Two Hands Physiotherapy, Calgary, AB Videos

Videos by Two Hands Physiotherapy in Calgary. Hands on physical therapy with a special interest in helping the owners of dogs!


Other Two Hands Physiotherapy videos


Simple Vagus Nerve Exercise !

It might look a little funny but this is helpful for keeping those glutes active as you walk or run!

Feeling guilty because you haven’t done your homework and your next physio appt is tomorrow? My second tip to help keep you on track is to make your equipment, even if it’s just a mat, VISIBLE ! Don’t tuck it into the closet or put in the basement , have it out in the common area where you will see it on a daily basis! Smack dab in front of the TV is a good place to start ! 😉

Struggling to remember to do those physio exercises? Stay tuned for the rest of the week as each day I will post a tip on how to stay on track with your physio homework!