Smart Dogs Canine Training

Dog Training in Milton - Private and Group Lessons
Behaviour, Obedience, Virtual Sessions

Dog Training in Milton Ontario and surrounding areas, Oakville, Burlington, Campbellville, Mississauga. Private lessons, group lessons, virtual sessions, online courses and problem solving available. Puppy training, basic dog obedience, advanced dog obedience, agility, rally-o, bootcamp training.


Rewarding calm is key, but that means that you have to be calm too. Humans have a tendency to “accidentally” reward inappropriate or over-aroused behaviour with attention, praise, high pitched, excited voices and giving interaction to excitement. But when we do this, we build habits in our puppies that are not ideal. If you are able to control yourself and your excitement, you will better be able to control it in your puppy.


When they ask, just do it. It’s a rule on conservation property. Respect the rules for the sake of others, their families, the kids, other dogs, those who are afraid of dogs, wildlife etc.. There are lots of other locations you can take your dog to run free.

🐾There’s nothing like watching your dog living their best life running through trails or swimming you back a stick tossed in the lake. We encourage people to go outdoors with their dogs this summer, but kindly ask that you keep your dog leashed while visiting our parks, avoiding areas and programs where dogs are not allowed. We share our parks with different wildlife, Mountsberg’s raptors and farm animals, and other outdoor enthusiasts. Keeping your dog leashed will keep all visitors and animals safe!

Visit our website for everything you need to know before taking your furry four-legged friend to the parks:


We are closed until the 11th of August. Enjoy your long weekend!!

A Training Session July 2024 07/30/2024

Just a look into a training session with one of our nutso dogs. Preparing her for trialing at some point, I thought it might be somewhat interesting for you to see what we do, how we do it and for how long, with a non-exciting voice over to make it slightly less boring (don’t worry, it’s only 5 minutes).

If you take anything from this video, it is; keep your training sessions short, fun and leaving the dog wanting more.

A Training Session July 2024 Just a glimpse into a training session with the crazy little black dog. Working on sit in motion, down in motion, some fronts, heeling and stays. Hoping to possibly…


Trying to make a nice calm training video with a patterdale terrier is like I’d like trying to put a 7 year old kid to bed after they’ve eaten a whole bag of skittles ….


If you are in the Toronto area, please keep an eye out for this JRT. Willowdale and Sheppard area.

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Brush is home safe & sound after 1 days, 7 hours :)

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Brush was LOST on July 14, 2024 in Toronto, ON M2N near Willowdale Ave. and Sheppard Ave.

Message from Owner: She is microchipped and has been reported missing. Please check your backyards/ grge/ shed. Thank you

Description: White Jack Russel Terrier (11 year old)

For more info or to contact Brush's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:


It’s never too early to start training your puppy. That doesn’t mean training has to be super formal obedience sessions, they’re puppies, short and fun works best. But obedience training isn’t the be all end all. Behaviour and requirements are more important. This means that you should start to implement your house hold rules on day one so that you give your puppy a clear understanding of their behaviour going forward. I like to tell people to visualize what they’d like their puppy to be like at 8 months to a year old, and hold that visualization in their head as they guide their puppies through the first few months of life. With this, I mean, do you care if your puppy jumps on people? Do you want to avoid furniture chewing? Do we want a house trained dog? Do we want a dog who knows what to do when guests are over etc. All of this should set the tone as to how we interact with our puppy on a daily and hourly basis.

That said, don’t take your puppy too seriously. They’re babies/toddlers. And babies or toddlers make mistakes, act out, be silly, don’t want to do stuff, want to do stuff, are annoying, don’t listen, and the list goes on. So don’t put pressure on them to try and make them perfect, that will most definitely backfire. Just make sure that you are giving them clear, consistent directions in their young life.

My number one priority with puppies is house training. Number two, for me? Having fun! But also being very clear in my handling and containment practices. Those two are tied at second (well, probably fun is a bit higher for me).

What’s your number one priority with your puppy?

Happy training!


So happy to share these lovey words from an amazing client!!

“Hi Julie,

Just wanted to send a big thanks. My dad and Zazu have been working hard to master the skills you’re teaching in the class they are taking now. Holy cow, what a difference!!!! We couldn’t check into our cottage rental until later in the day yesterday. So we brought Zazu to the market with us. He would not have been successful in that setting last summer. There was a parade, hundreds of people, and many dogs. He did so well and you would have been very proud! No barking, walked well on lead, and did some obedience drills very well despite many distractions. He was even walking well for my daughter.

Thank you for creating training that is real life and sets families up for success in the real world. We are so thankful Zazu and our family can learn from you. Please let us know what classes you have coming up next. Zazu and my dad would love to continue training even if the class is a repeat.

Thank you again! I’ll send you another email with a pic from the fun yesterday. :)”


Very interesting video with details on the possible progression of leash reactivity. Though Michael is using this training for protection work, this is a very similar scenario as to what could happen in your neighbourhood with your own dog.

Photos from Smart Dogs Canine Training's post 07/05/2024

Why Did I Become a Dog Trainer?

Why? I’m not going to tell you the usual story that you see out there a lot. I’m not going to tell you that I had a challenging dog (though I’ve had my fair share of them), that I was at the end of my ropes, and nothing helped. I tried everything, was failing at it all, until I figured out that secret recipe from a magical trainer, and miraculously turned my dog around. That’s not how it went. I got a good dog. No, she wasn’t a good puppy, she was a puppy that made me question my choices in life. But she was a good dog.

This dog. This dog is the reason that I became a trainer. This dog that was hell on paws as a small puppy – biting everything and anyone, and hu***ng me like I was going out of business. This dog, who introduced me to a great trainer that, once we enrolled in her class at 6 months, became the most trainable, fun, driven, entertaining dog that I could have asked for. This dog who introduced me to dog training classes and compelled me to take more and more and more. This dog, who introduced me to dog sports including the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada, AAC and CPE Agility, Disc and CARO Rally Obedience. This dog who had a mind of her own, and the requirement to work with her was to pretend to be smarted than her, which was impossible. This dog, a Jack Russell Terrier, who we were warned over and over again by many, DO NOT get a Jack Russell – they’re insane and they will eat your family. This dog, who introduced me to the world of working terriers and grew my obsession with these little as****es. This dog, who, with no exposure to children, took on my son without batting an eye and became his best friend. This dog who fished, hiked, camped, cottaged, and swam like her life depended on it. This dog, who’s obsession and drive for balls was beyond anything I’ve ever seen, then and now. This dog, who ruled the dogs 10 times her size and oozed confidence where ever she went. This dog who titled for me, competed for me, helped clients for me, helped demo for me, helped show the world that Jack Russell Terriers are the epitome of dog-dome. This dog, who was labeled “the love dog” because her overt friendliness was palpably obvious to everyone who passed her. This dog, the dog who showed me how fun, intriguing and satisfying training really was, how creative you could be, how a dogs mind is capable of more than we will ever know, and how the bond between dog and handler is like no other. This is the dog that I owe my career to. My career to help others see their dogs full potential and enjoy their dogs as much as they possibly can. This is why I became a trainer.


I used to compete. My choice of dogs, clearly a mistake. I do, however, like to torture myself with terriers and the occasional bulldogge to challenge my sanity, health and patience. Life got in the way, fees got expensive and trials got limited. One day I’ll get back in the ring. The little black ball of insanity has mucho potential, and I do not want to miss out on her amazing talents and drive. For now, here’s some videos from the way back files before the social media was cool, or possibly even a thing. TV was colour and I did have a cell phone. In my mind, I’m not that old.

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Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦


I’ve had a few dogs in my life who were firework phobic and honestly, not much helps during the celebrations other than putting them in a safe, quiet room, crated, possibly with a blanket over, and riding out the storm. I typically choose a master bedroom closet for this or a basement. Windows closed, radio on and I leave them alone. They are typically more comfortable this way. There are calming supplements that can be helpful. We try and get out before the celebrations happen, but this can be tough to predict, so I always ensure that my leash (in this case usually a slip lead that the dog can not escape) is fully secure. Flight response kicks in hard with those firework and thunderstorm phobic dogs and you do not want to loose them if you have to take them out. Make sure your collars with ID tags are on and or your microchip has up to date info.

Wishing you everyone an enjoyable long weekend, and wishing all the kids a happy last day of school!


Zucchini is available! He sounds like a lovely little fella, and would make a great, fun, family companion. If I had more room …

As always, with all terriers, I suggest making sure that you know exactly what a terrier is before adding one to the family. That said, all of my terriers have been excellent family dogs, from Jacks to rats and pats.

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The best class, in my opinion 😁 contact us if your are interested in signing up Or if you would like more info.


Keep an eye out for Rocky - missing from Elora area.

Update Reunited!
Courtesy post for Pietras .
Update: owner on way to Guelph Humane to pick up Rocky!
Our dog got out of our backyard last night just before 10pm.
He is a Westie - cut very short. His name is Rocky. I have reason to believe that he crossed the street and a passing car saw him and picked him up perhaps thinking he was lost.
Elora has people from all over Ontario visiting on weekends in the summer so PLEASE share this post. He is 12 years old and very loved. He has no collar on but is microchipped.
Lost on Water St. E. between Bridge St and Metcalfe St. Elora

Please contact Lisa Pietras

Long Lines 06/21/2024

I love long lines. I believe they have so many beneficial uses with dogs. The real magic of long lines comes on walks and daily outings with your dogs. I prefer long lines over flexi leads (except on rainy days) because of the fact that they can be dropped when needed and they do not have a bulky mechanical handle on them that I have to deal with. You do have to practice handling a long line before bringing it out into the wild, especially if it’s longer than 10 feet. This takes a bit of skill, but is so worth it in the end. You also need to be aware of the potential for rope burn if a moving line gets tangled somewhere on you. Biothane lines can help to mitigate this.

I love long lines for relaxed walks, once your dog understands not to drag you down the street and has a decent recall. They allow lots of opportunities for your dog to decompress and do doggy things. Obviously you need a somewhat safe area to do this in, but you can also shorten your long line where needed by roads, other people and other dogs.

I love long lines for working distance recalls. It allows me to create enough space between me and the dog to offer more realistic recall training opportunities. Once I’m fairly confident in the dog, I can drop the line and they can drag it around for more freedom and even more realistic training opportunities.

I love long lines for increasing difficulty with stay training. I can move further away, drop the line, but still have enough to catch the dog if needed when working in outdoor settings.

I can work heeling and release with long lines very easily, with little need for tension on the leash. For example, with lots of turns, I can get my dog focused on me and staying with me. With the addition of food reward or toys reward, we can mark the heeling behaviour that we like, offer food or toy during the heeling, and then we can release them with freedom as a reward afterwards with out them dragging you. This is excellent to practice if you plan on using long lines on a walk, as you will need to call your dog in to heel past distractions at times.

I love long lines for hikes. Long lines keep dogs, people and wildlife safe. Long lines allow freedom on hikes for those dogs who are not yet off leash trained. Long lines give you a break from trying to restrain an excited pup on six feet of leash when you are out in the enticing forest.

These are just a few of the great uses for long lines. I do need to add, however, if you do choose to try using a long line, please be respectful of other peoples space, their children, their dogs and their properties. Reel your dog in where needed or create space to keep both your dog and other people/dogs comfortable, and don’t allow your dog all over peoples properties. Boulevard, of course, is fine, but have common courtesy when around homes in subdivisions.

Happy Training!!

Long Lines I love long lines. I believe they have so many beneficial uses with dogs. The real magic of long lines comes on walks and daily outings with your dogs. I prefer long lines over flexi leads (except …


Need to occupy your dog on a hot day? If your dog can’t handle the heat, why not work their mind indoors. A good training session will offer you both mind and body work and expend some of that extra energy. Also, helps you to get your reps in and work on things you might be having issues with. Reps help solidify behaviours. Obedience or tricks, either one will suffice. Happy training!


Please remember this week is going to be extra hot, and for some breeds this means taking extra precautions outside, and reducing time outside in the sun and activity in the sun for all breeds. There are dogs who can not tolerate the heat and there are dogs who enjoy it, but even the dogs who enjoy it need to be monitored when the temperatures reach over 40 with the humidity. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

✅Short nosed dogs (Brachycephalic) DO NOT need to be outside for any extended period in the heat and should have water, shade and air conditioning available readily. These dogs do not disperse heat as well as their long nosed counterparts, so heat stroke is a very real danger.

✅Have plenty of water available and take a lot of shade breaks.

✅15 minutes at a time is good enough for most dogs in this heat, so you can split your walks, allowing your dog to cool off in your home instead of dragging them for one long walk.

✅Things like fetch or tug can be skipped. Instead do some training indoors, find it games or work on teaching some new tricks. Even my high energy, heat loving dogs don’t get big runs in when the weather gets this hot.

✅Cooling coats are great for dogs if they have to be out a bit longer.

✅Save exercise for either early morning or evenings, when the sun is not at its full peak. Mid-afternoon to early evening are usually very hot, and if possible, should be avoided.

Be safe with your dogs this week and take need precautions with the short nose dogs, heavy coated dogs, elderly dogs, over weight dogs and very young puppies.


Freddie is looking for a foster. Sounds like a great little guy, however, I preface every terrier with you should likely have some terrier knowledge (this comes from a place of love for terriers - they are their own entity). This guy sounds like a gem though - good small family dog. And that face 😍. Contact JRTRO if interested.

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Photos from Healing Hands for Helping Paws's post 06/15/2024

Isn’t this girl adorable? Would make a great addition to a family.


Basic Class is where we start. We teach all the stuff your dog should know to lead a life with you that you enjoy. Bootcamp takes those skills and puts them to use outdoors in real life environments.


Sharing this because I know a dog who sticks his p**p to things higher than the ground 😜 … interesting.


As people, we are likely completely unaware of the actual content and intention of the many messages left by dogs when they urinate.

“Pee mail” messages allow dogs to communicate their size, social status, health, gender, age, reproductive status & even their current emotional state.

This is conveyed through pheromones present in their urine, which other dogs are able to read and interpret.

Urine marking is generally a very “honest” and accurate scent-based message, but little dogs may have found a way to make this less accurate and less honest by aiming much higher than would be expected.

Many male dogs prefer to mark vertical surfaces. Releasing urine as far above ground level as possible allows air currents to carry their “mail” much further.

The higher the marking also makes it less likely that another dog will mark over it and delete or dilute the original message.

Although this is mostly seen in male dogs, I have a female miniature schnauzer that consistently performs really impressive handstands against vertical objects to p*e at the park, often losing her balance and falling flat on her face in the process in her attempt to mark as high as possible.

Maybe her less than trim and slim body shape plays a part in her lack of balance.

She avoids conflict or interaction with any dog that is bigger than her probably due to her being attacked by a big dog some years ago.

I believe she is telling “lies” about her size to avoid conflict, interaction and to tell dogs bigger than her to stay away – “I am bigger and stronger than I look”

Have you noticed your little dog telling “lies”?


Our friends at Mutt Life are celebrating 14 years!! Mark your calendars for their anniversary party!

Mark your calendars! Prizes continue to roll in but we hope to launch the raffle in a few days! Lots of good fabulous prizes up for grabs while supporting rescue dogs. You & your dog will dig it!

Ep. 16 - Behavioral Euthanasia PART ONE 06/09/2024

If you want to dive deeper into some excellent dog knowledge have a listen to this podcast. I realize that not everyone is diving deep for information, but I like to share these gems every now and then. Michael Ellis and Denise Fenzi are two top tier people in the dog world and are absolutely full of fantastic knowledge, wisdom and insight. This isn’t just focused on behavioural euthanasia, but offers a lot of insights as the topic broadens throughout the podcast.

Ep. 16 - Behavioral Euthanasia PART ONE To euthanize your dog is one of the most difficult decisions a pet owner can make. Dog trainers approach this topic with understanding the issues behind it, ...


Sometimes we walk like this. This is my favourite kind of walk.

Long line walks are so beneficial if you have the space to do so. They allow your dog to actually be a dog and burn more energy than just slowly walking beside you (lots of dogs natural paces are much faster than ours). You have tons of opportunity to work on recalls and stays. They can use their most powerful natural sense to burn even more energy (especially for those hunting breeds that crave the freedom to sniff). They allow relaxation, even though that seems opposite of burning energy. They allow your dog more freedom even if they are not off leash trained.

We usually switch to a harness or a big thick collar like you see in the video, for these walks. We do require walking close to us for short periods to pass people, dogs or if in tight spaces, but otherwise the dogs are free to do what they wish, just not dragging us down the street. We do reward check ins, and we do stop for training at times.

If you have some space, give it a try. You’ll be surprised at how satiated your dog is after one of these walks. Do practice your long line handling ahead of time, and do be courteous of others and don’t allow your dog to get in anyone’s space without permission from the other person.

Happy training!

Gorgeous collar by Nearly Naked Neckwear


Fun and humour are the absolute most important things that you CAN NOT forget when training your dog. The more fun you have, the more you will practice, the more your dog will enjoy it, the more you will enjoy it. The more you keep your sense of humour about you, the easier it is to have fun, the less likely you are to get frustrated, and the less stressful everything becomes. Take this as a tip for both training your dog and living life 😁. Incorporating play into your training is just one way you can start to increase the fun factor in your training. The humour part usually happens by accident during the fun ….

Videography credit of the mini psychopath (the dog, not me) having fun training Martincreativelens Videography/Photography/Digital Marketing/

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Smart Dogs Canine Training

Is it time to make a change? Are you frustrated with your dogs behaviour? Do you want a better relationship with your canine companion?

We can help! Smart Dogs Canine Training in Milton provides real life, success oriented dog training that is easy to follow, translates well to the whole family and encourages healthy relationships with a balanced approach to training your dog. We offer a thorough understanding of dog behaviour, and are committed to our clients success.

From group classes, to private training, puppy training, adult dog training, and behavioural adjustments, we offer something for everyone and encourage practice and exercise for the benefit of both dog and owner.

Smart Dogs Canine Training in Milton, Burlington, and Acton will help you achieve the stable, well balanced canine companion that you've always wanted. Our goal is your success, not to sell you class after class with no results. With families in mind, our priority is to help make your dog easier to live with, more responsive and better behaved.

REMEMBER: training isn't about being perfect. It's about building a better relationship, vocabulary and having fun. Training doesn't have to be boring, or tedious work. A few minutes a day, with reward, play, proper direction and clear communication of YES and NO will make your sessions much more enjoyable. Throw that into real life situations, and you've got yourself a well behaved dog that enjoys learning.

Videos (show all)

Dog Training Bloopers
Rat Terrier Clicker Training
Basic Class is where we start. We teach all the stuff your dog should know to lead a life with you that you enjoy. Bootc...
Sometimes we walk like this. This is my favourite kind of walk. Long line walks are so beneficial if you have the space ...
Oh yes, back with our favourite KONG stuffing from The Honest Kitchen which you can find at either of the  Global Pet Fo...
Are you contributing to your dog’s inappropriate behaviours? The answer is yes, even if you don’t mean to be. In order t...
Puppies and containment
Just a quick video about holding positions. Sits, downs, stays and places all apply. You NEED a release word (ok, yes, f...
I think it’s important, being a teacher, to be open to all different methods of training and working with students. Here...
It’s ok to let your dog win. In fact, it makes the game more fun and increase’s confidence if your dog has the opportuni...
Yesterday was just not my day. Remember to have fun when you’re training.#dogtrainingmilton #dogtrainersthoughts #dogtra...
Wishing everyone the very best over the holiday season, no matter what you celebrate!! May your holidays be filled with ...



Milton, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 1pm - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Sunday 1pm - 8pm

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