Blessed Sacrament Parish

Blessed Sacrament Parish

Blessed Sacrament Parish is a Faith based family oriented Parish where everyone is welcome. We adore our seniors and treasure our young families and children.

Everyone is made to feel at home, supporting and caring for one another. COME WOSHIP WITH US.


Turkey Supper is Back. We are inviting everyone to our parish Turkey Supper, on Sun Sept. 8, 2024. See poster for details


Breakfast! Breakfast!!Breakfast!!!

We are hosting our super Parish Breakfast every First Sunday of the month. We have one this coming Sunday April 7th. Come and enjoy one of the best breakfast in Cornwall at the Blessed Sacrament Parish on Tollgate Road. We have 10:00 Mass, however our breakfast begins at 9:00am.

We appreciate your freewill offering. See you all there.

God's abundant blessings


Greetings in the Lord beloved friends in Christ! I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm. We are all cordially invited to couple's evening at Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall as we celebrate love and companionship this Valentine on Sunday February 12th starting by 6pm. Please find the poster below for more information.

Photos from Blessed Sacrament Parish's post 02/01/2023

Greetings in the Lord beloved friends in Christ! I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm. We are all cordially invited to couple's evening as we celebrate love and companionship this Valentine on Sunday February 12th. Please find the poster below for more information.

Photos from Blessed Sacrament Parish's post 12/12/2022

More Pictures from our Christmas Party

Photos from Blessed Sacrament Parish's post 12/12/2022

Our Parish Christmas for Kids 2022. Thanks to all the organizers especially Denise Poitras who worked so hard. Special thanks to all parents/grandparents and their kids who attended the party.

Photos from Blessed Sacrament Parish's post 12/12/2022

Our 2022 Parish Christmas Party for Kids

Photos from Blessed Sacrament Parish's post 07/28/2022

Hello beloved friends in Christ kindly find the bulletin for the week of 31st and August 7th.


Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Kindly find attached the details for our forth-coming Parish Fundraising Spaghetti Dinner coming up on Sunday Sept 11, 2022.
Please kindly share this with all your friends, family members and colleagues.

Wishing you God's blessings
Fr. Cal


Special Announcement
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, good evening to everyone! I hope you are doing well?

It is with a saddened heart that I wish to announce to us the death of the relatives of some of our parish family members so that we could condole with them and pray for their loved ones.

Anne McKinnon lost her sister – Theresa Quinn
Charlene Arguire lost her brother – Garrett Quail
David Harvejek lost his mother - Julia Harvejek
Chris McNally lost his mother – Beth McNally

On behalf of all our parish family, I wish to commiserate with you and your family member during this time of grief. Even though they have gone, they are at peace. We give glory to God for the beautiful life He gave to them and pray that they enjoy eternal happiness in God’s Kingdom, Amen!

I would be remembering these our brother and sisters who have gone to rest in the Peace of the Lord and their families in my Masses and I wish that you please pray for them and their families. May their soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in Peace.Amen!


Dear friends in Christ, I have news from the diocese about our new name as "Archdiocese" and the appointment of Coadjutor Archbishop, (Coadjutor means that the new appointed Archbishop has the right of succession whenever the current Archbishop retires). I am sure that most of us may have heard or read about this new changes. Please kindly find the details of these changes from Archbishop Terrance letter below.

There’s great news today for the Catholics of Eastern Ontario and West Quebec!

I rejoice in the news that Pope Francis has approved the amalgamation of the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall and the Archdiocese of Ottawa in a new entity titled the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall. This project of looking for a new way of serving God’s people in these two dioceses has been under discussion for quite some time. It has been studied seriously and in the planning since January 2016. Our Transition Committee with representatives from both dioceses has already achieved considerable levels of cooperation and more are in the works.

And I am delighted that the Holy Father has called Most Reverend Marcel Damphousse, Bishop of Sault-Sainte-Marie since November 2015 and my predecessor as Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall to serve as my Coadjutor Archbishop for a period of time and to assume his duties as the Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall in the near future. I look forward to a period of collaboration and cooperation with him that has already begun in conversations we have held since learning of his appointment and in our discussions of the transition. We have agreed that he will visit the Archdiocese towards the end of May and arrive in Ottawa in mid-June to begin his ministry among us.

Archbishop Damphousse is the second bishop named Marcel to come to Ottawa from Sault-Sainte-Marie; Archbishop Marcel Gervais came to Ottawa in 1989 and served here with distinction for eighteen years. Please keep him in your prayers as he has been hospitalized recently.

My emotions are a bit mixed about the appointment of Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. as Bishop of Pembroke: pleased that our neighbouring diocese is to receive a dynamic leader, but saddened that someone we have come to appreciate in the last year and a half and who has marked our life in Alexandria-Cornwall and Ottawa is leaving us so soon. We’ll miss him but wish him God’s abundant blessings in his new ministry, certain that the people of God on both sides of the interprovincial border will love their new shepherd.

Terrence Prendergast, S.J.
Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall
May 6, 2020
Feast of St. Francois de Laval


My beloved sisters and brothers in Christ, good evening to you all. I hope everyone is doing well. I am doing okay. As we are preparing for the Mother's day this Sunday, I want to wish all Mothers God's special blessings, health of mind and body, God's guidance in your special role as our mothers. May God keep you and reward you for all you are doing for us your sons and daughters and all you are doing for the Church. Thank you all!


Beloved friends in Christ, greeting in the Lord! How are you doing today? I hope everyone is doing well and staying happy? I want to talk our kids whom I have missed so much all these times since we went into self isolating. So kids, how are you doing? Hope you all are staying home, staying safe and are happy? I believed that you are having enough rest as well as reading your books, helping out your parents according to your abilities. I want you to know that Fr. Cal is thinking about you and that we are praying for you during this strange times.

I am sure that many of you would be confused about why we are not going to Church, to school, to grandpa and grandma or visit friends. I am sure also that your parents must have given you some answers which you may or may not understand. The truth I want you to know is that in all these things, your parents love you so much and would do everything to keep you safe. That the government is doing their best to keep you safe and take care of you, that the Church has not forgotten you but offering prayers and Masses everyday for you and your family. So please listen and obey your parents. Another truth I want to tell you is that God loves you even all the more. That is why you shouldn't be afraid of this convid-19 crisis, because it would soon pass and we can return to the Church and our normal lives.

So in the meantime, what do you do with your time, I hope you are doing your homework and reading your books? Try also to learn some prayers of by heart? Learn the responses at Mass. Try also to rest well, have some fun times with family, and enjoy your family. I would like to give you some little home work and we would discuss it when the Church reopens. The homework is, I would like you to learn the first 5 Books of the Bible and the last 2 two books of the Bible, just seven of them in total. Those who learn them well would receive prizes from me when we reopen. I will you see all soon.

Having said that to our kids, I would like to share with all of us few recommendations given by experts which I found very helpful. Find them below the.

Covid-19 Recommendations

 Isolate yourself from news about the virus. (Everything we need to know, we already know).

 Don't look out for death toll. It's not a cricket or football match to know the latest score. Avoid that.

 Don't look for additional information on the Internet, it would weaken your mental state and get you depressed.

 Avoid sending fatalistic messages. Some people don't have the same mental strength as you have.

 If possible, preoccupy yourself with something productive. Spend your time creatively and fruitfully learning something new. Take some time for meditation and prayer.

 Your positive mood will help you to protect your immune system, the negative thoughts only weaken your immune system.

 Maintain friendships that inspire and uplift you. Social distancing is not social isolation.

 Look after your physical health - exercise, eat healthy meals.

 Stay happy, play music, dance, call friends, do quizzes, laugh more, limit daytime nap to 30 mins, manage your emotions in these times. Limit your consumption of news about Covid -19. Watch comedies instead.

 Most importantly, renew your trust in God's love for you. Pray always and firmly believe that we will be safe that we will overcome this.

 Only a few wouldn't and that is the truth. Stay very positive.

 Don't panic.

 Stay positive... Stay safe... Be Happy.

May the Almighty God bless us all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!


Good morning beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, how are you doing today? I hope everyone is doing well?

There are quite some members of our parish who are sick, those whose family member(s) or relatives are sick and those who may have lost their loved ones, those in pain, or deeply anxious about this pandemic situation.

To that effect, we would be celebrating Mass tomorrow Saturday April 25th at 9:30 am and it is for these mentioned intentions. The Mass would be a Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted and Mother of Perpetual Help. We are asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother during this pandemic and crisis of Covid -19 and its aftermath. Also for her comfort to so many families and homes who are passing through Pain, Suffering, Grief, Anxiety and Despair.

Please feel free to send me the names of those whom you would like to remember, or to pray for at the Mass; the sick for their recovery, the dying that they be accompanied by the God's angels, the suffering, those in pain and in grief that they be comforted by our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother Blessed Virgin Mary. You can send me the names here, or through my Facebook inbox, or through my email, [email protected] or through telephone @ 6139322996.

Let us unite as ONE Family and offer this Holy Mass for ourselves and the whole of Cornwall Community.

May our Mother, Comforter of the Afflicted and Mother of Perpetual Help, pray and intercede for us, Amen!


Good day beloved brothers and sisters in Christ! How are you doing today? Hope everyone is doing well, staying safe and being happy? I am doing well. As we continue to isolate ourselves, staying safe and saving lives, I would like thank everyone of us for all efforts we have made to take care of ourselves and each other. I have made a phone call to a very good number of our parishioners especially those who are more isolated. Many of them have told me that their families or their neighbors have been taking good care of them. I am thankful to those good neighbors and Samaritans and pray that the good Lord blesses everyone of them.

I am deeply grateful, and in a special way very thankful to all the front line workers in our community for their sacrifices in risking their lives to care for others. I pray that the good Lord will surely protect and preserve you and your families. Thank you for your services. We have a good number of these front line workers in our parish and we are grateful to them and their families. I thank our pastoral outreach team who are helping me with reaching the parishioners through phone calls.

Thank you everyone for all your support and prayers and be assured of my prayers daily at the Holy Mass and during the Holy Hour.

Am grateful to our parishioners who have dropped off their offertory envelopes at the office. Please if you would like to drop off your envelope kindly give us a call and we will arrange and collect the envelope from the office mailbox, maintaining the social distancing. Thank you all and see you here on Sunday @ 10:00 am.

God bless us all !!!


Good morning beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, How are you doing today? Hope everyone is doing alright and that you staying safe and happy? There are some glimpse of hope and relief from some parts of the world where there was some serious health pandemic crisis. We are hearing that Italy and Spain are relaxing some of their restrictions and that is a great sense of relief. Sooner than later, I pray that this crisis situation will pass over us and will be globally defeated so that we return back to what would be our new normal. May God continue His divine intervention in our situations and protect us from all harm and danger, Amen.

We will be streaming Live on our page the Divine Mercy Sunday Mass at 10:00 am. We will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 9:00 am followed by Mass. Please join us to pray for God's mercy on ourselves, our families, our Church communities and on the whole world. Please pass around this update and may this special celebration bring us peace and joy in our lives.

Kindly find below, the third interesting Chronicle of Bishop Guy,

Do we really know how to the Holy Spirit?
When I was a child, my mother taught me how to pray: through her teachings, through invocations, formulas, supplications, thanksgiving and praise, she showed me the way to connect with God. At home, at school, in church, or privately, I had learned to recite words by heart that could be used when I spoke to God. At that time, I thought I knew how to pray. But the future had some surprises in store for me!

At the age of 14, memorized prayers were getting in the way! The social and cultural changes of the 1970s, with their hedonistic, agnostic, or atheistic tendencies, had seduced me and distanced me from God and His Church. The absence of God now gave me the right to do my own will and no longer to feel guilty about things that were previously considered immoral according to divine law. Prayer was no longer a part of my life, and for the next ten years, I would be a member of the Unbelievers’ Club.

At the age of 24, faced with the imminent loss of my father in a serious open-heart operation, I heard a voice telling me to read the Bible my mother had given me the year before. Twice, I refused to listen to this voice. But the third time, in desperation, I gave in and started to read it. After only two weeks of diligent reading and reflection, I began to believe in the existence of God. I asked Him for special intentions, and to my surprise, He would answer me and give me what I asked for! I discovered that He was close to me and to those who love Him and wish to do His will. I realized that this loving and merciful God was very different from the one I had imagined in my youth. What an overwhelming discovery: a God who loves us intensely and personally, not only in a general or intellectual way! To be frank, I had never before spoken or prayed to God with this inner conviction and with such affection.

This experience of conversion has led me to question the way we pray. When we address our prayers to Him, do we relate to Him in a personal way and know that He truly loves us? Do we pray mechanically or routinely, with formulas and words learned by heart? Or are we in the presence of a living, loving, and merciful God who loves us all personally?

The times of crisis that we are experiencing with COVID-19 are leading us into a period of containment for the good of all. But this time also allows us to learn to communicate with more compassion and affection with the people we care about or with the more vulnerable people who feel isolated, sick, or dying. This way of communicating with more creativity, listening, and empathy, and with more affection is a golden opportunity to develop a more personal relationship with God. The way we pray to God can give us a whole new perspective on the difficult situation we are living. To get there, we need to learn to pray appropriately, no matter what devotions we favour or how much time we take in our prayer time.

To begin with, let us consider what Jesus says in the Gospel: “In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words.” (Mt 6:7) Prayer, then, is not a matter of the quantity of words or interventions that we address to God to be answered. Rather, it is a question of faith, of conviction of heart and of trust in His Love and Mercy. But how do we get there? Here is the inspired path that the great Saint Teresa of Avila gives us: “Praying is to converse in a familiar way with God, whose love is known to us.” This is the secret of authentic prayer that God certainly hears: to pray is to converse, that is to say, to dialogue with God.

Dialogue implies being able to speak and listen at the same time. Not just talking, as we are so naturally inclined to do in a group or individually, but listening. Otherwise, we are soliloquists. Sometimes, while a person is speaking, we think about what we are going to say to convince them, to defend ourselves, or to impress them. This is the exact opposite of emphatic listening, which alone can make us grow in each other. We must model prayer on this affective way of communicating with others. Praying is not just talking to God: it is learning to listen to Him attentively. And I must confess that this is the greatest challenge for Christians and believers of all kinds. We know how to speak, to ask, to beg, to give thanks. But we do not know how to listen to God properly, He who speaks to us and listens to us with such attention and affection.

How do I listen to His voice? The answer is very simple: you want to hear the Word of God in a very personal way. Open the Bible, read it, and above all, reflect for a while on the divine words you have read. This reflection is called “meditation;” a moment when the Word of God can pe*****te and transform our hearts and make us encounter the presence of God who lives in the depths of our soul. It is in these moments of listening to the Word that we can understand or even hear God’s inspirations. To learn to “dialogue” with God, we must learn to be silent and to listen after having spoken. If we speak constantly, we will never hear God’s voice, because He is far too respectful to interrupt us while we are speaking.

Let us learn to treasure moments of silence in our times of prayer, either by reflecting, or simply by lovingly looking at a beautiful image of Jesus or Mary, as we do when we adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

When we recite the Rosary, let us learn to be silent before or after the decade, meditating on the proposed mystery of Jesus’ life. If you want, you can also slow down the pace a little by reflecting on the words of the Our Father or Hail Mary while you recite them “by heart,” to place yourself more fully in the presence of God and Mary. Another way to recite the Rosary piously is to try to meditate on the proposed mystery while saying the Our Father and the Hail Mary. This requires a little more concentration and imagination, but it is an excellent way to combine the two important dimensions of true prayer of the heart, which are meant to be a dialogue.

The moments of silence or meditation that we take while praying will thus contribute to giving a much more personal dimension to our recitations or devotions that we too often do in a mechanical and routine manner. And they will allow God to speak to us as well, not just to listen to us. Let us give Him this important time so that He can speak to us and reveal the depth of His love. Finally, let us remember that Jesus is the “Word” of God. A living Word who must speak to be heard and loved! How can we hear His Voice if we constantly talk in our moments of prayer?

Let us take Mary as a model of dialogue in prayer: she knows better than we do the value of listening attentively to the Word of God, which has its source in a loving conversation with this God “with whom she knows she is loved.” There is no doubt that the prayer of our Blessed Mother is truly a prayer “in the Holy Spirit,” because she gives Him the opportunity to speak and to pray from within her. In his letter to the Romans, Saint Paul’s inspired words indirectly reveal to us the importance of attentive listening in prayer: “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” (Rm 8:26–27)

If we truly desire the Holy Spirit to come and to pray within us, then listening to God is imperative. And it’s a way to avoid falling into the category of the pagans who babble many words when they pray.


Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am deeply glad that you enjoyed the Holy Week celebrations. May the joy and blessings of the Risen Lord be upon you and your families. Thank you all for your beautiful compliments and words of encouragement.

Alleluia Christ Has Risen! Happy Easter.


Good afternoon everyone, hope you are doing very well. Thank you very much for tuning in. Thank you for your encouraging comments as well as your valuable suggestions that has made us to know where to improve on, in our Facebook live production The voice production yesterday was very bad due to the terrible echo. We have fixed that.

We have been able to get a microphone that could be plugged in directly to the laptop, we tested it and it works really better.

I hope to see you all tonight. Please when sign in or connected to our page, please say hi so that we know you are here with us.

The live streaming will start 10 minutes before the ceremony and I would give the introductory remarks.

See you soon and remember to do your Stations of the Cross at home @ 3pm or when convenient.

God bless you all


Good morning beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, hope everyone of us is doing well? I am doing ok, just missing everyone of you and praying that this situational crisis would be resolved soon and we get back to our normal life and activities.

On very happy note, It is with a great joy and thanksgiving to God that I am informing us that Bert Cardinal is back from the hospital. He had a surgery and it went very well and he is now at home recuperating. Let us remember him in our prayers as we continue to pray for one another.May God continue to bless, protect and preserve us at all times.

I would see you all tonight here at 7pm @ blessedsacramentparish page. Find below the Breakdown of the Holy Week Events


Ceremony of the Good Friday
(Station of the Cross at Homes) 3:00 pm
( Passion of Lord) 4: 00 pm Live on Facebook
1. Silent and Solemn Entrance
2. Priest Kneels before the Altar for silent prayer,
3. Opening prayers
4. Readings and Short Homily
5. Solemn Intercessions (10 of them) accompanied by short prayer
6. Adoration of the Holy Cross,
a. I would raise the cross and say three times, "BEHOLD THE WOOD OF THE CROSS, ON WHICH HUNG THE SALVATION OF THE WORLD"; and we all respond three times "COME LET US ADORE" (I may sing it).
7a. When reached the Altar, I place the Cross before the altar and adore the Cross,
7b. I would raise the Holy Cross up for a brief moment and everyone from home would kneel and adore or do any form of adoration suitable for you.)
8. I will lower the Cross and place it back before the Altar.
10. Communion Rite:
a. Our Father and other prayer from there on.
b. Reception of Holy Communion and Spiritual Communion prayer, Oh Sacrament Most Holy ...
9. Prayer after Holy Communion,
11. Final Blessing and prayer to St Michael the Archangel.
12. All depart in silence ( Families are encouraged to maintain some level of quietness and engage in some private prayer time until the next morning.

Ceremony of Easter Sunday
1. It would be a normal Mass.
2. Please try and procure a candle which we will lit during the time we will renew our baptismal promises after the readings and Homily. It would replace the profession of Faith



Good evening beloved friends in Christ, there are some changes to our time for the Holy Week Celebration

Good Friday celebration will rather start at 4:00 pm instead of 5: 00 pm, Families are encouraged to do Stations of the Cross at 3:00 pm at the their various homes and then join us at 4:00 pm for the Passion of the Lord live on the Facebook.

PLEASE NOTE: We will be UNABLE to stream live the Holy Saturday celebration but we will stream live Easter Sunday Mass at 10: 00 am. Please take note of these changes. we are sorry for the inconveniences this might cause us. Please spread the news to our Facebook group.

God bless us all!


Good morning everyone,how are you doing today? I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful lovely sunny day. Please try and go out and enjoy some sunlight, and may the Lord be with you as you enjoy this blessed day.

Today at 7:00 pm, I would be steaming live today's Mass as a test run for the Holy week event. Fingers crossed I would be able to get it going. Please join me at 7:00 pm tonight and let me know if the network reception is clear and if the quality of the video is good. I would need your feedback in view of the Holy week celebrations.

Please stay safe and be happy and know that Jesus is with us at all times.


Homily by Fr. Cal on Palm Sunday 2020
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, good morning to you all, how are you doing today? Hope everyone of us is doing well and is in the spirit of the Holy Week. We are today celebrating the Passion Sunday, I called it the celebration of Joy in Sorrow. Is it possible to celebrate joy in Sorrow? To be happy in painful times? This is a week we celebrate both. We celebrate the sorrow in the suffering, crucifixion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we celebrate the joy in His victory over death, that is His resurrection. His death could bring us sorrow, but rather we are joyful in His resurrection.

The same thing seem applicable in the situation in which we are today, the self isolation, the loneliness, the fears, the panics, the anxieties, all these seems to bring us sorrow and some sadness, but in the midst of all these, we have great joy in our faith and belief that God is with us and that God will see us through this situation. Jesus was terrified today in the Gospel reading, and he asked His father, "my God, my God why have you forsaken me?" Many of us could be asking the same question to God, 'why have you forgotten us'? But God did not forsake His Son, and neither would He forsake us.

We know that God loves His Son and still allowed him to go through the passion of this week so that His joy and glory would be made manifest in His resurrection. In the same way, God loves and cares so much about us, even though we are going through this difficult times. Our prayers and hope are that God would take glory in this crisis situation and eventually grant us joy at the end, we make this prayers through Christ our Lord Amen

Please find below the beautiful Homily by the Bishop Terrance.

Dear friends, it seems at times that this experience of COVID-19 is like a long, extended Good Friday. Our whole world is suffering through a sort of Passion. Yes, when we offer these hardships with the mind and heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we share in his redemptive sacrifice. Indeed, in a sense we are these days carrying the Cross with Jesus.

Our Lenten journey of forty days this year has been unprecedented. Many people have written or called to tell me how much they miss being able to go to their parish church for Mass, how they long for the Eucharist and to see their friends. This Lent has been a time of suffering and privation for much of the world, as we see on the news every day, virtually all day long. At this point, we have only a few days left in Lent, but we are faced with an as yet undetermined time left in the country-wide effort to limit the spread of the Corona virus.
As the people of God left Egypt and wandered in the desert for forty years, they gradually came to realize they were on a journey towards a new beginning. They sometimes strayed from the path but they had a destination, a goal to reach – the earthly Promised Land of milk and honey pledged to them by God.

It is important for us to live with a goal in mind. We are heading to the eternal Promised Land! In faith, we can see ourselves invited to journey towards that goal with a spirit of hope. For we know that Lent will culminate in the mystery of Easter when we celebrate Christ rising from the dead, bringing life to us and freeing us from the burden of sin and death.

So too, we trust that we will come through this pandemic as well on the journey to a restored relationship with God. Each act of kindness reaching out to others, each offer to shop for an elderly neighbour, each rosary prayed and Mass watched online or on TV in a spirit of prayer is a concrete act of hope in God’s saving and renewing power.

We may be on a long journey this Lent but we can engage in it as a time of reflection and renewal on our ultimate journey home to God. May we see in this time of suffering and difficulty a time to renew our hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, to entrust our country and our world to our Blessed Mother Mary and to commit ourselves to being God’s agents of mercy, faith and hope for the world.
God bless you.

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321 Tollgate Road E
Cornwall, ON

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3:30pm
Thursday 9am - 3:30pm
Friday 9am - 3:30pm

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