
Bold&Kind makes it easy to practice mindfulness - with jewelry.

Photos from Bold&Kind's post 08/16/2024

Bootstrapping your business is a wild ride.

I placed an order for more of these necklaces in this colour when I saw your response. Despite what my inner critic was saying to me in that moment.

"No way girl, this is going to sit in your basement I mean warehouse for ages."

But now there's only a HANDFUL of the Steel left, and more are on their way, trying to clear customs.

Your girl is PACING.

I hope they get here in time. But if I'm sold out for a second is that really a bad thing? Could be sort of cool

I'm choosing to see it as something to celebrate.

Right? Right.

This strange mashup of excited and nervous calls for more snacks! How do you deal with nerves when something amazing could be right around the corner?

Asking you as I pace in my living room, obsessively checking the tracking of our next shipment

Ok bye

Photos from Bold&Kind's post 08/14/2024

Becoming a pro at disrupting my negative self talk taught me the power of small, little things that can make a moment feel less doomed. 

Have you heard of the 54321 method? It's a grounding exercise designed to manage acute stress and reduce anxiety. It involves identifying 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

When we choose to move our focus from our inner critics' terrible monologue to instead something tangible in front us, we harness the power of transformation. Of change.

We say, "I see you, inner critic, and I choose not to entertain you."

My therapist told me about it years and years ago. But an accidental habit I've picked up is paying attention to the small things around me. I would rather give them my attention, and use them as anchors to stay present than let my inner critic sweep me away.

So here's to paying a little more attention. Especially to the small and mighty things in our lives. 

Photos from Bold&Kind's post 07/29/2024

Saying thank you for something you genuinely appreciate feels like a direct 🖕🏼 to all the negative voices in your head

10/10 recommend

Especially in moments when you feel hella disconnected from your inner voice and all you can see is the bad stuff - give this a go

With everything in the news it feels like the world is more and more on fire. Some days I feel like all I have is HUGE FEELINGS that have nowhere to go

Try a little gratitude to find a moment of calm


What if your inner critic was in cahoots with your heart and soul and actually pushing you to do the things YOU really want?

Who would you be if your inner critic wasn't a mashup of everyone else's expectations of you, but rather a champion for what's really good for you, as decided by you?

Any business book or podcast will say, "know the why behind your business."

For me, I wonder what the world would look like, what messages we'd receive in the media and what kind of conversations we'd all have if our inner critics weren't a mashup of mean, making us feel not good enough, gremlin-esque voices but instead founded on our own values

I think we'd all be a fu***ng force to be reckoned with

We wouldn't feel confused about our next steps in life as easily

We wouldn't waste our lives with people that are toxic, conversations that make our souls shrink or jobs with bosses that should be treating us better

I want women to get so good at listening to their self talk and immediately knowing if the voice they're hearing is their own or someone else's that their sense of self becomes unshakeable

I did it with Jewelry because I'm a very visual person. I needed a reminder to disrupt my negative self talk multiple times a day. So I could slowly start to differentiate between why I was doing what I was doing

So I could walk towards what was good for me and away from what wasn't serving me.

Literally I'm proof that catching your self talk works. Taking deliberate steps to catch your inner critic in the act of being a sh****ad to you works.

It's why all Bold&Kind's pieces are hard to ignore.

I want to see what the world looks like when you're free & feral

Request: share this post with someone that struggles with seeing themselves for how amazing they truly are. Someone who's stuck overthinking their worth. Maybe their inner critic needs a makeover. Or maybe their inner critic needs to be rebooted entirely 😉

Photos from Bold&Kind's post 07/24/2024

We're someone's favourite!! & I mean a total stranger, not someone who knows me & my story personally 🤯

I was given one of the coolest compliments ever when this customer tried using the summersale code ('summer24') before the sale officially started and DM'd for help

Because she was so excited she blew past the start date (how cool is that?!)

I LOVE that this reaction is even possible! Obviously we made the code work earlier than planned

& then my nosey ass needed to know what she was getting and she told me she's been "obsessed" (yes I'm jumping up and down at that word choice) with the old gold Boundaries Necklace and I'M SO EXCITED something I designed is getting this reaction!

And then she told me it's for her birthday 🥺 and then she told me I'm her favourite!! 💀

* Mish has become turbo charged *

Oh hell yeah I'm gonna take the step to keep designing. I've been sitting on more designs:meaning combos but I've been scared to lean further in with more designs vs staying steady with what I carry now

Making new stuff is such a mind boggling experience every time for me.

I've been doing this since 2021 but talking about these vulnerable words we all need STILL feels like talking directly to every s**tty expectation we've ever been forcibly fed.

But these moments show me I'm not alone in this experience of ours. The one where our inner critic tries to guilt trip us into being hyper productive but never allows us room to just exist as we are.

Thank you!



Photos from Bold&Kind's post 07/20/2024

Why is the last picture dino nuggets? 👇🏼

Have you met the Strength Band before?

This one's easily the most wearable ring in the collection. Chunky, weighty & meaningful.

We love the contrast of the two materials with this soft inlay and hard metal.

The marble wraps around your finger like a hug from a friend.

It's the encouragement to be softer to yourself. When you're feeling overwhelmed, it says 'it's okay you're allowed.'

When your inner critic would be asking you to "toughed up, keep it together, grin & bear it," we say 🖕🏼 that!

Slow down
Acknowledge what you're feeling
Ask for help
Make a change

All our pieces are meant to be little bits of encouragement.

A nudge

To pay attention to your self talk

Notice when it's your inner critic feeding you garbage

& put those expectations down.

Yesterday I caught myself thinking "why can't I speak, I can usually speak better than this, wtf is wrong with me " (I had started stuttering)

Only to realize I had taken the equivalent of several emotional face punches from a family member this week, on top of being in the midst of a major life change and a handful of deadlines.

Of course I was feeling a little overwhelmed. But my inner critic - a mashup of all the messages we inhale daily about what being successful looks like, what being a strong woman looks like - wanted me to keep showing up at the level of a Mish who didn't have the same amount going on.

My inner critic has my carrying expectations that aren't even mine.

As it usually does.

So I put that s**t down and went for a walk in the sunshine with a pocket full of candy.

20 min out of my day to reset my self talk.

It made such a difference

Then I took some things off my plate for the day. And made dino nuggets for dinner. (Last picture)

You've got this. I'm telling you, use this little ritual. Wear the jewelry. Notice the self talk. Realize when it's your inner critic behind the wheel. Put that s**t down. Be better to yourself.


On sale July 27


This came up in conversation and I realized it's been ages since I spoke about why Bold&Kind is named what it is.

It's simple; when I was at my lowest (read hella overwhelmed, hiding my panic attacks in the bathroom, trying to smile and grit through it) I had a lot of voices in my head on the 'Bold' side of the equation, but almost none on the 'Kind' side

Be bold we're told
So we achieve like nobody in our family ever has
And earn like nobody ever has
And go go go
We start collecting degrees
& going through the motions
And realize one day - burnout SUCKS

I want to balance those voices.

Let's be Bold AND Kind

Being kind to ourselves looks like
Noticing what's happening in our minds
Realizing when we're being too hard on ourselves
Allowing ourselves to say no
Saying yes to only the things we REALLY want to
Building the lives we want to live
Not measuring ourselves by any
yard sticks we dont agree with

It means going for the goals we really want
while being good to ourselves.

It's an ongoing cycle.

I did it by wearing my rings as a secret note to myself. Then noticing what my self talk sounded like every time I saw it.

Little by little the voice inside my head sounded more like me and less like my inner critic


Photos from Bold&Kind's post 07/17/2024

Wanna hear a quick story featuring Godzilla, a soldout SKU & dancing?

Yesterday we had our first sold out sku. 🤯

This may be an everyday occurrence for big brands. Hell when I worked at Google part of my team would be keeping track of what colours of specific accessories were running low in specific doors.

But I built Bold&Kind. I designed everything. Sourced a factory. Designed packaging. Then I did it again because both of these didn't work the first time. That first line in 2021 that didn't work was the biggest L I've ever taken in my life. And yesterday this magical thing happened


What you're seeing screenshots of is my VERY FIRST sold out SKU - meaning specifically the size 9, in chromium black, Balance Ring

I shared this little bit of information with my husband - also known as the shipping and receiving team 😉 - and blew past it.

"Hey hey wait," he said

* Insert godzilla, turning around to look at him, one eyebrow raised*

"We gotta celebrate"

* Monster Godzilla melts instantly *

& we danced.

Him in the living room, holding the puppy back from biting Rogue's ears. Me in the kitchen, mid-making yet another pot of coffee so we make it through the day.

This is the real behind the scenes of building a company



💛 we banish our inner critics one step at a time. Noticing one thought at a time. One oh s**t I'm being mean to myself' realization at a time. For me, I did it with Jewelry.

Wearing unignore-able reminds to notice how I was speaking to myself changed it all. It's the experiment I ran on myself for two years before starting Bold&Kind.

Now every piece is made out of words we need to say to ourselves. Goodness we need to remember. A war we need to wage against our inner critics. One step, one moment of noticing at a time.

My inner critic is made up of a mashup of voices - a little my parents, a little school teachers, one specific professor, and an ambiguous mass of stuff from being a woman, being a brown woman, being the kid of an immigrant etc et.

I wonder, what does your inner critic sound like?

Photos from Bold&Kind's post 07/01/2024

Did June feel like 4 months for you? See that piece of white on the mantle in the last photo? I was so f***ing overwhelmed I hit my head turning around too fast and made my head bleed.

Yup. Definitely catching myself in a major adjustment period with all the hiring and puppy and Vogue and...

When a ton is going on my goals become super simplified: In June I wanted to take one step forward everyday. It didn't work everyday, but I got most of them 💪🏼❤️

June roundup:
1-4) 🤯 The 3-in-1 Boundaries Necklace gets into Vogue's July print edition, covering Style and Sound. 🤯

5) A screenshot my sister sent me of an Ad for Bold&Kind 🤯I hired and onboarded someone to run Ads for Bold&Kind. They started the second half of June 👀 Have you seen one?

6) If I want Bold&Kind to be more than an experiment I ran on myself, I need to fine tune it. So June was the first time I hired and worked on copy writing for a pile of Bold&Kind taglines. So much goodness came from this! I'll be taking you through the goodness we unearthed soon

7) Ruckus joined the family 🐾 Unexpected and slightly terrible timing. But we knew Rogue would benefit from a companion, her trainers said it would be better for her if the second doggo was a puppy and bonus points if it was a male. Then suddenly Ruckus showed up on my phone, as a rescue pup and we had him within a week.

8) Found a KILLER vintage Hugo Boss suit you'll be tired of seeing me in. Looked so good with the chocolate necklace and a T!

9) The wore the Steel Necklace as part of an

10) chunk missing was in my hair 🫣😕

I want to say this - I welcome growth and blessings with open arms and jugs of coffee. I can do this. I've gone through growth before and know this is what it feels like when you're getting stretched.

Absofu***ngloutely here for it

& If I can, so can you.

Big things are possible when we pay attention to our self talk. When we are kind to ourselves.


Photos from Bold&Kind's post 06/19/2024

Find Bold&Kind's infamous 'F**K YES' necklace in July's print edition of British Vogue! We're on page two of the Jewelry Designer Profile making this our fourth time with Vogue UK and necklace's first appearance!

Slides 1-5 are the scanned pages
Slides 6-7 is a mind-blown moment

I bounced around the house when I got the email in May
1) SOMEONE at CondeNast knows me as "Mish" 🤯

2) They knew I was working on a necklace last year, noticed and liked it!!! 'Fab' might be my new favorite word 😂

If you've already gotten a 3-in-1 Boundaries Necklace, know it's featured in VOGUE!!!! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Being Bold&Kind means going after your goals and being good to yourself along the way. It's possible. This is evidence. I'm proof.

I can't count the number of people that have said no to including this necklace in media but that doesn't mean I'll stop asking.

Sometimes our goals are only clearly visible to us. And that's okay.

Keep going, keep raising your hand, keep noticing the self talk, keep paying attention to what fu***ng matters to you. You'll get there!

Wear the jewelry
Notice the self talk
Don't be so hard on yourself

That's how we get there. That's how we build better habits and ultimately that's how we build a life we really want.

You've got this 💪🏼

✨✨ Available right now for 20% off with code 'pff' at checkout.✨✨


Someone asked me this week, what would you say is the ultimate goal for your jewelry? And I said: I want women to get so good at noticing their self talk, they start to realize when they're being too hard on themselves.

Because it isn't like you wear this jewelry and BAM you're forever changed. More like, this beautiful note to self goes along with you on life's adventures and helps you stay accountable to yourself.

It's about building a little habit of noticing

You guys know I've recently hired help. That involved a ton of interviews from each of them to get to know the brand more. Both of them went about it in different ways but each were trying to understand the why, the how, the origin story so they can ultimately represent Bold&Kind's jewelry the best way.

Your girl is navigating a whole pile of change.

I'm noticing a ton of:
✨ General nerves about someone else working on my baby
✨ Feeling all kinds of weird seeing their work out in the world
✨ Realizing how much I DON'T know! I.e. did you know each Ad can have upto 37 different formats? 🤯
✨ My own growth: articulating the data (from conversations with you guys!) I've collected over the last 6+ months. I didn't realize I had so much insight!
✨ More nerves about expressing my perspective but sticking to it because of my own lived experience using my jewelry to catch and manage my panic attacks

I want Bold&Kind to be known as more than jewelry. A safe place. An adventure buddy. Working alongside you for the whole entire fu***ng ride 💪🏼

Is it a lot to ask for a bit of gold plated empowerment?
You bet!

Is it going to stop me?
Not for a second 😂

Onwards to the new and scary!


Before I started designing jewelry I would always gravitate towards vintage pieces that had some wear to them

With gold, this kind of finish always feels easier to wear when the piece itself has some weight to it.

The 3-in-1 Boundaries Necklace is a weighty piece. The finish of the gold makes it infinitely wearable.

A customer once described it as a weighted blanket meets jewels and it's so true!

I've found there are so many 'other' voices in my head sometimes. Stuff I've collected over time about how women are supposed to be etc.

This necklace is a counter weight to all that noise. A little nudge to take a second and check in with yourself, to make sure you're doing/living/loving/showing up in the way YOU actually want to.

If it isn't a F*** YES, it's a Hell no.
Keywords: statement necklace, 24k gold, gold plating, wellness, boundaries, style


Just gonna leave this here ✨


[long read] That shoulder-hunchy, stomach-achy, fist-clenchy wave of anxiety is hard. It's hard on our bodies. It's hard to talk about. It makes you feel so alone.

Especially if you don't have a practice, a way of handling it that you can depend on.

I didn't.

A few years ago I was living through panic attack after panic attack. I had no idea about managing anxiety let alone having an easy mindfulness practice.

That all changed with the rings - and some therapy. It worked for me because I liked having a visual cue of what to do, with me, on my hand, all the time.

Be both friends. Be bold & kind™

Bold in the pursuit of your dreams & Kind with how you speak to yourself.

It's easy to get caught up in the productivity yellow brick road and try to earn more, do more, check off more on the list. But that list should have your well-being marked as a priority. Does it?

"I haven't don't enough today," or

"I can't believe it's taking me so long to hit A,B,C goal."

Or "why am I tired? I haven't done enough to feel this tired."

Sound familiar? Gah!

That's why this collection, this Jewelry exists. Something that stays on your hands and gently reminds you to take care of yourself. To anyone else they'll be statement rings. To you they'll be a promise you made to yourself.

I've ALWAYS been about the big goals. But now I'm about the big goals & baby steps, including my well being.


Can you relate?

"I used to get panic attacks because I was so overwhelmed. A few years ago all the big stuff that could happen at the same time, did. I felt behind, rushed & like I wasn't enough. I wanted to do everything - write a book, have a big job, get a promotion, be a good wife, be a good daughter in law, take classes, grow, cook...all of it. I was hard on myself for not being able to do all of it, at the same time, exactly perfectly. Sounds funny now!

One day when I was reading about how to build better habits (read: trying to figure out how to do all the things), I got the idea to use my rings as the cue to pay attention to my thoughts. I started by saying an affirmation I needed when I put my rings on. After that, everytime I would see or feel them on my hands, I'd pause and check-in. I started paying attention, setting boundaries, asking for help... It all started with noticing because of my rings." - Mish (Founder)


Now available in Chromium Black


How to build a mindfulness ritual with Jewelry - step #3


How to build a mindfulness ritual with Jewelry - step #2

Choose your affirmation. Take the quiz on to start


How to build a mindfulness ritual with Jewelry - step #1


Meet the Next Chapter Collection - it celebrates your commitment to yourself with easy rituals, contemporary designs & high quality materials. The rings are designed around the basic pillars of self care: love, grace and belief for yourself. Commit to your Next Chapter. Wear a physical affirmation, and practice the little ritual everyday.


How do you build a stack?


Do you practice being mindful daily?


"Does the box come with the rings?' Yes of course! We chose to include this little treasure chest instead of sending you a box you'll throw away.

More than one way to be good for the planet😎


Welcome to our page! Be sure to follow us on Insta . Store now live at

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Videos (show all)

Your inner critic to you: 👎🏼👎🏼Our Jewelry to your inner critic: 🖕🏼🖕🏼#innercritic #meme #affirmations #selftalk #innerdia...
😂 ngl it's my first dog vs my second dog#selftalk #motivation #empowerment #funny #meme #innerdialogue #innercritic #sel...
Monthly PSA: your inner critic doesn't know what she's talking about 🤟🏼If you need to rest, restIf you think you can tak...
Next Episode Collection
How do you build a stack?



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