Plant Fit Kat

I'm sharing my journey of health, wellness and self-discovery.


yesterday's dough - today beauty🍞🥖🧡
🌟Today I made few extra loafs if you live in Milton area and would like get some gut friendly artisan naturaly leaven bread please DM me.
Today I have 3 Clasic Country loafs
Ingredients: locally sourced stone ground bread & whole wheat flour; fine sea salt, spring water; natural levain ( flour & water)


One festive cranberries & brazil nut loaf
Ingredients: locally sourced stone ground all purpose & whole wheat flour, organic dry cranberries, organic roasted Brazil Nuts, fine sea salt, natural leavain( flour & water)

Photos from Plant Fit Kat's post 11/25/2023

Journey with sourdough continues 🙂🍞🍪


🌠 As part of Polish tradition on "tlusty czwartek or fat Thursday" for the first time I experimented with making raw vegan paczki🍩

🌠 They may not look the glamorous but they are definitely very testy😋 at least in my opinion 😉

🌠 I could say that my experiment was successful 😀

Photos from Plant Fit Kat's post 02/17/2023

Have you ever experianced extreme hunger, craving for certain foods like maybe sweets, starches, fatty foods, potato chips etc, only "looking" at food and gaining weight? Well that was me many years ago now.... 😳 I was always dieting then gaining my weight back in no time... I was addicted to hyperocessed food, and feeling always hangry no matter how much I eate...not knowing that my extreme hunger & craving for certain "bad" foods was mostly do to with my microbiome imbalance
🌠 Prior to experiencing my problem with extreme craving I was on antibiotics starting as an finfant due to lifetheting lung infection and then numerous times in as a teenager
🌠 You see antibiotics are designed to kill the unhealthy bacteria within our bodies, but often they wipe out innocent bystanders as well, destroying out good bacteria and throwing our microbiome out of balance.
When our microbiome goes out of balance we experiance numerous health problems.
A series of scientific breakthroughs has revealed that the key to fast, permanent weight loss is the Microbiome - the trillions of tiny bacteria within our intrstins.
> Microbiome is the secret to healthy, dramatic weight loss as well as significant improvements in our overall health, mood, energy and mental function.
> When the microbiome goes out of balance, we often gain weight, even when we haven't changed diet or exercise.
> An imbalanced microbiome often dooms just any diet to failure.
> When the microbiome is balanced, however, we often loose weight.
> Those microscopic organisms regulate the way calories are extracted from food.
> They produce vital nutrients and help regulate our immune system as well.
>They exert enormous influence over our hormones, our appetite, and even our genes.
> They also have a huge impact on our neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals that govern your mood, energy level and mental functioning.
🌠 So when our microbiome is revved up and working at top speed, we loose weight and keep it off, effortlessly maintaining a healthy weight.
🌠 When our metabolism is sluggish and cued to retain body fat, we will gain weight and hold onto those extra pounds even if we cut back on calories and rump up exercise
🌠 Metabolism is the 🔑 to weight loss
🌠 And the MICROBIOME is the 🔑 to metabolism!


✨ Begin to live today knowing that today's choices will determine tommorow's future You!

✨ wanting to feel good is important - but there is no substitute for Action

✨ every positive choice we make is good one that sparks & increase powerful energy in life

✨ to be effective, a change or new step does not have to be big

✨ making healthier choices like adding daily movement/ exercise, meditating, healthier food choices is a good beginning

✨ start today don't wait until tommorow, be patient , stay consistent... embrace journy to a Healthier Happier Vibrant New You!!!❤

Photos from Plant Fit Kat's post 08/26/2022

✨ Nothing better then eating dessert for breakfast and still crushing your fitness goals 👊🌱💚
✨ fueled with antioxidants, healthy fats and over 40g of plant protein😋

✨ This is my faverite combination for nice cream protein bowl:

=> Frozen cherries, Frozen banana, splash of soy milk, scoop of vivo life protein powder, raw c**ao powder ( blend all in highspeed blender or food processor until smooth thick consistency) then topped with peach, h**pseeds and PB2
Enjoy 🙂


✨ I'm a fitness/ wellness advocate ...this truly changed my life for the butter and I want to share it with everyone...

>> but the truth is in order to see changes I needed stay
CONSISTENT with my lifestyle....
Consistency is the 🔑

✨ I scheduled daily movement like it's a mandatory meeting with myself. This is why I prioritize fitness... until it became a habit


> I wanted to have more energy to run after my kids and not feeling tired
>I wanted to start feeling confident and less shy
> I knew that physical discomfort would result in mental strength
> I wanted to prevent disease now and in the future

✨ Looks are always a byproduct not a driving force

✨ Your brain is a muscle and when you put in CONSISTENT effort, you'll see what it's capable off

✨ Establishing a fitness/ wellness rutine should never be about chasing a number on the scale, but transforming into your happier , healthier, stronger self🙂💪❤

Photos from Plant Fit Kat's post 08/11/2022

✨ Eating well is a form of self respect

✨ When we love & respect ourselves we take good care of our body

✨ We show up and create the space & time because we know we're worth it

✨ We invest in ourselves and create consistent lifestyle changes ....that's when we're going to see the biggest results !

✨ We nurish ourselves with whole foods we love because we know thay will love us back❤

✨ today for my break-fast/ postworkout I had califlower rolled oats topped with fresh seasonal fruits, nuts and seeds🍊🫐🍓 as well as delicious protein ice coffee ☕😋

Photos from Plant Fit Kat's post 08/03/2022

✨My post workout 1st realistic meal of the day:

✨ Chocolate cherry nice cream with califlower / sprouted rolled oats/ salted maca caramel vivo life protein & pb2 and c**a nibs...
> yes I have a bit sweet tooth & this is my guilt free healthy meal that I enjoy almost every day...😋

681cal - 40 protein 94 carbs 8 fat...( just because I'm plant based it doesn't mean I eat tiny portions like a rabbit 🤣)

✨ I have been plant based for over 8 years now & I have to say it was one of the beast decisions I've made...
✨ Eating plant based🌱 helps me to stay healthy❤which is outmost important to me
• build healthy, strong lean body💪 without crazy diets and protein obsession as well
• eliminate inflamation (stay disease free)
• recover fast after workouts
• balance my hormons naturally and have
• tans of energy to run after my active two teenage boys as a women in my late 40's😀


Here is my realistic plant based 🌱 dinner today...rice, mix veggies with edamame, tempeh & kimchi 💚 I also has a kale salad on the side to boosts my nutrition and fiber for the day😋


✨You may not know this about me but I used to struggle lot with my weight. I started yoyo dieting when I was teenager and this continued into my late 20's. As a result of that I have damaged my metabolism to the point that I was gaining weight very quickly, this is when I was constantly restricting or binging and gaining all my weight back and more. At this time didn't know any think about nutrition , I thought that restricting calories was the only way to loosing weight. Later on as I've learned there are many other factors that contribute gaining weight, some those factors were chronic emotional stress, calorie restrtriction and disbiosis just to name the few...
✨ Fast forward I was able to stabilize my weight but that doesn't mean I was healthy from the inside out... you see just because someone looks slim or even simingly fit doesn’t mean they are necessary healthy....
✨ As I became passionate about holistic health & wellness, started to look at my whole lifestyle, little by little improving each aspect of it to heal and strengthen my body from the inside out.
I first started with my nutrition, this is when I have incorporated whole food plant based diet
( here is a tip: no matter what diet you follow incorporating more whole plant based foods like leafy greens, root vegtables, legumes, fruits, whole grains and limiting process especially junk foods will a make tremendous impact in your health )
✨ After some time as my health improved and I started to gain my vitality back I started to chalange myself to add more fiscal movement as part of my life . First incorporating walking & running the then gradually strengh training and HIIT... it wasn't easy at first but as I was gaining more strength and my fitness was improving I started loving it!!!😃 ....and that's because fiscal activity made me feel really good about myself, I was becaming more energized, happier, confident and postive person as I result of that....I got hooked on it in a good way😊
✨ All of this started to happened gradually about 9 years ago it was a long process and it's still a journy for me ...if you're reading this post I want to encourage you to start making small changes in your habbits try to be consistent with them as much I as you can don't give up on yourself, you deserve to be healthy and vibrant, you can do it, never give up on yourself!
✨ Change takes time, health and wellness is a journy not a sprint...start small and build on it... remember don't compromise your health just to be loose some weight, also don't compare yourself other people, you are a unique, what works for one person may not entirety work for you...
✨ If you want to start your own health and wellness journy but you're not shure how to go about it, where to start, maybe also need some to keep you accountable as you start then let me know and perhaps I can offer some help😊
✨Bdw today is my 10th day of my 75 Hard💪 challange and this is my outside strength training workout...for those that are not famiiliar this is a mental tafness chalange where every day for 75 days one needs to complete the following tasks: 2 × 45 min workout one has to be outside ( bdw walking and yoga is also considered as a workout 😀); drink 1 gallon of water; stick to your chosen diet; no cheet meals; no alcohol , 10 pg of reading of self-development book & daily progress picture. If I miss any of those tasks above I then have to start from the beginning.
Its not easy but I'm taking this as one day at the time.


✨Most of us heard that cards make us gain weight and should be avoided or at least limited when trying to lose weight.
✨ This is true....if we're eating refined carbs as well as including oils and excess fats with it.
✨ By predominantly eating whole foods such as whole fruits, vegtables, starches, rice legumes, whole grains and limiting fats I was not only able to loose 25 kg but also kept it of now for over ten years.

✨ Today for dinner I made savery mashroom soup.
Here is the recipe:
* 1 onion
* 1lb mashrooms, sliced
* 2 cups of vegtable broth or 2 cups of water and 1 vegtable bouillon cube
* 1 cup of thick plant milk
* 1/4 cup of dill
* 1tsp paprika
* 1 tsp smoke paprika
* 3 beay leafs
* 1tbsp spy sauce
* salt to taste ( optional)
* pepper to taste

1. In a pot, saute onion, mashrooms with a little vegtable broth until soft.
2. Add dill, soy sauce, paprika, beayleafs and the rest of vegetable broth. Cover and simmer on low for 10 min.
3. Add salt, pepper, plant milk and dill.

✨ This soup is very low in calories so I don't rely on it as a main source of calories.
I like to serve it with potatoes, rice or whole grain bread.


✨Here is my faverite guilt free healthy chocolate dessert...😋
✨Blend in the food processor until creamy aprox. 1.5 cups of frozen cherries, 1 banana, 1-2 tbsp of raw c**ao
Enjoy !


Calorie density is 🔑 to weight loss!

Here is my oatmeal zuchini breakfest topped with berries, bananas, Pb2 with the side veggie bowl for more nutrition and fiber !


✨ I'm often being askd what I do to stay healthy, vibrant and lean as a mom of two very active boys in my late 40's

What helps me is to:

1. Eat whole food plant based diet focusing not on counting calories but insted calorie density 🌱🍎
I belive this is the optimal diet for health and longavity
2. Prioritize exercise/ movement mostly every day ( walking, biking, playing with my kids, HIIT, strength training) 🤸 not only helps me to feel happier🙂 but also helps me to release any stress, and fell re-energized
And lastly
3. And finaly prioritize my sleep 😴


✨ Frozen smoothy aka banana nicecream is my favorite treat, perfect for beakfest, desert or post workout meal🌱💪💚
Here is how to make it:
• two frozen bananas
• 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder ( I use Sunwarrior protein powder)
•1tbsp blue spirulina
• splash of plant milk or water
All blend in highspeed blender or food processor until smooth & creamy
• top with your faverite fruit nuts and or seeds...I used mango, kiwi, c**ao nibs and h**p hearts


✨ This edamame pasta bowl topped with lightly souted vegtables; black beans with sweet and savory tahini souce is lastly one of my favorite go to dinners🌱
So easy to make yet so delicious 💚

Photos from Plant Fit Kat's post 06/07/2022

✨ Earthly healing energies🌿🌍☀️

✨ Trees, plants, flowers, streams, release healing vibrations that directly comunicate with our nervous system

✨ Sunlight resets our circadian rhythm and naturally replenishes vitamin D levels to support immune health, deep rest, strong bones and glowing skin!

✨ Fresh air cleansesout toxins, releases stuck energies and clears our mind!

✨ The earth emanates a healing electrical current that reenergises, recharges and grounds our being. The negative ions from earth naturally reduce inflamation and soothe the nervous system!

✨ Healthy soil is rich in trillions of microorganisms that nurish and promote diversity within our gut microbiome

✨ Clean water contains important minerals that are needled to properly hydrate our cells!

✨ Fresh, localy grown , in season organic foods contain the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and energetic qualities to support vibrant health !

✨ Mother earth is our Life Force, that nurtures us with pure selflessness and love ! Let's take care of home and each other with same kindness, cinsideration and mutual respect.
After all, we are a part of nature itself 💚🌍🌿


✨ Mother nature knows best

✨ Let her bounty nurish you inside and out!

✨ Everything we need grows in her🌿🌻

✨Love your mother 💚🌍


Simple healthy plant-based breakfast💪
• 1/2 rolled oates cooked in water with 1 cup of frozen coliflower rice; sweetened with stevia
• topped with blueberries; 1/4 cup coconut yogurt
walnuts; unsweetened coconut flakes; Pb2 ( 2 tbsp mixed with water) & chia seeds 🌱 ❤ 👌


The Interconectivity of Mind & Body

✨There are many ways in which our thoughts and emotions affect our bodies.
✨ Have you ever been under an extreme amount of stress and ended up gaining weight?
✨ Though my weight doesn't fluctuate by large amount anymore, I have definitely struggled with it in the past, as I was going through period of mental and emotional stress that not only affected my weight but also my health and wellbeing.
✨ The connections between stress, which originates in our mind as a perception of a given situation, and it's body-altering outcomes, such as high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks, has been well researched and widely accepted.
It's so had to belive that our mind can affect our weight, too?
✨ Dr. Zofia Zukowska, chair of the department of physiology and biophysics at Georgetown University Meducal Center, has led numerous studies that reveal that the body reacts to stress by packing on the pounds not due to overeating, but due to the nervous system's response.
✨She says" Stress induces obesity by way of the nervous that go to the fat tissue in that particular region of the body.....
Neuropeptite Y stimulates blood vessel formation, which feeds tissue growth, and maybe that gives you increased fat deposit around the waist.
✨ In other words, our emotions affect our nervous system, and our body can respond by holding on to fatty elements to help protect delicate nervous system.


✨ HAPPINESS cannot be
• traveled to
• earned
• worn or
• consumed

✨ HAPPINESS is the spiritual experience of living everyday with
• Love
• Grace and
• Gratitude 🙏❤


Did you know? That the Metabolism is the key to weight loss and the Microbiome is the key to Metabolism !
✨ 90% of the cells within our body are not human- they are microbes & bacteria known as the microbiome
✨ the microbiome is the key to revwing up our metabolism and loosing weight
✨ the microscopic organisms in the Gut regulate the way calories are extracted from food
✨research reveals that when the microbiome goes out of balance, people often gain weight, even when they haven't changed their diet or exercise
✨ Also the microbes in our gut produce vital nutrients and help regulate immune system
✨ as well as :
influence our: hormones;
energy levels;
mental functioning;
overall health ;
even genes


✨ There's no diet that will do what eating healthy does

✨ Skip the diet !

✨ Just stay healthy 🌱🤸


✨ Once upon time I decided to test my limits💪
✨ Yes- doesn't look like me - but it's me 😀
✨ We can do anything we want with our body and health we just have to start moving forward.
✨ Every small step is better then No Step !!!


✨ Loosing weight doesn't have to be boaring or painful
✨ That's how I eat to stay strong, healthy and in shape as a busy mom in my late 40's 🌱💪


✨ Being healthy is a success that many people forget to celebrate

Photos from Plant Fit Kat's post 05/06/2022

Most people know stretching and being physically flexible is important for health and to prevent injuries. But what does it mean to be metabolically flexible? Is that even a thing?
Yes, it's definitely a thing.

✨ So what is Metabolic Flexibility?
Your body has two main ways to make and use energy. You can use stored carbohydrates or stored fats. Your ability to easily switch back and forth between using either stored carbs or stored fats is the level of how metabolically flexible you are. If you have inefficient or low functioning mitochondria (energy source within your cells), then it will only utilize stored carbohydrates and not stored fat as fuel. Some of the ways that your mitochondria can become inefficient is by eating processed foods, not includeing enough antioxidant rich foods in your diet, exposure to the enviromental toxins and many other. Most people are metabolically inflexible and are stuck in carbohydrate burning all day because their mitochondria aren't efficient.

✨What does it feel like to be Metabolically Flexible?
When you are Metabolically Flexible, you don't get energy crashes, sugar cravings, or mood swings associated with not eating often. Your body has a steady source of energy and you feel the need to eat only when it is biologically necessary. Your blood glucose and insulin levels are stable, you have natural weight loss and muscle gain, and your bloating is gone due to not having to eat as often. You are still eating plenty of food, you just don't need to eat as often in order to satiate those insane hunger pangs.

✨On scale 1 to 10, how metabolically flexible do
feel you are ?


✨Food is just the first step to health
✨It's the beginning of the path to wellness🌱


✨ How we think influences all parts of who we are

✨ Not only that, but simple changing that way we look at ourselves, and the world around us can lead to powerful emotional, physical, and psychological transformations

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