Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia


CPF Nova Scotia creates and promotes opportunities for youth to learn French, and works with volunteers across the province to better serve the communities of Nova Scotia! The following is a list of CPF Chapters a part of CPF Nova Scotia:

- Valley Chapter
- Sydney Chapter
- Cumberland Chapter
- Yarmouth Chapter
- Antigonish Chapter
- Eastern Passage Chapter
- Port Hawkesbury Chapter
- Halifax P

Photos from OLP / PLO's post 09/13/2024

Virtual Annual General Meeting
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: 07:00 PM Atlantic Time

🔗Registration: #/registration

The Annual General Meeting of CPF Nova Scotia will be held virtually. Canadian Parents for French members and the general public may attend. Only members of CPF Nova Scotia in good standing may vote. The Annual General Meeting of the Members of Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia is called for the following purposes:

1. To receive the financial statements and Annual Report of Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia for the financial year ended March 31, 2024.
2. To elect Directors of Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia.
3. To appoint the Auditors of Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia for the ensuing year.
4. To transact such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

For further information, please contact the branch office or visit our website.
Assemblée générale annuelle virtuelle
Date : Le mercredi 25 septembre 2024
Heure : 19h00, heure de l’Atlantique

🔗Inscription: #/registration

L’assemblĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale annuelle de CPF Nouvelle-Écosse se tiendra virtuellement. Les membres de Canadian Parents for French et le grand public peuvent y assister. Seuls les membres en rĂšgle de CPF Nouvelle-Écosse peuvent voter. L’assemblĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale annuelle des membres de Canadian Parents for French, Nouvelle-Écosse est convoquĂ©e aux fins suivantes :

1. Pour recevoir les Ă©tats financiers et le rapport annuel de Canadian Parents for French, Nouvelle-Écosse pour l’exercice financier terminĂ© le 31 mars 2024.
2. Élire les administrateurs de Canadian Parents for French, Nouvelle-Écosse.
3. Nommer les vĂ©rificateurs de Canadian Parents for French, Nouvelle-Écosse pour l’annĂ©e suivante.
4. Traiter toutes autres questions qui peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ»ment soumises Ă  l’assemblĂ©e.
AprÚs votre inscription, vous recevrez un e-mail de confirmation contenant des informations sur la participation à la réunion.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter la succursale ou consulter notre site Web.


🗣Official Languages Day, September 12, 2024, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (ET), the Public Service and the Canadian public will come together in a virtual event to celebrate Canada's rich linguistic heritage under the theme "Our Languages in ACTION!", highlighting the concrete impact of official languages in many areas.

Organized by the Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions, in partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Treasury Board Secretariat, and in collaboration with the Linguistic Duality Network, the event will feature a discussion moderated by comedian, producer and host Rachelle Elie, during which participants will learn about Canadian realities and discover talents in a spirit of exchange and respect, fostering the cohesion of our communities.
🗣La JournĂ©e des langues officielles, le 12 septembre 2024, de 13 h 30 Ă  15 h 00 (HE), la fonction publique et le public canadien seront rassemblĂ©s lors d’un Ă©vĂ©nement virtuel afin de cĂ©lĂ©brer le riche patrimoine linguistique du Canada sous le thĂšme « Nos langues en ACTION! » mettant en lumiĂšre l’impact concret des langues officielles dans plusieurs domaines.

OrganisĂ© par le Conseil du RĂ©seau des champions des langues officielles, en partenariat avec le ministĂšre du Patrimoine canadien et le SecrĂ©tariat du Conseil du TrĂ©sor et en collaboration avec le RĂ©seau de la dualitĂ© linguistique, l’évĂ©nement comprendra une discussion animĂ©e par l’humoriste, productrice et animatrice Rachelle Elie, durant laquelle les participant×es en apprendront sur des rĂ©alitĂ©s canadiennes et pourront dĂ©couvrir des talents dans un esprit d’échange et de respect, favorisant la cohĂ©sion de nos communautĂ©s.

🔗GC wiki:

🔗Registration / Inscription :


It takes 'More than Words' to support our French Teachers. Join the CPF letter writing campaign.



Il faut 'plus que des mots' pour soutenir nos enseignants de FLS. Joignez-vous Ă  la campagne de lettres de CPF.


Free French course to parents/guardians for all schools in Nova Scotia 🙂

Registration period will be from September 16 to 30th.



Imaginez vos enfants possĂ©dant un superpouvoir! C’est ce que le bilinguisme leur offre. Encouragez-les Ă  dĂ©poser leur candidature pour une de 3000 $ qui pourrait les aider Ă  dĂ©velopper leurs compĂ©tences langagiĂšres tout en continuant leurs Ă©tudes postsecondaires en français.
VĂ©rifiez si leur institution postsecondaire offre la bourse FLS!
En savoir plus


Imagine your children having a superpower!
That’s what bilingualism offers them.

Encourage them to apply for a $3,000 that could help them develop their language skills while continuing their postsecondary studies
in French.
Check to see if their postsecondary institution offers the FSL bursary!

Learn more:


đŸŽȘ In this free Do-It-Yourself Circus Magic Workshop en français you will use household items to create circus and magic props. Once the props are created you will learn tightrope walking, two magic tricks, and how to juggling bags!

🔗 Register for September 25th 6pm and 9pm Eastern Time:
đŸŽȘ Dans cet atelier de magie de cirque gratuit, vous utiliserez ce que vous avez chez vous pour crĂ©er des accessoires de cirque et de magie. Une fois les accessoires crĂ©Ă©s, vous apprendrez Ă  marcher sur la corde raide, Ă  faire deux tours de magie et Ă  jongler avec des sacs !

🔗 S'inscrire pour le 25 septembre à 18h et 21h, heure de l’Est. :


While French remains one of the most popular foreign languages to learn around the world, the numbers of students opting for French in countries such as the UK and US are dwindling.

There are still many reasons why it is worth learning French. Here are 9 reasons to learn French. Share with your friends and family! Read the article here.

Alors que le français reste l’une des langues Ă©trangĂšres les plus populaires Ă  apprendre dans le monde, le nombre d’étudiants optant pour le français dans des pays comme le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis diminue.

Il existe encore de nombreuses raisons pour lesquelles il vaut la peine d’apprendre le français. Voici 9 raisons d’apprendre le français. Partagez avec vos amis et votre famille ! Lire l’article ici.



🗣Official Languages Day, held annually on the second Thursday of September since 2009, is an opportunity for public servants to celebrate our languages with the public we proudly serve every day.

On September 12, 2024, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (ET), the Public Service and the Canadian public will come together in a virtual event to celebrate Canada's rich linguistic heritage under the theme "Our Languages in ACTION!", highlighting the concrete impact of official languages in many areas.
🗣La JournĂ©e des langues officielles, qui se dĂ©roule chaque annĂ©e le deuxiĂšme jeudi de septembre depuis 2009, est une occasion pour les fonctionnaires de cĂ©lĂ©brer nos langues avec le public que nous servons au quotidien avec fiertĂ©.

Le 12 septembre 2024, de 13 h 30 Ă  15 h 00 (HE), la fonction publique et le public canadien seront rassemblĂ©s lors d’un Ă©vĂ©nement virtuel afin de cĂ©lĂ©brer le riche patrimoine linguistique du Canada sous le thĂšme « Nos langues en ACTION! » mettant en lumiĂšre l’impact concret des langues officielles dans plusieurs domaines.

🔗GC wiki:

🔗Registration / Inscription :


We are closed for Labor Day!

Our office will reopen Tuesday, 3rd of September.

Nous sommes fermĂ©s pour la fĂȘte du travail !

Notre bureau rouvrira ses portes le mardi 3 septembre.

Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/31/2024

☀A big thank you to our summer camp staff & counselors, Daniel, Isaac, Alexandria, Maya, Kristyn, Sawssen, Brianne, Adam, Denis, Evodi, Sophie & Ali, for their dedication.

We look forward to welcoming you all back next summer.
☀Un grand merci Ă  notre personnel et Ă  nos conseillers du camp d’étĂ©, Daniel, Isaac, Alexandria, Maya, Kristyn, Sawssen, Brianne, Adam, Denis, Evodi, Sophie & Ali, pour leur dĂ©vouement.

Nous avons hĂąte de vous accueillir Ă  nouveau l’étĂ© prochain.


🎧 Radio-Canada OHdio met gratuitement à la disposition des professionnels de l’éducation des contenus audios francophones diversifiés renouvelés à chaque saison. Une occasion d’apprendre tout en s’amusant, se reposer calmement et aussi partager un bon moment autour d’une écoute guidée ou autonome.


🎧 Radio-Canada OHdio provides education professionals with free access to a wide range of French-language audio content, renewed each season. It's a great way to learn while having fun, relax and enjoy a guided or independent listening session.

Photos from Francofest's post 08/30/2024
Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/29/2024

📾More memories from the Family Fun French Weekend in Bouctouche 2024!
📾D'autres souvenirs du Family Fun French Weekend à Bouctouche 2024 !

Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/29/2024

⭐Get to know our summer camp superstarsâ›ș: This week's star is Sawssen Bahri!
⭐DĂ©couvrez nos superstars du camp d’étĂ©â›ș : L'Ă©toile de cette semaine est Sawssen Bahri !

Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/27/2024

📾Memories from the Family Fun French Weekend in Bouctouche 2024!
📾Des souvenirs du Family Fun French Weekend à Bouctouche 2024 !


📅If you missed the Virtual Family Music ShowđŸȘ— live stream last week, click here:
or visit:
🔗 to check out our YouTube channel!

Accordionist, guitarist, and player of pocket-sized instruments, Mary Beth Carty of Antigonish earned the 2024 Canadian Folk Music Award for Traditional Singer of the Year. Mary Beth rouses a room to sing-along to choruses of entertaining original songs, and a unique repertoire of traditional Gaelic and French songs. She has toured in France, Austria, Congo, Rwanda, across Canada, and has performed aboard NCL and Holland America cruise lines.

📅Si vous avez manquĂ© la diffusion en directe du Spectacle de Musique Virtuelle en FamilleđŸȘ— la semaine derniĂšre, cliquez ici :
ou visitez :
🔗 pour consulter notre chaüne YouTube !

AccordĂ©oniste, guitariste et joueuse d’instruments de poche, Mary Beth Carty, d’Antigonish, a remportĂ© le Prix de musique folk canadienne 2024 de la chanteuse traditionnelle de l’annĂ©e. Mary Beth suscite une salle pour chanter des chƓurs de chansons originales divertissantes et un rĂ©pertoire unique de chansons traditionnelles gaĂ©liques et françaises. Elle a fait des tournĂ©es en France, en Autriche, au Congo, au Rwanda, partout au Canada, et s’est produite Ă  bord des compagnies de croisiĂšre NCL et Holland America.

Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/23/2024

⭐Get to know our summer camp superstarsâ›ș: This week's star is Kristyn Pollard!
⭐DĂ©couvrez nos superstars du camp d’étĂ©â›ș : L'Ă©toile de cette semaine est Kristyn Pollard !

Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/21/2024

Camp de la Baie!â›ș

Have fun everybody!
Amusez-vous tout le monde!


🎉Thank you to SaltWire Network for featuring our new President in an article announcing her recent election.

🔗Read the article here:

🔗Learn more in our press release here:

🎉Merci Ă  SaltWire Network d'avoir prĂ©sentĂ© notre nouvelle prĂ©sidente dans un article rĂ©cent annonçant son nouveau poste!

🔗Lire l’article ici :

🔗Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre communiquĂ© de presse ici :

Photos from OLP / PLO's post 08/21/2024

Recent graduates, still finalizing your plans for the fall? Why not become a Language Monitor!

Become a volunteer with Canadian Parents for French! 08/20/2024

Become a volunteer with Canadian Parents for French! As a grassroots organization, Canadian Parents for French has been built on the backs of dedicated, passionate volunteers for over 40 years. CPF volunteers c...


📅If you missed the Virtual Family Music ShowđŸȘ— live stream last week, click here:
or visit:
🔗 to check out our YouTube channel!

Luc Tardif, is an ECMA award winning musician based in Nova Scotia. In 2003, he was a finalist at the Gala de la chanson de Caraquet and winning the Singer-Songwriter of the Year award at the Gala de la chanson de la Nouvelle-Écosse. He was nominated for 2 ECMA awards. 🔗
📅Si vous avez manquĂ© la diffusion en directe du Spectacle de Musique Virtuelle en FamilleđŸȘ— la semaine derniĂšre, cliquez ici :
ou visitez :
🔗 pour consulter notre chaüne YouTube !

Luc Tardif est un musicien primĂ© de l’ECMA basĂ© en Nouvelle-Écosse. En 2003, il a Ă©tĂ© finaliste au Gala de la chanson de Caraquet et a remportĂ© le prix de l’auteur-compositeur-interprĂšte de l’annĂ©e au Gala de la chanson de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Il a Ă©tĂ© nominĂ© pour 2 prix ECMA. 🔗

Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/19/2024

đŸȘ—Join our next live stream event on Thursday, August 22nd for a fun musical activity with your family!

Accordionist, guitarist, and player of pocket-sized instruments, Mary Beth Carty of Antigonish earned the 2024 Canadian Folk Music Award for Traditional Singer of the Year. Mary Beth rouses a room to sing-along to choruses of entertaining original songs, and a unique repertoire of traditional Gaelic and French songs. She has toured in France, Austria, Congo, Rwanda, across Canada, and has performed aboard NCL and Holland America cruise lines.

Our live streams will take place on our social media platforms.
📅 Thursday, August 22nd 11:00 - 11:45AM AST
đŸȘ—Participez Ă  notre prochain Ă©vĂ©nement en direct le jeudi 22 aoĂ»t pour une activitĂ© musicale amusante avec votre famille !

AccordĂ©oniste, guitariste et joueuse d’instruments de poche, Mary Beth Carty, d’Antigonish, a remportĂ© le Prix de musique folk canadienne 2024 de la chanteuse traditionnelle de l’annĂ©e. Mary Beth suscite une salle pour chanter des chƓurs de chansons originales divertissantes et un rĂ©pertoire unique de chansons traditionnelles gaĂ©liques et françaises. Elle a fait des tournĂ©es en France, en Autriche, au Congo, au Rwanda, partout au Canada, et s’est produite Ă  bord des compagnies de croisiĂšre NCL et Holland America.

Nos diffusions en direct auront lieu sur nos plateformes de médias sociaux.
📅 Jeudi 22 aoĂ»t 11h00 - 11h45 AST

Photos from CongrĂšs mondial acadien 2024's post 08/16/2024
Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/16/2024

đŸŒ âŹœđŸŸ„Wonderful memories made in Yarmouth yesterday at the CongrĂšs mondial acadien 2024! Bon Quinzou!

Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau & CPF NS President, Bailey Ross.

Nova Scotia Premier Tim Huston, Minister of Acadian Affairs Colton LeBlanc & CPF NS team at CongrĂšs mondial acadien 2024.

Canadian Parents for French Ontario - CPF Ontario Board Member Sandhya Mylabathula with CPF NS Volunteer Haeun Cho. Sandhya is visiting Nova Scotia as part of Forum des jeunes ambassadeurs de la francophonie des Amériques du Centre de la francophonie des Amériques.
đŸŒ âŹœđŸŸ„D’énormes souvenirs ont Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©s Ă  Yarmouth hier au CongrĂšs mondial acadien 2024!

Le Premier ministre du Canada, Justin Trudeau, et le prĂ©sident de CPF N.-É., Bailey Ross.

Le premier ministre de la Nouvelle-Écosse Tim Huston, Colton LeBlanc le ministre des Affaires acadiennes et l'Ă©quipe de CPF N.-É. Ă  CongrĂšs mondial acadien 2024.

Sandhya Mylabathula, membre de conseil d'administration de Canadian Parents for French Ontario - CPF Ontario, avec Haeun Cho, bĂ©nĂ©vole de CPF NS. Sandhya est en Nouvelle-Écosse pour participer au Forum des jeunes ambassadeurs de la francophonie, un programme du Centre de la francophonie des AmĂ©riques.

Photos from Canadian Parents for French - Nova Scotia's post 08/16/2024

⭐Get to know our summer camp superstarsâ›ș: This week's star is Evodi Alodi!
⭐DĂ©couvrez nos superstars du camp d’étĂ©â›ș : L'Ă©toile de cette semaine est Evodi Alodi !

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Our Story

Canadian Parents for French (CPF) creates and promotes French language learning opportunities for young Canadians. We do that by working with our volunteers and local chapters to offer resources and activities such as fundraising to benefit schools and school libraries, giving bursaries to outstanding French language graduates, organizing peer-tutoring literacy programs, French clubs, reading challenges and cultural entertainment! We believe learning should be fun and interactive, and we aspire to create activities that are just that!

A CPF chapter is a team of volunteers that works alongside their provincial branch to create and promote French language education and activities in their local community. We believe that every community and every student can and should have the chance to benefit from a quality French language education.

Canadian Parents for French is proud to have approximately 150 chapters across Canada. The following is a list of CPF Chapters across Nova Scotia:

- Valley Chapter
- Sydney Chapter
- Cumberland Chapter
- Yarmouth Chapter
- Antigonish Chapter
- Eastern Passage Chapter
- Port Hawkesbury Chapter
- Halifax Peninsula and Mainland South Chapter
- Bedford Chapter
- Dartmouth Chapter
- Truro Chapter

To find out how you can volunteer with your local chapter, contact Canadian Parents for French Nova Scotia!

Videos (show all)

It takes 'More than Words' to support our French Teachers. Join the CPF letter writing campaign. 🔗SupportFrenchTeachers....
Imagine having a superpower! That’s what bilingualism offers you.Apply for a $3,000 #FSLbursary that could help you deve...
Imagine possĂ©der un superpouvoir! C’est ce que le bilinguisme t’offre.DĂ©pose ta candidature pour une #bourseFLS de 3000 ...
Imaginez vos enfants possĂ©dant un superpouvoir! C’est ce que le bilinguisme leur offre. Encouragez-les Ă  dĂ©poser leur ca...
Imagine your children having a superpower! That’s what bilingualism offers them.Encourage them to apply for a $3,000 #FS...
Alison dĂ©crit la #bourseFLS comme un soulagement financier pour ses Ă©tudes postsecondaires et une bonne occasion d’amĂ©li...
Alison describes the #FSLbursary as a financial relief for her postsecondary studies, and a good opportunity to improve ...
Une bonne préparation financiÚre commence maintenant! Si vos enfants prennent 50% de leurs cours en français en automne,...
Good preparation starts now! If your children take 50% of their courses in French this fall, they could be eligible for ...
🎉It's Skate Day! Come join us at Camp de la Baie to experience this fun activity! đŸ€žâ€â™‚ïžSign up here:
đŸ•¶ïž  Obtenir un emploi d’étĂ© en français est une excellente façon de pratiquer la langue pendant la saison estivale!đŸ•¶ïž  P...
đŸ•¶ïž  Getting a French - language summer job is a great way to keep practising the language over the summer months!đŸ•¶ïž  Als...


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