Regenesis Wellness - Carrie Leskun RHN

Hi, I'm Carrie! I am the owner of Regenesis Wellness Inc. and the founder of the True You Hormone Ma


In case you didn't know, Health Canada is trying to impose new regulations on natural health products so that they are treated like prescription medications. These new rules would make it completely unaffordable for most supplement companies to stay in business and the ones that do survive would need to charge so much to cover the new costs that your natural supplements would become unattainable for most budgets. Please follow this link to support your local MP in fighting against these ridiculous new regulations.


PETITION TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS IN PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLED We, the undersigned citizens of Canada draw the attention of the House to the following:WHEREAS, in 2008 the Government introduced Bill C-51 to impose what are now the therapeutic product provision...

HOME - Charter of Health Freedom 07/07/2023


If you haven't heard "Health" Canada is in the process of trying to pass Bill C-47 which amends the Foods and Drugs Act to extend measures regarding therapeutic products to natural health products such as vitamins, herbal remedies, and homeopathic and traditional medicine.

This means the following changes for supplement companies:
💰New labeling requirements
💰New user fees for regulatory activities

To put it plainly the costs of these changes will put many supplement companies out of business. To learn more about how these new regulations will directly affect supplements companies click here for more information:

To learn more about how these changes will directly affect you please click here:

If you really want to get into the meat and potatoes of this complete and utter government overreach find the full discussion paper here:

‼️REQUESTED ACTION: Please take just one minute and fill out this premade form that will send a letter to your local MP requesting that they take action against Health Canada and these ridiculous changes to supplement regulations. All you need to do is fill in your name, email, and address and the form will automatically find and send a letter to your local MP requesting action.

‼️There is also a petition which you can sign here:

👉🏻 Now is the time to get involved!

HOME - Charter of Health Freedom Make a Donation KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Get Involved WHY WE NEED THE CHARTER – PREVIEW Petition Signatures Initiative The Charter of Health Freedom The Charter of Health Freedom is proposed legislation that gives Natural Health Products and Traditional Medicines their own Act. The Charter protects our ac...


The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all that we have been through, all that has passed in this full year which is coming to a close... like nature and the animal kingdom around us, this time of hibernation is so necessary for our tired limbs, our burdened minds.

Our modern culture teaches avoidance at a max at this time; alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, over spending, comfort food and consumerism.
And yet the natural tug to go inwards as nearly all creatures are doing is strong and the weather so bitter that people are left feeling that winter is hard, because for those of us without burning fires and big festive families, it can be lonely and isolating. Whereas in actual fact winter is kind, she points us in her quiet soft way towards our inner self, towards this annual time of peace and reflection, embracing the darkness and forgiving, accepting and loving embracing goodbye the past year.

"Winter takes away the distractions, the buzz, and presents us with the perfect time to rest and withdraw into a womb like love, bringing fire & light to our hearth".
. and then, just around the corner the new year will begin again, and like a seed planted deep in the earth, we will all rise with renewed energy once again to dance in the sunlight

Life is a gift ❤ a Happy winter to you all...
Written by Bridget Anna McNeil
Artwork by Jessica Boehman

Without Magnesium, Vitamin D Supplementation May Backfire 05/30/2022

Do you take Vitamin D on a regular basis? Without magnesium and vitamin K2 you might be not only wasting your money but also calcifying your arteries. I tell all my clients to take magnesium and K2 with their D. Are you supplementing correctly?

Without Magnesium, Vitamin D Supplementation May Backfire Magnesium is necessary for the activation of vitamin D, and without sufficient amounts of it, your body cannot ...

Mobile uploads 11/29/2021

Pretty much…


🐓 In case you were wondering 🥚


Laugh in the Afternoon


🧐 Have you heard of the powerful benefits of SHIKIMIC ACID?

🌿 This natural antiviral powerhouse is used to treat all strains of the influenza virus. It also has known anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.


☕️ Protect yourself and your family naturally with ShikiMATE tea. A natural blend of organic herbs high in shikimic acid.

Ingredients: Nettle Leaf, Fennel Seed, Licorice Root, White Pine Needles, Schizandra Berries, Anise Star

Get yours today at Regenesis Wellness.

$14.99 / 100 grams


Regenesis Wellness is now offering IgG Food Sensitivity testing! Please check out this information from Fluids IQ for more information on their 24 and 88 panel food sensitivity testing.

24 panel - $129
88 panel - $259

This test can be completed at home if you are unable to make it into the office.


💁‍♀️ Hey ladies, and men too if you care to chime in... I'm naming my signature program. Here's what it's all about:

I help middle-aged women who are exhausted AF reclaim their energy by getting them off the hormone roller coaster that rules their life, their weight, and their happiness so they can conquer menopause, stay sane, and get back to checking items off their bucket list! 🎢👉💃

Name options:

A) The True You Formula 🎯

The ultimate system for women to uncover their true self by taming the hormones, ditching the weight, and putting an end to dragging their ass through life.


B) The Body Code Method 🎯

A step-by-step formula for no-nonsense women to master their body type, balance their hormones, and stay sane while trying to survive menopause.

Which one speaks to you A or B? Please vote in the comments 👇👇👇


Gout - a four-letter word no one wants to hear about.

Many of my clients have improved their gout substantially with this fantastic supplement. Carbamide Plus is a proprietary blend of carbamide (urea) fortified with celery seed extract, Uva ursi, marshmallow, and vitamin B6. This dietary support product promotes healthy renal function by improving the elimination of waste products, including nitrogen.

Good kidney health is also important for maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Get yours today at Regenesis Wellness.


Have you joined the Regenesis Wellness Facebook Community Group?
There is only one requirement to join: BE AWESOME!

What you will find:

> Nutritional information
> Recipes
> Weekly challenges
> Like hacks and tips
> Other super awesome people to cheer you on!

Click here to check it out:

See you there!





🥂 Here's to a fresh start! 2020 has been a work-out mentally and emotionally! But it's almost over, and 2021 is gonna be your year!

👊 Kick it off right! Start with giving yourself the gift of wellness.

🤩 Come see me at Regenesis Wellness! Together we can come up with the perfect wellness plan to get you on track for the new year.

🥰 I love what I do, and I want to do it with you!

📞 (604)392-8801


LADIES! We've all been there, and it's no fun at all. This kick-ass combination will bust through a UTI in no time. Here are the goods:

D-Mannose: d-Mannose is a simple sugar found naturally in fruits such as cranberries and pineapples. It is absorbed slowly from the gastrointestinal tract and unlike many sugars, it is not converted into glycogen or stored in the liver. Much of the d-Mannose consumed is filtered by the kidneys and delivered to the bladder, where it is excreted in the urine. Daily supplementation with d-Mannose is a great alternative to drinking cranberry juice as cranberry juice frequently contains high levels of fructose and is not often standardized to d-Mannose concentrations.

AKUTUR (Pekana): Akutur is a homeopathic remedy that provides fast, powerful therapy for acute and chronic urological infections, including cystitis and urethritis. This is a fantastic biological alternative to antibiotics, and will usually eliminate even the toughest urinary tract infection within a few days.
(604) 392-8801


I think we can all relate!


Gout. A four-letter word no one wants to hear about.

Support your kidneys with this fantastic product, and never deal with gout again.

Get yours today at Regenesis Wellness.



(604) 392-8801


Hi friends! With all the new regulations currently in place I remind you that Regenesis Wellness is available online. Hair Mineral Testing and Hormone Testing kits are available for shipping or front door pick up and can be done at home. We can then meet online to discuss your results and protocols. Product recommendations are available through online order or door front pick up. Live Blood Analysis is not being offered at this time. Thanks everyone and I look forward to virtually meeting you :)


Stay well at home this winter with wellness bundles from Regenesis Wellness.

Buy one for yourself or one for a friend. They also make great stocking stuffers! These are professional-grade products that can not be sold online so please message me for more information. I would be more than happy to tell you all about the products I've included in each bundle and how they could benefit you. These products are tried, tested, and true! NOT your momma's grocery store brand that's for sure!

info@regenesiswellness or (604) 392-8801 or PM me.

Here are some bundles I've put together. Have a looksy and see if there is anything that tickles your fancy. If you don't see what you're looking for here I'd be happy to put something together for you. Just message me!

Women's Vitality Bundle - This has got the modern mom covered. It includes a multi, some adrenal support, and hormone support that will boost libido and support your lady bits! - $79

Men's Vitality Bundle - Men I got you too! We've got all your vitamins and minerals covered in a Vitamin Stack. This comes with a side of testosterone support. You know... just in case ;) - $89

Women's Hormone Care - Ladies know when things just aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing. This bundle includes a daily vitamin, estrogen metabolizer, and some homeopathic medicine to restore hormonal balance. - $89

Immunity Booster - Be prepared for whatever winter has to throw at you this year. I bundled up some immune system essentials, silver water, and a quercetin complex. Don't worry I got you covered. - $89

Cold/Flu Preparedness Kit - Good to stock up on a few things. Viral support, Oil of Oregano, and some specially formulated syrup for itchy throats. - $79

Stay Healthy Bundle - Vitamin C... no further explanation necessary. Quercetin complex and Zinc for preventative measures. - $79

Digestion Soother - For when things just aren't going down like they used to. I got you covered with some soothing tea, digestive bitters (sounds worse than it is) to support bile production, and encourage digestive enzymes. It's good stuff, believe me. Oh and a little heartburn control for the nighttime snack that you rewarded yourself with and now are going to pay for all night. - $39

Yeast Buster - Yes, that's exactly what I said lol. Women I know you've been there. We've all been there. I can say with confidence this stuff works like a charm. Message me for more details on this one. -$69

Candida Fix - For recurring yeast issues that just won't p**s off. Start with the yeast buster to care for acute issues, but if it's a recurring problem for you then I suggest following up with this one. - $77

UTI, Sigh - Nothing can make you more miserable. UTIs suck. Kick its ass with this bundle of D-mannose and a homeopathic remedy created specifically for UTIs. - $59

Heart Health - Ladies, gentlemen - love your heart. You only have one. This bundle includes natural remedies to maintain healthy blood pressure and support good cardiovascular health. - $99

Arthritis - Looking for relief? I got something that will help. This bundle includes all the fixins to give you some relief from arthritic conditions. - $59

Gut Scrubber Bundle- We all gotta p**p! So many health issues stem from not being able to go. This bundle is going to give you some relief. It also includes some love for your GI tract. Happy bum, not so glum! Yep, I said that too. - $79

Joints, Ligaments, and Tendons Care Bundle - For sprains, pain, inflammation, and trauma to soft tissues. This bundle includes topical and oral remedies to ensure you attack your owie from the inside and the outside. - $79

Gout Bundle - I call it g-OW-t, and I'm sure there are some other colorful four-letter words for it that you have made up if you have ever suffered from a gout attack. My husband used to, but since I put him on this stuff - nothing. Not a single attack. Hopefully, you will get the same results! - Currently, one or more items are on backorder, but I'd be happy to put you on the waitlist. - $59

Stress/Anxiety - one of the products in this study is backed by a double-blind human study and found to significantly lower anxiety. I've also chosen Avena Sativa for its ability to calm the nervous system, reduce depression and anxiety plus help with insomnia. It's a fantastic trio! - Currently, one or more items are on backorder, but I'd be happy to put you on the waitlist. $109

Please note that if you require shipping it is extra and will be based on your location. Thanks for checking out what Regenesis Wellness has to offer!

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Registered Holistic Nutritionist - Fraser Valley 11/11/2020

Hair. What's it good for? Cutting, coloring, perming, styling, pulling and analyzing.

Wait, what? Yes, that's correct. An in-depth look at your hair can give you a pretty darn accurate reading of your overall mineral balance. It can also determine if you have a heavy metal toxicity you should know about.

Crazy right? I kid you not, it's true.

Check out my website to find out more.

Registered Holistic Nutritionist - Fraser Valley Wellness program using food and lifestyle changes to prevent illness, correct imbalance & maintain wellness. Registered Holistic Nutritionist Carrie Wallace


Prevent - Correct - Maintain!

Book now for this special offer for you and a friend or you and your spouse. Get a head start on your New Year's resolution by kick-starting your health and wellness now. Why wait? come on in!

(604) 392-8801

Timeline photos 10/07/2020

Now that I have your attention - OCTOBER is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH!

Did you know that there is a strong link with estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency and the development of breast cancer? Well now you know. You're welcome.

Evaluating your hormones on a yearly basis should be a part of your self-care plan. Why guess when you can test?

15% off a 5-panel hormone saliva test for women to celebrate healthy bo***es and a healthy life for the month of October.

Call to book your appointment now.
(604) 392-8801



“Oh, copper. Why you do**in me like this? We used to be such good friends. You used to help me utilize my iron properly, you helped me with my neurotransmitter superpowers, you kept my immune system top-notch, you kept my ticker tickin just right, you helped my body fight fungus and bacteria when they came a-knockin. Now look at us… You came in, found a place to hide, and took over. Now I feel like crap all the time. I have headaches, anxiety, and I can’t shut my brain off, especially at night. I’m so tired that I can’t think, I can’t focus and I’m cranky. My time of the month is worse than usual and leaves me extremely fatigued. I’ve had enough and now you’re getting your eviction notice!” – said some made-up person with a lot of knowledge about copper toxicity 😉
Copper toxicity is a commonly undiagnosed condition that can cause some pretty miserable side effects. Most people have no idea that copper could even be such a problem. It’s more common than you think. Copper is hidden in so many pharmaceutical and environmental sources that it’s becoming a major problem for some women. Pharmaceutical sources include copper IUDs, hormonal birth control, and other synthetic estrogens (HRT). Environmental sources include copper cookware, copper pipes, copper sulfate found in pools, copper wiring, green treated wood, and/or occupational exposure. Internal imbalances can lead to improper metabolism of copper as well. For instance, chronic stress can affect your adrenal glands which are involved in the copper transport process to get copper where it is needed in your body. Liver and gallbladder issues can lead to excess copper because bile is needed in order to remove copper. Vitamins that are synergistic to copper metabolism include vitamin D, B1, B12, vitamin C, and folate, without these accumulations can appear. Vitamin B12 is only found in meat sources so copper toxicity is often seen in vegetarians who are not getting adequate B12 from other sources.
And where there is a ying, there is always a yang. Copper deficiency is less common but can lead to anemia, arthritis, fungal infections, Hodgkin’s, Parkinson’s, Celiac, gout, hypertension, hyperactivity. Yes, some of the very things that too much copper can cause also be mimicked in a deficiency situation. A build-up of stored bio-unavailable copper in the body, that at excessive levels, causes physical and mental dysfunction, however at the same time because it is unbound and unusable it also causes a deficiency. Make sense? I know, clear as mud. Call me. I’ll explain.
This small write up has barely scratched the surface of what a copper imbalance can do to the body. There are so many other side effects including emotional shifts, diminished s*x drive, exhaustion, frustration, and social withdrawal - the list is endless and the side effects limitless. The best way to find out if copper is affecting you is with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. I am trained specifically in recognizing copper toxicity patterns your mineral test results. I also know what to look for when copper is hiding, which means it appears low on the HTMA results, however other mineral imbalances would indicate that it is abundant in the unbound or unusable state. Call me today and let’s get started.

(604) 392-8801



Did you know that your hormone levels can directly relate to your prostate health?

Testosterone is an antagonist to estrogen. Testosterone naturally decreases with age which means your estrogen levels can rise if not monitored accordingly. Excess estrogen is the number one cause of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer in men. Men aged 50+ should monitor their hormone levels regularly to maintain a healthy overall balance.

Regenesis Wellness offers a 5-panel hormone testing kit that will measure your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and Cortisol.

Stop guessing – take the test.

15% off Hormone Testing for men who book a hormone test during the month of September!

Book now:

Photos from Regenesis Wellness - Carrie Leskun RHN's post 08/19/2020

But wait! There's more... also got this gem finalized for your viewing pleasure!


Ugh. We learn to live with them only because we have to. When they are out we know about it. Ladies - I know you know. Men - sometimes not as obvious, but I find it's mostly because it's not talked about as commonly as with women. Dialogue is important. Make an appointment and we can chat today. Maybe a 5-panel hormone test will hold the answers your looking for. Stop guessing and get answers!

Common symptoms of hormone imbalance for men and women can be found here:

Or get on it and book now:

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Registered Holistic Nutritionist

It is my goal to inspire clients to ACHIEVE their WELLNESS goals through innovative analytical testing, nutritional education, and healthy lifestyle choices while always appreciating the diversity of their own personal tastes, morals, social and life values.

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Winter Wellness Bundles Now Available at Regenesis Wellness


203/45619 Yale Road
Chilliwack, BC

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