Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT

3000 Hour BC-trained RMT, Student of Osteopathy, RYT 500, E-RYT 200, GROOVE Facilitator, Barre Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, Self Care Presenter

Practicing out of Welling Centre in the beautiful neighborhood of Parkallen in Edmonton, AB. Tenille's massage treatments blend therapeutic techniques with myofascial release, muscle energy techniques and relaxation. As an osteopathy student, her treatments can include more advanced assessment plus structural, craniosacral, fluid and visceral techniques. Tenille works with clients experiencing chr

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 08/01/2024

10 years ago today, I completed my first Yoga Teacher Training 🙌 I experienced so much growth that summer, and even more since 💜 As much as my relationship with yoga and calling myself a yoga teacher has evolved over the years, this practice remains so important to me.


Last week I quietly celebrated one year of operating out of SNT in Edmonton This month also marks four years of practice in Edmonton.

As many of you know, this past year presented me with many challenges. Preparing for and completing final exams at the Canadian School of Osteopathy took a lot out of me. I was grieving the loss of a parent and then experienced other losses and a significant family emergency. I got hit hard this cold and flu season, resulting in unexpected times off. I’ve been slowly working on my final paper for school, while navigating a whole lot of life coming at me.

Despite the difficulties throughout the year, I can truly say that I am so happy! 🙌
-I have the most incredible clients who make my job feel like anything but work 💜
-I have a funky little treatment space that feels so good to come into each day!
-I have a supportive and inspiring community of professionals to share my workspace with! I took this photo after a workout in the gym before heading into my work day! 💪 (Don’t worry, I shower after training 😉)
-I finally have the independence, autonomy and mutual respect I’ve been craving in my workplace! I work because I truly want to help my clients, and I don’t feel like I am providing labour that ultimately lines someone else’s pockets.

I thank each and every one of you for your patience and support while I navigate business and life 💜 You make it all worth it!

Stay tuned for some little practice updates and announcements soon!


It’s the last day of school for most in the Edmonton area! Where did spring go?! I genuinely can’t believe it’s already summer!

This time of year is often a little more flexible for me schedule-wise. Many of my regulars have travel plans, which frees up some of the prime appointment times. If you’ve been wanting to get in to see me, my July schedule is online now and August should be up shortly.

As always, feel free to reach out if a time doesn’t quite work for you. If I have some wiggle room, I’m happy to accommodate when possible.



No matter how strong you are, there’s no shame in leaning on supports at times 💜

After a long day last week, I took a few minutes to incorporate the wall and foam roller in my treatment room while doing some yoga postures. Practicing this way helps me to focus on alignment and challenge my range. It helps me to feel the posture or stretch a little differently, and it ultimately helps me become stronger.

Allowing yourself to feel supported does not have to be a sign of weakness. It can actually build strength, character and personal resolve.


Eight years ago, I’d come from Fort McMurray to take my Lomi Lomi training St. Albert. So much has happened since then, including my relocation to Edmonton and much, much more training 💜

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 06/05/2024

I’d love opinions on your favorite Vinyasa or power yoga classes in Edmonton 💜

The last few years I’ve focused more on introspective practices like somatics and gentler stretching to support my nervous system and manage some health issues. These things ebb and flow, I suppose.

I’m once again craving higher-energy and fiery practices. I do love a good flow, especially with instructors who have strong cuing and occasionally offer safe corrections.

I moved to Edmonton at the start of the pandemic, so I haven’t had much opportunity to explore the local yoga community, other than subbing a few classes here and there. I’d love to find somewhere to practice, with the possibility of some teaching down the road (if it’s the right fit).

These are some throwback pics are from my Buti Yoga days. I miss the community and the intensity of this particular practice, but unfortunately these types of programs often end up in a realm that doesn’t align for me. I am avoidant of spaces that spread harmful information and elevate one person as a leader or guru. Because of this, I’m a little hesitant to shop around local spaces without some recommendations 😉 Please feel free to share yours! 🙏


May and June are always an interesting time for me. A lot of big life things seemed to happen during those months, at least for the last decade or so.
Today marks 8 years since my region was allowed to return to Fort McMurray after spending a month evacuated. It was an impactful experience that connected me to that community and to my coastal community / friends who were an incredible support during that time. I always reflect back with so much gratitude for the kindness shown to me 💜

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 05/31/2024

Screenshots from another “ultra-professional” yoga class for the .melissa tribe tonight 😂 My zen-master ginger kitty Emerson shared the mat for most of the class and Castiel even made an appearance 😅 I’ve just come to accept that all yoga is cat yoga at my place 🤷‍♀️


Not work related but perhaps an interesting share for some of you:

Grief affects 100% of people. It’s not exclusive to the death of a loved one - it can be the loss of a relationship or something more experiential, like a big move or significant health issues that alter your plans and dreams.

So if it’s something that impacts everyone at times in their life, why don’t we actually learn how to grieve? If anything, society encourages us to not speak of grief because we don’t know what to say or how to sit with big, complex feelings. And when we don’t process those feelings, we may actually struggle more the next time we experience grief.

Healing is different for everyone and there’s no way to get it “right”, but there are tools to help work through some of the challenges that may come with grief.

I share this as I work on my “homework” from a course I’ve been taking at Above Average Yoga and Wellness. I’ve learned so much and gained valuable tools 💜 I would highly recommend this to anyone, not just those who are dealing with a recent loss.

I don’t know when Trista will offer the 8-week course again, but if this is a subject that interests you, be sure to watch their site for updates.


It’s been raining 💜🙌🙌

The province had a scare last week, with communities like Fort McMurray seriously impacted by the dry conditions and uncontrollable fires. People I know were once again evacuated from their homes and I can’t help but feel for them all.

I got caught in the rain while out for a walk this evening. I spent enough time on the wet (west) coast, so I usually begrudge rain and overcast 😅 Today I cranked my tunes and celebrated the moisture, hoping this will be a step towards a fire and smoke-free spring 🤞🏼

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 05/13/2024

What better day for a “cat mom” update ☺️

Several clients have asked how Emerson is doing. He’d been battling major health issues and things were looking pretty grave a little over a year ago. Today his vet calls him the “miracle patient” because his chronic conditions are well managed. He is happy, healthy and making up for lost time while he was unwell - he’s become a bit of a mischief maker.

I know I’ve told some clients that it’s a challenge to plan travel because of his ongoing care requirements. This is a glimpse of the routine. (If you have pets - especially cats - you can appreciate what an undertaking that can be).

On top of daily oral medication, twice a day Emerson gets fluids administered subcutaneously. He has his own heating pad at the “IV station” and I’ve become pretty skilled at administering needles and changing fluid bags. He gets spoiled for being such a good patient and repays me with constant cuddles and co-regulation.

The things we do for the beings we love ❤️

(I’ve also included some bonus pictures of Castiel for all the cat-loving followers) ☺️

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 05/12/2024

Happy Mother’s Day! 🌸

I recognize this can be a challenging day for many - myself included. While it’s supposed to be a day of celebration, not everyone will be experiencing that joy. Please know that your painful parts are important and my heart goes out to you 💜

Wishing you all a day full of love and connection, however that looks for you.


Sending love to my friends and clients in Fort McMurray 💜 The 2016 evacuation had a lifelong impact on all those who were affected. It feels like every year the threat of a repeat increases. Seeing the headlines this weekend will certainly put folks on edge.
Please know I am thinking of you!

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 05/06/2024

Having a case of the Mondays?
I’ve been reading a lot about “completing” the stress cycle and found these helpful slides to share.
Bear in mind, our stress response is a normal experience. And we all go through phases in life when stress can accumulate. Rather than just trying to “manage” stress, sometimes more conscious actions can help support our nervous system to better cope with the load.


I’ve been treating A LOT of jaws these days!
Maybe it’s because of stress or from wearing masks over the past four years, but it seems many more people are seeking treatment for TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction and pain.

Do you clench, grind and struggle with headaches from tension in your jaw? Let’s talk about how I can help you with this at your next appointment!

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 04/30/2024

It’s International Dance Day 💜

I haven’t been doing much of it lately, but dance has been such an important part of my life. It is exercise, musicality, creative expression and sometimes community, all rolled into one.

I’ve been part of a performance dance troupe. I participated in a flash mob and a shimmy mob. I’ve travelled internationally to unite with other dance enthusiasts and spent weeks dancing in the jungle, on beaches or down the streets of various cities. I’ve facilitated classes and workshops, and also attended many different dance style trainings for my own enjoyment.

I’ve talked with several clients about GROOVE classes - maybe one day I’ll get them going in Edmonton 💃🤸 I’ve missed moving to music 💜🙌


A little post to say hello 👋🏼 recognizing I have neglected my social media over the last couple of months 😅

April 1, 2024 marked 11 years since my registration with the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia first became active (meaning: I obtained formal designation as a Registered Massage Therapist in a regulated province).

Mid-March 2024 marked four years since I moved to Edmonton, just as pandemic lockdowns were taking effect. It inevitably took a while for the city to feel like home, given that nothing was “normal” when I arrived and for some time after.

I quietly celebrated these milestones while I was tending to my heart and my nervous system. I was burned out, as I was coming out of an intensive five-year education program, and also grieving losses in my personal life. I focused on my own self care and on being present for the clients who were there to see me each day, and that’s maybe all I had in me at the time.

But, much like things start to blossom in the spring, I too am on this trajectory 😊
I’m getting back to working on my final paper for school and will make time to share some of the good stuff I’ve been meaning to post about on my socials.

For now, I’m wishing you all a Super Sunday and a great weekend ahead 💜

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 03/28/2024

Back to the cold and snow after a little trek down the we(s)t coast for a course.

It was an honour to spend time with a respected medical doctor who trained with one of the great contributors to the profession of Osteopathy. Not only did she share wisdom from her time with Dr. Rollin Becker, but from her own 40 years of experience practicing in Portland, Oregon.

To train alongside American MDs and Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs) was a privilege and a gentle reminder there’s still so much to learn about this incredible work.

While away, I got some time in nature - salt water and all - and I feel a little more renewed after a challenging couple of months. I have a lot more to share so please stay tuned 💜


Have I told you lately that I love you?

As the month of February draws to an end, I’m feeling so truly grateful for amazing clients who have rode the waves of life with me as of late.

The trouble with working in a “giving” profession is that there are times when you have less to give. As much as I gain from being of service to others, when the inevitable big life events happen - losses, health struggles, etc. - it’s not always possible to leave one’s personal life outside of the treatment room.

I’ve recently had to take bereavement days and I’ve had some work days when I felt I wasn’t serving from a place of abundance. This, on the tail end of YEARS of coming and going for school, of constant preoccupation with my studies; relocating my practice; and even some long-Covid health challenges along the way.

It’s felt like a lot, these past few years.

I am so thankful I have many understanding and compassionate clients. As much as it’s my responsibility to care for them, it means the world to be shown grace during the times when I’ve had to pause to care for myself and my family. From the bottom of my heart: thank you ❤️

(Picture from Just Love GROOVE Retreat in December 2019)


This weekend I completed my third post-graduate course, although I *technically still haven’t graduated yet 😂

Continuing education courses are such an enjoyable experience! Folks are there because they genuinely want to learn and are eager to share information. There’s less ego and no expectation to “perform” for examiners and teachers. I get the opportunity to work with a number of other practitioners, including those with a great deal of experience, or those who may have trained in other countries. I gain more knowledge and understanding as I begin to pull together more of the pieces I picked up over five years of Osteopathy training.

Curious about Biodynamic work? I’m happy to introduce you to this at your next appointment 💜


On this day 4 years ago, I was temporarily subletting a friend’s micro suite in Vancouver to spare myself the constant travel to and from Fort McMurray for studies at the Canadian School of Osteopathy. I’d recently returned from an incredible GROOVE retreat in Costa Rica. I’d stepped back from some favoured yoga practices and was exploring training in other styles. My partner and I were on the eve of relocating to Edmonton, AB.
It’s incredible to think of all that can change in just a few short years. This picture on my social media “memories” today encouraged me to take stock of all that’s happened since that time.
The global pandemic started shortly after this, causing the past few years to almost blur in my memories. It’s helpful to reflect and remember 💜


If you’ve come to see me recently, you probably encountered this frustrating addition to the sidewalk outside of my workspace.

We didn’t know this was coming. The City of Edmonton installed them at the beginning of the year and it takes effect this week 😞 Many of the area small businesses that will be impacted by this are trying to pursue options but it’ll be a while before anything comes together on that front.

In the meantime, the owner of the gym I rent my treatment space from has committed to placing a change dish at the desk for anyone who doesn’t want to pay via the app 🙏 I’ll add money to help support my clients to continue accessing manual therapy treatment with me. Parking is still free on 106th - if you can find a spot.

Word is that the first 15 minutes are free and then it’s $1 per hour. I’m not sure what those of us who work here are supposed to do. I commute to this side of the city because it was more affordable to work here than closer to home.

Add this to the list of small but constant challenges that keep mounting against local businesses


Hi! 👋🏼
Happy 2024! 🥳
And welcome to sudden winter in Edmonton! 🥶

I took a pause from social media posting while I caught my breath after a busy December! I’m late on the new year post, not to mention several other planned posts you can expect now that I’m back ☺️

Last year was an absolute roller coaster for me both personally and professionally.
-I started 2023 grieving a significant loss in my family, while also navigating critical care of one of my cats (happy to report he did recover, but it was touch and go at that time).
-I travelled for school almost every month, including a trip to Montreal in June for the Osteopathy Symposium.
-After months of inquiries, meetings and disappointments, in July I moved into my very own treatment space, which was incredibly exciting but of course, also a ton of work.
-I finished my final exams in September and completed all other in-person requirements for the program that fall. I just have a paper left to finish!

I am so grateful for wonderful clients who have stuck with me through the craziness of these last few years - sending me more amazing people and helping me build a practice I am excited about each and every day. Your support helped me navigate the highs and lows of 2023 and I look forward to what this year will bring 💜

Photos from Tenille Tellman, RMT / RYT's post 12/25/2023

Another throwback post to a cute photo collection I made around Christmas 2020.

May your holiday season be full of health, happiness and light-hearted humor 💜

….. And yes, that’s a Christmas dinosaur toque 😅


A funny to start off the week 😂

I love that folks trust me with their care all year long. And for some reason, every December / holiday season becomes absolute chaos for my schedule 😅 Everyone is suddenly looking to get in or reschedule due to illness, etc.
So just a (gentle and silly) reminder that if you do need to reschedule, please give me as much notice as possible so I can get that spot filled 🙏 I’m a one-woman show and there’s a lot of moving parts to juggle this time of year.

Thank you so much for your support and I’m sending you all the steadiness needed to juggle the holiday bustle in your lives ☺️


When you’re not a beer drinker but you’re told there’s a prize for best wrapped at the gym’s holiday beer exchange … and you commit to the challenge 😂 My dinosaur “dumbbells” turned out a little wonky, but decent enough for something I pulled together in a matter of days. And yes, I won “best wrapped”💪🏆


Spotify wrapped isn’t nearly as interesting when you’re a manual therapist who uses her account for work 😂


I’m a fan of today’s stationary / desk aesthetic ✨💫

As you can see, I’ve started bringing my computer to work so I can bill your extended medical and tell you the balance owing at the time of your appointment. Some benefits cannot be processed on an iPad, so I typically do it all at home at the end of my work day.

But in an effort to reduce costs as much as possible, I’m renewing my request for folks to pay the balance of their treatment by cash or e-transfer (when possible). I’ll let you know the balance at the time of your appointment and can always send an invoice right after, ensuring you have the balance total and my email address on file.

I hope to reduce extra costs of credit card fees and to minimize the time I spend following up on outstanding balances 🙏

If you’ve had recent changes to your benefits, please feel free to update this through your online profile before your next appointment to ease in the billing process.

Thanks for your help 💜


Given that I will no longer be traveling for school every few weeks, I’ve been able to increase my availability and am officially ready to take on new clients 🙌

I have openings in my schedule this week and a few next week, so if you’ve been meaning to book in, be sure to check online at www.tenillermt.JaneApp.com

Please bear in mind that I am not the appropriate practitioner for folks who want to use up insurance benefits on relaxation massages before the year ends. There are many well-trained RMTs who have tailored their practice to this type of work and would likely be a better fit.

I have over 7 years of intensive training in manual therapy, not to mention more than a decade of practice, and even more time spent teaching movement and fitness classes. While I’m more than happy to help ease the burden on one’s nervous system through craniosacral and other gentle osteopathic techniques, my treatments are very much therapeutic in nature.

I’m still billing only as a Registered Massage Therapist and am working on a research paper before I can seek designation as an Osteopathic Manual Therapist.

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Videos (show all)

“Don’t your hands hurt at the end of the day?” I get asked this all the time. The short answer is yes. And it was more o...
It’s been just over two months since I wrapped up my studies at the Canadian School of Osteopathy, but the learning does...
I didn’t know I’d ever get to a point of being tired of traveling 😬 But after five years of commuting for school - with ...
Showing off part of my Halloween outfit while demonstrating the power of the sound absorbing panels on my treatment room...
On many occasions, I’ve had clients want confirmation that their muscles are “bad” or “worse” than other people’s. And w...
It’s already changed a little since this was filmed, but here’s a peek in the manual therapy treatment room at the new W...
Just a few shifts left in the lovely Parkallen space before the Welling Centre moves to the new location in Strathcona! ...
I am in love with these beautiful little bio cards @wellingcentre made for me 💜
I have a 60 or 90 minute treatment available Tuesday, October 19 at 4:30 pm. Book online at www.wellingcentre.com. My ne...
I have a few treatment times available at Welling Center over the next week - www.wellingcentre.com. Please note: I will...



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