Muso et Spaw

Informations de contact, plan et itinéraire, formulaire de contact, heures d'ouverture, services, évaluations, photos, vidéos et annonces de Muso et Spaw, Pet Supplies, 1253 Avenue Godin, Laval, QC.


J’en parle souvent à mes clients avec ceux qui ont des difficultés avec les griffes.


Une série de concours s'en vient! Abonnes-toi à notre INFO-LETTRE pour ne rein manquer 👉

Une personne gagnera une boite de 22 lb au choix ou 2 sacs de 8.8 lb au choix.

Comment participer:

-Être abonné à notre page
-Nommez et taguer en commentaire une personne qui pourrait être intéressée
Pour des chances supplémentaires de gagner ;
-Partage 🐾
-Rejoint notre Instagram et participes sur cette plateforme aussi👉

Ce concours est ouvert jusqu'au jeudi 23 mai.
Vous devez récupérer votre prix chez l'un de nos détaillants👉
Le gagnant sera dévoilé avant le 28 mai.

*Facebook n'est pas responsable ni commanditaire de notre concours.


"Dans le bol de ton chien se trouve soit le secret de sa longévité, soit la cause de ses maux."

C’est une réalité que chaque parent-chien devrait connaître! C’est pourquoi je t’invite à rejoindre mon Défi Parent-Chien Autrement.

Pendant ce défi, je vais t'aider à comprendre l’impact profond que l'alimentation peut avoir sur la santé de ton compagnon. Avec des conseils pratiques, basés sur une approche naturelle et respectueuse des besoins de ton compagnon, tu découvriras comment transformer le quotidien de ton chien.

Inscris-toi dès maintenant cela commence le 6 mai prochain!

Bonus : Rejoins-nous aujourd'hui et reçois gratuitement mon guide exclusif: "Les 5 secrets pour une alimentation canine réussie".

✨ Transforme la vie de ton chien et rejoins une communauté de parents-chiens passionnés et engagés. Ton chien mérite ce qu’il y a de meilleur!

👇 Clique ici pour t'inscrire et commencer à faire la différence!


Pour une meilleure santé buccale, choisissez Legacy ! ✨


See this picture? It's an Australian Shepherd HERDING the sheep. See the nip? The push with her teeth/muzzle? She's HERDING, not biting! Some Aussies, especially young ones, may do this to their human - and be tossed out of the house for "biting my kid". The Aussie was herding your kid, slowing the kid down from running thru the house, turning the kid toward a different direction, etc...
So many Aussie end up in shelters because humans misunderstood the breed and, instead of teaching the dog appropriate herding behavior, their natural instinct, they toss the dog out of the house.
Make sure you understand what a bite is and isn't. 9 out of 10 times it was inappropriate herding and easily changed.
Like David Attenborough Fans for more.


La différence à être 100% honnête avec le client et expliquer le pourquoi on ne peut terminer ou faire X étapes.
Respectez l’animal est beaucoup plus important que de forcez pour croire que cela va satisfaire le client. Avoir un animal plus difficile ou des conséquences plus grave ne vaut pas la peine pour le futur du client et de l’animal.


Veuillez prendre note 📝 que du 24 décembre au 2 janvier nous serons fermés.

Pas de rendez-vous ni pour les services ni pour la boutique. Pas de livraison autant postale qu’à domicile. Le tout se reprend à partir du 3 janvier.

IMPORTANT dès début janvier, il est possible que nous serons quelques jours sans site web actif. Nous ferons la transition vers un nouveau système. Les commandes pourront être faites manuellement par téléphone si besoin! 😉

Si vous avez besoin de vos anciennes factures 🧾 nous le mentionnez avant le 23 décembre. Nous allons sauvegarder les programmes fidélités de nourriture seulement tel que BCR, bold by nature, healthy paws, go!, VALENS et legacy.

Si vous avec des questions n’hésitez pas!! 😌 prenez note que les réponses durant les vacances seront limités. Merci 🙏🏻



The Forever Dog Life book cover reveal!🐾

Our first book, The Forever Dog, brought you the most up-to-date science on intentionally creating exceptional canine health 🐶. Because of you, it’s the only dog health book to ever hit #1 on the New York Times best sellers list 🙏🏼. It’s become a “contemporary classic” (per the publisher) and is published in 19 languages… that’s how ready the world was for a book that put all the research in one place 📕.

But you’ve asked for a “how to” manual; a practical guide with step-by-step instructions to put all the concepts in The Forever Dog book into action in your kitchen, home, yard, and your animals’ life, which is why we’ve written The Forever Dog Life.

Our upcoming book (release date: May 14, 2024) offers simple ways you can help your dogs and cats live longer and better from the inside-out and outside-in, including easy-to-follow tools, recipes, and tips. Over 120 nutritionally packed recipes for delicious food bowls, fresh food toppers that supercharge any type of pet food, and nourishing broths and stews that entice the pickiest of eaters. And don’t forget DIY training treats, cookies, jerkies, and chews. We also include all-natural recipes for body care, including shampoos and conditioners, skin rinses, oral and ear care, and chemical-free flea and tick solutions.

Nutritionally complete recipes for puppies, large breed puppies, kittens, adult and less active dogs and cats were a collaboration between the world’s best formulators and veterinary nutritionists, inspired by Blue Zones around the world using cultural foods, spices and herbs as the foundation for health 🌱. Rodney and I worked very hard to represent all these concepts in one photo, and we’re so excited to share the book cover with you today! 🥳

Oh, and who is that adorable wired-haired floof on the cover? That’s Homer, my 16 year old rescue😍, reminding you it’s never too late to do all you can create your Forever Dog (or cat)❣️

For more info or to join the journey, check out

Photos from Muso et Spaw's post 11/23/2023

Rabais vendredi fou/black Friday sont ici!

• Code: BF30 sur section vente sur le site pour un extra 30% du prix indiqué. Rabais de 30 à 80% du prix original 🤩😍
• Nous avons aussi certains produits en promo qui n’appliquent pas le code mais autant à rabais 🤪( nourriture, congelés et certains jouets/accessoires) voir la circulaire pour les détails.
• De plus, à chaque tranche de 50$ on offre un cadeau 🎁 plus le montant est élevé plus le cadeau est intéressant 🙃
PS: écrire en commentaire si votre chien a une intolérance pour ne pas vous offrir des cadeaux que votre chien ne peux manger hehe ( si c’est le cas de gâteries 😉)

Vous voulez venir en boutique? Bookez un rendez-vous avec nous ou venez lors de nos portes ouvertes ce samedi le 25 novembre de 10:00 à 16:00!!! 📣


Portes ouvertes ce samedi pour vos achats vendredi Fou 🤪

25 novembre de 10:00 à 16:00

On annonce 📣 la vente demain pour en ligne et en boutique le 25 novembre.

Un % et 🎁 pour un hint 😝
Plus gros rabais chez muso&Spaw ever!! 🤩

On se voit samedi 😏🥹 si vous venez en boutique.


Portes ouvertes ce samedi pour vos achats vendredi Fou 🤪

26 novembre de 10:00 à 16:00

On annonce 📣 la vente demain pour en ligne et en boutique le 26 novembre.

Un % et 🎁 pour un hint 😝
Plus gros rabais chez muso&Spaw ever!! 🤩

On se voit samedi 😏🥹 si vous venez en boutique.


Coucou! Je vous écrit un post pour vous donnez un compte rendu d’où je suis rendu avec Muso&Spaw!

• boutique physique fermé au public ( offert pour les clients avec rendez-vous ou pick up)
• nouveau site web en construction avec une boutique en ligne ( oui pour le moment on garde cette partie 😌) on planifie pour janvier 2024 pour les changements
• brainstorm de projet podcast ainsi que d’autres services
• Complet en TCAP ( liste d’attente pour les intéressés)
• toilettage holistique avec Katie ( prends toujours des clients)
• consultation de bien être ( comportement et nutrition) mon service spécialisée je prends encore des clients

Je travaille fort afin de m’être des trucs en priorité et aller 1 étape à la fois car j’avais tendance à vouloir faire tout en même temps puis après me brûler. Mettre des limites afin d’optimiser mon temps au travail pour mieux vous aider. 😀

Pas mal ça! Le black Friday s’en vient je vous prépare une belle vente 😉

N’hésitez pas si vous avez des questions, commandes spéciales, prise de rendez-vous, etc. Nous sommes la pour vous servir ☺️ à bientôt!


Dogs behave the way they do for many reasons. They do NOT do things deliberately to be stubborn or ‘naughty’, nor do they aim to assert control. Outdated mythologies and training methods have detrimental effects on well-being and strain the relationship between a dog and their caregiver.

🧬A dog's breed and genetic makeup can play a significant role in determining certain behavioural traits. Dogs have genetic predispositions and breed-specific tendencies that contribute to their behaviour.
Some breeds are predisposed to specific behaviours, such as herding, hunting, or guarding.

The environment in which a dog is raised and lives can profoundly impact their behaviour. Early socialisation, which involves exposing a puppy to a wide range of people, animals, and environments during their critical developmental period, is crucial for building confidence and shaping a dog's social behaviour to reduce fear or aggression.

Overstimulation can cause all kinds of unwanted behaviours as it overwhelms their senses and can lead to hyperactivity or erratic responses. For example, if a dog is exposed to loud noises, multiple people, and various stimuli all at once, or on a daily basis, they might exhibit excessive excitable behaviour, poor impulse control, become agitated and exhibit behaviours like jumping, barking, or pulling on the leash, as their senses are overwhelmed by the excessive input.

Previous experiences and learning consequences can influence a dog's behaviour. Traumatic experiences, in particular, can lead to fear, anxiety, or aggression.

How a dog is trained and educated by their caregiver or handler can significantly affect their behaviour. Consistent, positive reinforcement-based training can lead to desired behaviours, while harsh or inconsistent methods can result in confusion or fear.

A dog's health, including their physical and mental well-being, can influence their behaviour. Illness, pain, or discomfort can lead to changes in behaviour.

A dog's emotional state, including fear, anxiety, and excitement, can affect their behaviour. For example, a fearful dog may display unpredictable defensive reactive behaviours or might avoid any encounters and run away trying to hide. While a confident dog may exhibit playfulness and a relaxed demeanour.

A dog can become frustrated and destructive if their mental and physical needs are not met. This dog, full of pent-up energy and boredom, may become frustrated and exhibit poor impulse control. In their frustration, they might resort to destructive behaviours, such as chewing furniture, digging up the garden, or incessant barking. This destructive behaviour is often an expression of their frustration and an attempt to alleviate their built-up energy and mental stress.

The type of diet a dog receives can significantly influence their behaviour, with high-quality nutrition promoting better energy levels, mood, and overall well-being, while poor diet choices can lead to issues like irritability, hyperactivity, or digestive problems.

As dogs age, they may experience canine cognitive decline, which can manifest as changes in memory, learning, and behaviour. This condition can lead to increased confusion, disorientation, and altered social interactions in older dogs.

It is really important to understand that each dog is unique, and their behaviour can vary widely, even within the same breed. Dogs use body language, vocalizations, and other forms of communication to express their needs, emotions, and intentions. Understanding a dog's communication cues is essential for interpreting their behaviour.


Let your dog eat in peace. When 'playing' with the dogs food bowl this can cause anxiety and stress towards a human being present near their food bowl and can actually escalate a dog to feel the need to guard it.


I saw a kid walking his lovely lab having a great time and then he gave him a big old yank on the lead, which was on a collar and my heart did that achy breaky thing.

Underneath that strong looking neck, are some vital life supporting structures connecting your dog’s gut and nervous system to the brain.

If you have a big dog that lunges or pulls on the lead, a collar is not going to stop him. A harness is not going to make him lunge or pull more. However, it will distribute his weight through a part of the body designed to protect the organs instead of the full pressure being on the neck and all it contains.

A yank on the lead can cause emotional associations that lead to behaviour issues and pressure around the neck can cause multiple physical injuries some terminal.

With thanks for the illustration and we recommend

Neck injuries include bruising, whiplash, headaches, crushed trachea, damage to the larynx, fractured vertebrae, neck and spinal cord injury and paralysis or neurological problems.

If the parasympathetic nervous system is tweaked through a tug to the neck the vagal reflex can cause instant death.

Higher intraocular pressure can cause serious injury to dogs already suffering thin corneas, glaucoma, or eye injuries.

It has also been linked to hypothyroidism as the collar rests on the area of the thyroid gland causing damage.

It can impinge the nerves supplying the front legs leading to an abnormal sensation in the feet that can present as a dog that starts licking their feet. Often misdiagnosed as having allergies.

A dog's epidermis is only 3-5 cells thick, in humans it is at least 10-15 cells thick.

Excessive pressure can cause damage to the dog's eyes, larynx and thyroid gland.

Particularly risky for puppies under 6 months, a time during which the cartilage of the trachea is still delicate.

A dog that feels pain and discomfort on saying hello to another dog, or trying to sniff the environment, is in danger of associating other dogs or other stimuli in the environment with pain and discomfort resulting in a dog that we would label “reactive” and/or “aggressive” when on lead, “but ok when off lead”.


It's our last day with doors open to the public! Come see us and the pup's one last time! 💚
- Orders will now be placed online or by phone, with option to pick up in store on appointment only, local delivery, or by Canada Post.
-Grooming, Training & Consultation (nutrition or well-being/behaviour) services will continue as usual.
Feel free to call, text or email us with any questions you may have🐾

C'est notre dernier jour d'ouverture au public ! Venez nous voir et les chiens une dernière fois ! 💚
- Les commandes seront désormais passées en ligne ou par téléphone, avec possibilité de ramassage en magasin sur rendez-vous seulement, livraison locale ou par Poste Canada.
-Les services de toilettage, entrainement et consultations (nutrition ou bien-être/comportement) continueront comme d'habitude.
N'hésitez pas à nous appeler, nous envoyer un texto ou un courriel pour toute question que vous pourriez avoir.🐾


🐾 Why does chronic pain have an affect on behaviour? 🐾

The emotion of pain is a form of fear-anxiety and it can directly affect behaviour by increasing vigilance and leading to behavioural responses that are designed to keep the individual safe. For this reason an animal in chronic pain may show avoidance behaviour and try to keep distance from anything that it perceives to be a risk in terms of exacerbating its pain. This may lead to the pet being less engaged in social interactions and showing less interest in play or making very obvious attempts to get away. Painful animals may also show less obvious behaviours of inhibition or appeasement.

Inhibition involves the animal taking in information by watching and listening but not giving anything away. The result can be a pet who is very quiet and can easily be misinterpreted as being relaxed. It is important to watch for signs that the pet is monitoring the environment, for example by watching for ear movement and staring, and not to simply accept that they are "being very good". Appeasement involves exchanging information with others and because dogs are socially obligate animals they will often use this behavioural response when they are in pain. These dogs will seek information from those around them as well as give information back. This is often done through touch and these dogs may lean into people or nudge at them in ways that are misinterpreted as "attention seeking" and seen as unwanted or naughty behaviours.

Dogs may also sniff and lick at people in ways that are misinterpreted as affection. It is therefore important to be aware of changes in social interactions and not to dismiss increased interaction which might signify an emotional change. The other potential response to pain is repulsion and this involves behaviours which are designed to make the perceived threat stay away. Anything that the animal perceives to be a risk in terms of inducing pain can lead to a repulsion response and these responses can vary from a low grumble, to a significant growl, to an air snap and even a bite. While these repulsion behaviours are often considered to be the most serious, because of the potential consequences, it is important to remember that the pain can be equally significant for the pet regardless of which of the four behavioural responses it gives. It is very important to take repulsion seriously and to take steps to avoid the potential consequences of these behaviours but we must not disregard avoidance, inhibition and appeasement which are also important signs that an animal may be in pain.

In addition to the direct effect on behaviour chronic pain can have an indirect effect by reducing an animal's emotional capacity. The chronic pain uses up some of the animal's emotional "space" and means that they are more likely to react to other stimuli, such as noises or social interactions. When this happens the main thing that a caregiver may notice is a change in behaviour but the underlying pain also needs to be treated.

Photos from Muso et Spaw's post 09/27/2023

🐾It is with a heavy heart that we are announcing the closure of the physical Muso&Spaw boutique this October 14th 2023. After much though and deliberation, we've decided to keep our focus on our ongoing mission of prioritizing canine well-being. Meaning that we will be focussing on grooming and consultation services exclusively. We will continue to have certain products available to clients even though the physical store will be closed to the public. This will be available by appointment only for pick up's, and scheduled times for local delivery. Stay tuned as we will be posting a detailed video explaining our current situation, as well as the future of Muso&Spaw. We would like to thank our loyal clients for continuous support of our small business. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions 🐾

🐾C'est avec le cœur lourd que nous vous annonçons la fermeture de la boutique physique Muso&Spaw ce 14 octobre 2023. Après beaucoup de réflexion et délibération, nous avons décidé de rester concentrés sur notre mission continue de donner la priorité au bien-être canin. Cela signifie que nous nous concentrerons exclusivement sur les services de toilettage et de consultation. Nous continuerons d'avoir certains produits à la disposition des clients même si le magasin physique sera fermé au public. Celui-ci sera disponible sur rendez-vous uniquement pour le ramassage et aux heures prévues pour la livraison locale. Restez à l'affut car nous publierons une vidéo détaillée expliquant notre situation actuelle, ainsi que l'avenir de Muso&Spaw. Nous tenons à remercier nos fidèles clients pour leur soutien continu à notre petite entreprise. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions 🐾

Photos from Muso et Spaw's post 09/20/2023

Semaine 2 de notre vente hebdomadaire! 🙌 Os charnus, bouillons d'os, accompagnements, bols ralentisseurs, lick mats, un peu de tout! Utiliser le code SIDE15 pour 15% de rabais sur ces items sélectionnés!
Week 2 of our weekly sale! 🙌 Meaty bones, bone broths, side dishes, slow bowls, lick mats, a little bit of everything! Use code SIDE15 for 15% off these selected items!

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Cliquez ici pour réclamer votre Listage Commercial.


Site Web


1253 Avenue Godin
Laval, QC

Heures d'ouverture

Mardi 10am - 4pm
Mercredi 10am - 6pm
Jeudi 10am - 6pm
Vendredi 10am - 6pm
Samedi 8:30am - 5pm

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2845 Des Aristocrates
Laval, H7E0H3

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AutoRoute Laval E
Laval, H7M

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Laval, H7P4V9

Cathouse- Cathouse-

tout ce qui est nouveau sur les chats et les animaux domestiques

Pattes Et Griffes Pattes Et Griffes
2108 Boulevard Des Laurentides
Laval, H7M2R5

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Laval, H7N2J1

Mondou Mondou
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Laval, H7X4C9

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