Julie Tauro Photography

Julie Tauro Photography - Portraiture for Life's Amazing Moments Kids, families, headshots, and personal branding.


I've been living the for 26 years now thanks to this amazing woman. It's a cliche to say it feels like yesterday since she was little but dear lord is so DOES just feel like yesterday (note to parents - the days can be so long, especially now in the midst of a pandemic forcing us all to stay home for such a long time. But no bu****it, there will be a day when it seems like the blink of an eye)

She just moved back to Canada at Christmas time after spending a few years working in California and we were thrilled to have her back for our own selfish reasons lol. And then bam! Covid19 pandemic forcing us to have dinner or game nights over zoom, when she finally lives 5 minutes away ☹️. That sucks.

But we will persevere, order a great meal today to share over a virtual birthday celebration and cheer that we are lucky enough to have her in our lives ❤️ and that she made us parents, a journey that I wouldn't change for one second.

Happy birthday Jenna!

Timeline photos 05/14/2020

All dressed up and no place to go, am I right??

Today's announcement from the government about what businesses can open in Ontario was clear as mud for photographers. But it looks like we are NOT opening in phase one, even for outdoor shoots (we are seeking clarification on that so stay tuned).

Once I get a clear indication when photo sessions can resume, I'll be getting in touch with everyone that had to be rescheduled. And putting a schedule in place for the next few months.

I know for sure that until September, I will ONLY be offering outdoor sessions, regardless of what is allowed. I have someone.in my home that is in the high risk group, so I'll be moving forward with my actions with lots of caution. But it will be fine and it's the perfect time of year for that limitation. This also means only evening sessions for the most part - warm, dreamy summer evening light?? Yes please!

Once we see how the virus progresses in Canada over the next few months, and if we need to think about and plan around a second or third wave of this thing, I can make better predictions about indoor or studio sessions after September.

It's basically a waiting game at this moment. But we are all in this together in some way or another so this is all nothing we aren't all dealing with.

I hope you are well. It's a challenging time for sure and I am SO grateful for my life - we've been managing this all relatively easily - we've worked from home for many years and that has made this transition pretty straight forward. I obviously haven't been doing photography but I have a part time side business and the blessing in disguise was I was given this time to work on it full time, guilt free.

But I know that not everyone has had such an easy time and my heart goes out to you if that is your circumstance.

We will find our way through this painful experience and hopefully, stronger on the other side.

Stay the course my friends. ❤️

Readers' Choice 05/14/2020

I was reminded today that yes indeed, I am still a photographer 😆. And in theory, soon I will be able to actually photograph some people that don't live in my house again (assuming I remember what all those buttons and dials do...🙃)

I was nominated in TWO categories in the Waterloo Chronicle Reader's choice awards and I would so appreciate, if you are so moved, to give me a vote of support. And while there, support other favourite businesses with your vote (well, except those OTHER photographers I mean 😉)

Yes, you do need to log in to vote (hopefully you have an email address you use for just such things).

I have two links for you to the categories you can find me in...here's the first (second in the comments)

Thanks in advance for your support

Readers' Choice Please log in or register with an email address and password first. You can vote for more than one business or person in the same category, but only once per business per category, under your registered email address. First choose any category or search for a business Then vote for all your favourit...


Well, here we are. It's May. Yes, time HAS moved forward, despite feeling a bit surreal. I wanted to post just to show 1. I am still around, 2. to say I am thinking of everyone and hope you are doing ok with this weird new world we are living in atm, and 3. to talk a bit about what my thoughts are for photography sessions going forward.

At this point, the Ontario government is starting to signal that businesses will gradually be soon able to open again. I am happy but feeling cautious about this idea.

But as the great weather starts, it is a very realistic thought that we can consider planning outdoor portrait sessions for the upcoming months.

At this point, I am putting into place what that could look like for JTP and will update everyone soon.

The other great news is that orders that were in the queue when labs began their shutdowns in March, are now slowly starting to move through the system. The labs I work with recently started production again, albeit with delays. I will hopefully begin receiving those orders and will get them out to everyone as soon as that happens.

I am sure everyone out there is just trying to figure out what is next in their own worlds. For me, I am keeping in mind the potential for a 2nd wave of covid19 later in the year, and what that means - we have a lot to think about regarding the rest of 2020.

In the meantime, let's continue to keep that curve flat and/or declining (we have been doing GREAT!).

Here is what I will talk about soon:
1. family photo session scheduling
2. personal branding session plans
3. products and ordering
4. safety measures
5. limitations and policies

Not the usual fun stuff, but necessary I suppose. We do want to stay safe and NO photo sessions are worth taking chances with that priority.

This photo was taken by my husband in 2019 when we were traveling in Colorado. Great to have memories of trips, and wonderful to think positively about future trips to come.

Photos from Julie Tauro Photography's post 04/16/2020

Last week my dear friend Michlynn Schweitzer, with her big heart, sent out a call for local photographers to be part of this project. I am so happy I made the time to do my hair and makeup for a change.💄

We are all here for you, but please, for now, stay home. Pull close your family and cherish the time, be grateful for your health and help others where you can during this unprecedented time.

I have been off social media for business for the last while because I am never quite sure what to say on there, as it’s definitely not business as usual.

My way of coping at the moment is a crap ton of funny memes, making food from my childhood (sloppy joes and jello for instance!) and watching sitcoms online while cuddling the dog. I just finished Brooklyn 99 (2nd time), The Office (5th time - what can I say, its a classic), currently watching Parks and Rec (first time) and will go for Sh*tt's Creek next (2nd time). And zoom calls 🖥️.

I know that is not super professional or impressive in any way. But it's my escape from the seriousness of the rest of the crap out there.

I am lucky to have always worked from home, so that change is not a challenge, and I had started TWO side projects (not photography related) in the recent months, so those have been given more time and attention than normal since they don't fully rely on me being in the same room as people (as is kinda necessary to take portraits).

And for the most part, life is good at our home. But I know that is NOT the case for so many others. And that hurts my heart.

So this group of lovely portrait photographers will be HONOURED to help you preserve your family memories through photography once we are all out the other end of this awful time we find ourselves in.

We are stronger together ❤️

By coincidence, I found out my husband was also working on one of these grids so we took each other's photo. When I saw the word he had been assigned, I decided that WE had a special grid just on our own.

And yes, I overheard some of the kids on the call give him a hard time about his ‘photoshop skills’

Be safe out there my friends. @ Julie Tauro Photography


Feeling nostalgic for photo sessions. Le sigh...



Zoom Surprise: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 2 04/06/2020

If you aren't watching the good news already, you definitely need to start 😀😉🥰🤣

Zoom Surprise: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 2 Your host John Krasinski returns to highlight some good news from around the world... and unveil the perfect surprise for his new friend Aubrey. Episod...


I mean why let all your fancy stuff languish in a closet - let it have some life and living 💃🕺🏼


Gorgeous musical interlude for a Saturday ❤️🎶


During this pandemic, we are all learning SO much about ourselves :P

Today I am gratefully working on orders for the last few sessions from before the studio shutdown last week. I am so thankful that I had some great sessions in Feb/Mar. to be working on now and look forward to the time when we can get back to normal (even if its a new normal).

Until then, I hope everyone is doing ok at home, can find some ways to smile and laugh from time to time. and that your family and friends are healthy and strong (albeit a bit more bored than usual LOL).

Submitted by Kenneth Wright


I know for many being home with kids is new and challenging. I'm here with this suggested schedule to keep the learnin' on track 😙 parents, you are welcome 😉

An Astronaut's Guide to Self Isolation 03/22/2020

I am a big fan of Chris Hadfield (loved his book 'An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth') and think this video has some great ideas to make the most of our self isolation, including some ideas to use this time to grow personally. What are you going to do with YOUR opportunity?

An Astronaut's Guide to Self Isolation Chris provides four useful steps to productive self-isolation


There are some that will definitely benefit during this crisis...

That being said, I have decided to put a hold on photo sessions until at least mid-April, and will re-evaluate that timing as things change. I will be reaching out to currently scheduled clients to postpone their sessions.

I hope everyone stays safe and healthy during this unprecedented time and look forward to reconnecting after life returns to some normality.

And please, use your own camera to take TONS of photos of your family and friends during this time. It is a historical moment and someday, you will have stories to tell. Having photos to share those stories will make them that much more impactful.

Timeline photos 03/12/2020

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Tomorrow come rub elbows and get a fresh headshot taken during our Friday: 8:30am-10:30am. We’ll have the coffee and tea ready for you!

Timeline photos 03/04/2020

This starts on Friday! Can't wait to see you there 😀

Entrepreneurs and solopreneurs! Come out Friday AM between 8:30-10am to meet and mingle ( ) with other business folk, enjoy a cuppa and update your professional head shot, all at the same time and place. Be there: 1151 Victoria St N. Kitchener. Ample free parking! With: Julie Tauro Photography Details: https://facebook.com/events/s/meet-mingle-business-networkin/206615593791555/?ti=icl

PPA Quotes and Memes 02/27/2020

So so accurate (working right now to narrow down 900 to 15 😲 but they are all so good 😝

The struggle is real.

Photographer Captures the Cast of ‘Little Women’ in Traditional Wet Plate Portraits 02/19/2020

Not only was the movie lovely, these photos are splendid ❤️

Photographer Captures the Cast of ‘Little Women’ in Traditional Wet Plate Portraits This photographer used an old photography technique from the era of "Little Women" to take portraits of the cast in costume.

Timeline photos 02/14/2020

It's was so awesome to see this gorgeous woman today while I was photographing her daughter. We think the last time we saw each other was when we were 17...so it was maybe 7-8 years ago? Certainly no more than 10 😉
It's so weird how much life we have lived since then but it honest to god does seem like it was not that long ago at all! ❤️
Awesome start to a long weekend 😎

Daily Dubs Ep. 50 02/08/2020

Not sure WHY its important to show up on your business social media and website? Listen in on why this brand uses personal brand photography in conjunction with awesome stock photos for their online branding.

People do business with people they know, like and trust. This is an EXCELLENT way to help potential customers get started in doing business with you.

Not sure if you and your business could benefit from a brand photography session? I'd love to chat and see what we can come up with together!

www.julietaurophotography.ca :)

Daily Dubs Ep. 50 Why not just use stock images? We talk about our motive behind using our own photos--and our very own models--for our social media.


Raising a glass to all my friends out there who are able to start eating and drinking normally again now that January is over 🥂 😋😎


Mid life is definitely not the time to start wrapping it up (retirement? Sounds boring 😋).

This is for all my second or third career, or post-employment hustlers 💪

Timeline photos 01/29/2020

Like if you spend some time every day paying attention to your blessings and having a mindset of gratitude.
Leave a heart if you spend some time every day sharing that gratitude with the people that matter (and need to hear it) ❤️ even better stop right now and send them a message and make their day.

Photos from Julie Tauro Photography's post 01/28/2020

In 2019 I added personal brand photography to my services. My background is in marketing and I honestly LOVE helping people with this part of their business and personal expression.
Like families with a story, people who have a personal brand have stories to tell - what they offer, WHY they offer it, and how they do it that is uniquely them.
This shoot with Dennis is a great example. He is a writer, and artist, and poet. He teaches at the university AND he is starting a communications business.
This session was meant to capture aspects of his personality that were in line with his new brand.
Also I totally rearranged his office and I think he is going to keep it that way 😎💪.
When you think about your own personal brand (and you should ALWAYS consider it when sharing yourself publically) it's really important to be yourself, not a version that is what you think people want to see. Be you and attract the right people to you (and deflect those that aren't a good match).


Model call - I am looking for 1-2 dancers for a creative/fun shoot on February 14 10a-2p in Kitchener. Must be 18+ (don't need to be currently dancing but must be able to still move and dance for photographs).

I am looking for someone that can do their own hair and makeup and have some kind of flowy dresses (although we can hack something for a dress if need be - this is not a deal breaker). I'll be shooting for a specific end result but will also take images for you as well to enjoy as a thanks for being a part of the fun.

If you or someone you know might be interested in participating, please message me. I am going to be picky about this as having the right look and level of dance movement is crucial to this project. If you have a photo of your self dancing that would be awesome.

I am so excited to do some creative shoots this year and plan for this to be the first of many.

Timeline photos 01/22/2020

This is my year to figure s**t out.
Who is with me??!!!
When you work for yourself it's so easy to go down the rabbit hole of all the things that need to get done and soon you find yourself caught up in work Work WORK mode.
Or is that just me 🤪
I decided after a weird 2019 that what I was missing was fun for its own sake. Fun that I didn't have to be good at or have some end 'result' that could be packaged and sold.
Personal development that is actually personal.
In 2020 I am saying no to more outside things (which is a near impossible thing for me, 'yes' person that I am. You know, can't bear to disappoint people, say yes, have too much to do, end up disappointing people because it's impossible to keep up 🙄☹️)
In 2020 I'm moving more but for fun. I'm speaking more but on topics I'm interested in . Reading more but for enjoyment and escapism and joy. Creating more but just to enjoy the process of making.
Feeling more zen, joy, and freedom from having to get results all the damned time.
So here is me taking a beginner pottery class with some great women. My pots are terrible so far and I don't even care.
Who is with me??? What are you doing this year to get more of what you want out of your life in 2020?? 💃


Print print print your photos - someday they will be the most important thing someone has.

I own a cabin in the mountains. I bought that cabin from a man named Craig and his wife Sandy. The cabin sits at 8,000 feet, nestled in the Santa Fe Mountains. It was built many many years ago and then left all alone. It sat empty for almost 40 years until Craig came along. He bought that little cabin and turned it into what we call a little slice of heaven.

Craig and Sandy live nearby in their cabin. They are both from Minnesota, high school sweethearts of 50 years, and the kind of people who are good down to their core; people who don’t have to talk about their faith because they live it every day.

Craig died December 29. We knew it was coming. He had kept the monster at bay for fifteen years, but his body was tired of fighting. I and many others honored him yesterday at a Celebration of Life service. I walked in to the church and was immediately greeted by two things: his measuring tape suspenders that on anyone else would have looked goofy, and…photographs. So many photographs. I had only known Craig as the silver haired mountain man with a hint of Steve Martin in his smile, but here he was, a young man with dark hair and a beard and small children sitting on his lap. And another wearing a military uniform.

Most were candids-snapshots taken at a birthday party or chopping wood. Some made us laugh; others made us cry. But what astounded me were the number of childhood photos.
So many in black and white of a very small Craig, on a dairy farm in Minnesota: sitting on a tractor, sledding, playing with young siblings. Even school pictures looking, well, like school pictures.

And on the way home, I thought about the children born today in the era of smart phones and Facebook and Snapchat and Instagram. They, too, will live a life. They will do things like play and sled and go to school and get married and have birthdays and maybe even wear goofy suspenders. And I’m sure all of it will be photographed, because in today’s world, what isn’t?

But will it all be remembered years from now when their hair is silver?
Or will the memories be lost on a phone? Or abandoned on an obsolete hard drive. Or discarded and forgotten on the cloud (which, let’s face it, is just ANOTHER computer)

My friends, memories live on paper.

And if you don’t think they are important now, wait until they are all you have left.

Print what you want to preserve.


Photos from Julie Tauro Photography's post 01/20/2020

I am pretty lucky.
Some days are just okay but other days are amazing because I get to work with fabulous people! This realtor team was so fun to work with, PLUS I got to shoot in one of my favourite buildings!
I want to say but also don't want to be cliche so, I'll stick with 🤟

Timeline photos 01/09/2020

Going into 2020 with big plans! I know I know, aren't we all. And also, just like every year Julie!
But this time it's gonna be DIFFERENT! 😁
To start, reflecting on last year, I spent the first half of 2019 with a broken leg, needing surgery and recovery. It was my driving leg too and I have lots of stairs in my house . AND last winter was damn icey so I couldn't even go outside without sliding all over the place on my stupid crutches.
Yes I'm whining 😉
All that was courtesy of the little lady in this photo who knocked me flying one day at the dog park and shown here totally disregarding my commands and kissing me in hopes of getting that treat without doing the trick. And it worked, what can I say 😅,
So here are my 2020 intentions:
1. No broken legs. Or arms. Or any part of my body. Not gonna happen 👌
2. Control the calendar. As in, before saying 'yes' to cool projects, maybe check first if there is time to do them. .
3. Let go of things I don't want to do, don't like to do, hate doing, loathe doing. There are better people than me that can help. Let them.
4. Sleep. As someone that has fought with insomnia for 12+ years now, my BIG accomishment of 2019 was working with someone to finally work on the problem (not just medicate for it) and I've made big progress there and will continue that this year.
5. Pursue pointless, non-results oriented fun. This one is hard because I want to be good at everything. On day one (as you could guess, I'm often disappointed 😉). But fun for its own sake is one of my goals this year. I started this week with a pottery class with 4 other amazing women. I was terrible on my first night but it was glorious. I'll share my first very crooked vase/bowl/pitcher (because I'm not sure what the heck it ended up being when I was done lol) and no one will love it and that will be a-okay 🤩.
Here's to an amazing 2020 for all of us 🎉🥂

Timeline photos 12/21/2019

However I solved it years ago by having a holiday get together with other photographers, being part of a few wonderful groups of Toastmasters, and joined a few business groups filled with awesome people and we enjoy some great get-togethers for the season. Don't need an office party anymore.

Now, solving for getting everything DONE on time for the holidays is a whole other issue (was supposed to start vacation yesterday but I'm still delivering stuff for a few days - someday I'll figure the timing out 🙄 maybe 😁)

Timeline photos 12/14/2019

Just wrapped up my last shoot of the decade a bit ago and now I'm 'replenishing my energy'...
The DECADE people! Sheesh how did that happen! I swear 2009 was just last year...?
This shoot was an AWESOME family, so fun and tons of crazy antics (despite everyone being an 'adult' 🤣) going out in a high!
Starting on Friday the studio will close til January 6th (other than for order pick ups although fingers crossed it will all be done by Friday). This is my favourite time of year to rest, recharge and yes, even more 'replenishing my energy' 😉.
I hope everyone out there has some time to reconnect with family, friends or even just with themselves (maybe that's even the most important).

Timeline photos 11/28/2019

I was just sitting here, minding my own business, tryna write some emails before my next meeting.
Something strange is preventing me from seeing the screen...😼😽😹
I guess if you don't hear back from me ever again, you know why now. 🤣

Photos from Julie Tauro Photography's post 11/24/2019

Sunday morning vibes 😎👌🎶🎷🥁

@ Queen of Hearts Coffee & Tea House

Voices Empower 2019 11/22/2019

I had so much fun volunteering for this event! Loved being on the team (consisting of some awesome, badass women!) and having the opportunity to help a great cause. This event was sold out, the wine pull and purple wrapped in courage scarves sold out, the live auction and the silent auction were incredible! A huge success!

The music was pretty fab too 😎 💃🕺! Not a bad way to spend an evening 💜💜💜

Thank you to everyone who joined us for : An Evening with Elton on Friday November 8, 2019 at Maxwell's!

Timeline photos 11/16/2019

Feeling cute after photographing three busy bees. 🤣😴😴😪



Hope you get lots of snuggles this weekend!

Feeling kinda sentimental today. Bonus In the comments.

Photos from Julie Tauro Photography's post 11/15/2019

Working hard or barely working? Yesterday it was the later because this SUPER smart group successfully conquered the rooms at (also conquered the pizzas afterward )

I'm not gonna say I was the STRONGEST team member (smell isn't everything? 😜😂 ) but it was so fun! I have lunch with this bunch every week and getting out of our routine for this social event was extra awesome.

Next up, team bungee jumping???

@ The Ultimate Escape



My heart fell in love with you...💓


Oy vey! So very very very behind on email and messages 😟 I am catching up today for sure but dang, I hate when this happens.


If you haven't seen this treasure floating around online this week, I invite you to watch the cutest little dude having a good p*e, not poo 😅 (potty humor is always a WIN 🤣)

Happy weekend and enjoy your extra hour!

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Videos (show all)

Happy birthday
New studio 2018




141 Whitney Place #102c
Kitchener, ON

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