Bright Christmas
Nearby non profit organizations
C. P
Elgin Street, Ottawa
Rue Laurier
The Bright Christmas Committee (BCC) was put in place by the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s (CM
The winner of the Friday, December 13 draw is Lise Loyer (Exhibit Display Preparation), owner of ticket # 959342.
She won $81.00 in prize money. Congratulations
The winner of the Friday, December 6 draw is Wendy Tilley (Information Management), owner of ticket # 9591982. She won $186.50 in prize money.
Congratulations Wendy !
Donation boxes are now in place at both Museums, awaiting your non-perishable goods, household products, warm clothes and toys.
While we appreciate receiving clothes and toys, please note that if you wish to give clothing and toys to the families, please ensure that they are new or in excellent condition and that they meet the family’s needs.
Tickets are now on sale for our 50/50 draw. Prices are $2 for one ticket and $5 for three tickets.
By participating in the draw, you could win a nice money prize, and help a family in need.
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, QC
Gatineau, J8V
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1170 Chemin D'Aylmer
Gatineau, J9H7L3
We are a non-profit organization that believes in giving back to the communities that we live in. Each year, our group of volunteers aims to recognize a local charity, in order to ...
480 Rue Des PIns
Gatineau, J8L2L3
Riche ou pauvre, jeune ou vieux, seul ou en couple, on a tous besoin d’ESPOIR.
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Le projet de distribution de 400 boîtes à lunch de Noël aux sans-abris revient pour une 8e année! De plus, j'aimerais offrir en plus de chaque boîte à lunch, un sac contenant des p...
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Gatineau, J8Y3T7
Améliorer la qualité de vie des résidants du quartier Mutchmore. Développer l'entraide, l'impli
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Gatineau, J8Y6T5
Notre mission : Recueillir des fonds afin d’avoir un impact sur le mieux-être et la santé de la communauté de l’Outaouais en partenariat avec le CISSSO.
510 Boulevard La Vérendrye E
Gatineau, J8P8B4
Notre mission: Améliorer la qualité de vie et le quotidien des résidents