Abbi West.

I help people find their true potential
Start and scale your business
Freedom lifestyle


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Are you staying motivated in your business?

I know for me this is hard sometimes as life gets busy and hectic, I mean whose life doesn’t?🤷‍♀️

Between work, family, and daily tasks it’s easy to become tired and unmotivated.😑

But I have learned some amazing tips from an outstanding community that I am going to share with you today.❤

TIME management! Set time limits of your daily tasks, when you’re going to start and when you are going to finish your work for the day. This will take some getting use to, as sometimes you get into a grove and just want to get things done, but I guarantee your sanity will thank you for it.🙏

Take “ME” time. Take time out of each week for things that make you happy, go for a walk👣, read a book📖, take a nice long bath🛀. Anything that just makes you feel good!

Make a schedule. Be as detailed as possible for every hour of each day, from work, family time, and daily chores. By doing this you will become less overwhelmed by the things you need to get done and you will find that you do have more time in a day to do things that make you truly happy.😃

I am beyond grateful for this community that I have found🙌, they have helped me find my confidence and inspiration in my business. They have helped me to not only start but also scale my business bigger than I ever thought possible, and I want to do the same for you.💥

If this post has helped or inspired you, please reach out to me so I can help you with your goals and help you stay motivated in your business as well.💜


Share if you agree!!


Are you the solution or the problem❓

We have become so mentally brained washed into believing that we should have everything handed to us or that we won’t have to work hard for the things we want out of our lives.❌

It's become a “trend” to bitch about what is wrong, or what needs to be fixed. But how many of them are trying to become the solution?💥

The more we complain about what we have in life the less we will have.
You need to be grateful for things you have in your life to make room for the things that you want.


Over the past few months I have learned this technique and many more with the help of this amazing group.

I have learned how to turn my problems into learning lessons and the mind set to find the solutions to all that comes my way. 🙌

I have the progressive program to thank for this, not only have they taught me about turning problems into solutions but they have also given me so much knowledge about…

✅Lead generation
✅Content creation

And so much more‼

So if you are someone who wants to turn YOUR problems into SOLUTIONS than hit the link below and book your FREE strategy call today.📈


Life gets hard sometimes.💯

We all have obstacles to over come in our lives, and sometime we get off track with the things we are striving for.

The key is, to take breaks when you need to. Don’t give up. And Ask for help‼️

We have a whole community of like-minded people striving for greatness in their business and their personal lives.🙌

If you are someone who needs a helping hand in your business, come Join our free Facebook group, and get the help you need.🔥


What sets FIRE to your soul?

You know that one thing or multiple things that when you think about them you can’t help but smile and get so excited.

For me it’s after a long rotation in camp, I go to my room and start packing up my things. Each item I put in my bag my smile just grows and grows.😀 The bus pulls up I put my things in back and claim my seat. I consistently look at the time🕝 and Google maps to see how far away I am. Till finally we pull in to our last stop… I get my things from the bus and look up to see my beautiful wife with a huge smile on her face as I run to her and give her the biggest hug in the world.🥰

To me this is my perfect moment every month, this moment gives me the strength, the courage, and the knowledge to know I can conquer anything I put my mind to.💪🧠

This moment has pushed me to follow my dreams of being a business owner. To help as many people as I can to follow their dreams and find their true potential in life.💥

This moment has made me into the person I am today and will continue to push me to become whatever person I want to be in the future.🔮

I now stand before you today the best version of myself, with a clear mind, a clear heart, and a clear vision.

If you want to know the steps I took to find…
👉My moment
👉My vision
👉My determination

Then comment or DM me “FIRE” and let’s get you their together.🙌


Have you started or have you ever thought about starting an online business?

Knowing where to start Is that hardest part.

There are so many different paths and idea starters that I know my head was spinning in all different directions. It can become so confusing and so overwhelming… been there, done that.😣

Sometimes you want to wave the white flag even before taking the first step.👣

That was me when I started my first business. I became so overwhelmed and didn’t know where to turn that I just surrendered. I crushed my dream before I really gave myself the chance.💔

Does this sound like déjà vu in anyway?
If it does, you know where I’m coming from.

But on the bright side, I didn’t lock that door and something good did come out of that experience.
I didn’t give up and found everything I wanted and needed to start and scale my business.💥 And in doing so I have learned…

✔The support I needed
✔What I wanted my business to look like
✔The knowledge from the one-on-one chats when I got stuck
✔I learned why I wanted to run my own business.

With the help of NXT LVL I have gained personal and professional growth beyond my expectations, and the confidence to surpass what I thought I would achieve out of my life.🚀

So, if you are someone who wants more out of your life whether that be…

👉Starting a business
👉Scaling a business
👉Getting more eyes on your product
👉More confidence
👉A drive for your dreams

Then click the link below and let’s get you everything you want out of life together. I’m sure glad I did.

Photos from Abbi West.'s post 11/08/2021

Want to know the best way to get IT all figured out?💥💥💥

👉The truth is nobody has it all figured out.👈

All the people you look up to, and take advice from… Every single one of them is takin it day by day.
Including me.💯

Yes some people are really good at convincing others that they have all the answers but the truth is, they don’t. No one has an exact roadmap🗺 to navigate their life, we are all still figuring it out.

But the people who just keep moving forward, and taking the responsibility to gain more knowledge each and every day, those are the people you want to learn from.🙌

I have had the opportunity to learn from some of the greats when it comes to…

✅Starting/ scaling a business
✅How to write content
✅What to post and how
✅How to get my social media platforms to virial
✅How to gain over all confidence in myself and my business

I may not have it all figured out but I am…

✅Moving forward
✅Making progress
✅Controlling where I am going in life

I want to help you do the same💜, so... if you want to take control of your life and really get in a direction that will only lead upwards ⬆ then comment OR DM me “roadmap” and let’s do this together.


Is your past holding you back?

Things happen to us in life and sometimes it becomes so hard to get over it. But if you never get past it, you will be stuck in it forever.

It’s time to ditch your past and become the version of yourself that you have always wanted, because at the end of the day what you did yesterday doesn’t mean s**t💩 today.

I have learned this the HARD way,😣 I let my past take control over me and run my life for way to many years. It led me to a drug and alcohol addiction, to homelessness, to never having someone trust me.💔
All because the things that happened to me in my past took over and I could not get over that pain so I tried to run from it and numb it. I have now been clean for almost 8 years!!💥

I have a clear vison of what I want my future to look like and I’m reaching out for it and CRUSHING it🦾. I want to help as many people as I can to get over those things that are holding them back as well, so you to can wake up everyday knowing that you are doing exactly what you want to do with your life.💜

So if you are someone who wants to…

👉Get past your mental blocks
👉Have more confidence
👉Have the knowledge to create whatever lifestyle you want

But you just aren’t sure how…🤔

Lets talk about our progressive program🙏. I would love to share with you how this program, in conjunction with some amazing personal development and coaching, has helped me achieve a freedom that my past life never could have given me.🤯

Having the business knowledge is only a fraction of what you need to be successful; your whole self needs to be in top shape and ready to tackle the roller coaster that is any business. We whip you into shape, teach you the personal and business skills needed PLUS you have a whole community to help keep you motivated, accountable and in alignment.😮😮😮

So if this sounds like you then send me a DM and let’s get over what’s holding you back together.


👉Do you have struggles in your life?👈

Who doesn’t… What you are going through is getting you prepared for the next chapter of your life.💯

But the question is what do you want the next chapter of your life to look like?🤔

I know when things get hard, and it seems like you have nothing but bad luck all the time and the world is just throwing s**t💩 at you from all angles, you feel like you just want to give up and say F**K IT‼

Trust me I’ve been in this place more times than I can even count. But guess what… every single one of those struggles made me who I am today, and they have made YOU who you are today.💥

People that don’t have any struggles in their lives will never develop the strategies and skills they need to build anything great that has depth and longevity. Without those struggles you don’t build stamina and perseverance. The s**t you are going through right now is preparing you for whatever life will throw at you later.

✅You will build toughness
✅Build confidence
✅Learn crucial lessons

All of which will help you in your next chapter. What I wanted in my next chapter was to build a legacy, be financially stable, and being able to live my life on my terms. And guess what? IM F**KING DOING IT.🙏

I have learned so much with the help of NXT LVL to totally change my life.

✅My mindset
✅My routines
✅My confidence

I have started my own business and am helping people start theirs too, it doesn’t matter where you start in life, it matters where you end! So, if you are someone who wants to…

👉Start/scale your business
👉Want a fool proof system to help you get there
👉A community of like-minded people to help you reach all your goals

Then send me a DM and let’s turn that page together.


💥What if everyday could be the best day of your life.💥

Take a minute to really think about that.🤔

Being able to work anywhere in the world and all you would need is Wi-Fi.

It’s a totally crazy concept but that is what I have learned over the past few months anything is possible if you have…


I know sometimes it’s hard to look at the big picture, at least for me it was. Trying to get that as***le voice out of my head saying I’m not good enough, or I’m just going to fail. It took a lot of soul searching to really dig into the depths of myself and rip that voice out of my head.

But with the help of NXT LVL it was a lot easier. They have taught me how to…

✔See my vision clearly
✔Get over my self doubt
✔How to set my goals and stick to them
✔How to live more courageously
✔How to develop my character

These are just some of the things I have gained since I started on this journey of living everyday as the best day of my life, and I want to share them with you as well.💜

If you are someone who wants to reach higher and live your best day, EVERYDAY‼
Send me a DM and let’s make your vision into reality


👉Do you want your social media platforms to go virial?👈

We have an ABOUSTLY FREE mini course for you guys.🤯

Yes you read that right 100% free‼

We have launched an IG course to make your social media platforms go Virial!

Guarantee to see results in just 24 hours!💥

It doesn’t matter what you do, whether you have a business online or offline or you are trying to sell something, the more eyes 👀on your product the more beneficial it is to you.

We have tested the algorithms time and time again. Don’t know what an algorithm is? Don’t worry we
walk you through everything you need to know.🙏

Now you don’t need a huge following we have tested this with BRAND NEW accounts and they have scaled 314%... THAT’S INSANE.😮

We are also including our private Facebook group full of amazing like minded people to help you along the way, just click the link below.

And for instant access to the IG mastery course click this link and let’s blow this up!

P.S – I don’t know how long this is going to last so don’t let this pass you by!


Share with someone who needs this 💜💜💜💜💜


👉What would your life be like if you had everything you ever wanted👈.

Take a moment and really visualize that.

What would you be doing, where would you live, what would you be driving, what does your home look like?🤔

Can you see it? Can you feel it?

Now imagine that you could make all of this come true.
Would you embrace that change?

I know that embracing change is hard😣 whether its good or bad it always takes some time to get use to.
Obviously good change is easier but can still be scary😨 at times.
Like that promotion that you have been working so hard to get. Or getting your degree and finally hitting the work force.

I can help you embrace that change easily. So easy that I have 3 things that I would like to offer you

✔A fool proof system to scale your business
✔A community of people that supports your dreams and your vision
✔A free strategy call with some of the best in the business

I want to make everything you visualized into a reality. All your hopes, your dreams, your ambitions.💥

I want to help you scale your life and your business to the next level.📈
I want YOU to have everything YOU have ever wanted, and more.
And this community can help you achieve it all.💜

So if you are ready to make all your wildest dreams come true, hit the link below to book your free strategy session today.🚀


Have you ever just had enough?
Have you ever been so frustrated with your job or boss that you just want to fly off the handle?🤯

I know I have, I work out in camp as a cook feeding anywhere from 50 guys up to 1200 guys. Crazy right? Sometime when I’m out here people just get so far under my skin it takes everything, I mean EVERYTHING I have to not FREAK out on them or give them a piece of my mind. But sometimes it does slip….oops 😜

You get so sick and tired of the same routine day in and day out just waiting for the day that you can go home and actually be around people that you LIKE and LOVE. ❤

Camp life can be overwhelming, its physically difficult with the hours being all over the map and yet working your ass off to go pay cheque to pay cheque💰. Just for at the end of the day you still get s**t on instead of any appreciation. 😒

It's hard mentally. Always being away from your spouse, your kids, your friends, your family. You miss so much out here, birthdays, holidays, sporting events, anniversaries. Just so you can try and make a living to provide for the ones you love.

Can anyone relate to this❓

I know it’s not like this for everyone, some people absolutely love their job and that is amazing !!🙌
But for me I was at my breaking point I couldn’t take it anymore SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE!

I don’t know if it was fate or what, but I stubbled upon an ad. You know probably similar to the one you are reading right now hahaha. 😂

The only difference was the guy in the video. I knew this guy!!
We both grew up in the same small town in Alberta, Canada. He was in the same boat⛵ as I was, he was working in the oil rigs to provide for his family and felt stuck just like me.

It was like he was talking right to me, so I said what the heck what do I really have to lose.

That decision has changed my life FOREVER. 💥

Not only am I on my way to getting out of camp but, no I also have a new light. I’m not just punching the clock⏲ in and out at working and counting down days till I’m home.
I have…


All these things that I thought were non excitant in my life. I have not only learned how to
✅Scale a business
✅Grow a business
✅Make my life profitable
✅Make my social media platforms go virial
✅Gain overall life skills that I can take anywhere with me

I have a whole freaking community of people helping me out for when ever I get stuck, get down on myself, or have had a really off day. But the best part is we are sharing it with YOU. Yes, you in the back feeling stuck and down on yourself or your job or the situation your in. YOU!👈👈👈

If you are looking for a way to make extra money💰 or you want a way out, here is your chance.

Comment, or DM me And let’s get you unstuck!

P.S Don’t let yet another opportunity pass you by, I’m sure glad I didn’t


What do YOU TRULY desire?

Now I’m not talking about the surface level stuff like, oh I want a new tv or video game. I’m talking DEEP DOWN! Close your eyes 😑and really dig deep about what you truly want.

Why do you want this?🤔

For me this was to get out of the camp lifestyle, to spend REAL time with my family not just the 6 days a month. I wanted to make it so I would not miss another sporting event, a birthday or Christmas.

I felt like I wasn’t making an impact. In my eyes I was just clocking 🕙in and out of these BRAIN NUMBING days while counting down the days till I was home again.
This was no way to live my life❌ it was breaking me not only mentally but physically. My health went down, I put on a lot of weight because I was depressed. My mental state was all over the map from being depressed, anxious or sometimes I even had no thoughts. I was just there doing what I had to do to survive, I was NOT living my true potential.

Are you living to your true potential❓

Now I want you to really imagine putting everything else aside! WHAT do you REALLY want?
Can you see it? What really sets FIRE 🔥to your SOUL? What brings out your PASSION? How can your DREAMS come alive?
Now what if you can take that and make it explode💥 into this amazing profitable journey.

Not only would you have

✅More time with family/friends
✅Freedom to do what you want when you want
✅Improve your health and wellness

This means…

❌No more missed sporting events
❌No more missed birthdays or Christmases’
❌No more living pay cheque to pay cheque

You would be UNLOCKING 🔓your true potential.

This what I have learned at NXL LVL and I want to help you with all these things to💯. How to get you out of your comfort zone and expose the real truths about yourself and what you want to accomplish with YOUR LIFE.
Now I know they say money 💲can’t buy happiness but it does buy EXPERIENCES.

So if you’re ready to REALLY experience your life.
comment “true potential” and let’s make your vision a reality


What could you be doing personally to do better?

There is so much stress and unknown in the world today with this global🌎 pandemic and a lot of people are crawling back into their shells. These are the times that we need to start making decisions about where we are going in life. A lot of people are going to weather the storm, a lot of people are going to do what it takes. But for the ones that aren’t it leaves great opportunity’s open for others to take.💥

Opportunity’s to…

👉Gain knowledge
👉Personal growth
👉Growth in your business
👉Follow your dreams
👉Opportunities to scale your life to the next level.

But what is it that you truly want out of life?

Really take a minute to think about that, what you really desire.🤔

Now what are you going to do with that? Are you going to let yourself down and crawl back into your shell due to fear🥺? Or are you going to give it your all to reach what you really want.💜

Reaching for what you really want out of life can be so f*cking terrifying trust me I’ve been there. I went from being homeless, drug addicted, lost and confused, felt like I’d be better off dead.
To getting clean, being able to hold down a job, finding the love of my life, having a family, and then being completely lost all over again.

I was lost because I had these big dream and huge ambitions that I wanted to do with my life but I had no idea how I was going to achieve them.😞

Have you ever been here?

It takes a real toll on yourself because you know what you want, you can see it👀, you can taste it, smell it. But until you learn how to do it and come up with an action plan everything just stresses you out about it.😣

I have now gained the knowledge, been working on personal growth, and I am following my dreams all thanks to NXT LVL🙏. They have taught me so many things about…

✅Personal growth
✅Time blocking
✅How to start and scale a business

But the biggest thing is I have learned my purpose and my why. I no longer feel lost and confused and it’s the greatest feeling in the world❤❤.

I want to help you achieve this as well, if you are someone that feels stuck, lost and confused. Or if you are someone who really wants to learn how to make a living online to spend more time with your family and friends.

Then you need to stop❌ waiting! And message me today so we can get your life to the next level.🚀


Do you want to create happiness and feel more fulfilled? ❤

I have found the 3 elements that make up the recipe to feel alive and I want to give them to you.

Follow these 3 steps and I guarantee you will feel like a completely different person.💯

1. Purpose- If you don’t have a purpose greater than yourself you will never feel fulfilled, you will never feel happy if all you are doing is living for yourself😔. It’s a very empty existence to live exclusively for yourself. If you are not out there trying to change your life and help other people, you will never feel alive.

2. Discipline – When it comes to discipline this can be used in so many different ways. What are you putting into your body? How is your health? Are you trying to be the best version of yourself?🤔
Discipline in all aspects of your life, but at the end of the day its not what other people do to discipline their selves its about what you want to do and what this means to you.🙏

3. Gratitude – This is most important step. Now if you are sitting there reading this saying “well what do I really have to be grateful for?” Then you need to wake the f*ck up!
Do you have running water, a roof over your head, a warm bed to sleep in, food to eat, clothes on your back, the ability to work, have a job, have good health… The list goes on and on.
If you really think about all the things, you have just sitting around you at even given day it's incredible to think that people are not grateful for what they have. Stop dwelling on the things you don’t have and start being grateful for the things that you do. 💥

I was amazed at how I completely transformed my life by implementing these steps into my every day life. And I am so grateful that NXT LVL taught them to me. 🙏You see they didn’t just teach me about how to start and scale my business they have taught me so many life lessons along the way.

So many in fact there is no way I can keep them to myself and I want to pass along my knowledge to you and help you transform your life as well.💜

So if you’re ready to really create that happiness and fulfillment in your life, Comment or DM me “INFO”
And let’s get you back on track.


Are you losing hours of your day due to lack of focus?

You need to get serious on managing your distractions, if you really want more out of your day, your life, your business.‼

How many times do you pick up your phone, check your email, a pop up.🤔 A lot right? Now how much do you think you would get done if you disabled your notifications for 1 hour? Just one hour with ZERO distractions, I guarantee you that you would get at least double of the amount of work done. Don’t believe me? Try it.💥

You never realize how much time⏲ you’re actually wasting until you eliminate the distractions.

I was in the same boat, I knew what had to be done whether it was working on my business, house work, running around. But it was always an after thought, “oh just after this video ill go do this”, “just one more episode” …. Before I knew it my whole day was gone.😔

Have you ever been here before❓

Well trust me you’re not alone. It took me a while to eliminate my distractions to really concentrate and focus on what needed to be done. But when I started with NXT LVL it all changed, they have taught me so much about time⏲ management and how to really zero in on what I want out of life. They have taught me to…

✅How to effectively block off time
✅How to set goals
✅How to have a true work-life balance

These are just some of the things that they have taught me, and I want to teach YOU!❤

So, If you are someone who wants…

🔹To follow your dreams
🔹Make your dream profitable
🔹Be the best that you can be

Then you need to stop standing by the sidelines and DM me right away. How much more of your life are you willing to waste❓


Are you missing your shot?

Whenever you wait on an opportunity and let it pass you by you get that instant regret😔. But you never regret any opportunity that you do take.🤯

Really think about that for a minute.🤔

How many times have you missed an opportunity and then sat back and thought what would have happened if I would have just spoke up, took that chance, asked for that raise❓We always do this to ourselves.

But what if your wrong❌ about all your self doubt, all the thoughts in your head, what if your wrong❌ and all you have to do is try. What would happen. What could you really accomplish if you just take that shot.💥

👉There is no right time, there is only right now.👈

You validate your ideas by pursuing them. 🙌Stop holding yourself back and really reach for what you want.

What I wanted out of life was…

🔹️More time with my family
🔹️A freedom lifestyle
🔹️To build a legacy

When I finally got out of my own way and took my shot, all of the things I wanted out of life started to become reality. I have gained 📈so much knowledge about myself and my business from NXT LVL. They show you how to no longer hold yourself back, and really get what you want out of life.❤

If this story intrigues you, and you want to know more.

💜Comment or DM me and let’s get you taking all the shots you want to take 💙


Do you want more out of your life and your business?

If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place.😁

I've been lucky enough to learn from the best of the best. You know that saying “if you want to be a millionaire💰 than you need to surround yourself around millionaires”? Well, I've found them and have surrounded myself around them. And you can too.💥

See it wasn’t always like this for me, I had a rough start to life because of my poor decisions,👎 and lack of caring about myself and wellbeing. Always hanging out with the wrong❌ people, taking advice from people who truly weren’t going anywhere with their lives. It put me in the exact same spot that they were in.😕

Have you ever been here before❓

It’s hard to get out of that habit, and really focus on what you want out of life.
But with what I have learned from NXT LVL I’ve completely changed my ENTIRE life.😲😁
I have learned…

✅What I want out of my life
✅What my true purpose is
✅How to start and scale my business
✅How to stay on track and set goals
✅How to get over any and all my mental blocks

These are just some of the things I have learned, and I am SO eager to teach them to you as well.🙌
I want to help you succeed and reach all your goals and dreams.📈

The best part? You can unlock all of this for just $1, yes you read that right! 😲😲$1 gets you FULL access for 3-day trail to see if this is for you. If it is the membership is $79.95 a month or $777.00 for a full year.🤯

The choice is yours. If you truly want more out of your life and your business comment or DM me READY and let’s blow your expectations out of the water.💥


6 steps to help you succussed 🙏

One step in another direction could completely change your destination.🤯

If you truly want to be successful follow theses steps👣

🔹Step 1. Assess- assess the previous 6 months whether that be your relationships, health, finances.

🔹Step 2. Accept- Accept the things you can not change and change the things you can not accept

🔹Step 3. Aspire- seeking to accomplish your goals, your dreams. What is your new vision what do you want your next 6 weeks/6 months to look like?

🔹Step 4. Act- where can you act? Nothing will work if you don’t work it. Any new knowledge is worthless if you don’t act on it, so where can you act.

🔹Step 5. Axe- nothing changes if nothing changes, you can either stop doing something or you can start doing something. What are you going to STOP doing? Looking at your phone first thing in the morning or at night. Something that you are going to stop doing

🔹Step 6. Add- When you stop doing something this is where you add something. Example Stop binge watching shows start reading.

These steps have changed my life; I have learned all these steps at nxt lvl❤ they have taught me so much about myself, my well being, my business, my life. And I want to help you to.

It doesn’t matter where you are in life right now, I want to work with you.

So if you want to learn more about…
👉How to benefit yourself and your business
👉How to be more profitable
👉How to take charge or your life

Comment or DM me YES! and let’s see where else we can help you.

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Mrs Princess Awokoya-Ifukor Mrs Princess Awokoya-Ifukor

Momentrepreneur. I share tips for daily improvement & success irrespective of the stage you are at

D- KAL Contracting D- KAL Contracting
16203 92 Avenue
Edmonton, T5R5C7


Aura beauty & spa Aura beauty & spa

Facials • Wax • Nails • Lashes

Mercy BantugGaulton Mercy BantugGaulton
Edmonton, T5T2B5

Welcome to my page. To help and promote digital business and strive to achieve of the digital busine

Mohini Lata Mohini Lata

we are determined to help others to achieve thier goals and dreams through a digital business , mess

Elizabeth Obuya Elizabeth Obuya

Here to assist others to discover their potential in online digital business world

CHAM marketing ltd. CHAM marketing ltd.

Guiding people for there succcess to a realiable online business that has already 90%setup

A&N Store A&N Store
Edmonton, T6W4P5

Jessica Quidato Jessica Quidato

Mindful person, jolly and aim to help others.

Iccella’s Store Iccella’s Store
71st, 140ave
Edmonton, T5C2M6

Homebased business, shopping and retail

Kazi Property Group Inc Kazi Property Group Inc

🏡 A place to call home! 🏡

Jay_Pepe Jay_Pepe
10215 108 Street
Edmonton, 8800

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