Columbia International College

Founded in 1979, Columbia is the largest boarding high school in Canada. [email protected]

Every year, 1,700 students from 70 countries walk through our doors. Since 1995, 100% of our graduates have received admission to the world's top universities, a record we're extremely proud of. We offer Grades 7-12 in addition to university preparatory and students can choose from a wide range of subjects that match their interests.


Today, Valerie Louter from Neighbour 2 Neighbour visited CIC to thank our Grade 11 Leadership and Peer Support class and collect the donation they graciously fundraised last semester. The students raised over $900 for this much-needed community resource.

A big thank you to all the students who supported this fundraiser and worked so hard to make it such a great success! 💖

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/14/2024

Lavina Opoku, CIC '24, reflects on her journey with gratitude and nostalgia. It wasn't easy for her in the beginning - navigating a new environment, battling homesickness, and striving for balance - but with each challenge came growth and unforgettable moments.

“My overall experience in CIC has been momentous. It was challenging to settle in initially because I was often homesick and needed time to get adjusted to the new environment. Eventually, it got easier, especially when I made new friends. These relationships helped my time in CIC become more enjoyable. We had many laughs together, we studied together, supported each other, and even stressed about schoolwork together, all of these little moments made a big impact on my experience here.

Having the support of my parents back home also contributed greatly to my experience because they encouraged me and kept supporting me in everything I did. I am really grateful for that as their support motivated me to work harder.

CIC has taught me many things, it helped me be more responsible, independent and gain confidence. It also helped me create good working relationships with both my peers and staff, especially since I had the opportunity to be a Residence Leader and be in the Leadership Team as well.

Hard work and dedication helped me to get good grades. I made sure to put in a lot of effort in my studies and to set goals for myself making sure that I achieve it, even if it meant staying up till about 12am studying, having group studies with my friends or seeing a tutor.

I have had many memorable experiences in CIC but my two top memories worth highlighting were the Halloween party and Prom. The Halloween party was the first big event that I participated in, and it enabled me to adapt to the new environment. I was able to socialize more with people and make good friends. Prom was really fun, and I was able to create fun memories with all my friends.

My advice for future CIC students is simply to work hard and believe in yourself no matter what. Although it might get hard sometimes it’s good to remember that all the effort you’re putting in will pay off eventually. Making good friends too would help make your time here much better like it did for me.”

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/13/2024

🌞 From yoga sessions to ‘Inside Out’ screening, refreshing drinks from Booster Juice, and fun with open board games, we celebrated wellness in style. ✨The annual summer event run by our incredible Student Leadership Team was a blast! 🍣 Adding to the summer vibes was a delightful surprise: a fresh Sushi pop-up stand!


Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/13/2024

✨Throwing it back to the 2024 May Graduation at CIC, where Georgii Mogilnikov left an indelible mark as Valedictorian, inspiring hundreds with his uplifting words. 🎓

From his stellar academic achievements to the leadership roles, Georgii’s journey exemplifies dedication and community spirit.

🌟 As co-captain of the Athletic Council, founder of the Engineering Club, and a dedicated tutor, he’s shown us the power of passion and inclusivity.

🎙 Quotes from Georgii’s Valedictorian speech:

“Nobody will ever come and push you, except for yourself. So, even if you fail, it is okay, keep trying until you succeed. It’s the hardest things in life – the things that stress you out and fail you – that build character and make you stronger.”

“So, please remember that it is never about surrendering to reality and tossing away your dreams. It is always about sticking to your life vision even in the most terrifying times till it radiates in your reality.”

“As we soon depart from this auditorium and go our separate ways, I call upon you all to chase the very things you dream about - the things that now may seem impossible for you. I encourage each of you to aspire to make a difference on your journey and to embrace every challenge it brings as a stepping stone to your growth.”

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/12/2024

🎉 A BIG shout-out to all the students who volunteered during the summer semester, showing support for the school and the Hamilton community!

(Pics 1-5) 🎨 Imagine In The Park: Over 40 students volunteered for Imagine in the Park, supporting artists at the children’s art festival! They experienced hands-on learning while providing art-based workshops.

(Pics 6-9) 🌿 Cedar Gardens: Our students have been working hard to prepare the garden beds with delicious vegetables! We’ve planted a variety of healthy fruits and veggies like kale, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, and more. 🍅 All harvests will be donated to Neighbour 2 Neighbour Food Bank.

(Pic 10) 💙 Cystic Fibrosis Walk: We’re incredibly proud to support the 20th annual Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History! Our students facilitated mini-games for children and families living with cystic fibrosis, bringing joy and smiles all around. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects thousands, and events like these are crucial in raising awareness and funds for research and support.

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/12/2024

Hossein Kasaei, CIC ’24, unlocks his “secret formula” for academic success. 🎓 Not only has he secured admission to the top engineering programs at Canada’s best universities, he’s also bagged an impressive $194,000 in scholarships!

✅University of Toronto St. George (Engineering)
✅University of Toronto St. George (Computer Science)
✅University of Waterloo (Computer Science)
✅McGill University (Engineering)
✅McGill University (Physical, Earth, Math & Computer Science)
✅University of British Columbia (Engineering)
✅University of Alberta (Engineering)
✅McMaster University (Computer Science)
✅McMaster University (Engineering)
✅Queens University (Engineering)
✅University of Ottawa (Computer Engineering)
✅Western University (Engineering)
✅Total Scholarships: $ 194,000 CAD


First and foremost, I’d like to thank my parents for their unconditional support. They believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself and stood by my side through life’s bitter and unfair realities.

What does it take to get accepted to the best engineering programs in Canada? Simply studying. Sure, other things are considered when you apply to top universities, but ultimately, it all boils down to the fundamentals. How efficiently one can study and how much one can gain from it are essential parts, but they both depend on the individual and the extent to which they are willing to go. To put it concisely, there is no escaping it; the binary will always catch us, one way or another, expected or unexpected.

I take a step back and reflect on what I’ve accomplished so far. In the grand scheme of life, the difficulties lose their might and become banal. When facing challenges, I do not believe solely relying on motivation is effective; it certainly helps but will not always be present. In the absence of motivation, resolve is what carries one through. In a practical sense, discipline is more reliable in times of difficulty, or so I believe.


Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/10/2024

🎓 Four years after her virtual graduation due to COVID, Ada Chen, joined by her parents and grandmothers, revisited to CIC to finally check off “real” graduation photos from her list.

She met with familiar faces, recollected fond memories, and took her family for a campus tour.

Ada began her CIC journey as an ESL student in 2017 and successfully completed her high school in 2020 before pursuing undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Now, she’s ready to start her next academic adventure at the graduate program at Western University’s Ivey Business School.

Ada’s parents spoke highly of CIC’s unwavering care and support of every student, recognizing the solid foundation it provided for Ada’s university journey and beyond..

What could be more exciting than witnessing three generations of a family coming together to celebrate a child’s success?

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/07/2024

📐 ✂️ Grade 12 Calculus classes have been tasked with finding an optimal open-topped box as part of an optimization challenge.

The goal is to create an open-topped box with the maximum volume given a sheet of material. The students must physically create a box using the sheet of material provided. They must also write a fully worked solution showing how they know it has a maximum volume. The first team to complete the challenge wins a prize!

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/07/2024

✨ Thanks to their parents’ unwavering support, both Nataly Rodriguez (CIC ’24) and her sister Liliany (CIC ’18) had an unforgettable journey at CIC. Now, Nataly is stepping into her sister’s footsteps, ready to start her next chapter at Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia!


I still remember when I first arrived at CIC and felt a mix of excitement, nervousness, and sadness about leaving my country. I had always been the kind of person who never took the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, but once I was here, I knew that everything would change for me.

Coming to CIC was the best experience I’ve ever had - high-quality education, caring teachers, and friends that I never imagined I would make from different places around the world.

Friends are a valuable part of my life here. They are my family and my support. They are always there to listen to me, make me smile, or simply give me a hug when I really need it.

I used to only focus on academics and my grades, but here I’ve come to understand that I can do more beyond this aspect. I joined the service prefects, high achievers, running club, and started the CIC dance club along with my friends! Additionally, I’ve participated in many community service opportunities, which are among my favorite activities provided by the school.

Besides Canadian, UK and US universities, CIC is also a great pathway to top universities in South America! These universities highly value Canadian education because it’s uncommon for individuals to study abroad and then return to their home countries. I applied to a few Canadian universities, including McMaster, and being accepted there, along with my grades, helped me gain admission to Los Andes Engineering in Colombia!

I’ll cherish the memories of Canada, CIC, my friends, and all the happy moments I’ve had here. However, this isn’t goodbye, but rather, see you later.


Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/06/2024

🌸 Throwing it back to the Spring Festival, reminiscing on those cheerful moments and looking forward to the beauty of every day ahead!

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/05/2024

Meet Nikita Marchenko, CIC ‘24 🎓 He believes that life is like a game, and the results will be satisfactory only if you enjoy every stage of it. Thanks to the amazing staff and welcoming atmosphere, CIC has become one of the stages he has enjoyed immensely.


“My biggest desire in life is to be surrounded by a proactive and enriching community. I’ve made an effort to surround myself with people who stimulate my growth, and in return, I share my expertise and synergy with them.

At CIC, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many great people from different cultures, explore various places, and participate in numerous events.

Challenging yourself academically and outside the classroom is one of the major life hacks I propose for achieving your goals. Seeking challenges is a prerequisite for improvement. Every time I overcome a difficulty or achieve a goal, I ask myself, with the opportunity for reflection, ‘Is the game finished, or do I desire the next level, something beyond what I already have?’ The answer is apparent.

The key to a successful high school life is finding balance. I believe I have achieved it: balancing social and academic pursuits, friendships, and personal growth. Don’t be afraid to forgo immediate gratification when circumstances demand it, because true happiness comes from solving your difficulties, not avoiding them.”

✨ Nikita has achieved tremendous success in university applications and is now heading for the next brilliant chapter of his life. Congratulations, Nikita!

✅University of Toronto St. George (Computer Science)
✅University of Toronto Mississauga (Computer Science)
✅University of Toronto Scarborough (Computer Science)
✅University of Waterloo (Computer Science)
✅University of Waterloo (Mathematics/ Mathematical Sciences)
✅University of British Columbia (Computer Science)
✅University of British Columbia Okanagan (Computer Science)
✅York University Schulich School of Business (Business Administration)
✅York University (Computer Security)
✅Toronto Metropolitan University (Business Technology Management)
✅Western University (Management & Organizational Studies)
✅Total Scholarships: 306,500 CAD

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/04/2024

🍦 🍇 🍏 Treat Tuesday at Student Life Development (S244) is a highlight of summer school! Students get to enjoy freshly made treats like sundaes and fruit cups, topped with probiotic yogurt and honey.

These refreshing and nutritious snacks bring smiles to their faces and provide them with the energy to navigate through the extended summer school hours!

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/04/2024

🎓 Sohna Jarju, CIC ‘24, described herself as an introverted girl, shying away from expressing herself when she arrived at CIC in 2019. Fast forward five years, and we’re witnessing a transformed Sohna.

✏️ Sohna:

“My experience here at CIC has been a positive journey that has greatly contributed to my personal growth. Throughout my years here, I have learned to persevere through the challenges thrown at me and have taken valuable lessons from each experience.

I joined leadership teams such as the Service Prefects and Student Council, which allowed me to build my teamwork and communication skills.

Above all, I am grateful for the people around me who have motivated me to continue reaching my goals when facing obstacles.

When applying to universities, I made sure to research the requirements for the programs I was interested in while keeping an open mind.

Having different options is a good idea when exploring the different paths available. I made sure to continuously work hard on schoolwork to improve my average while also participating in extracurriculars and hobbies to support my application.

My advice to future CIC students is to work steadily towards your goals. Surround yourself with people who motivate you and enable you to work hard. The leadership teams offered are a great opportunity to connect with peers and improve your own skills!”

🎉 Sohna has received multiple offers and generous scholarships from renowned universities in Canada and the UK. Huge congratulations!

✅University of British Columbia (Visual Arts)
✅University of British Columbia: Okanagan (Arts)
✅University of Central Lancashire (Fashion Design)
✅Leeds Arts University (Fashion Design)
✅University of Toronto St. George (Social Sciences)
✅Ontario College of Arts and Design (Drawing & Painting)
✅McMaster University (Social Sciences)
✅Carleton University (BA-Honours)
✅University of Ottawa (Political Science)
✅Toronto Metropolitan University (Criminal Justice)
✅Toronto Metropolitan University (Fashion)
✅Total Scholarships: 124,500 CAD


🎓 After an incredible 2-year journey at CIC, Ameilia Vu bids farewell with a heart full of gratitude and a future brimming with promise.

Reflecting on her time at CIC, Ameilia shares insights into the contrasts between Vietnamese and Canadian education systems, highlighting the invaluable experiences, extracurricular adventures, and unwavering support from teachers and staff that have shaped her journey.

🌟 Graduating in May 2024, Ameilia's earned herself remarkable university offers and scholarships totaling $240,100 from Canada's top universities!

✅ University of Toronto, Rotman Commerce (Commerce)

✅University of Toronto Scarborough (Management & International Business)

✅ University of Toronto Mississauga (Management & Business)

✅ McMaster University (Business)

✅Brock University (International Dual Degree)

✅ Western University (Management & Organizational Studies)

✅ York University (Commerce)

✅ Toronto Metropolitan University (Business Management)

Photos from Columbia International College's post 06/03/2024

🍬 Sour jelly beans and sweet memories! Residence Student Leaders came together for a hilarious party celebrating their incredible contributions to the vibrant residence life that made last semester unforgettable.

♥️ Thank you for making our community shine!

Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/31/2024

🍔🍦🍕From a mouthwatering BBQ dinner to kick off the new semester, to Scoops and Study sessions, and surprise pizza drop-ins, our under-16 students have been treated to some special delights over the past two weeks!

Principal Reid, Total Care+ department staff and tutors joined in, creating a warm family atmosphere during these activities.

Stay tuned for more upcoming Total Care+ events including an exciting trip to the Next Level Escape Rooms!

✨Special shout-out to for the tasty experience.

Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/31/2024

✨Inspiring thoughts and fond memories from Iakov Blokhin, CIC ‘24. He believes CIC has been a transformative pathway which provided numerous opportunities for him to make new connections and grow.


“It’s impossible to accomplish anything without putting your effort and passion into that action. Whenever I confronted difficulties, I always reminded myself that if I give up, I’ll lose what I have achieved.

In order to get admitted to universities, I tried to maintain a balance between academics and relaxation, which enabled me to conquer obstacles and juggle my various courses efficiently. Also, time management skills are important in completing my assignments on schedule. The drive for a brighter future has always been a constant source of motivation, pushing me to work diligently.

While there were countless memorable events during my time at CIC, one particularly special occasion was the 2022 graduation ceremony. Witnessing one of my close friends graduate from CIC was a moment that sparked my awareness that, one day, I too would find myself in a similar position, preparing to enter a new chapter of my life.”

Congratulations to Iakov on multiple university offers and scholarships! Wishing him all the best for the next exciting chapter of his life.

✅ University of Derby (International Hospitality Management)

✅ Leeds Becktt University (Hospitality Management)

✅ University of Surrey (International Hospitality Management)

✅ Bournemouth University (International Tourism & Hospitality Management)

✅Oxford-Brookes University UK (International Hospitality and Hotel Management)

✅University of Toronto Scarborough (Mathematics)

✅University of Guelph (Hospitality & Tourism Management)

✅University of Ottawa (Mathematics)

✅York University (Mathematics)

✅ York University (Cities, Regions, Planning)

✅ York University (Jewish Studies)

✅ University of Guelph (Housing & Real Estate Management)

✅ Toronto Metropolitan University (Retail Management)
Brock University (Tourism)

✅ Toronto Metropolitan University (Hospitality & Tourism Management)

✅ Total Scholarships: 171,600 CAD


Meet Ryan (right) and Matthew, twins who recently joined CIC’s Grade 10 this May Semester. From day one, they’ve embraced the new environment with optimism and determination, setting their sights on ambitious goals ahead.

So far, Ryan has achieved a perfect score of 100% in Physical Education and an impressive 97% in Science. Meanwhile, Matthew is learning ESL English and gearing up for the academic courses awaiting him.

✏️ Ryan:

CIC offers ESL courses specifically designed for non-English-speaking students, which enables us to improve our English skills faster.

My new semester is going well so far, and I‘m determined to enhance my speaking skills. I often stutter in front of groups and sometimes can’t find my words. Therefore, I plan to chat more with other students and actively prepare for the speech tasks assigned by the teacher.

As twins, we are mostly consistent, though we have different personalities and future goals.

We hope to participate in more school activities and help others.

Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/29/2024

🍳 In Ms. Averyanova’s ESL class, students transformed into chefs and hosted their own cooking shows with kitchen and food props.

🍽️From slicing and simmering to spatula and strainer, they explained every step using the verbs and nouns they‘ve learned in class.

🗣️Hands-on learning at its finest!


✨Thanks to a new partnership agreement between Columbia International College and Sheridan College, starting from February 2024, Columbia graduates are gaining enhanced admissions and scholarship opportunities for Sheridan’s globally renowned Animation, Arts & Design undergraduate programs.

Under this partnership:

✅ Sheridan will offer as many spots as possible in Animation, Arts & Design programs to Columbia students who meet competitive requirements.

✅ Sheridan will waive the TOEFL or IELTS requirement for Columbia graduates who meet either of the following criteria for English proficiency:

a. Minimum of 75% in both Grade 11 and Grade 12 U-level English marks, or

b. Minimum of 80% in Grade 12 U-level English marks

✅ Sheridan will offer three admission scholarships to the top three Columbia graduates who have applied to Sheridan.

✅ Sheridan staff will visit Columbia to provide guidance and advice to students preparing their portfolios.

a. Sheridan will invite Columbia students who have applied for its programs to a pre-registration session.

b. Sheridan will organize day trips for Columbia students to visit its campus.

Columbia and Sheridan are aligned in their commitment to delivering first-class education and ensuring student success. This partnership is set to reinforce the strategic ties between the two institutions and facilitate increased acceptance and scholarship opportunities for Columbia students at Sheridan College.

Sheridan’s Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design (FAAD) is Canada‘s largest art school, internationally renowned for its programs to nurture performers, animators, filmmakers, designers, and artists.

It is dubbed the ’Harvard of Animation‘ and is ranked as the top animation school in the world. Graduates of Sheridan’s animation program have worked with Disney, Pixar, Nelvana, and Guru, creating beloved characters for screens big and small.

Notably, Sheridan alumna Domee Shi won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film for her directorial debut, Bao, at the 91st Academy Awards in 2019.

More information:

Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/25/2024

🌟 Under-16 students had an absolute blast at an outdoor workshop hosted by McMaster University’s ALTITUDE team today!

Through engaging team-building and leadership games, they explored the roles and expectations of a leader and how members of a team can function most effectively.

💡 These fun-packed sessions are part of CIC’s Total Care+ Education program, tailored to provide comprehensive support for under-16 students to addresses their Academic, Social, Emotional, and Physical (ASEP) needs, ensuring a well-rounded educational journey.

Curious to learn more? Reach out to our multilingual Admissions and Liaison Office for details.

Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/23/2024

✨Esther Tung, CIC ’24, reflects on the experiences that have shaped her into the individual she is today. But first, let’s give a round of applause for the amazing university offers and scholarships she has received!

✅University College London (Applied Medical Sciences)

✅King’s College London (Biomedical Sciences)

✅University of Edinburgh (Biomedical Sciences)

✅University of California Santa Barbara (Life Sciences)

✅University of California Davis (Biological Sciences)

✅University of California Irvine (Biological Sciences)

✅University of California San Diego (Life Sciences)

✅University of Toronto, St. George (Life Sciences)

✅University of Toronto, Mississauga (Forensic Science)

✅University of Toronto, Scarborough (Health Sciences)

✅McMaster University (Life Sciences)

✅University of Waterloo (Life Sciences)

✅Case Western Reserve University (Life Sciences)

✅Ontario Tech University (Life Sciences)

✅York University (Biomedical Sciences)

✅Total Scholarships: 128,500 CAD


One of the most remarkable experiences during my time at CIC would undoubtedly be the notification of my acceptance to UCL. As I received the offer to pursue studies at UCL on Valentine’s Day, an overwhelming sense of excitement permeated the guidance counsellor’s office.

Celebrating this significant milestone alongside my closest confidants, including my best friend, boyfriend, and university counsellors, I consider it a truly memorable Valentine’s Day gift.

Since Grade 9, I’ve been diligently crafting my after-school and summer activities to delve deeper into my chosen field. From assuming roles such as Student Council President, Outreach President, and Clan Captain to honing teamwork and collaboration through football, I’ve aimed to cultivate a multifaceted skill set conducive to future success.

Reflecting on these experiences, I recognize their pivotal role in fostering the confidence necessary to pursue applications to universities in the United States, the UK, and Canada.

#留学 #留学生活


What an incredible year it has been for CIC’s FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team - Critical Circuits or teams 9062! 🎉

🤖 From being the world’s longest swerve robot since 2023 to winning the Ontario Rookie All-Stars in 2023, we have achieved so much.

Teams 9062’s accolades also include:

✅ World’s longest swerve robot (2023-present)

✅ Ontario Rookie All-Stars (2023)

✅ Built Canada’s smallest swerve drive (2022)

✅ Most outreach completed in a year (73 in 2022-23)

✅ Top 500 FRC Teams (Statbotics, 2024)

✅ Top 50 Canadian Teams (Statbotics, 2024)

Stay tuned for more exciting tech updates and videos on our YouTube channel:


Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/17/2024

✨ We are extremely proud to welcome parents and families from many corners of the world to celebrate our graduates and their accomplishments!

As we watch them cross the stage to receive their diplomas, we extend our heartfelt thank you to every parent and family member who has placed their trust in us since 1979.

💖 Your unwavering support and sacrifices have been instrumental in our students’ academic journeys at CIC and beyond.

Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/16/2024

✨As we celebrate our 45th anniversary alongside the graduation of our May 2024 class, Columbia International College is honored to extend the sincere gratitude to our university partners and post-secondary institutions. Their presence and support during this momentous occasion mean the world to students and parents from across the globe.

✅ Brock University

✅ McMaster University

✅ Mohawk College

✅ Ontario Tech University

✅ Queen’s University

✅ Sheridan College

✅ Toronto Metropolitan University

✅ Trent University

✅ University of Ottawa

✅ University of Toronto St. George

✅ University of Toronto Mississauga

✅ University of Toronto Scarborough

✅ University of Waterloo

✅ Western University

✅ Wilfrid Laurier University

✅ York University

This significant milestone reflects our shared vision and steadfast commitment to empowering international students to not only excel academically but also to embrace a well-rounded education that prepares them for a meaningful and rewarding future.

These universities and colleges play a pivotal role in this journey, working closely with our University Placement Office to guide students through the application and admissions process. From organizing informative sessions to facilitating campus tours tailored to our graduating students, their collaboration has been invaluable.

Moreover, our graduates benefit from a range of opportunities provided by our university partners, including early admissions, guaranteed admissions, exemptions from TOEFL/IELTS requirements, and designated scholarships.

💐 As we embark on this new chapter, crossing 45 years of Total Care education, we look forward to further strengthening our collaboration with these esteemed universities and colleges, providing students and parents worldwide with the best support possible, ensuring that their dreams are realized and aspirations fulfilled.

Photos from Columbia International College's post 05/15/2024

🎓 Congratulations to our May 2024 graduates! We’re incredibly proud of their huge accomplishments, celebrated in style at the Hamilton Convention Center.

💐 The Class of 2024 graduates have diligently reached this milestone. They’ve excelled academically, built strong social bonds, participated in extracurricular activities, and exhibited exemplary character and leadership.

They’ve not only excelled academically, securing numerous admission offers from universities in Canada and worldwide, along with scholarships totaling over 17 million CAD, but also devoted over 17,800 hours to community service, demonstrating their dedication to creating a positive impact on the world around them.

Loren King, Associate Professor at Wilfred Laurier University and a triple crown marathon swimmer, delivered an inspiring keynote, commending graduates on their journey to a promising future.

Special guests from esteemed universities and colleges, including Brock, McMaster, Mohawk, Ontario Tech, Queen’s, Sheridan, U of T, TMC, Trent, uOttawa, Waterloo, Western, Wilfrid Laurier, and York, extended their best wishes.

Valedictorian Georgii Mogilnikov emphasized the importance of resilience during challenges during his speech.

Harlin Singh expressed sincere gratitude to parents, teachers, and CIC’s Total Care staff for their pivotal support.

CEO Clement Chan reflected on CIC’s 45 years of educational excellence, expressed optimism for the future, and thanked everyone for their trust in Total Care Education system.

🌹 Parents and families have sacrificed much; we share their immense pride. Thanks to our graduates’ families for choosing CIC and entrusting us with their children’s journey.

✨Congratulations, May 2024 class! Graduation signifies both closure and the dawn of a new educational journey. This is just the beginning. Stay connected, persevere, and chase your dreams.

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Videos (show all)

🎓 After an incredible 2-year journey at CIC, Ameilia Vu bids farewell with a heart full of gratitude and a future brimmi...
What an incredible year it has been for CIC’s FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team - Critical Circuits or teams 9062! 🎉...
The air was buzzing with excitement as we celebrated end of semester with our epic Spring Festival at Cedar Campus!🎈It w...
🎓 We're immensely proud to witness our graduates' hard work paid off in a big way, and share their joy as they turn thei...
Last Day of School Mood
Congratulations to all May and June graduates 📸
🌟 Hey CIC, get ready to cast your votes and decide who will be crowned Prom Royalty on Prom Night, April 19th!  🎉 We can...
The EPP class of 2025 traveled to Montreal and Quebec City this March Break to explore the history of “La Belle Province...
The EPP students traveled to ᴡᴇɴᴅᴀᴋᴇ, Qᴜᴇʙᴇᴄ on their exclusive trip to learn about the traditional Indigenous way of li...
🏀 Toronto Raptors Court Rental: An amazing opportunity for CIC athletes to sharpen their skills and live the ultimate ba...
✨ Last week's University Fair was truly eye-opening! Our Student Media team had the fantastic opportunity to connect wit...
🌟 Our recent fundraisers successfully raised CAD 2,935 for Ronald McDonald House Charities - South Central Ontario. It w...




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