Elevate With Deanna

Elevate With Deanna

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HEMP OIL Lifestyle
HEMP OIL Lifestyle

Health and wellness aren't just buzzwords—they’re the foundation of a life well-lived and what we’re building here. It’s not just the future of healthcare; it’s the revolution you’ve been waiting for.

We’re delivering a game-changing approach to wellness, backed by rock-solid clinical studies and real-life testimonials that’ll leave you speechless.

But here’s the kicker—there are no ingredients, no side effects, no medical interactions, and no age limits. And all this is led by a CEO who speaks straight from the heart and is committed to building something that lasts.

I can't stay quiet about these products or this opportunity—it’s too important for your family’s future.!

We’re about to unleash something extraordinary, and trust me, you don’t want to be on the sidelines. The first wave is here, and the time to lock arms with me is NOW.

Don’t wait until the second wave hits—by then, it’ll be too late to jump on a ground floor opportunity.

Here’s my promise to you: I’m committed to your success. I truly mean that from my heart.

I’m on a mission to build 10 powerful teams, and with my marketing expertise, a social media following of over 30,000, and more than 3 million video views, I’ve built a trusted and solid rapport to communicate the value of this wellness tool.

Join me today, and together, we’ll transform wellness and create a legacy that lasts.

Jump in, ride the wave, and let’s change the game together.

Deanna ❤️


I remember hopping on that bus in my late teens, leaving a small fishing village behind. My dreams and ambitions felt too big for that place. I started in a tiny basement apartment, knowing it was just a stepping stone. From there, I set out as a visionary, seeing opportunity in everything I touched. I built large organizations in the MLM world, ventured into finance, and launched a travel agency that soared into an 8-figure company.

Yet, despite all this, I never truly "felt it." I knew I had the ability to weave gold from rope and take risks others wouldn’t dare. I always knew I was different. But now, I’m tired, struggling to reignite that passion and drive. I got mired in complicated grief, threw myself into building my wellness app and coaching business, and then fell ill.

Time hasn’t been on my side this past year, and I’ve repeatedly given myself grace, only to face criticism for my life and my expressions. These heavy moments push us to dive deep within, to sift through the muck and let go of what no longer serves us. I need to look inward to understand why I’ve been attracting so much aggressive energy and uncover the lessons there. It’s a tough journey.

If you’re feeling the same way, here are three things to try:

Reflect and Reset: Take time to reflect on what’s draining you and what you need to let go of. Create a plan to gradually release those burdens and reset your focus.

Reconnect with Your Passion: Revisit what initially drove you. Engage in activities or projects that spark joy and reignite that sense of purpose.

Seek Support: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Whether through a mentor, coach, or supportive community, find those who can help guide you through these challenging times.

Deanna ♥


My new morning routine. Off with the old and on with the new. Brian was relentless in getting me to try these. SO happy I did [I might be stubborn]. The difference in my health is astounding!


Menopause Symptoms
Now that I have your attention ... I can't and I mean I can't say enough about this. Brian pushed me into being open to it and I am so incredibly glad I was. ASTOUNDING, DM me if you would like more info. I am more than happy to help.

Introduction to Vibrotactile Technology and Neurotransmitters

This patch leverages cutting-edge vibrotactile technology to alleviate menopause symptoms. This technology utilizes subtle vibrations to stimulate specific nerve pathways, influencing neurotransmitter activity and promoting physiological balance.

Vibrotactile Technology Explained

Vibrotactile technology involves the application of controlled vibrations to the skin. These vibrations are finely tuned to specific frequencies that target nerve endings, which are abundant in the skin. The vibrations generate signals that travel through the nervous system to the brain, modulating its activity and promoting homeostasis.

Mechanism of Action

Application: The patch is applied to the skin, typically in an area where there is a high concentration of nerve endings, such as the wrist or ankle. However have been proven to be applied with success most anywhere on the body.

Stimulation of Nerve Endings: The patch emits low-frequency vibrations that stimulate the mechanoreceptors in the skin. These receptors convert mechanical stimuli into neural signals.

The signals generated by the mechanoreceptors are transmitted through afferent nerve pathways to the spinal cord and then to the brain.

Once the signals reach the brain, they influence the release and regulation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in mood regulation, sleep patterns, and overall well-being.

Effects on Menopause Symptoms

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: The modulation of neurotransmitters helps to regulate the body's temperature control mechanisms, reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and night sweats.

Mood Swings: By balancing neurotransmitter levels, the patch can alleviate mood swings, anxiety, and irritability, providing a more stable emotional state.

Sleep Disturbances: Improved neurotransmitter balance promotes better sleep quality, addressing insomnia and other sleep-related issues commonly experienced during menopause.

Fatigue and Energy Levels: The patch helps to enhance overall energy levels by promoting better sleep and reducing the physiological stress associated with menopause.


Non-Invasive: The patch offers a non-invasive alternative to hormone replacement therapy and other pharmaceutical interventions.

Easy to Use: It is simple to apply and can be worn discreetly under clothing, providing continuous relief throughout the day and night.

Drug-Free: There are no meditations on or in the patch, reducing the risk of side effects and interactions with other treatments.

This incredible technology provides a revolutionary approach to managing menopause symptoms. By harnessing the power of vibrotactile technology and the body's natural neurotransmitter pathways, the patch offers a safe, effective, and non-invasive solution for women seeking relief from the challenges of menopause.

DM me or l.i.n.k. in c.o.m.m.e.n.t.s

Deanna ♥


The Ladies Lounge is an immediate success! In just the past 28 days, we've had an astounding 77K people join our live events, gained 3.2K new followers, and received 5.3K comments. Our core group of women each brings something unique and magical to the table. We share, laugh, cry, and learn together every Thursday evening on TikTok at 8:00 PM EST.

This week, we're lightening up the topic and talking about Menopause while sipping margaritas. 🍹 Join me and the ladies—Babbs, Sally, Raychel, Crystal, Mel, Tina, Mick, Liz, Jen, and other incredible women who slide in. Our amazing moderators—Brian, Johnny, Sully, Switch, Steve, Kevin, and Pauly—keep our space safe and respectful. Without them, we couldn't do what we do. You guys rock!

Don't miss out on the fun and camaraderie. See you there!


I have been going through an unimaginable level of online attacks this past week. This is something that truly shook me to the core, the level of acceptance by people is astounding. THANK YOU to those who stood tall with me. I will never forget your support and how you became the wind beneath my wings.

Supporting the behaviors of an abuser, whether actively or passively, has profound and devastating implications. In today's digital world, staying "neutral" or not getting involved is often seen as acceptable. But what does this mean for the victim?

When we turn a blind eye or remain silent, we inadvertently validate the abuser's actions. This silence can be deafening to the victim, leaving them feeling isolated, unsupported, and further victimized. It sends a message that their pain and suffering don't matter, and that the abuser's behavior is tolerable or even acceptable. It tells the abuser that their behavior is acceptable.

Victims need allies, voices that stand up for them and challenge the wrongs being done. Your support, no matter how small, can make a difference. It can offer hope, strength, and a lifeline to someone in desperate need.

Let's break the cycle of silence and stand up against abuse. It's not just about being involved; it's about being human.


Tonight on The Ladies Lounge: Rising Above the Noise!

Despite facing vile attacks designed to silence us, The Ladies Lounge continues to stand strong and resilient. With over 57,000 show visitors in just two weeks, your incredible support has fueled our determination and amplified our voices!

Join us tonight as we delve into the heart of our movement, celebrating our collective strength and resilience. We'll explore how to identify and protect yourself from romance fraud and narcissist behaviors, empowering you to rise above manipulative tactics and hidden agendas.

Our community is a beacon of hope, uniting strong women and men worldwide in the pursuit of truth, respect, and equality. We will not be silenced. We will not back down. Together, we will rise and make our voices heard.


In a world where words hold immense power, let's use ours to defend and uplift. Imagine this: a friend, colleague, or even a stranger is being unfairly criticized or misrepresented when they aren't there to defend themselves. It's in these moments that our true character shines through.

When we stand up for someone's honor in their absence, we're not just defending them; we're setting a standard for respect, empathy, and integrity. We're showing that gossip and negativity have no place in our conversations and that we value fairness and truth.

It's easy to stay silent or join the crowd, but it takes courage to speak up. By doing so, we're not only protecting someone's reputation but also fostering a culture of kindness and mutual support. Our words can be the shield that protects someone's dignity and the light that upholds justice.

Sadly, disrespect for women and attacks from narcissists and manipulative individuals are all too common. These behaviors often go unchecked, leaving lasting scars. Standing up against such disrespect, especially in someone's absence, is crucial. It sends a clear message that we won't tolerate mistreatment and that we value and honor every individual's dignity.

Narcissistic and manipulative behaviors thrive in silence and complicity. By confronting them head-on, we dismantle their power and protect those who might not be able to defend themselves at the moment. Our collective voice can challenge toxic behavior and create a safer, more respectful environment for everyone.

So next time you hear someone being unfairly spoken about, take a stand. Be the voice that champions respect and integrity. Let's create a community where we all look out for each other, where we uplift and empower, and where our words are always used to build, not break.

Remember, we have the power to shape the world through our actions and words. Let's use it wisely.


A beautiful voice message among many sent to me today left me in tears. It reminded me that with faith and perseverance during the darkest times can bring light. Thank you so much Amy Jack ♥

In the last 24 hours, I’ve been overwhelmed by the incredible messages from so many people about their experiences with the New Ladies Lounge on TikTok. What started as a spontaneous live session has turned into something much bigger. It has grown to include merch and a much needed coaching package that will launch based on needs.

It all began as a night of boredom where I decided to go live and create a space exclusively for women to chat and connect. Little did I know that over just four episodes, our community would grow
from 800 to 22,000 people passing through, many
sharing how much they needed a safe space to talk openly about their lives – from s*xuality and menopause to dating and grief.

Women all over the world need a safe and accepting space to connect and grow. We face unique challenges and experiences that require understanding, empathy, and a supportive community.

Especially now, more than ever, as we are continually challenged for our rights, freedoms, bodily autonomy, and acceptance, creating and maintaining these safe spaces is crucial.

The Ladies Lounge has become a sanctuary for women to express themselves freely without fear of judgment. It's a place where we can share our stories, support each other, and find strength in our collective experiences.

What has truly exceeded my expectations is the amount of men joining in the comments to get clarity on their relationships, ask questions, and show their support. This has highlighted how men also need a safe space to connect, be heard, and better understand their partners and themselves. Their participation has enriched our discussions and fostered a more inclusive and empathetic environment.

I am deeply humbled by this opportunity to create a beacon of growth, connection, and non-judgment. The Ladies Lounge is becoming more than I ever imagined, and I am truly and deeply grateful for your support. Let’s continue to build this amazing space together.

Deanna ♥


I started a ladies only live stream on TikTok to simply have tea and chat about about menopause etc...
Last night was the 4th event. Over 22.2K people came through the room! We couldn't keep up with the comments. I ended the live with 2000 new followers!!.
This post isn't about bragging but about awareness.
Women going through menopause are told "it's all in your head". Life partners dealing with meno have no idea how to transition through.
These kinds of events are needed. Candidly chatting with women is a gift and a blessing. You just need to find your right tribe. We even talked about that last night.


I’ve been reflecting on the importance of living in the present. Reminding myself that time is fleeting and that our most precious moments can slip away if we don't cherish them while we have the chance. I've needed to step away from nearly everyone in my life this year to really allow myself to see with clarity and focus. You see, solitude allows for the loneliness to slip away and the self, loving thyself.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to postpone our dreams, our conversations, and our happiness, thinking there will always be more time. But what if we embraced each moment as it came? What if we stopped waiting for the perfect time and started living fully right now? Tomorrow is never promised is not a cliché.

Let's take a moment to appreciate where we are, who we're with, and what we have. Let's make that call, say those words, and follow that dream. Life is happening now, in the little moments that make up our day. Don’t let them pass you by.

Every sip of coffee, every shared smile, every heartfelt conversation—these are the moments that define us. Live them, love them, and make the most of them.

Life is too short to wait for someday. Make today the day you start living your best life and stepping into your own radiant light.

© Deanna L. Byrne


It's Time for Change

For too long, I've been waiting. Waiting to be seen, waiting to be heard, waiting to be a priority in your life. But I realize now that I can’t wait any longer. Life is fleeting, and I won't be around forever.

I've always put you and others first, believing my time would come eventually. But after countless days, months, and years of being second (or third, or fourth), I've decided it's time to make the difficult, yet empowering decision to put myself first. Time to make myself the priority.

This isn't about being selfish; it's about self-care and self-respect. I deserve to prioritize my happiness, my dreams, my body, my needs, my soul and my well-being. From this moment on, I'm committing to making myself a priority.

No more waiting in the wings. No more sidelines. It’s time to step into the spotlight of my own life.

Here’s to new beginnings and the courage to choose ourselves.

© Deanna L. Byrne


Life is much like the intriguing behavior of crows known as anting. Just as crows seek out anthills and allow ants to crawl through their feathers, we too must willingly face the challenges and hardships that come our way. The ants, seemingly troublesome at first, spray formic acid that acts as a powerful cleanser, ridding the crows of harmful parasites and pathogens. Similarly, the trials we endure, while often uncomfortable and daunting, are what cleanse us of doubts, fears, and insecurities.

These experiences, though painful, are necessary for growth. They strip away the layers that conceal our true selves, allowing us to step into our own authenticity and light. Just as the crow emerges healthier and stronger after anting, we too emerge from our hardships more resilient, more aware, and more aligned with who we truly are.

Embracing these moments of difficulty is essential, for it is through them that we find our true strength and discover the brilliance that lies within. Just as the crow trusts the process, we too must trust that the challenges we face are refining us, preparing us to shine in our fullest capacity.


Photo Credit - Tony Austin


I would like to send out a HUGE thank you to all of the amazing ladies who participated in the Ladies Night last evening in TT.
With over 3.1K people through the room our mods were busy!
Ladies Night is proving to me a much needed "safe" space for ladies to come and connect, ask questions, share info and really talk about the issues we face.
The men in the comments for the most part were so supportive eager to participate. The moderators took care of the rest! Over 100 people banned last night.
This will be a weekly event and I am looking forward to watch this unfold into something magical. ♥
Women should support women!


Never settle ...

For many women, the desire to be a wife goes far beyond tradition or societal norms. It’s about finding a partner who offers more than just companionship—it’s about finding a hero. A husband symbolizes safety in a world that can sometimes feel uncertain, a home where she can find solace, and a fortress where she feels protected.

To be a wife means to be cherished, honored, and loved deeply. It’s about finding that person who not only understands her dreams but supports them wholeheartedly. It’s the joy of sharing life’s journey with someone who becomes her rock, her confidant, and her biggest cheerleader.

Every woman deserves to feel like a queen in her own kingdom, and a husband becomes her king—the one who stands by her side through thick and thin, celebrating her victories and comforting her in moments of doubt. Together, they build a haven of love and understanding, creating a legacy of unity and strength.

So, to all the women out there dreaming of finding their soulmate, never settle for less than a partner who sees you as their equal, their inspiration, and their reason for striving to be the best version of themselves. Because being a wife isn’t just about finding someone to share a name with—it’s about finding your hero, your home, and your heart’s truest companion.

-Deanna L. Byrne


I read a poem a few years ago about a mom, written by her daughter. I felt drawn this week to sit with that and write what came to me along those lines of self introspection. 2024 has been one of tremendous shifts for me. My circle has changed.

I walked away.

It's 2024, and let me tell you about the power of walking away. I once walked into a room where a couple of my girlfriends were chatting about me, completely unaware that I was there. I just shook my head, gave a little smile, and walked away.

There was this best friend of mine who bad-mouthed me behind my back, never realizing I knew. Did I confront her? Nope. I just smiled and walked away from that so-called friendship.

And then there's family. I had a couple of relatives who couldn't keep my private life, provate, and instead of being supportive, they chose to gossip. So, I smiled, shook my head, and walked away from them too.

I was in a relationship once where I was always an afterthought, no matter what I did. It was in that moment I realized that someone's effort is a direct reflection of their interest in you. So, I walked away and never looked back.

Someone asked me how I could just walk away from people who betrayed me, whether they were supposed to be my significant other, friends, or family. Here’s the thing: every time I reached a crossroad like that, I had to decide who was worth taking along on my journey. It became crystal clear who wasn’t.

Don’t get mad at people who betray you, even if they’re family or friends. Just bow out gracefully, enjoy your journey, and remember: the moment you start wondering if you deserve better…

You do.


As she unpacked, she found moments filled with heaviness, love, and hope. She realized she had given so much—of herself, her financial help, support, properties, and countless items. So very much.

Never one to ask for help, she always found a way, quietly forging ahead. She spent many nights alone, many days focused, a lifetime chasing, a lifetime building. She never saw a weakness in her armor.

When life was abundant, so were those taking. When life became broken, so did many of the cords that linked her to others. People fell away when they realized she could no longer give them what they needed.

As the darkness deepened, she became angry and cut herself off from everyone in her past, needing to determine if they had a place in her future.

The dark crossroad demanded silence, a time to truly see and feel what was necessary to rebuild her foundation. Her smile, once a facade and a piece of armor, now hides the true soul within her eyes.

This comeback is personal. The introspection will reveal who truly aligns with her circle of love, trust, and faith. It will be a time of change, becoming much lighter. Acquaintances no longer appeal to her; she seeks a vibrational connection with people who desire nothing more from her than her laughter, her smile, and her hope.

Those who let her go will soon recognize her passion and power. Those she let go will find someone new to latch onto.

Her faith, as always, will push her forward. She will once again thrive, shine, and build.


Cook Book TWO is now live. I am a total hearty soup lover but commercial soup is so high in sodium and leaves me feeling so bloated. Salt is important on our diets but not too much.
All of these recipes were curated to help reduce inflammation in your body while filling your belly. Alsom do you know the incredible health benefits of bone broth? I do not mean bouillon seasons water, I mean real simmered bone broth. This cookbook has 5 yummy recipes for bone broth and 15 anti inflammatory soups.
Enjoy ♥ Deanna



The first cookbook in the series is now live. This project is personal! After my surgery and healing in 2021 and then the toxic mold recovery in 2023 I knew I needed to make changes. Last week was a start reminder to speed things up! But where do you start?
So much info and an already full head! So I went back to my roots and my training with The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and meticulously designed every recipe to not only offer you yummy solutions but also utilizing the power of food as medicine.
These Power Balls will become your new mid afternoon crash solution, breakfast fill in, your on the road recharge and your workout companion. I promise!
Your support is so greatly appreciated to help continue on this path of advocating for wellness.
You can view the details here: https://elevatewithdeanna.com/powerbitescookbook

Deanna ♥


I'm thrilled to introduce my brand-new cookbook, Healthy Soups and Bone Broths! This comprehensive guide features 14 delicious, nutritious soups and 5 health-boosting bone broth recipes designed to nourish your body and support your wellness journey.

Whether you're looking for a comforting meal, a quick energy boost, or a way to combat inflammation, this cookbook has something for everyone. Each recipe is crafted with high-quality ingredients to provide essential nutrients, keeping you vibrant and energized throughout your day.

From hearty classics to innovative new flavors, you'll find the perfect recipes to warm your soul and fuel your body. Plus, we've included detailed nutritional information for each recipe, so you know exactly what you're putting into your body.

Available now for download for group members! The Anti Inflammatory Diet & Lifestyle


Not a fan of Social Media? Let's have a conversation and find a healthy balance where we both feel supported.

Is there someone on my social media that causes concern? Let's talk about it and find the best solution where we are both comfortable. If this causes you deep concern, consider them gone. I value our relationship and will always prioritize your feelings.

Feeling uneasy about something I did? Feel secure enough to tell me and I promise I’ll never do it again if it makes you uncomfortable.

Need my help with something? I’ll drop whatever I’m doing and be on my way. Your needs are my priority, and I'm always here for you.

It's not about controlling someone; it’s about respecting the person you’re in a relationship with. I believe in open communication and mutual respect.

Placing my focus on our future is my priority, and my digital relationships are secondary but also meaningful. Balancing these aspects of my life helps me develop maintain healthy and supportive connections.

I will never choose an app over someone I see a future with. Our relationship means the world to me, and I am committed to nurturing it above all else. This has been an uncomfortable lesson for me.

Dee ♥


Together We Rise: A Call for Acceptance and Non-Judgment

This past week, I encountered a heart-wrenching situation from another human being. It led me into deep introspection and ignited the need to write. Out of this experience came "Together We Rise," a full poem calling for acceptance and non-judgment.

Please consider donating only $1.00 to receive the full poem, which can be printed if you wish to support the movement. Your generosity will help us continue to promote empowerment and understanding.

Thank you for your support. Together, we can make a difference.


A true man embodies the essence of strength and compassion, lifting women up and celebrating the incredible resilience within them. He recognizes that their bodies are not merely physical forms but warrior houses that have borne the weight of new life, carried children, and navigated the myriad challenges of existence. In every stretch mark and scar, he sees the beauty of their journey, the marks of a life lived with courage and grace. He acknowledges that a woman’s value is not determined by her size or shape, but by the strength of her spirit and the love she gives. Each curve and line tells a story of perseverance and endurance, making her a living testament to the power of the human spirit.

This man understands that a woman's passion is a powerful force, a fire that fuels her drive and ambition. Rather than feeling threatened, he sees this passion as a vital energy that propels both of them forward, pushing boundaries and forging new paths. He is inspired by her determination and stands by her side, supporting her dreams and aspirations with unwavering belief and encouragement.

In a woman, he finds not just a companion but a confidant, a trusted soul with whom he can share his deepest fears and hopes. He cherishes her as a safe harbor, a place where his weary spirit can find solace and renewal. Her presence is a balm to his soul, offering comfort and understanding in times of turmoil.

He acknowledges the profound emotional intelligence and empathy that women bring into relationships, valuing their insights and perspectives as essential to their shared journey. He listens, respects, and honors their voices, knowing that true partnership is built on mutual respect and open communication.

Such a man sees his role as a partner in every sense, committed to walking beside her through the joys and sorrows of life. He is steadfast in his support, celebrating her victories and offering strength in moments of struggle. His love is a constant, a source of stability and unwavering loyalty.

In lifting women, he understands that he is elevating humanity itself. By honoring their strength, nurturing their passions, and valuing their companionship, he creates a legacy of respect, equality, and love. He knows that in empowering women, he contributes to a world where every person can thrive, and together, they build a future filled with possibility and hope.

-Deanna Byrne

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ૐ About OM ૐ

The world can often be a very chaotic and overwhelming place with the ability to be so intricately connected through the online world and our devices.

The ability to be socially connected has also unfortunately, created a huge gap in physical socialization.

OM was created to provide a safe space for our guests to come and explore their spiritual journey and to find answers to some of the emotions and spiritual releases that may be experienced. We also wanted to offer tools and solutions to assist them on this path.

Since we opened on June 15th, we have met so many people who are finding themselves on a spiritual path. We love connecting with all of you to hear your stories and provide you a safe haven to come and explore yourself, discover your needs and find solutions that help.

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Everything in life is transient. #SelfImprovement#Empowerment #LifeLessons #AchieveYourGoals #BeYourBestSelf #MindsetMat...
Nothing is permanent #motivation #inspiration #deannabyrne #elevatewithdeanna
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