Jessica Platt

PWHPA Member
Former Professional Hockey Player for the Toronto Furies in the CWHL. #11

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 09/04/2023

Happy birthday to my beautiful wife❤️
You are the kindest soul I've ever met. Who else would call the stray cats on vacation one of the highlights?
I love you so much!



Happy 2nd anniversary my love!

If you asked me 10 years ago if I'd someone to love me for who I am, be in a relationship, happily married, and extremely happy I would have laughed.

This incredible woman has made me feel like no other. Because of her I feel like I can do anything and I know with her by my side everything will be ok.

I love you ❤️❤️❤️


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 06/18/2023

Every year since I started getting fit I do the run for the Boys Home in Sarnia. It's something my dad always took us to watch growing up so it's important to me to do it and be one of the people he watches run by every year on Father's Day.

My fitness took a hit from covid and my car accident in August 2021.

I went in with the plan to be happy with a 50 minute 10km and very happy with a 47:30.

I managed to run it in 45:41 which was way above my plans so I couldn't be happier!



Sarnia! I'm coming to you this Saturday from 1-2! See you at the Library!

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 06/09/2023

this weekend!
Can't wait to be there tomorrow!

Who am I gonna see there?!


joining us for ?! OVERJOYED is an understatement. 🙌 🎉


I'll be playing THIS SUNDAY for the Goderich Firefighters against some NHL alumni in this charity game. Can't wait!
Gametime is 2 P.M. in Goderich

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 12/18/2022

There's nothing better than sharing your passion with someone you love. I can't describe how happy it makes me to get on the ice with my wife ❤️
Don't forget to share your passions and things you love with the important people in your life.
It will fill your heart up!❤️❤️


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 09/04/2022

Happy Birthday my beautiful wife!❤️❤️
Every day with you is an adventure. 💕 You are the most incredible woman I know. You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for you/us.


Happy First Anniversary!! Our first year married had so many ups and downs. We had a car accident, first year owning a home, honeymoon and just alot happen in the year. The good and the bad, there's nobody I'd rather do it with.
I love you so much ❤️❤️


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 07/23/2022

3 years, 1 serious car accident, catching COVID, and not being back into top shape yet since my last Duathlon.

Bluewater Triathlon/Duathlon is my favourite event. In my hometown and just a great race. I wanted to compete again, I wanted to have fun most importantly!
Not being prepared I set myself reasonable goals that I would be happy with. I met my goal in the last run and crushed my goals in the first run and the bike portion so I couldn't be happier. What an amazing day!

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 06/20/2022

Being the best +1 I can be!

I love wedding season so much! The love just radiates from everyone and it's always such a magical day. I can't help but feel lucky whenever I'm invited to own.

I spend so much time at work, running, being active that I rarely get to dress in anything other than my uniform/activewear. I think I clean up pretty nice!


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 03/16/2022

Photo dump #2 from my favourite stop, The Lamanai Ruins in Belize! Fuelled by my morning caramel macchiato pictured last.


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 03/15/2022

Kelly and I finally took our honeymoon!! We went on an amazing cruise in the Western Carribean. It was the most amazing week! ❤️

Photo dump from day 1-2. The day we left from Fort Lauderdale and day 2 in Bahamas (Beach day on Pearl Island)
More to come tomorrow!


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 02/14/2022

Happy Valentine's Day to my beautiful wife❤️❤️
Words can't describe my love for you. Together we can do anything, and get through anything.

I couldn't have imagined this life in my wildest dreams but I'm so happy/lucky that we were brought together.


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 01/29/2022

I got a new car!
Not my usual type of post but exciting news. Travelling to work I needed reliability and safety. Kelly's saved our lives and that made it one of my top picks.


Got on the ice this weekend for only the second time in just over a year and I'm still feeling happy because of it.

Last year everything was cancelled in November and I've been injured for awhile so being back on the ice, one of my happy places, has me feeling so much better. Things are starting to feel normal again! Time to work my way back to where I was before my injuries!

Take time to do the things you love. Enjoy it. Do what you can, what you need to do to be happy! ❤️


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 01/03/2022

2021 was filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows.

Our landlord sold the house we were living in, we bought a house, Bella had her foal, we moved into our first house, I married the love of my life, we were in a serious car accident, both horses came closer to us safely, I got in a second(minor) car accident, I got back to try a hockey practice, hockey got delayed.

Hopefully 2022 will bring more stability and things will start to get back to normal. I still have some time to go until I am back to normal but as always, I will work my hardest to get back there as soon as I can!

It's been a heck of a rollercoaster but I wouldn't want to ride it with anyone else. We can do anything together ❤️



Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃

Not pictured, my wife and our other 13 pumpkins.
Stay safe and have a fun night!


This girl and I are on the mend. 3 weeks ago we were in a serious car crash. I've been struggling ever since, being severely limited in my bodies capabilities.
I am so thankful for my wife for keeping me from falling into a rut during a difficult time.

One thing I gained from this experience is a sense that people are still inherently good when sometimes it seems the opposite. From the people who stopped and helped us initially who stepped up in a huge way in a stressful situation, to the first responders who were absolutely incredible, to the healthcare professionals for taking care of us at the hospital, and our families for helping us out ever since I am so thankful and grateful for everyone! ❤️

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 09/10/2021

After going back and forth for awhile on whether or not to have one more try at it, I've come to the difficult decision that my time playing professional hockey has come to an end.

I want to start by giving my most sincere and heartfelt thank you to the fans, my coaches, teammates, opponents, and anyone who followed my journey. Every choice I made, hours put in training, time spent on the 401 driving to hockey was done to live upto the person you all believed I could be.

I've been given so many incredible experiences and opportunities these past few years, met so many amazing people and lived out a life's dream. I was given an opportunity to help others like myself by being visible and that's something I'm truly grateful for. It's had its ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I'm not done with hockey like the last time I gave it up. I don't think I could ever give it up again so I'll still be playing in some capacity and involved when I can be. I'll always fight for inclusivity and equity in sports, especially hockey.

This isn't the end, just the start of a new chapter of my life. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 09/04/2021

Happy birthday to you my beautiful wife! It's been one hell of a summer, good and bad, but that only reinforces how we can get through anything together. I love you with all my heart. ❤️❤️❤️


Today I married my best friend in a small family only ceremony at her family cottage, right where I proposed to her. It's surreal to be able to call her my wife! ❤️💍🏳️‍🌈
When I told her I wanted to come out publicly she had my back immediately. She supports me in everything I strive for and makes me want to be a better person every day.
She has given me happiness in life and am amazing family with our pets and new house. She gave me something I never expected to have. It's out there everyone even if you might not see it at the time.
I love you with everything I am and I know whatever life throws our way we will be ok (and crush it) because we are together. ❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 06/20/2021

Happy Father's Day to the best Dad out there!

I spent a long time isolating myself and being scared of how my family would react to my truth and worrying about being rejected.

Since transitioning, and expressing my true self Dad has been one of my biggest supporters. Every day I want to make you proud and be the best version of myself. Thank you for your support, thank you for helping make me the person I am today. I appreciate everything you have done for me more than I can describe!

Growing up every Father's Day there was a 10k we always watched the runners go by and I've been running it since 2015. I haven't been able to run the annual Father's Day run the past 2 years but hopefully next year!

Love you Dad! ❤️

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 06/02/2021

We have a new addition to the family! Meet Arlo (show name Avogadro).

It's been a wild week for my little family. Kelly's horse gave birth last week to this little one.

I haven't always been the biggest horse person, I still sometimes get more nervous than I should be around them tbh. This is Kelly's passion though, and seeing her, in her element makes me so happy! I think it's very important in a relationship to make an effort to understand and learn about your partner's passions. She dove right into my hockey world and supported me in everything I've done so far. I want to support her like she's supported me, and her horses make it easy for me to do.

Welcome to the family little buddy! I love you already❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 05/13/2021

My training is going well! How about yours?

I definitely find it hard to stay motivated. Besides how much my dog(Arthur) loves going for runs, I stay motivated by a strong desire to be the best version of myself possible. I'm always trying to improve myself at whatever I'm doing. That competitive nature in myself makes me want to be better than the last time I did it.
With running though it's important to remember that you don't always see the improvement rapidly but over a length of time.

My goal this year is to run in a similar time to what I ran 2 years ago in person at the race. It will be difficult because like many people my training took a hit. I still try my best and I know I can do it.
Running virtually I can choose my course, I can find a route that puts, and keeps me in a good mental state which I find very important when running!

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 05/11/2021

Mine are she/her.

When I was learning who I was and first expressing my true self I can't tell you how happy it made me when people addressed me by the proper pronouns. I would light up, it was validating and I felt like I could be the person I was meant to be.
Unfortunately people also used the wrong pronouns whether accidentally or on purpose but both ways killed me alittle bit more every time it happened.
This shows how important something as seemingly small as your pronoun use can affect someone. So always make a conscious effort, it's not hard to use the right one.

This shirt is from a new company called UbeU. Check them out at (not a hyperlink sorry)

Express yourself!


Photos from Jessica Platt's post 04/25/2021


Register now for this virtual race benefitting some wonderful organizations like as and to name a few.

This year there is a 25km anniversary team challenge (5 people, 5km each) if you want to do it with your squad!

Go to to register! (Sorry it's not a link)

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 04/02/2021

Everyone knows by now I love running and I love competing in duathlons.

One of the runs I do is the Pride and Remembrance run in Toronto and this year I'm so excited to be an ambassador for it!

This year it is a virtual event, as most are but I'm still excited for it because it is a run that supports some great causes!

I started running as a way to get in shape once I finally started to care about my body and loved the feeling I got after runs. Later I started to do organized runs and fell in love with the atmosphere and the community. When you go to a run everyone is so helpful, supportive, and positive that you can't help but love it. I try to do that for others, whether a head nod as we run by each other or whatever. It's a special community and anyone can take part. That's what's so great about it, no matter your fitness level, you can do it and people will cheer you on!

Get out there and run! ☺️

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 03/31/2021

Trans Day of Visibility is important because visibility is so important. We can't bring positive change in the world if we don't see what people who may have different experiences than us have to endure. It also helps bring light to issues that need fixed in society as a whole. We have seen the importance visibility has had and continues to have for marginalized groups in our history, so we can see how useful it can be for issues the trans community faces. It sheds light on what we need to fix.
Not only that, but trans people being visible, happy, and successful can be a powerful tool for someone who may be at the beginning of their journey and needs a positive representation of someone they can aspire to be or be like.
With so much negativity fired at trans people in the media and in bills around the world (Especially right now I'm lookin at you, USA), we need more and more positive representation. I want to be visible and show a positive representation of a person who is trans. I want someone to see they can be happy, they can be themselves, and they can live a life they've truly dreamt about.


Honestly I'm feeling myself. I don't often have this kind of confidence with my appearance. I hated it for so long. Because of this, I find it so important to acknowledge when I feel this happy with my appearance.

It's self love, and it's important to love yourself.

It's easy to let things go during Covid. For instance my hair went wayyyy too long without a haircut. It's something small but getting it cut makes me feel so good! That feeling of doing something to take care of myself is amazing.
Usually what I do to take care of myself is run, workout, train, or anything active so it feels nice to change it up.

This is going to be a great weekend! I can feel it. I hope you all do to! ❤️🏳️‍⚧️

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 02/22/2021

Today is . .ca started this last year to raise awareness for the challenges faced by LGBTQI2S youth, and to celebrate our existing Chosen Families who help them through these challenges. Chosen family are those you turn to for support in difficult times.

I love this because it is important to celebrate those important people who support you no matter what. I am lucky to have a family that supports me (which not all do sadly), but before I came out to them I relied heavily on my chosen family. They got me though some really tough times and helped me to become the person I am today and I love them for everything they've done for me. ❤️

Friends of Ruby is a registered charity dedicated to the progressive well being of LGBTQI2S youth (16-25). For more information visit

Photo 1 - my ultimate chosen family, my Fiancee,
Photo 2 - my besties/uni roomies
Not pictured - the many others who supported me when I needed them (but we don't have any recent pictures)

🌈 ***r


During covid it's so easy to get in a rut and feel less than great.

Take the days where you feel great about yourself and great in general and celebrate it. Celebrate yourself and the wins no matter how small.

Life is better when you focus on the positive and find things to love rather than hate. I love myself, even if I'm squinting in the sun. It was a beautiful day though

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 02/08/2021

I'm so excited to be featured in this book alongside such incredible athletes/people.

This is huge to have a book featuring + athletes who are trying to make sport a better place than when they entered it. They are role models, inspirations and proof that you aren't limited because of who you are; you can persevere.

Be you, unapologetically, unashamed, and rock whatever sport you love ❤️


So happy to join this organization!!❤️🏳️‍⚧️

• • • • • •
On the 1st day of season, we're bringing you an inspiring hockey story! Please join us in welcoming member & former player as an Athlete Ally Ambassador, and read her story at on showing trans youth athletes what's possible. 🏒🏳️‍⚧️

📸: Heather Po***ck


This is the most common conversation I had my 2 years on the Furies, and last year with .

Nobody seemed to fathom that a pro hockey player would practice 3 evenings a week, train off ice 5 times a week and travel all weekend long from Friday evening(or Saturday super early morning) until Sunday late night for games, and then work 40 hours a week.

I recently joined tiktok give me a follow if you want want. Here's my first one (besides posting my dog).

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 12/16/2020

I miss hockey. I miss the feeling of freedom I get when I'm on the ice. I had quit for a long time before so I know time away from the game, except that was by choice.

I know I'm not the only one missing hockey. I know there are worse things going on right now than missing playing a game. But I love that game and for seven years it was behind me. I just got it back.

I started this season trying out for the PWHPA Toronto hub. I came to the decision at the last tryout that travelling to and from Toronto twice a week wasn't the safest thing to do for me; I didn't make the squad so that didn't matter anyway, but that was my thought process. I was then going to play with my Kitchener team in some intersquad 4v4 with a small cohort. I got afew weeks of that until it all shut down again. I want to be on the ice so much, but I want a safe environment to do so. Until then I'll just be training, staying ready for a time when I can play again.

The health of us all comes before everything, I miss hockey but I know I have to do what's best for me, my family, and those I love. Stay safe friends ❤️

Photos from Jessica Platt's post 12/09/2020

Looking for a Christmas gift for a hockey fan? Interested in hearing my story written by me?

Pick up Everyday Hockey Heroes volume 2! It's got not only my story, but also stories of other incredible people in the world of hockey!

I'm still blown away seeing something I wrote in a published book! It's such a surreal feeling so thank you so much to for making this possible!

I chose to share my story so hopefully other people like me can see it, connect with it and see that positive future. I also chose to share it so the hockey community, which typically isn't incredibly diverse might see my story, get educated, and hopefully change some opiniona on trans women and trans athletes.

Check a local library, and most of all let me know what you think!!

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