Synergy In Motion

Training. Coaching. Embodied Adventures.

We offer Human Design analysis and consultation, Radionics for wellness, practical guidance, inspiration and support for those seeking to live their gifts in alignment with who they truly are. No matter HOW you choose to work with us, you’ll get The Tools, practice The Craft and become The Art of Living true-to-you in a changing world.


Biofeedback is a technique that uses electronic devices to provide real-time data about physiological functions such as heart rate, muscle tension, or brain waves. It is used to help individuals gain control over these functions to improve health, reduce stress, or manage pain.
While biofeedback helps you listen to your body’s signals to make conscious adjustments, Radionics gently tunes and balances your energy for/with you, making the process effortless and supportive.


Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that involves the transfer of universal life energy from the practitioner to the patient. This energy promotes relaxation, nurturance and healing by balancing the body’s energy fields. Reiki is purely hands-on or hands-off and does not involve any devices or tools.
Radionics is like the high-tech cousin of Reiki, adding quantum technology to help fine-tune your energy like a pro!
"End of summer special" link in comment section! Just a few more days of savings if you want to try radionics or the radionics/coaching combo ;-)


What if I told you there’s a way to recharge without unplugging from your life?

Ever feel like you’re a smartphone with 1% battery left?
Always on. Always connected. Always drained.
I get it. I’ve been there.

Hi, Sabine here. We're taking some time to let you know what radionics can do for you and your energy.
No incense.
No chanting.
Just tuning into the energy and information fields in and around you.

Successful. Driven. Raised amazing kids, climbed the corporate ladder OR built your own business.

Lately, something’s off.
Stress is eating you alive.
Midlife malaise is creeping in.

Wondering, “Is this all there is?”

What if I told you there’s a way to recharge without unplugging from your life?

Radionics isn’t new. It’s been around for 125 years. But it’s not mainstream. It works with a simple principle.

Change the information/energy. Change your body. Change your life.

I don’t diagnose. I don’t treat. I help you manage and align your energy. Bringing you and your body into coherence.

Here’s what sets radionics (with me) apart:

*It’s tailored to you. No cookie-cutter programs here.
*It works with your lifestyle, not against it.
*It addresses the root cause, not just the symptoms.

Clients have reported relief from chronic stress, to improved sleep, to feeling their vitality return as well as being able to focus better.

***Just the other day, the wife of a new client sent a joyful text letting me know her husband with dementia started gardening again, after many years of not being interested or able to.

***A musician who was faltering, is finding new gigs with more ease.

***Another client with severe asthma and seasonal allergies doesn't see me anymore due to the alleviation of symptoms.

But here’s the thing. I can’t predict exactly how it will help you. Because you’re unique. Your energy system is unique.

Sound too good to be true? I get that a lot. But consider this: everything in the universe is energy. Einstein said it. Science proves it. We’re just tapping into it in a focussed way.

Here’s my offer.
Book a consultation. It’s free. Let’s talk about where you’re at and where you want to be. If radionics feels right, I’ll create a custom program for you. No pressure. No hard sell. Just an honest conversation about possibilities.

And because I believe everyone deserves a chance to experience this, I’m running my first-ever radionics end of summer sale. Details in comment section.

Remember... you’re not just flesh and bone. You’re a complex energy system. Isn’t it time you learned how to optimize it?
Ready to recharge?

Book your consultation now. Let’s explore what’s possible for you.

Cheers to your vital future!

P.S. Still on the fence? That’s okay. Energy work is personal. But if you’re feeling that spark of curiosity, don’t ignore it. Your future self might thank you for taking this step.

Radionics is experimental. It is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure or mitigation of any disease in humans or animals.
If you have a health-related condition that requires medical attention, always consult with a licensed health care professional.


Does this sound like something you need?
I’m here.
And radionics along with coaching (30+ years of expertise in the field) can realign your body, spirit and mind all at once.

I’m not a ‘markety’ person. And I’ve never run a sale before... but if you need a nudge to get some support, I’ve set up a summer deal. DM me for details.

Hope you’re taking care of your sweet body this summer. Nothing beats self-love to get through... well, anything.

Waves of Joy,


Last week, a Hawaiian surfer called. This charming guy looked like he stepped out of a magazine. His problem? Heartbreak. He wanted me to “write a balancing program” for him.

Two days later, a retired soldier found me on YouTube. Quiet guy, conservative type. Years of service left him with PTSD and stress-induced psoriasis. He remembered radionics from 20 years back and wanted to know if I could help.

Most folks who find me happen to know about this best kept secret. They’ve heard of radionics from a friend’s cousin or a neighbor’s witchy pal. Or maybe they stumbled upon it during a late-night Google spiral.

But here’s the thing: for the average Joe (or Jane), what I do is a mystery.

When people ask what I can balance, I say, “Most anything.” It’s like going to a restaurant where you create your own dish. Sounds great, right? But it can leave you wondering where to start.

Stay tuned to find out where to begin or DM me for end of summer special.


Willow Basket Weaving Weekend in London, Ontario
Make your own beautiful willow basket!
~ with artist/instructor Deborah Dewbury - Green Edna Basketry

June 15 and 16 (Sat and Sun)
Hosted by: Juna Guetter and Sabine Hildebrandt from Synergy In Motion

✨ PM me for details. Only 4 spots left! ✨


Looking for something special for your mom or someone you love?

Or perhaps you could use some rejuvenation yourself!

Book a nurturing Body Session with me.

Mother’s Day Special $100 - 60 minutes

PM me for details 🥰


Tap into your resources to meet your needs and… create some art!


Do you like surprises of the shocking kind? Cold plunges and ice baths are all the rage these days and they have a shocking quality to them. This fits in well with this week’s energy theme. When was the last time you were truly surprised? How did it feel in your body? Was it a happy surprise? Or was it shocking in an upsetting way?

Ever since January 9 and until May 10 of this year, the background frequency of human life on planet earth has been about surprise, shock and initiation. This coming week we double down on this energy, so just notice. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that a solar eclipse is occurring April 8 as well in this Quarter of Initiation.

Has something shocking or out of the ordinary been happening in your life and/or the lives of your friends, family or co-workers? Take a look on a personal level as well as globally. What’s new and perhaps shocking in your world and the world? How are you dealing with this kind of shock? Is it catalyzing you into a new way of being?

Inspired by the ancient Chinese I-Ching, Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys, we synthesize this weekly contemplation to help prepare you for the energetic weather blowing your way. Watch, listen or read every Sunday for another mind-blowing, yet pragmatic piece of the magical pie. Start your week with good vibes!


Sometimes its super easy to perceive the potential in your partner ... their gifts, their strengths. And this is a beautiful thing!

But when you start expecting them to live up to the potential you see in them and and they’re not living it, according to you, it can create deep frustration and resentment.

Remember that each person is unique and has their own way and their own timing as to how they live out their potential or not.

The question then becomes... “Who can I be to support their flowering and do I have the patience to do so?”

When you can be spacious and loving with them as they live out their hero’s journey, which often starts with being the ‘fool’ and making mistakes along the way, that is love in the highest degree!

If you’re having a relationship with your partner’s potential and getting frustrated that they’re not living it, open your eyes to see who else they are being that you haven’t noticed because you’ve been focussing on what they’re NOT being or doing.

Frustrated with your partner not living up to their potential?
Book a *free* Discovery Call with either of us to help you shift this. ***link in bio***


Did you ever have a relationship with someone and it didn’t work out well because you were in a relationship with their potential and not them?

Perhaps you stayed longer just to see their potential come to fruition, but as time dragged on, they never really lived the greatness you saw in them. Perhaps you realized that while their potential was palpable, it wasn’t enough to keep you two together. You wanted to experience their gifts in action. Or are you still waiting?


Did you know?
15 years later… I’m still going strong! Working with bodies and loving it! 

Not everybody knows this about me (Juna) but I love putting my hands on bodies and helping them energetically heal, relax and change.

I’ve trained in several modalities, but what I love most is tuning into a body on the table and allowing Divine guidance to flow through my hands.

How’s your body doing? Need some tlc? Dm me for details on how to book a session (in London, Ontario).


New Podcast is out- Link in comments

Do you have some parts of yourself that you’d rather not acknowledge?
The part of you that feels insecure… the part that is jealous of others’ successes… the part that is waiting to be rejected… the part that wants to hold on for fear of losing? You name it, we’ve all got some!

In key37


ALERT... New Podcast is out
Link in bio

Radionics what do you get receiving radionics balancing? 16/02/2024

Have you received Radionics before?
What was your experience?
I am curious ❤

Radionics what do you get receiving radionics balancing? If you’re wondering what Radionics is or how it works, you’re probably also wondering what you might get out of it.As you are unique, so is your journey to w...


Imagine having a deep sense of feeling lovable as you are, not what you judge yourself to be...

Imagine if your “character flaws” ended up being some of your most amazing superpowers....

Imagine a world where everyone could embrace each other’s uniqueness with love...

Knowing your Human Design can help you to stop being so hard on yourself... and start appreciating your uniqueness as the GIFT it’s meant to be.

Do you know your Human Design Type? If so, please share in the comments and let us know what you LOVE about your Type.

If you don’t know, DM me for details.


On February 1 we were mindful that it was “Imbolc,” the day that marks the Celtic halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. This liminal time is when seeds are springing in the belly of Mother Earth. Almost here... but not quite yet.

In this liminal space, we invite you to listen.
Listen to the podcast here

Why? Because if you’re not listening, you might miss the whispers of your Inner Compass. If you’re too preoccupied with your thoughts and “to-do’s”, you might miss that gentle nudge.

Your inner truth and personal guidance system is much like the seeds springing in the belly of the earth. Hidden, yet full of life and potentiality. Sometimes what you know whispers so softly and swiftly. Are you silent enough and still enough to hear those whispers?

Perhaps you’re most familiar with the CLANG that periodically disturbs the hum of your discordant thoughts. You know... those times when your inner guidance system needs to SHOUT, because you’ve been deaf to its response, whispers and nudges for far too long! Then, when you really need to know... BAM! OUCH!

How about pre-empting the “ouch,” and listening to your personal guidance system in the first place?

Challenge for the week: LISTEN
This week, be sure to carve out some space to tune in to your knowing, your truth.
Make sure to listen to the meditation portion of the included podcast to help you listen.

Be still. Even in the midst of everything going on.
Enjoy some silence. Even if for a moment.
Listen to what you know. It’s there. Welcome it with open arms and an open heart.

With Sama (listening, melody),
Juna & Sabine

Photos from Synergy In Motion's post 02/02/2024

Listen to our most recent podcast ... link in comments

Sometimes the greatest gift you can offer isn’t to help by fixing someone else’s problems, but to listen, to let them know you care and to trust them in their process. Here’s why:

1. Listen objectively: instead of rushing to offer solutions, become intensely present to hear what the person is saying without judgement. Sometimes all the person needs is an objective listening ear.

2. Empower through empathy: empathy goes a long way in fostering connection and empowerment. Let them know you care by showing up and being present.

3. Trust them and the process: rather than imposing your ideas of what needs to change, help them discover their strengths and values which can empower them to find their own way through.

Remember, true “help” is often more about trusting the person’s process rather than jumping in with what you think works best for them. Sometimes the most supportive help you can offer is being there to listen, acknowledging their feelings and trusting them.


Getting ready to set up people for tomorrow’s balancing. Working on stress relief, immune boosters and digestion issues.
To make it even more fun I like to add a delicious cup of

made me share what I do in my day


Do you consider yourself to be a “sensitive” person? Feeling others needs before they do?

Sometimes it feels overwhelming to be so sensitive. To be more specific, this week’s theme is about sensitivity to others’ needs for physical nurturance (food, shelter, hugs) as well as emotional and spiritual needs for support.

Being sensitive is such a beautiful human quality that allows you to care, to reach out and to help those in need.

Yet when “the need to be needed” motivates your interactions with family, friends and co-workers, this beautiful sensitivity can turn equally insensitive and unaware. If your motivation to help comes from your need to be accepted and not rejected, you can find yourself in sticky situations or give too much and feel burned out.

Here are a couple of questions for you to contemplate.

If you’re aware that someone in your close circle of friends/family needs something, can you pause, connect with yourself and be present without having to solve, fix or mend anything?

Are you willing to be uncomfortable perceiving someone in need or struggling without having to jump in right away and make it better for them?

Ouch, right?

If you’re coming from the addiction to being helpful, how could you be with someone else’s needs in a different way?

Do yourself (and them) a favour and observe any tendency in you to solve problems that are based on your need to be helpful and thus accepted, loved and supported. Then breathe, connect with your genius, and love yourself! Be prepared to be amazed at how LIFE itself works its magic, when you let go of your addiction to helping.

listen to the podcast… find the link in comments


In honour of the Human Design New Year, January 22, we’re celebrating new beginnings! If your New Year’s resolutions have landed in the pile of good intentions with little to no action so far… the good news is… you get a second chance to start again!

Over the last week, several people let us know that they can’t possibly add anything new to their full plate. Well, that may be true. If your plate is full, you can’t add anything new. All those beautiful New Year’s resolutions and dreams for your future have quickly become a burden on your already “too full” plate. (sigh)

In light of this dynamic, here’s a powerful question to ask yourself: Is everything on my plate serving me? If not, what can you let go of to make room for what truly nurtures you?

This week’s energy theme highlights the time for new beginnings. A time to dream and tap into your desires. What do you long for? Get the energy of it and let it fuel your passion and desire. Your feelings and big dreams can move you and your body into a higher frequency that helps you let go of whatever doesn’t serve you and your growth in 2024.

Hexagram 41, that comes ‘on-line’ at the start of the Rave New Year is called “decrease” and is about emptying out the old and opening up to something new.

What in your life needs to go?
Do you have outdated ways of doing things?
Emotional patterns or beliefs that don’t serve you anymore?
Things that weigh you down?
Relationships that don’t work for you?
How will you lighten your load, declutter and make room for new possibilities?

When you let your dreams fuel your new beginnings, whatever doesn’t serve you may simply fall away!

If you haven’t yet taken us up on our New Year’s Special, Activate Your Creative Genius Self-Study Course , please do so by January 31-2024!

BUY NOW if you say YES to navigating 2024 with more creativity, magic and trust in yourself and your gifts.


If you’re a head tripper, one who believes what your mind says and gets caught in confusion, doubt and spinning, you need to read/watch this!

In review… Last week we talked about the ambition to rise up, to make goals and connect to the drive that fuels your dreams.

Could you connect with that energy in your life? Did you see it operating in others? This week’s energy theme moves us into a different zone and is 2-fold.

Do you ever feel a hunger to know the unknowable?

To delve into life’s mysteries and find your inner truth?

Indeed this week’s energy theme, based in hexagram 61 in the I’Ching (Jan 11-16) is about exactly that!

You might notice a pressure to dive into the mysteries and want to understand them. You can easily get caught in what we call head tripping which can be pleasant, wild and exhilarating yet when it excludes your heart knowing that’s when it doesn’t help you to navigate your everyday life on planet earth!

Are you trying to navigate your everyday life from your head exclusively? Are your thoughts running in circles, creating confusion, stress and perpetuating that feeling of getting nowhere even though you put so much time and energy into problem solving?

There’s a different way… Listen to the full podcast


Are you someone who makes New Year’s Resolutions (even secretly in your mind)?

It’s so easy when you’re intending to ‘improve’ yourself or your life to be motivated by the constant search for something ‘better’ or the next ‘relief’ from something ‘bad.’ Whether that’s striving for bigger, better, more or craving your next sugar fix or avoiding being uncomfortable… it doesn’t have to be this way.

This week’s energy theme, based in Hexagram 54 of the I’Ching, highlights the drive and ambition for something greater, but in the shadow aspect, can show up as greed or blind ambition. Indeed today and the coming week is a great time for coming up with your goals or dreams for the future… but we’ve found it works best when your motivation lives beyond the matrix of only striving for a better life or trying to avoid a worse one!

Here’s what we mean…. “listen or read more”

made us do it

The Gifts and Challenges of Being Empathic - Synergy In Motion 21/12/2023

✨A gift for the empath in you. Happy Solstice friends! ✨

And... there's a real tangible gift for you to download at the end of our blog. on-the-go emergency kit for stress, overwhelm, stuck-ness and exhaustion

Sabine Hildebrandt

The Gifts and Challenges of Being Empathic - Synergy In Motion This week's energy theme, based in Hexagram 11, also known as Peace, holds profound insights into the challenges and gifts of being an empath. Empathy, like a

Why Do Monks Beat The Wooden Fish? - Synergy In Motion 19/05/2023

Check out our recent blog!

Why Do Monks Beat The Wooden Fish? - Synergy In Motion Life gets so busy, we forget to be the "watcher" as well as the "do-er." In your busyness, it’s easy to get distracted from what really matters... living


Have you ever felt that you didn’t have enough time, money or freedom to be or to do what you really wanted to be or do? For most of us the answer would be a big fat YES!!! At least for me it is.

As I was clearing out the garage in preparation for our renter to store some things, and contemplating the current Hexagram 2 (Receptivity) and the upcoming Hexagram 23 (Splitting Apart) I was so aware of how important it is to “Split Apart” from the old and the stagnant... that which does not work any longer... in order to make space for the new.

Let's bust the myth that receiving means you must hold on to whatever it is you’ve received, whether that’s things, places, people, judgments, systems or fears.

What is receiving anyway? Receiving is a movement, an opening to “what is.” Receiving is never stagnant, meaning you don’t have to “take it” and be “stuck with it.” Receiving doesn’t hold on. Receiving doesn’t attach. It is often you and me that gets in the way of being able to receive without feeling obligated to give back... to even out the score.

Whether you’re looking at the world from the point of view of having “not enough” or having “too much,” are you ready to shift your perspective? In the spirit of receiving let’s also look at the words Affluence and Abundance. Affluence comes from the Latin word “fluere” which means “to flow.” The Latin root for abundance comes from the verb “abundare” which means “overflowing!” Hmmmmm…

Receiving is a flow that includes a continuous movement of gifting and receiving (like your inbreath and outbreath) rather than holding on or taking.

Are you ready to engage in the flow and dance of life that splits apart from the old and makes room to receive the new?

Surfing the waves,
Sabine & Juna


What if meeting your mental anxiety was like letting your mind chatter away like those TV screens in the media section of your big box store, that scream for your attention...while you walk on by, focused on what you actually came for? What if, while all your same mind chatter was going on, you did not let it distract you from living from your joy, awareness, peace and creativity?

Our invitation to you this week is to breathe deeply, to relax your nervous system as best you can, and to walk on by the scenarios your mind creates. Tip your hat to those thoughts and keep walking.

Check out our weekly energy forecast and meditation & blog in the links in the comment section below!
Sabine Hildebrandt & Juna Guetter


✨Whatcha doing tonight? Join me and Sabine for our weekly energy forecast and meditation at 7pm ET! ✨
Click this link to zoom live with us: /


We're back from our nature adventures up North paddling in the morning mists and munching wild blueberries covered in dew drops!

During the week of September 27 - October 2, we have the energy of "correction" coming into our world for a few days. Our theme of the week is: THE GIFT OF DISSATISFACTION

In general, we all share this very human trait to want to perfect the pattern, but it will be more "in your face" this week. For example, you might find the hair in the soup and want to correct it! You might notice being dissatisfied with the way you’ve been being mean to your kids or partner or how you’ve been treating your body. And you want to change it for the better.

That’s a good thing, right?

Perfecting the pattern to create a better future is a natural human quality for sure. Yet when the need to correct and perfect tips into definitive standards for how we or others should be, it can feel judgy. It feels judgy because it is! Perhaps you've been on the receiving end of someone else's judgment of your behaviour... not fun.

So you can see how working to make improvements based on dissatisfaction can so easily tip into judgment that separates people through right and wrong, good and bad.


What can you do with this energy of correction that is inbuilt and seemingly necessary, but can be so judgy and harsh? What's the gift?

Take a look at our most recent Sunday Evening *energy forecast and meditation where we give you a possibility or two to experiment with!

With big smiles and celebrating diversity,
Sabine Hildebrandt & Juna Guetter

Videos (show all)

Radionics is personal. No two programs are the same. I’m always rewriting, customizing. It depends on you. What you need...
First paddle of the season!Note to self: after 2:5hrs of paddling non-stop your arms might feel like noodles 😂#orukayak ...
Do you consider yourself to be a “sensitive” person? Feeling others needs before they do?Sometimes it feels overwhelming...
Does your spiritual BS metre sound the alarm when someone tells you to “just let it go”? Ours does! Letting go of attach...
Want to tap into your creative genius and live true to you? This self study course is half price and a great way to dive...
It’s the Human Design (Rave) New Year today!!! Wahooo! It’s a day that kicks off the next spin around the wheel with new...
🌟 Unlock the Mysteries of Human Design 🌟Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are and how you can better unders...
Radionics is a holistic approach to well-being.Join me on a journey to discover the extraordinary potential of subtle en...
Have you ever felt that you didn’t have enough time, money or freedom to be or to do what you really wanted to be or do?...
What if meeting your mental anxiety was like letting your mind chatter away like those TV screens in the media section o...
✨material success✨


62 Askin Street
London, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:00
Thursday 09:30 - 18:00
Friday 09:30 - 16:00