We Care For You
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Avenue Napoléon, Mascouche
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We Care For You is a healthcare service for those in need of help taking care of their aging family members while staying in the comfort of ones home.
After my mom got sick I quickly realized that managing our time between our own family's and looking after her was going to be difficult.I came to the conclusion that if I was going through this so where others. We Care For You was created to give a hand to everyone who needs help taking care of their loved ones because they also work and have children to take care of. We Care For You offers an i
I went to see a friend a Santa Cabrini hospital and next to him was a 93 year old lady who just had a hip replacement due to a bad fall... I asked the nurse does she get any visitors ? The nurse kindly replied “ she’s been here for 10 days and have yet to see anyone”. She will be discharged soon and go back to her Residence.(old age home).
Let’s not leave them alone.. they deserve better....
Free in house consultation... no obligation , no contracts to sign.
Give us a call... it will be our pleasure to help.. visit our website at www.wecareforyou.ca
We Care For You LET US PUT A SMILE BACK ON YOUR FACES BECAUSE WE CARE FOR YOU! Our Story Have you noticed that your loved one is more forgetful? Are you running around trying to manage work and family while worrying that mom and dad are ok? You constantly worry if they took their medication. These are surely some o...
Time is precious.Kids,homework,after school activities and taking care of our aging parents.We care for you can help relieve you of that stress of worrying if mom and dad are ok. If they took their medication etc.
Call us .. we have Italian speaking care givers to help so they don’t feel disoriented .. visit our web site
www.wecareforyou.ca or just call me directly...
Let us help.. because we care for you 🙂
Les chutes sont la cause principale de blessures et de décès chez les ainés en raison de leur équilibre fragile, de la diminution de leur masse musculaire et de la fragilité de leurs os. Ces facteurs augmentent les risques de fracture, particulièrement celles de la hanche. C'est pourquoi il est si important d’adapter la résidence. Les modifications de la résidence permettent aux adultes vieillissants de rester dans le confort de leur domicile, et ce, en toute sécurité, peu importe leur âge, leurs limitations physiques ou leurs handicaps. Il est toujours préférable que le domicile de votre proche soit modifié et qu'il dispose de systèmes de soutien à domicile. Il est essentiel d’adapter plusieurs endroits de la maison pour prévenir les chutes et les blessures.
Who new I would have to use my service We Care For You for my mom..
I would like to thank Maria and Khadija who are now part of my family for taking care of my mom.
It's hard to put a loved one in a home...but you do it because you love them and want to protect them.
Call us if your looking for help.
“If exercise could be put in a pill it would be the number one anti-aging medicine and the number one anti-depression medicine,” agrees Dr. Robert N. Butler, President of the International Longevity Center, at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York City. “It’s also cheap, and it avoids problems such as the side-effects of medication.”
Give a loved one a hug....just because...
Lets help our elderly...because
We Care For You.
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