Shae D Acres Equestrian

Local Entrepreneur and Equestrian with a goal of Helping and Healing both Horses and Humans ❤️

It is my hope to use this Company as a door to knowledge both for me and my clients. Revolving around the world, Energy, mind body and souls of the Horse I want to use this as a platform to Showcase them like never before. I by no means know everything but i never stop learning, Horses have been my soul for my entire life but it took many years just for me to finally figure that out and to realize


Aww he always melts my heart but
Tears of joy where spred by us both we
Had a deep heart to heart today and he told me alot of things I needed to hear and he got a lot of answers he needed as well.
His story is a complicated one with a happy ending and sometimes with those endings comes sorting through the why's, how's and what ifs.
Sometimes you just need a good talk and big hug.
Today was one of those days.
The amount of love that was shared will never be forgotten ❤️


Words aren't needed here 💖💖💖


It's a random and rather long message
Also up over at Bubbling Brooke Tarot but I felt that this message was an Important one to get out so I've posted it here as well.

Considering everything going on I've had this message in my head for the last couple days and loki said mom you have to share.

The time for silence is over.

Be loud about the change you want to see and do see.

Your perception will grow if you wish it to.

Learn to co create.

If you made it to the end of the video I hope you found something in it you needed.

Our story's shape reality the more we talk about life the more we can understand and find together in this team of humanity ❤️

Me and loki thank you for listening 🥰🥰

You are ment to learn and grow and shift.

You are loved and ment for this life.
Live it in honesty and love ❤️


Sometimes you just gotta stand still and watch the birds 💜


Appreciate who you are ❤️

What can you find to be truly greatful for today?


Hey guys!

Here is a video where I attempt to explain a bit more about what exactly is equine communication, how it works and what it means to the future of horsemanship and human ship as a whole.

As I go deeper into this side of things I hope you find some information you can resonate with!
Spiritual or not 🥰

Don’t be shy if you have any questions pls pm me 🙂


So again I have been MIA on this page for awhile.
I realized I have been posting on my personal page so most of you have seen a lot of what I’ve been up to recently.
Those that haven’t I’ve been working on new things.
New mentality’s , new ways of working not only with the horses but with everything and everyone.
I have been deep diving into my therapies, new and old 😜 the terahertz being my most recent discovery!!
We’ve been building space for the leather cleaning and hard at work with the horses.
I will be posting more about all of it on this page as well as my tictok and the Bubbling Brooke tarot Facebook if you haven’t already seen that as well ❤️
This is a space for all where all can find something useful weather your spiritual or not.
Interested in holistic healing, Maybe learning more about horses and herbs you’ll find that here to!
pls feel free to pm me with any questions 🙂
Thank you for all of your support and I look forward to bringing my discovery’s forward!
Cheers to 2024!

Send a message to learn more


Happy national day of the horse to all three of my babies!

Nothing means more to me in this world than these faces!

other than my dog and my family of course

Busy in the cookie kitchen this morning to help fill these faces I love 😄😄

How are you sharing the love today?

Photos from Shae D Acres Equestrian's post 12/12/2023

If you are on my personal page you have probably seen this already lol

Tatanka Tex's Apple Ginger Mounds!

No additional preservatives added at this point in time.
This is our tester batch and so far EVERYONE loves them including our picky eaters 💓💓
They are safe for ponies puppies and ppl.
You can stick them in hot water and have a nice spiced apple porridge to.
They are harder like a kibble treat.
My goal is to make all kinds of treats!!


It is so easy to get ahead of our selfs when we chase dreams.

Success if your not careful can taint and corrupt, human ego can be a fickle thing.

Remember that your horses are your partners NOT just a tool to win, they are so much more.

If they didn't help you chase those Dreams your dreams would change, there for your life would change.

So what do you think that life would look like?
What would That person look like if you didn't have them, their support or their love.

No matter what we do with our horses or in our equine careers it Gose for us all.

Who would you be without them?

In my case I probably wouldn't be here today and I definitely wouldn't view the world the way I do today.

I have nothing but respect for them all, But I also know that each horse will show you EVERYTHING you never knew about who you are as a human and a soul.

Cherish that, don't take them for granted.

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

Let's stop and pause for a moment.
Hesistate before we begin.
Who'd you be if there was never another rodeo?
That arena that's basically a playpen.

Never another barrel race, jackpot, or futurity?
No one cared about your most recent win.
It's like it never existed.
You can't even pretend.

No one knows about that finals.
Or that arena record 'n' win.
Your horses are merely pets now,
Just a way to feel the wind.

No more overly inflated ego.
Powered by cashed checks and accolades.
You'll have to dig down deep and discover,
How am I really made?

If there was nowhere to wear that giant turquoise necklace?
No reason to wear starch again?
It didn't matter how your horses were bred,
Or what buckles they were in?

Would you like yourself?
Would you like yourself then?

Just asking.... as a friend.

Copyright 2023 Cowgirl Manifesto



Photos from Shae D Acres Equestrian's post 12/07/2023

Just a 💎


So what is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

In a nutshell,

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is an injury that affects how the brain works.

TBI is a major cause of death and disability in the United States.

Anyone can experience a TBI, some groups are at greater risk for getting a TBI or having worse health outcomes after the injury.

What most people don't know is that a


And an

Acquired Brain Injury

Are 2 different things, they are their own injuries and have their own symptoms altho very similarly they are varying degrees of severity

Traumatic Brain Injury (mine) by definition=

A traumatic brain injury occurs as a result of a dramatic physical trauma.

These brain injuries often occur during a serious car accident or a severe impact to the head from a fall.

With traumatic brain injuries, unconsciousness often occurs, occasionally followed by amnesia, nausea, and other neurological symptoms.

With a TBI these symptoms and others are prolonged or indefinitely often with us for life.

Concussions are a form of brain injury

When a concussion happens, victims may not necessarily experience a traumatic event.

In fact, the individual with a concussion may not even realize he or she has sustained an injury.

Concussions can heal fully over time.

When a concussion results in side effects that persist for many days, weeks or more, the personal injury may be recategorized as a Acquired Brain Injury.

An ABI symptoms are prolonged but most heal fully within three to six months post injury

Concussions are not always easy to diagnose and treat due to their somewhat unpredictable characteristics.

Even though the victim of a concussion may not feel any prolonged discomfort or lingering pain after the initial event, it is still necessary to take proper precautions.

This includes avoiding unnecessary risky situations or behaviors that could cause a subsequent head injury.

A moderate or severe TBI may result in an extended period of unconsciousness (coma) or amnesia (this was my case).

The effects of a moderate or severe TBI are different for each person and may change during recovery.

This can make the recovery and diagnosis stages very difficult for survivors as everything verys sooo drastically from one experience to another.

Most people will have one or more health problems after the injury that may include:

Physical symptoms

Problems with thinking and learning,

Changes in motor skills,



emotions/mood, or behavioral changes

Most studies suggest that once brain cells are destroyed or damaged, for the most part, they do not regenerate.

However, recovery after brain injury can take place, especially in younger people,
In some cases, other areas of the brain make up for the injured tissue.

We can only create or change new pathways we cannot regain the old ones.

So we are literally rewiring our systems to new ways.

In some cases the survivor has to relearn basic life skills.



Happy December 1st!
It's officially December
What are your winter goals looking like?


How did you get started in horses?

Weather that be just your love for them
or you have or ride them
share your stories!!!

I started with Thoroughbreds,Quarter horses and in reaching barns.

Working with of and on track horses was a very special time for me and definitely where I got the bug.



I am so proud of her, I've put alot of work into her over the last 2 years.
I've put an amazing stop on her and now im looking forward to pushing her more in the ring
She loves the technical stuff she loves persision and she loves to learn.
She's got a big barrel compared to the boys 😂
Takes me a minute to find my spot lol
She's absolutely beautiful inside and out ❤️❤️


Rookie is the youngest and the greenest out of my crew.

I've put alot of work into her but at the same time we haven't pushed for the technical arena stuff that much.

I was focused on bonding and the basics.

Lucky her its time for that push lol she loves to learn and she loves to play.

She was grumpy and jelly of the boys but once she gets going her brain shifts and she focuses on her job.

She take the little Q's very seriously and I've put a fantastic stop on her!!! Lol

She's one fancy lady and I can't wait to see what gunna happen from here ❤️❤️❤️


I wasn't kidding lol he attacked it in my bag, I had to break them out everything was soaked 😂 but the card where totally pristine!

Hay house card box's are the OtterBox for tarot 😂😂


Tex was a right star!
Not only did he destroy my card box.... But he pulled my tarot out of my bag by himself and basically threw it at me 😅
Needless to say he's a natural and will be right alongside Brooke and me in readings.
He was spot on to.

📸 Watch this video on Facebook


We do things a bit differently at Shae D Acres.
My horses are so much more than horses!
Loki had a message he needed to share.
He did fantastic for his first time!

📸 Watch this video on Facebook


He's got alot to teach me and I so excited to learn. He's one hell of a horse 🥰


Today Texas felt good enough to go for a ride
And it was our best one yet 🥰

Photos from Shae D Acres Equestrian's post 11/27/2023

Can you say stunning 🐎🥰🦄🦄
I am so proud of this little horse with a huge heart 💗 Loki is definitely a one of a kind!!!


Well the cats out of the bag!
Equine Communication Services now available through us! 🥳🥰

This is a beautiful review from my 1st communication client 🥰

I am Really excited about this I have been working on it for a few years now and is been something I've wanted to bring forward.
Being able to throw all of my therapy's together to create what I do has proven to be not only effective but warming to my soul 🥰

Please Pm me with any questions you may have ☺️

Client review -
Not really sure where to share this.
So on your wall it is.

I had Shelby do a communication session with my horse.
He seemed to be trying to communicate with me but I didn’t know what he was trying to say.
When I’m walking him
Every day he was head butting me. 30-40 times, sometime less but always a few times.

When I saw Shelby’s post about communicating with horses I was like.
I’m in!
So she did her first season with Durango. she videoed the whole thing.
It was very easy to see he was connected to her and wanted to stay connected.

I got some good information.
Some stuff I was completely surprised by and some stuff just confirmed what I was thinking.
But it was so much more than just communication. She did a bunch of tension releases.
He yawned and yawned probably 20-30 times.
But when ever Shelby stepped away. He would move close to her. You could see he was so comfortable with her and wanted to stay connected.

I had worried she had a deep connection with her own horses but it wouldn’t be the same for mine. That was not the case.

I did know he wanted to communicate.
(The constant head butts)
My guess was he would be very easy to connect with and he was.

Super happy I did this.
And I will get my other horses done too.

Thank you so much Shelby I wish you all the best in your new adventure.


Can you connect with yourself CONSIOUSLY?

Passion is ket to growth!

But discipline Will always take you farther than passion alone.

With Both together you become unstoppable and start to make leaps and bounds in your life changes

I myself openly struggle with maintaining the sense of discipline I used to have, my discipline was EXTREMELY unhealthy discipline tho.

Yes there are good kinds and bad kinds.
We naturally want to aim for the good and healthy kinds of routine.

By being conscious of the need for discipline and practicing it putting your routine in place becomes easier but it is still not as simple as it sounds.

The good thing tho is everyone can learn to be conscious in these moments!

Sometimes getting out of our head can seem like an absolutely IMPOSSIBLE task but even in those really hard times all it takes is a second to switch your perspective to a new track of thought and BOOM 💥 you've pulled yourself out.

Doing this continuously over time you will able to do it without noticing your doing it because you have re trained or re programed your mental process.

Opening doorways for you to take this new perception and move forward with your life in a heightened way ❤️ and finding out who you are and what you really value at your core.

What's one thing you did today CONSIOUSLY to help yourself??

Do you have a relationship with your conscious?

Can you identify when you ARE or ARE NOT making a conscious decision or effort?


I wonder how they will turn out? 🤔

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Our Story

It is my hope to use this Company as a door to knowledge both for me and my clients.
Revolving around the world, Energy, mind body and souls of the Horse I want to use this as a platform to Showcase them like never before.
I by no means know everything but i never stop learning, Horses have been my soul for my entire life but it took many years just for me to finally figure that out and to realize how much they really do mean to me and just how important they are to my life.
I am a certified Equine Massage Therapist, Western 1-2, First aid Attendant and Passionate Equestrian.
I Have experience in both western and English but my heart is western and so is the majority of my training :)
I work very naturally with my horses, through bonding and positive reinforcement.
I treat them like an extension of myself, a team member and friend not a tool to use and throw away.
To many people they are just an animal, they dont understand how something can touch someone so strongly or connect on such a spiritual level.
Every time you touch a horse they are learning from you they are connecting to you and its our job to understand them and positively work with them in their way.
In my life i have never bonded or connected with anything stronger than my horse, and i feel more people need to know what a love like that feels like.
I will be posting training videos, tutorials, you can follow me and my own mares journey together as well as my clients and the horses i work with.
Each horse is different and each horse is enriching and a new connection a new journey a new lesson and should be valued as such.
I hope this will help enrich your life as much as it has mine and we are proud to have each view, each follower and each friend beside us through this journey and time in life.

Videos (show all)

Sometimes you just gotta stand still and watch the birds 💜
An bit of an explanation about the Equine/Animal Communication and universal shift ❤️
Happy national day of the horse to all three of my babies!Nothing means more to me in this world than these faces! other...
🦄🦄💎💎💖💖💖❤️❤️I am so proud of her, I've put alot of work into her over the last 2 years.I've put an amazing stop on her an...
I wasn't kidding lol he attacked it in my bag, I had to break them out everything was soaked 😂 but the card where totall...
Today Texas felt good enough to go for a ride And it was our best one yet 🥰
Today was bath day for the herd! ❤️❤️Loki was a super starTexas let go of yrs of ickRookie as always was my angel girlI’...
Minor malfunction
Up and over!
Shaes 2nd 20mins





Langley, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 4pm - 7pm
Tuesday 4pm - 7pm
Wednesday 4pm - 7pm
Friday 4pm - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm

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