Pearl Graham Healing Arts

Pearl Graham Healing Arts

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Promote Wearable Human Performance Technology that improves health and wellness. Happy to Serve


I'VE GOT A PATCH FOR THAT and lots more. Let’s talk 😊


Estrella shares….. 💗
“My daughter is 20 and was about 3mths pregnant when her fiance was hit by a car and rushed to ICU where he was labeled in critical condition. Going to the hospital everyday and seeing her fiance that way was very hard on her. She’s already had problems with anxiety so when I gave her a peace patch to try…. Ooooohhhh myyyy goodness!! She came back every day after asking for the peace patch!! She said, “Mom! These things really work!”
I agree! They do! So much so that I was patching up her fiance who was a medically induced coma and once I started patching him up, he progressively became better. After a week of patching him up, after he had been in a medically induced coma for that week before, he was as moved out of ICU and down to a different part of the hospital. I continued to patch him up and after 2weeks he was released from the hospital. They said he would be there for at least 3weeks.
He continued to use the patches as he was home because he even noticed the difference. Every check up the doctors and nurses and amazed at how great he’s healing up from the hit. They said they’ve never seen anyone recover from a hit like that, so quickly.
Can’t no one tell me, they don’t work! I seen first had how great they work!”

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YES…….You caught me…….I’m a drug free dealer along with 70,000 others in 37 countries and growing rapidly!

These drug free patches (type 1 medical device) are FDA registered with peer reviewed published studies with control group 📚

Customers (adults and children) are sleeping better than ever, in less pain, experiencing less stress and much more 👏👏👏

𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒆?

Once the patch is in contact with the skin, it sends a message to the brain and the brain decodes it!! Each patch has a different design to activate the specific neurons!! Our neuron pathways get blocked by heavy metals, toxins, etc and they don't function properly any more. The moment these patches touch the skin, it gets those specific areas functioning again!!! Biggest breakthrough in wellness and sport in 50 years ❤️


Catherine shares her story 💗
”My new best friends!! REM you have given me sleep I’ve been so missing. I’m waking up 💯 rested. PEACE you have helped to keep me calm during an extremely difficult time.
No meds, just the ability for your brain to begin communicating with your body! I KNOW I KNOW…… I am the biggest skeptic too but it works🥰


This is what the world needs.
This testimonial from Angie.

Millie Currie These are our patches that help with different symptoms like shared in this group from different customers.
Our main patch is Liberty which balances our neurology to improve balance, stability, range of motion and so much more. When our central nervous system is balanced our body can help heal itself. My husband had been in a car accident 9 years ago and crushed his hip and spinal cord damage. When he started wearing the main technology found in the Liberty patch he was able to get off all his pain meds. 7 years now and NO PAIN KILLERS!


A new Testimonial from a colleague - Anna:
My vision is -2.75. This morning I got ready for work not realizing that I did not put my contacts in. I only remembered it on my way out when I looked at the clock very far away and I still was able to tell the time but it was blurry. I quickly put them in and thought, wow I must be in a big fog this morning, but I slept well and feel good….?!
As I was traveling I wandered how could this be, because if I don’t wear glasses or contacts for a long-ish period of time I get very uncomfortable and dizzy. Then I remembered that I was wearing my Liberty and Defend patches from the evening before. I went to this testimonials group and see that a lot of people are experiencing vision improvements. Wow! Praise God!


Mandy shares, “My almost 16 year old daughter has sensory issues and absolutely hates anything touching her skin (especially stickers as she says she can feel them slide off her skin and it creeps her out) she would only allow me to try the balance and strength test on her when I was first introduced to these amazing patches. She was shocked and surprised with the results, but wanted the patch taken off immediately afterwards.
I have not tried to make her use the patches, as I respect her boundaries, but yesterday I was so surprised when she asked for a Freedom patch to see if it would help her back as it had been hurting and her chiropractic treatment is not helping.

Of course, I jumped up and slapped that bad boy right on her so it could get to working right away. Within 45 mins she looked at me and said mom I can actually bend over and my back isn’t hurting. Can I put something on the patch to keep it in place she asked so that I don’t really feel it. Absolutely we can wrap that patch up I told her! ♥️ (happy dance)

So, my sensory sensitive daughter is still a little bothered by the patch just being on her skin BUT she’s asking for them now daily. WHY?!?! BcuZ they WORK!!!!”


April shares, “Game changer!
I went to my allergy doctor on Thursday and she released me from care because I show NO SIGNS of any allergies or respiratory inflammation.
My allergies have gotten progressively worse for several years now. I started super patches in April because my chronic pain had become so unbearable, after a few days, I added Defend to see if it might help with my allergies because the pills, nasal spray, and inhaler combo wasn't doing the trick. About 2 weeks in, I decided to truly test it and not take those. I haven't touched them since! Thursday, my Asthma and Allergy specialist wanted the information about because she was absolutely amazed at how well my nostrils and throat look. Super Patches have literally given me my life back, in more ways than one!”

Photos from Pearl Graham Healing Arts's post 07/28/2024

Virginia’s grandson ran out and got in the pool without getting sprayed with OFF. He got attacked by mosquitoes. They causes huge whelps. She put a defend and a Lumi patch on him right a way. Which is the first picture. One hour later they are almost completely gone and the redness is gone. (2nd picture). Those patches are amazing.

Photos from Pearl Graham Healing Arts's post 07/26/2024

Just a little note I received from my friend. She has been having issues with her legs and back. I gave her a few Liberty patches and freedom patches to see if they help her. Here was her response!

"I did it!!!! I walked all the way around my LONG block this morning! 2500 steps, 1 mile, ~20 minutes. I haven't been able to do that in so long because of my hip.
I did supine and calf stretches before I went. The patches definitely helped, I think. I had some tightness in my right lower back, but nothing like before.
I felt good last night and used them during golf, too. My game sucked, but that's a separate issue.
Thank you so much! I don't know how they work, but I can definitely tell a difference!"

Thank you SuperPatch!


Melissa shares her incredible story about her daughter 💗
“Helping people change their lives brings me incredible fulfillment, but when it’s your own family, the game changes. The testimony hits hard and makes you realize what you really hold in your hands.

I made a big mistake as a mom, and the guilt has eaten me up for two years. I gave my daughter supplements that not only messed up her blood sugar but also affected her skin, causing horrid boils and rashes all over her body and face. She had never struggled with her skin before.

We tried everything: fasting, berberine, collagen, ice, clay masks, sugar scrubs, liver detoxes, digestive enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, immune boosters, Juice Plus, expensive skincare, LumiSpa, raisin water, hormone blends, herbs, essential oils, frequency therapy, red and blue light therapy.

Despite all this, her circulation worsened, her skin deteriorated, her moods were unstable, her brain fog increased, and afternoon crashes were out of control.

Then one day, I saw a picture in my news feed with the phrase “ingredient and supplement-free.” It haunted me, and I couldn’t get it out of my head. So I asked for more info.

I had no idea that one message would change mine and Lanessa’s life forever. We discovered technology that offers help to the brain with no chemicals, no supplements, no side effects—just a simple message in a pattern touching the skin.

This is what worked! This is what brought my girl’s health back on track! This is the product I am never going to stop talking about.

Everyone in my life knows Lanessa’s journey, and to sit here tonight showing you the proof is everything to me.”

She has been using Ignite , Lumi and Liberty since April 27th constantly. She says Ignite has fixed her blood sugars. No more spikes.


Kellie shared this.
My grandson from GA recently stayed with me. One would wake up everyday with allergies sneezing 🤧 over and over and over…I put a defense patch on him and he didn’t sneeze again until the next morning and we would apply a new patch!

He also wanted to try a sleep patch. He doesn’t have trouble sleeping but he wanted to compare his Apple Watch data sleeping with and without the patch. There was significant improvement in his quality of sleep with the patch. Kind of a fun little experiment!

Photos from Pearl Graham Healing Arts's post 07/15/2024

🤯I'm surprised the paint didn't melt off🤯

Spent the day giving Grandma's porch a fresh coat of paint, and it was scorching HOTTT 🔥🥵

I could have done it without my trusty Liberty Patch but who would want to do that?

Ive painted alot of things in my life but not while being patched up.

The difference was amazing—I had better movement and endurance, the heat didnt seem to botber me near as bad, and best of all, ill have zero soreness tomorrow!

Whether I was crouching for the lower spots or reaching high, Liberty kept me comfortable and flexible all day long. It’s a game-changer for anyone tackling physical tasks!

If you’ve got a project coming up, comment LIBERTY for that extra boost. Your body will thank you!

*After all that sweat my patch was still hanging in there 🙌


I love ❤️ how our drug-free patches are helping so many people from kids to seniors to athletes.
I help families function better. The most rewarding is when I help a child; indirectly I'm helping the whole family.

Take a look at what one of our customers, Amanda had to say...

“My son is 6 yrs old. I never felt too great about having him being put on medicine because of watching a few people I know very close to me take medicine and become non-eating zombies! I still want my son to be a normal kid without medicine side effects!

Soooo...about 2 months ago I tried a brain patch on my son and noticed that it mentally calmed his mind down to where he would pay attention to what he was doing and focus on one thing at a time. Recently he asked me for something to calm himself down because he knows what it does, but "it's different mom" so I wanted to try Peace & Joy on him different days to see which one would make a difference in the way me and him both wanted and we have a winner!

I put a Peace patch on him and YALLLLLLLLL he asked for another one when his fell off today!!! Within 20 mins I had a calm child! He's usually playing rough with a little boy he played with today and I was told he was a mature kid 😳😳😳😳 then it hit my momma brain....the patch! Peace and Focus for school will have this child on a whole new level!!”

🎉For me...again a HUGE reminder to keep sharing this gift that was introduced to me.


Got another GREAT testimonial about the "FREEDOM" pain patch. Today my husband was in the garage doing something and rammed a splinter under his fingernail , if you have ever done that you all know how much that hurts, YEEOOOWWW! I grabbed a pain patch and wrapped it around that finger, it has now been a few hours later and he lost the patch doing cattle chores. I asked him how it worked, he said immediately the pain went away and couldn't even remember which finger it was now. YAY for the "FREEDOM" patch. Another WIN!


Tracie shares her story with a happy ending…
“I realize Super Patch is the only reason I am excited to open the mailbox nowadays!

I started my patch journey in October of '23. With the exception of a few, 'Oh, I forgot my patches today' incidents; I have worn Victory, Defend and Freedom every day plus my nightly REM! I was feeling great ❤️

Recently, I was without my patches. After a few days; I became tired, restless, achy, sad/ angry, congested, uncomfortable........ all of the symptoms came flooding back! I remembered every reason I started using Super Patch.

I placed my Smart Ship order and had it in a few days. Now, after having them for a few days again, I am starting to feel so much better.

The benefits of Super Patch out weigh any other product I have ever used! I am forever grateful❣️ 🙏 💪”


Aaron writes, "I’ve had a few kidney over the past few years. A couple times required a hospital 🤦‍♂️
I usually roll around in so much and beg for forgiveness for every bad thing I’ve ever done in my entire life 😂😂
Recently I was on vacation and that dreaded feeling came over me. I knew it was another stone. I tried the Freedom patch for the first time. I was still in a little pain but I started thinking maybe the stone wasn’t even there anymore. I still said my prayers 🙏🏻
I quickly passed one of the biggest stones and it was sharper than glass. Guess who still had the will to live and even went on a few hikes after that?!
I don’t know how these things work but I’m glad they do!"


Our dear friend, Edna shares…
“Never have I personally ever had to take a drug to control any stress and anxiety but I WILL tell you, earlier this week, after I remembered to go and put my drug free PEACE patch on, things calmed down shortly after that and I was able to get done many jobs I couldn't even face earlier in the day. Skeptics will say it is all in my head what these ridged patches do and I would say you are RIGHT - because they are totally neurological! Balance in life begins upstairs in our brains! And I really need that emotional balance these days of the ups and downs of my husband's health.

Working like Braille does for the blind, these patches are like a "QR Code" to our brains. 🧠

So grateful for the ingenious Canadian founder who discovered this science.”



We are super excited for Shauna’s son 💗
“My 20 yr old son and I started the Liberty patch three days ago. He has visible shaking in his hands. I've always said that having Aspergers has caused him to have the three T's - tremors, ticks and trembles. Last night he came to me and showed me that his hands are not shaking. He was a little shocked! But he's super happy! Liberty for the win!!”


Eric shares his excitement 😬
“Picked up a bad habit of smoking 🚬 at the age of 17! Fast forward to 22 years later, still couldn’t stop the habit I hated!
Welp! After having a customer of mine completely stop smoking on the kick it patch I decided to give it a go!
I’m excited to say I’m on day 9 on this patch and to***co free 🚭
People freak out when I tell them it’s NOT A NI****NE PATCH and that’s it’s 100% chemical and ingredient free!”


Tamara shares her love for the Joy patch 💗
“I suffer from depression, there used to be days i couldn't get out of bed.
Joy patch pulls me out of the saddness that's hard to understand or explain with depression.
It's been life changing for me! And works quickly!”


Paul shares why he loves helping others with our patches 💗

“The reason I am so passionate about what I do, is because 7 years ago, I was at my wit's end trying to find a solution to a very severe condition that really limited my mobility. And I was tired of taking drugs that didn't really help. After finding (through a friend) these products that were drug-free, I started wearing them 24/7. I had some gradual improvement, but I stuck with it. The result was that after approximately 5 months, I had a better life because of wearing these products.
Now, I help people everyday improve their quality of life!”

If you're curious about how a simple patch with no ingredients can make such a difference, drop a YES in the comments! Let's change lives together! 💪

Blanche is Bed Shopping - The Golden Girls 06/01/2024

Sophia kills me.

Blanche is Bed Shopping - The Golden Girls Blanche is shopping for a new bed ( Sophia hears "bed hopping" ) and tells Dorothy and Sophia that she desperately needs one because hers is all worn out. Th...


Shannon shares,
"I have long-standing arthritis in both knees and my lower spine. Possibly my brain as well, according to a family member 🙂 Mobility with ADLs (activities of daily living) for the last 15 years has often been a challenge, and I resembled an 80-year-old fella trying to escape a chair. Despite daily reliance on ibuprofen and acetaminophen to assist with pain, they did little to help. This has created a significant challenge trying to play with my 10 little grandchildren. I am so fortunate my good friend, Natasha Stokvis introduced me to patches. I don't know what I expected the first time I placed the Liberty patch on my arm, but I certainly didn't expect that by day three I would be bouncing around the house, nimble as a 30-yr-old! I can't begin to express my thankfulness, joy, and astoundment for the overwhelming changes the patch has brought to my life. I want the world to hear me at the top of my lungs "you absolutely MUST try the patches"."

If you or someone you love has chronic pain and mobility issues you have nothing to lose to try these amazing patches that come with a 30-day money back guarantee. Message me if you would like to try this drug-free, chemical-free, FDA registered patch.

Photos from Pearl Graham Healing Arts's post 05/29/2024

Tracy shares her husband’s good news ♥️
“I have to share this 🥰 My husband wasn't feeling good today, I did a blood pressure read at 5:10 pm, it was high, I put peace and Defend patch on asap, in 5 minutes second reading, I did one in 4 hours it was lower, did the last one 5 hours later!

His Blood pressure hasn't been this low in years🙏

So thankful I have these in my hands🙌”


Jessica shares her son’s love for REM and Focus patches‼️
,“My 8 year old LOVES the REM patch and the Focus patch. He uses them daily. He had never been a good sleeper but he feels his sleep is "different in a good way" when he wears the rem patch. He also requests the focus before school and says that it helps him stay watching the teacher and doing what he is supposed to and he doesn't get in" trouble" as much... His words. He's been using them about a week now.”


In ACIM it says you can have a grievance or a miracle, but you cannot have both. Holding a grievance is a way of keeping your personal universe frozen. Continuing to attack someone else in your mind, you are attacking yourself. Why? Because there is only one of us here.

So when you think of people towards whom you hold grievances, your emotional salvation lies in letting it go. There is something profound about accepting things - and people - exactly as they are. It isn’t condoning anything, it’s simply allowing a power higher than yourself heal the situation. Once we get to this place, then even if we need to hold a person or system accountable we do it in a different way. We’re coming from a different place within ourselves.

Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it. If we are judging people for the way they acted, we are wrong even if we are right. Only when we give up the judgment, can we be a conduit for a miraculous shift in the situation.

The universe is intentional, always bending in the direction of the next best thing, the miracle, the healing, the repairing of the wound. But by holding grievances, we stop the action and stay stuck in the place where our victimization supersedes the possibility of a new beginning.

Whoever it is towards whom you hold any level of grievance right now, consider that it’s fine the way they are. At the deepest level, your pain doesn’t come from them being the way they are but from you wanting them to be different. By judging them, you are judging yourself. By releasing them, you are releasing yourself. Let it be. The universe will handle this much better than you can.


Brenda “lives” with high pain level because her liver is compromised and cannot take meds w/o more damage.
Response after day 1 Liberty and Freedom:

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