering these days with pain that is interrupting their daily lives.
PAIN RELIEF TIP: Place your fingertips at the end of the longest part of your rib cage on each side of your body, now move your fingers toward each other - until you come to harder spot (you will be under the rib cage, on the fleshy part of your abdomen). HOLD THEM LIGHTLY for about 2 minutes - watch the clock and DON'T LET GO. You may feel a throbbing / pulsing between your two hands. Your electrical system is making a correction.
This is called ENERGY CIRCUITING: creating an electrical surge between two fixed points on the body in order to increase the efficiency of your body's electrical system.


A laugh a day does wonders for your immune system :)


During my mercury detoxing years, I have found this meditation to be very helpful - the sound is a little distorted but it did does the trick. At the end, I can feel the ASMR tingles and it feels good. I hope you have the time to listen through. It is helpful to say the sounds out loud. The meditation is designed to bring the energies downwards so that starting from the top the sounds are:
'u' like the sound of the u in up
'e' like the sound of the e in egg
'g' like the sound of the g in good
'I' like the sound of eye
'i' like the sound of the 'i' in it
'd' like the d in dog
Colour is very important to this video as the colours link to the meridians.
If you want to hear it replay automatically - right click on the video and hit the Loop word -then you don't have to get up to replay.


Cell phones are dangerous for your body - overuse them and you will have physical symptoms - continue to overuse them when you have physical symptoms and you are heading into long term health care problems - stop now, while you can -before your body is overloaded!

Blisters and Boils home remedy-tea tree oil 03/03/2021

wow - I had no idea! You can put Tea Tree oil DIRECTLY on a boil/ pimple/ fungus WITHOUT a carrier oil! You can apply it directly on your private areas too without any side affects

Blisters and Boils home remedy-tea tree oil treat blisters and boils with tea tree oil for faster relief from the pain and burning


Feeling tired/ fatigued even though you had a good sleep. Did you consider brain fog as a root cause? Did you know sound can heal? Try this very simple sound to help shift the fog in your brain - can be said out loud or to yourself:


There are many things that can disrupt your electrical system as a whole, including EMFs. (electrical magnetic frequencies). When this happens your signals go chaotic and your body will weaken. Here is an easy fix. But - it is really important to find out the root cause of the problem. For me, mercury got into my brain and caused this problem. (look for more videos on my youtube channel)


Are you being affected by too much wifi? Do you have pains that you just don't know what is causing them? Are you feeling good and then suddenly get very tired and achy? Your environment might be affecting you. Take this test - a very simple energy test and find out if you are sensitive to your EMF (electomagnetic
frequency) environment.
While you are on YouTube - also check the video on Laterality to see how this type of sensitivity can affect your entire energy system.

EMF SENSITIVITY/ EHS SYNDROME? TAKE THIS SIMPLE ENERGY TEST Are you sensitive to the wifi frequencies around you? Do you get unusually tired and feeling anxious when you are under flourescent lighting? You may hav...

Advanced Clearing 5 Minute Meditation 02/03/2021

Less than 5 minutes - it only takes 5 minutes a day - and even less time - to shut down your brain and give it a rest. We are bombarded with toxins - they can cause inflammation in the brain - taking time to shut down and relax your brain can activate self healing and give your brain time to recover.
There is no perfect way to meditate/ shut down - just Try It and try it in a way that makes you comfortable and relaxed.

Advanced Clearing 5 Minute Meditation It is a vital time to find your center, go within, open your heart and live from your heart unconditionally and bring inner peace to your life and all that y...

Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75% - Herbs Info 01/31/2021

Lost a lot of my memory with mercury toxicity that got into my brain. Recovering nicely now. Look at this - just from sniffing it! Wow! I also understand that Rosemary is a huge help in mitigating the affects of EMF/ wifi frequencies on our body. I am doing my best to include rosemary in all my foods now.

Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75% - Herbs Info Did you know that rosemary has been associated with memory enhancement since ancient times? It is true - and now scientists have established a connection between the scent of rosemary and... [read more]


Help keep the LIVER MERIDIAN in balance. Try this Bi-Lateral energy hold when you are sitting in front of the television. A great time to multi-task.

One of the most famous acupuncture points of the Liver Meridian is LV 3 as shown in the picture. Simply place your fingers over top of the point which is found between the webbing of the toes, the large toe and the second toe. HOLD for a minimum of 2 minutes.

-there may be a pulsing between your two hands - this is an indication that there is an electrical correction being made.
-your shoulders and arms may start to relax.
-you may start to feel that you are breathing easier and deeper so that you are no longer breathing from your chest but rather from your belly.
You may feel a tingle going down to the bottom of your foot as the Spleen Meridian starts on the side of the Big Toe.
These are all good responses. Stop the hold at any time. Do NOT keep holding this position if it makes you uncomfortable.

picture from:


This is the Liver Meridian. It starts on the inside of the big toes and the energies run upwards crossing the top of the foot, to the sides of the foot, up through the groin and to the underside of the middle of the rib. Every merdiain has an external and internal line. So that, the liver meridian actually continues upwards to cross into the gallbladder and the liver and continues upwards to meet with the governing meridian.

Our electrical system is very complicated and I am often in awe of its' mechanisms!
picture from:


DID YOU KNOW that the Liver has it's own electrical line, the LIVER MERIDIAN. It is the largest internal organs and it performs over 500 functions. Wow!

The liver is like the gallbladder in that it can build up in emotional toxins with feelings of anger, bitterness and resentments, if the electrical line is not in balance. These can escalate into depression and panic. Our bodies are designed to discharge excessive emotions. But, if the electrical line is blocked then this cannot occur. This may be one reason why some people just walk around angry all day.

The Gallbladder in Traditional Chinese Medicine 01/23/2021

Here is some great information on how to care for your GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN and includes a list of foods that are good to eat. #:~:text=%20Foods%20that%20are%20beneficial%20to%20the%20Gallbladder,tea%2024%20Tea%20with%20orange%20peel%20More%20

The Gallbladder in Traditional Chinese Medicine How to heal the gallbladder with Chinese medicine. Learn how diet, emotions and exercise can help you heal your gallbladder. The Gallbladder in Traditional Chinese Medicine : Chinese Medicine Living


Here are 3 simple exercises that can help open up the Gallbladder Meridian and increase the efficiency of the energy flow. From Big Tree School of Natural Healing: #:~:text=%20Simple%20movements%20to%20open%20your%20Gallbladder%20meridian%3A,if%20possible.%20A%20little%20at%20a...%20More%20


Help balance the GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN with this simple BI-LATERAL ENERGY HOLD.

Underneath the ni***es, follow a straight line down to just above the edge of the rib cage. You will be in the area of the 7th rib, in the intercostal space. Place your fingertips on these two points making a bi-lateral hold. It will be an easy spot to find if the Gallbladder Meridian is out of balance. The spot will be very sore.

You are holding GB 24 acupuncture point. It is also an alarm point that alerts a person that the Meridian is out of balance. Do not press. Hold lightly for approximately 2 minutes.

-there may be a pulsing between your two hands - this is an indication that there is an electrical correction being made.
-your shoulders and arms may start to relax.
-you may start to feel that you are breathing easier and deeper so that you are no longer breathing from your chest but rather from your belly.
You may feel a tingle going down to the bottom of your foot as the Spleen Meridian starts on the side of the Big Toe.
These are all good responses. Stop the hold at any time. Do NOT keep holding this position if it makes you uncomfortable.


This is the GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN. As you can see it spans the entire length of the body but predominantly sits on the outside seams of your body.

It begins at temples, crosses over to the back of the head, down to and across the shoulders, zigzags in and out of the side seams of the body to end on the outside of the 4th toe (next to the baby toe).

Remember, when the electricity in the Gallbladder Meridian is not moving smoothly, you can have pain anywhere along the line. Think of headaches that sits on the temples.
picture from:


DID YOU KNOW that the gallbladder has its' own electrical line, the GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN. It spans the whole length of the body. The gallbladder itself, is responsible for producing, storing and transporting bile to the liver when it is needed to break up fatty foods in the small intestine. Thus, fatty foods become a problem when the gallbladder is not functioning properly

When the GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN is unbalanced one may also have problems with releasing emotions of anger, bitterness and resentment. When too much of these emotions build up they can turn into feelings of depression, panic and confusion.

5 Best Essential Oils for Gallbladder and Gallstones 01/23/2021

Many people enjoy the natural benefits from using essential oils. Here are 5 recommendations of essential oils that can help balance the GALLBLADDER MERIDIAN:

5 Best Essential Oils for Gallbladder and Gallstones Most of the gallbladder related problems happen because of gallstones formation and can be severe if you're not careful. Essential oils for gallbladder can be a great option to dissolve them naturally. Read more to learn how to use them.


In this day and age with the amount of environmental toxins and the daily stress that we encounter, it is important to help keep the TRIPLE WARMER MERIDIAN in balance. Try this simple energy hold.

Find the bottom of your rib cage, on each side, around the middle point. Place your fingers tips on here, on both sides of your body. Now, drop down just below the ribs. Walk your fingers in, toward each other. STOP, when you feel a hard surface or a pea like feeling underneath your fingers. One side may feel harder than the other. That is ok. Lightly hold these two spots for a minimum of two minutes.

-there may be a pulsing between your two hands - this is an indication that there is an electrical correction being made.
-your shoulders and arms may start to relax.
-you may start to feel that you are breathing easier and deeper so that you are no longer breathing from your chest but rather from your belly.
You may feel a tingle going down to the bottom of your foot as the Spleen Meridian starts on the side of the Big Toe.
These are all good responses. Stop the hold at any time. Do NOT keep holding this position if it makes you uncomfortable.


This is the TRIPLE WARMER MERIDIAN. It will help you in time of crisis bring immediate energy to the body part that is in need.

As you can see it starts on the outside end of the ring finger, travels upwards on the arm, wraps behind the ear to end beside the eyebrows.

Many people are under stress. Stress can accelerate, so that, there are different stages of stress. Stress can come from physical stress on the body, such as a case where one leg might be shorter than the other. It can also come from an overload of toxicity in the body and also, from an overload of emotions. Thus, stress can come from many sources. Stress is what keeps the TRIPLE WARMER MERIDIAN activated which can cause many physical ailments.
(picture from )


DID YOU KNOW that there is an electrical line that will send immediate energy to an area in need when there is a crisis. This is why you see a woman lifting up a car when there has been an accident and others showing amazing feats in crisis. This is the TRIPLE WARMER MERIDIAN.

The problem in this day and age is that the Triple Warmer Meridian isn't shutting down. It thinks that we are in immediate need all the time. It is responding to a FIGHT/FLIGHT signals. So that, it is throwing the electrical line out of balance continuously and causing relentless stress on the body. This will eventually affect every other electrical line in the body. It opens us up to autoimmune diseases of which there are many.


Help keep your Pericardium (aka Circulation S*x) MERIDIAN balanced with this simple electrical energy hold.

Place the palms of your hands over your ni***es. Let the tips of your middle finger of each hand fall on the sternum, the bone in the middle of your chest. The middle fingers will almost or may be touching each other. Relax the rest of your fingers. Hold for a minimum of two minutes.

-there may be a pulsing between your two hands - this is an indication that there is an electrical correction being made.
-your shoulders and arms may start to relax.
-you may start to feel that you are breathing easier and deeper so that you are no longer breathing from your chest but rather from your belly.
You may feel a tingle going down to the bottom of your foot as the Spleen Meridian starts on the side of the Big Toe.
These are all good responses. Stop the hold at any time. Do NOT keep holding this position if it makes you uncomfortable.


This is the electrical line for the S*xual Organs and glands. It is called the PERICARDIUM MERIDIAN or also, Circulation S*x.

As you can see it starts at the ni***es on your chest and runs downwards to the tips of your middle fingers. Having an imbalanced Pericardium Meridian can cause pain not only in areas around the sexual organs but also anywhere along the electrical line.
(picture from:

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