Classic Physiotherapy Quinpool Road, Halifax, NS Videos

Videos by Classic Physiotherapy Quinpool Road in Halifax. Serving HRM, we have an active approach to rehabilitation and care for motor vehicle, workplace inj

Did you know it is Massage Therapy awareness week?

*Do you have any questions regarding Massage Therapy or anything that has caused you to hesitate on booking a treatment?

Send us a message or give us a call and we would be happy to help!

Other Classic Physiotherapy Quinpool Road videos

Did you know it is Massage Therapy awareness week? *Do you have any questions regarding Massage Therapy or anything that has caused you to hesitate on booking a treatment? Send us a message or give us a call and we would be happy to help!

Ergonomic pointers and tips!
Have you been strugggling with finding a comfortable position at your work station? Do you get a sore back and neck after hours in front of your computer? Check out our most recent educational video or book an ergonomic assessment with one of our qualified Therapists!

Cupping to compliment a Massage session!
Have you ever been interested in trying cupping? Cupping is an ancient form of alternative medicine where your therapist will put a cup or the area of pain and create section for a few minutes. It helps with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and overall well-being. It’s a form of deep tissue massage of sorts. ***It’s very safe, and effective but please be aware that it can cause red suction marks that may stay on your body for a week or more. Feel feel to DM us with questions!