Design Your Life Studio by Psychic Medium Judy

Design Your Life Studio by Psychic Medium Judy

Design Your Life Studio is a business focused on your spiritual and holistic well being guiding you

Design Your Life Studio's vision is to guide and teach you the tools to live your best life possible. We provide the following treatments:
Mediumship & readings. Courses offered:
Neurolinguistic programming
Essence of communication
Tea Leaf Readings
Eating right for your body

Follow us on Instagram at dylstudioyyc and Google+

The Circle of Magic 03/14/2023

Looking for magic? Here's something for you!

The Circle of Magic Become connected to Spirit, Learn how to attract your best life!

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok 11/29/2022

Meaning of our dreams.
What does it mean when you dream of air conditioning or it presents itself…

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok #

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok 11/29/2022

Celebrate the light!
Be the light!

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok


All events are neutral. They do not come with emotion. Rather, the only have the emotion we attach to it. So, carefully extend emotions to these events.

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok 11/23/2022

It’s party season!
I love parties and am offering palm, tarot and mini readings at your upcoming seasonal party. There are a few available times left where I can come and be a fun, insightful addition to your holiday party.
DM or visit my web to inquire

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok Psychic Medium Judy's short video with ♬ original sound

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok 11/23/2022

All you need to know, well, a little at least on

Psychic Medium Judy on TikTok Psychic Medium Judy's short video with ♬ original sound


Wonderful Halloween eve at the thank you for the stage!


I’m hosting a mini session this coming Saturday with on designing your life, intuition and how your energy vibrations align with whichever life you wish to live!
Join us for a quick session… design your life the way you always wishes to live!


Yahoo //

To celebrate Calgary Srampede, i’m offering a $45 palm and tarot special.

Connect to your energy around you, clarify questions and lean more about your angels and what they hear.

Learn more about your current day, past and receive guidance on how to create tour future!

Book now, limited appointments are available.


Love personality of Cancer ♋️ 💕 🦀
Cancer's ultimate destiny is to create safe and nurturing home. Finding the right person to do it with is the big question, but one Cancer isn't necessarily looking for to answer right away. Scuttling around the beach in the protective shell, Cancer dances from side to side. The crab meets many people during their life's journey, and they're not in total rush to settle down because when they do, they want it to work. They're the first sign of summer, making them cardinal sign, but unlike cardinal Aries, who is the first sign of spring Cancer is not impulsive. Whether it's the family they were born into or the one they choose for themself, family is very important to Cancer. A Cancer in love treats their partners with the same respect, care, humor, tenderness and honesty that they would their family, and they expect the same in return. Their disposition can swing, but if you're in sync with them, it's something you'll learn to accept and get used to. They may be quiet all day, and then burst into chatter at night after the lights have been turned off - sharing a funny joke while holding you in bed. Or your crab lover may have been playfully and in creative zone all day before becoming more reserved or emotional later on.

Do you have any cancers in your life? 🦀

A modern compatibility guide by Annabel G*t


We all get intuitive messages from our Angels and Guides 😇 Do you listen to yours? 💫

Photo credit to


Glasgow //

I'm coming for you! I am hosting a mystic night on Byres Road...

We will connect with the spirits around you, tap into their messages and connect with loved ones who have passed. Bring your questions, I can help you connect to the answers!

Enjoy delightful snacks and treats - on hand...

Bring your mum, dad, a date or a stagette night would be fun too!

I will be available for in person, one on one sessions in Glasgow from July 4-July 18.
See you soon!


It has been a while since we did a and we have to joined forces with other female business owners in Calgary to bring you some special prizes.

- A Custom Illustration for you and a loved one (birthday or other special occasion) by Wishful Websites.
- A Complimentary palm/tarot reading with Psychic Judy.
- A Lash or Brow Lift & Tint at Bliss Beauty Calgary
- An Eminence Gift Box and $50 gift card from Gelous Spa.


Full Moon - May 15
The May 2022 full moon lunar eclipse will bring our emotions to a climax and purging away anything that we need to leave behind — whether we feel ready or not. AKA the Flower Moon, the spiritual meaning of May’s lunar climax reminds that going from seed to bloom requires a full transformation, and that kind of rebirth isn’t easy.

Because May’s full moon is also a lunar eclipse, its climactic power will likely feel even more intense than usual. Lunar eclipses in astrology are associated with rapid growth spurts, major changes, and surprising revelations. Because this fierce lunation is peaking in the transformative sign of Scorpio, the spiritual meaning of the May 2022 full moon lunar eclipse is about facing the truths that lie beneath the surface of our lives — and thus allowing our true selves to come into full bloom.

The Flower Moon
The spiritual meaning of May’s full moon lunar eclipse is ripe with possibilities and budding with transformation.

The Flower Moon is full of potential, but we have to remember that some flowers have thorns. This eclipse is taking place in the deep and powerful sign of Scorpio, which brings issues of power, control, and secrecy to the forefront, and asks us to face the truth at the heart of it all. The meaning of this lunation is to look beyond the surface of our lives and get real with what’s lurking in the shadows so we can finally bring it into the light. As the sign associated with transformation, Scorpio energy helps us purge our emotional baggage to make room for growth. Be ready to face your feelings and acknowledge the skeletons in your closet.

How To Work With The Full Flower Moon’s Energy
Full moons are typically an auspicious time for release rituals or other manifestation practices, but during eclipses, it’s best to hold off on any magical moon ceremonies. Eclipses can be chaotic, as they often bring sudden change, rapid growth, and unexpected opportunities — so instead of trying to focus on your own desires and intentions, open your heart to whatever life is attempting to offer you.


May 10
the birthday of natural rhythm
Your greatest challenge: finding time or energy for others
The way forward: to understand that relationships with other people are not incompatible with single minded dedication to a project; all that’s needed is to find balance
People born on May 10 follow their own natural rhyme. They often glide rather than struggle through life, They intuitively see, to know hen to make a move, when to step back, when to quicken their pace and when to slow it down, their intuitive approach is more often right than wrong.
These people like to go their own way and, although their suggestions are innovative, they tend to work best as an individual, rather than as part of a team. They can become wholly absorbed in projects that fuel their imagination and are willing to take a lone stand where necessary. Although they have the communication skills and tenacity to list the support of others, they have an impulsive thoughtless and occasionally self-indulgent side that can make them enemies or lead them into trouble.
They should always learn to look before they leap, making sure that they devote their great tenacity and energy to a worthy cause. Before e the age of forty-two they risk getting involved in questionable pursuits; during this period they may need to be guided by those close to them by a mentor who has their best interests at heart. After the age of forty-three they may concentrate on emotional security and they need to take advantage of the opportunity to connect more deeply with tower own and others feelings. If they don’t open ip and ignore the seemingly trivial obligations of close relationships. they re likely to become alienated from the joys of interactions.


New energy //

Now is the new energy. It’s a time experience, feel and attract new energy.

1. Toss out, donate or give away unwanted items
2. Let go of the past. Accept the experiences, learn from them and love what is.
3. Except nothing less than your dreams, and that which you deserve.
4. Outline and establish your own perimeters, boundaries and expectations of yourself.

This full moon is all about the opportunity for new beginnings, new love, new opportunities and new communication.

New psychology research links mystical experiences to heightened spiritual intelligence 03/20/2022

New psychology research links mystical experiences to heightened spiritual intelligence New research published in the journal Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice provides evidence that mystical experience is a spiritual rather than a wholly pathological phenomenon. The study found that women who reported having mystical experiences tended to also have greater sp...


The energy around us is intense right now.
What to do with this:
1. Focus on vibrating gratitude, love,
2. Let go of yesterday
3. Accept past hurts, losses as is and hold those memories with a tender love.
4. Visualize, focus on your goals yet while being 100% present
5. Be where your feet are. Always.
6. Be intentional. Ensure each thought, word, action and emotion. Nothing can be undone.
7. Be open to messages
8. Send love and gratitude to others.


March 15
the birthday of the mountain climber
Your greatest challenge: to stop regarding everyone else as competition
The way forward: to understand that another person’s success will not limit your own; success is something that everyone deserves
People born on march 15 are adventurous and determined individuals with the potential to become leaders in whatever area they choose to focus on. They have great personal magnetism and others tend to follow there they lead. They might, however be arrogant and competitive in their race to get ahead, but once they reach the summit they can keep this in check making intelligent and benevolent leaders. They should be care full not to alienate friends and loved ones, as they depend on the support of these they really care about.

Progress in their chosen line of wok tends to be paid for people born on this day. Although they are adventurous they aren’t reckless, and have the ability to weigh up positives and negatives from a pl of action and concentrate on achieving their aims. This is a winning combination, especially when allied to their enthusiasm and lovable personality Before the ave of thirty-five they may experiment with various different directions; during this time the are most likely to place greater emphasis on getting ahead that the foal its.f This can impact heir personal happiness but fortunately after the age of thirty- six they seek a meaningful direction for their ambition. This is when they really come into their own, although they should watch out for a streak of obstinacy during these years.
Given their desire to scale the heights in their chosen field, people born on this day are often attracted to activities that can, quite literally, takes them higher, such as mountain climbing, skiing and flying. Those who are more timid may well find that it is failure in tier chosen field that terrifies them more than high places.
Potential leaders of others, these people need to learn not to overwhelm themselves and others with their restless drive to succeed. Once they have learned o ground themselves with the support of others and a foal worthy of their intelligence and courage, they have al the originality and dynamic power they need to reach their place of destiny- the very top
On the dark side: charismatic, ambitious, enthusiastic
At your best: driven, competitive, obstinate


Presence //

Be where your feet are. No matter where you want to be, now is the most important place to be as this moment will affect every other moment thereafter.

Also know that everything is always changing.

So while working towards goals, dreams and milestones, have gratitude for this moment because this moment is here, now and tomorrow it will change.

Most importantly, remember tomorrow - by this I mean, how will you feel tomorrow about the decisions, actions, thoughts and emotions of today.


February 5
the birthday of the smooth operator
Your greatest challenge: to open up about what you really feel
The way forward: to understand that emotions should never be repressed or ignored. If you aren’t in touch with your feelings you can never be truly happy.
Although people born on this day may seen to be extremely capable sometimes to the point of over confidence, underneath they are no less insecure than anyone else. Thy have simply learned to mask their insecurities with smooth, articulate and daring facade. The admission of others means a lot more to them than they would admit, which is why they relaid the road of caretaker or educator of others.
Incredibly bright, these people express themselves wit ease and are at their happiest when surrounded by equally witty and intelligent people. if they are sorted of intellectual stimulation there is a danger of their alienating others with a lofty and intimidating manner. Fortunately because the ages of fifteen and forty for their emotional sensitivity toward others becomes more emphasized; after the age of forty-for there comes a turning point which suggests they feel even greater empathy for others.
People born on this day can be exceptional thinkers as well as speakers, and nothing thrills them more than philosophy, psychology, mystery and intrigue, With an every0curious mind, if they are able to develop their unique ideas they have been remarkable potential to excel in their chosen field.They need to be careful, however not to become too detached in the process. It is important for them sometimes to think a little less and feel a little more, as they have the tendency to over-analyze rather than acknowledge feelings.
February 5 people work particularly well in a team or for a cause where their need for intellectual stimulation and flair for management can fully utilized. When they learn to hold back less, trust a little more and allow others to catch up with tie frenetic pace, the compelling charm of these smooth operators can take them all the way to the top
On the dark side: condescending, inconsistent, cocky
At your best: articulate, versatile, daring


Be kind //
Be kind to yourself. Be a as crept in for yourself as you are to others.

If it’s a mistake, a small failure or a misstep, learn from it. This means you are One mistake, loss, or misstep to a win, a success or growth.

Each little tiny event is an opportunity to learn, grow and develop into a the person you are meant to be. Life is a culmination of events. Don’t wait until the end of to celebrate these events. Celebrate and enjoy along the way. Life is about enjoying the process, collecting the little stories of joy, growth, loss, learning and laughter. These aspects are what makes the end goal something to celebrate.

So in the mean time. Celebrate yourself. Be kind to yourself be accepting. For, if you don’t accept yourself, why would anyone else?


Expectations //

Living with expectations of self or others can cause for an unhappy, or stressful life.

Part of a more peaceful life is to live free of expectations and try to live accepting others as they are and as they are not.

Should leaves no room for learning, compassion, or peace. If you place a should do on someone else, you may find that this to be stressful for that person and perhaps even you can learn something from this person. Should may also hide the beauty another person can offer because focus on the should hides what they do offer, or how they shine.

Part of living connected to others is accepting them, should indicates they are not accepted. This paves for a potentially very unsafe / uncomfortable environment for another person.

Should is also uncomfortable to uphold as it is likely unnatural. So, love as is. Accept as is, more often than not when not living in the shadow of a should, people thrive and shine in ways unimaginable.


anuary 29
the birthday of the mystic warrior
Your greatest challenge: dealing with confrontation
The way forward: to to withdraw but to calmly state your opinion and be true to yourself whenever you start compromising your identity and beliefs you reduce your chances of both success and happiness
People born on January 29 are highly intuitive but also very persuasive in their approach to others. They always say what they think, being direct and forceful without being offensive. They generous nature and strong belief that there is good in everyone earn them not just the respect but the love of all who cross their path.

People born on this day may use their creative, quality rebellious streak to support the rights of others. Their excellent communication skills serve them well in both their work and social life. The keys to their success as a negotiator and as a person are their intuitive power and their desire to work cooperatively rather than independently. They have the ability to sense what others are thinking and feeling, and hen the moment is right to make a move. They also understand the power of synergy anyhow a group of pole working rewraps a common goal is the greatest force of all.

Although hey are open minded and generally tolerant of the viewpoint of others, they ay occasionally withdraw into unassertive behaviour and- in extreme cases into inertia; once they are able to trust their ability to make the right decision they can, however, reach for the stars. Fortunately, around the ages of twenty-two and fifty-two there are powerful turning points in their lives when they develop a greater degree of self-awareness. Life generally becomes much easier for them in their earl thirties and behind, as they start to realize that within them is the power to achieve almost anything.

Once people born on this day have developed their self-belief, their formidable determination into high wrongs can evoke extreme reactions from others; when the reaction is possible they grow in courage, but when negate they may feel hurt. It is important for them to understand that it is impossible to please everyone; sometimes there is a need to be cruel to be kind. And when they learn this they can fulfill their rise a s the music warrior strong-willed and with the ability to inspire others and gather support for their chosen cause.
On the dark side: withdrawn, unassertive, indecisive
At your best: intuitive, generous, tactful


Love is Acceptance

Love the way people are and love the way they are not.

Love people the exactly they way are. We do not know how they are feeling... what they are up against, challenges life is bringing them up, or down. We do not know their family history, traumas, or adversity.

If we each focus on our own mission, passions and values we will have the opportunity to live a path that aligns with our values, goals and mission.

So, love as is.

A new moon ritual can help unlock your goals 01/17/2022

Today is the Full Moon. How are you going to reset for this moon cycle? I've gathered some thoughts on how to regroup energetically, spiritually and logistically...

A new moon ritual can help unlock your goals The Moon is a celestial body that is said to influence many areas of human life. There is evidence to suggest that the Moon can affect our moods, our temper and can even send some pregnant women...

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Our Story

Design Your Life Studio's vision is to guide and teach you the tools to live your best life possible. Being born with the gift Judy has dedicated her life to understanding spirit, sharing the messages she receives for her clients. Judy also has dedicated herself to sharing the information people need to transform their own lives.

We provide the following services.
Life Coaching, Psychic Readings. Palm Readings.
Reiki, Posture Alignment. Soul Work
Herbology, Time Line Clearing.
Mediumship. Hypnosis.

Courses offered:
Neurolinguistic programming
Essence of communication
Tea Leaf Readings
Palm Reading Tarot Cards

A Spiritual Journey, Chakra Clearing and much more.

Follow us on Instagram at dylstudioyyc and online at

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#Amethyst it’s meaning, history and value in our day to day life…. What to watch out for and when to carry them. #intuit...
It’s party season! 🎄I love parties and am offering palm, tarot and mini readings at your upcoming seasonal party. There ...
When you start seeing numbers all around you… in your dreams and in your everyday life.
Signs from the universe! 🪄🌎💥Pay attention to the electrical devices around you… #psychicreading #psychicmedium #universe...
Wonderful Halloween eve at the @sohohouse thank you for the stage!  #glasgow #psychicmediumsofinstagram #ukpsychic
Moon rituals have been practiced by ancient cultures all around the world since the beginning of time. The moon is linke...
Rising above abuse 🤍Abuse comes in many forms. Regardless of its state, it’s so important we learn how to let go of that...
Abuse. 💚Abuse comes in all shapes, forms and environments- it looks different for each one of us. What is the same is th...
Abuse. 💚Abuse comes in all shapes, forms and environments- it looks different for each one of us. What is the same is th...
Meet Joanne Ginter! She and I are running a 6 part course on abuse and how to rise above it in our lives. Abuse comes in...


1507 16th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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