Good Night Sleep Site Jamie

Jamie Contarini,
Team Leader and Senior Sleep Consultant

Your family can be the well-rested family unit you are meant to be.

Meet your consultant & create your sleep plan: We are proud of supporting families for over 12 years. We have seen and heard the relief and wellness in our client’s voices and homes. Good Night Consultants are committed to helping all families with their baby and child sleep needs with a focus on family and paediatric sleep support and education. We take the trust


How to create a back to school reset:

Reset Bedtime!

The first thing to look at is bringing back bed time! Begin by thinking about what time your family will need to get up each morning once school is back in session and adjust the bedtime so that everyone is getting the right amount of sleep.

Going to bed too late will result in rough mornings. You don’t want to start the new school year with a sleepy head trying to navigate through the day!

Reset Routine!

Routines for both bedtime and morning will help end the day and begin the day on a good note!

Bedtime Routines are such an important component to getting a good night’s sleep and transitioning from a busy day. Bedtime routines will help your child relax and prepare for sleep. Breakdown the hour before bedtime into 20-minute segments. This will help your family to begin to slow down. A wind-down routine is important for kids of all ages, and even adults!

Reset Rules

Having a phone, tablet, computer or gaming systems in the bedroom will be very tempting for your child to “check” if they wake up during the night. A great solution is to bring these items out of the room is to set up a docking station outside of all the bedrooms (helpful for parents sleep as well). It is a great place for everyone to put devices ready to go to charge and be ready to go the next day!

Another rule you may want to add is to limit the use of technology at least an hour before bedtime. This would include TV, computer games, phone and internet usage. These activities make it hard for children (and adults) to calm down and can interfere with sleep. Blue light can stop or delay the natural production of the sleep hormone, melatonin, for up to an hour!

Reset Early

Doing this a few weeks before may help, but it’s never too late. Talking to your child about the importance of sleep so that they understand why sleep will help them as they enter the new year and beyond.

It is hard to catch up on sleep the night before the first day of school. We all need time to adjust and catch up on lost sleep.

Are you ready for back to school?


Is your school-aged child getting enough sleep? ⁠

Now is the right time to make bedtime routine adjustments to help your child get the sleep they need during the school year. ⁠

We have two mini programs that can help you help them get the sleep they need. ⁠

1️⃣ Back to School Sleep Guide⁠

When our children are well-rested throughout the school year they display better cognitive ability where they are able to learn more rapidly, with better attention, memory and decision-making skills. Better sleep keeps our children safe with stronger fine motor skills, and healthier with a stronger immune system. Not to mention a great night of sleep can ward off hyperactivity, oppositional, and irritable behaviour.⁠

Our Back to School Sleep Guide can help your Kindergartener to Grade 8 get the healthy sleep they need to stay well-rested throughout the school year. ⁠

2️⃣ Tween and Teen Sleep Program⁠

Bedtime anxieties and fears can make falling asleep hard for your tween or teen. While creating better sleep habits is important, getting to the root cause of newly developed or always existing night time anxieties and fears and learning how to manage them is an important step. Good Night Sleep Site’s Tween and Teen Sleep Program will help you create amazing bedtime routines, reduce bedtime fears and anxieties, and incorporate strong sleep skills for your child.⁠

Our Tween and Teen Sleep Course can help your 8 to 18 year old fall asleep easier and get the healthy sleep they need.⁠

Get your sleep guides on our website. ⁠


I know these days are hard, and screens are becoming a larger part of life- I understand that! Try to turn off screens at least 60 minutes (90 if possible) before bedtime to protect sleep. The exposure to the blue light can interfere with the production of melatonin (our sleep hormone) - making it harder to fall asleep. This goes for you and your kids.
If you currently have screen time as part of your little one’s bedtime routine, try moving it to before dinner and then opt for a quiet game, reading books or telling stories instead. Depending on the age of your child, you might get a little resistance, but be consistent and they will forget about the old routine.
What is your favourite part of your bedtime routine? Can you stop the screens for the next week? If yes, check in and let me know if bedtime becomes easier!

Photos from Good Night Sleep Site Jamie's post 07/16/2024


I love a visual chart or door hanger that outlines a child’s bedtime routine. By making a bedtime routine chart, you can point to it and say “okay, we have done everything on our list, now it is time for bed”. They might pull out the stall tactics, “one more kiss”, “one more hug” but you can feel confident knowing everything is done and say goodnight 😴 Be consistent in how you respond to these extra wishes.

With these door hangers, your little one can put the clips on as you go through the routine and then you can put it out of reach when they are done until the next night.

Swipe to see one that was completed by a friend of mine.

Do you have a visual bedtime routine chart?


Does your child get upset when you start your naptime or bedtime routine? It can happen when you walk into the room, turn on the white noise, put on the sleep sack etc. This is very common, and it is sad that they are sad, but wonderful that they are recognizing the cues for sleep. So what do you do?

Stay positive. Smile, sing a happy (but calming song).

Spend awake time during the day just playing in their room. I am okay if you want to offer playtime in the crib (if you put in any toys, remove them for sleep). We want your child to know that this is a fun and safe space - not just a room they go to when they are tired.

Have any questions? Post them below!


Has your baby started to roll onto their tummy? This often causes some sleep disruptions and can leave us parents feeling a little nervous.
Here are some tips to help you through this new skill:
Stop the swaddle:
If your baby is swaddled, it is time to get rid of it. You can use a sleep sack instead.
Clear the crib:
Do not put anything in the crib to stop them from rolling. The safest thing to do is have nothing but the fitted sheet in the crib.

*As long as the crib is clear, then you can let them sleep on their stomach.
Practice, practice, practice:
Offer lots of free floor time to move around during awake time.
Roll them onto their back after they fall asleep:
If you are not comfortable with them sleeping on their tummy, then let them fall back to sleep and then go in and gently roll them to their back.
Be patient:
It can take some time for them to perfect the skill of rolling. Often babies love the tummy sleep once they can do it.
**Always put your baby on their back in the crib. Once they can roll, you can let them sleep on their stomach, but always start them on their back when you put them in the crib.
Is your baby a tummy sleeper?


Yay or nay?

Um, this is NOT boring. This is brilliant! ⁠

(tweet via on X)

How to Prepare for Newborn Sleep with an Older Sibling 04/11/2024

If you are expecting another baby with an older sibling in the house, this is most likely a very exciting time! You may be looking forward to introducing your new addition to your older child, but you may also be thinking about how to deal with newborn sleep again. Things might be different this time around now that you have an older sibling in the house. With one child, your main concerns around sleep were with your newborn only. Now that you are expecting baby #2, you may be worried about how your older child is going to sleep, in addition to trying to plan for newborn sleep again.

Here are some tips that can help ease you into this new transition...

How to Prepare for Newborn Sleep with an Older Sibling Introducing a new baby can be tough with an older sibling, but there are ways to ensure everyone is getting healthy sleep. Read our top tips!

March Break Activities in Ottawa 03/03/2024

Hey Ottawa! Check out this list for March break.

Do you have any plans?

via: A Little Bit of Momsense

March Break Activities in Ottawa Make plans for March Break with kids in 2024! Here's a list of free and ticketed events you and your family can enjoy this March in Ottawa


This is some solid advice 😍

Great advice for all of us! 💃🕺

Photos from Good Night Sleep Site Jamie's post 02/17/2024

24 years since our first date, and I’ve pulled out lots of photo albums today 😁😁 Do you celebrate your date anniversary? For 21 years we celebrated at (where we went for our first date), but we will take a rain cheque this year as it is a bit of a drive 😁


Do you want to start working on better sleep tonight? I am happy to offer some tips - let's chat! Book your free discovery call!

Healthy Chocolate Chip Muffins (to Share with the Kids!) 02/15/2024

What I love about this recipe from is that it has Greek yogurt, they are so fluffy, my kids LOVE them, and the recipe is so quick to pull together!

Healthy Chocolate Chip Muffins (to Share with the Kids!) Add more nutrition (while keeping awesome texture and flavor) in these healthy Chocolate Chip Muffins. They're an easy go-to kids breakfast or snack!


Know the 6 components of and effective bedtime routine to help bedtime go more smoothly in your home. ⁠

Putting your child to bed can be the positive experience you want it to be! You want more out of the last encounter of the day with your child and I am here to help you.⁠

As your child matures they will inevitably have nights where they will struggle with sleep. Significant changes in your family’s daily routines like getting sick, a parent being away on a trip, sleeping away from home and changes to daycare or school schedules can cause your child to struggle with sleep.⁠

Having extra patience with our children during big changes will help them transition more quickly back to their normal sweet selves at bedtime. Once life settles down, or the worst of their cold symptoms subside, go back to being consistent with your bedtime routine. When life gets hard and changes happen, maintaining predictable routines will help your child to feel safe and secure.⁠

If everything is relatively normal and no major life changes come to mind, take a look at your routine before bedtime. ⁠

Let’s review the 6 components of effective bedtime routines:⁠

1) Consistent start time⁠

2) Consistent length⁠

3) Predictable steps⁠

4) Positive tone of voice⁠

5) Encourages child participation⁠

6) Establishes and maintains boundaries⁠

Read about each component in detail in the blog post by Good Night Sleep Site Annastasia here:

The goal for your bedtime routine is to have your child get on board and be compliant with the rules because they know what to expect and they are happy to participate in the process.

Valentine’s Day at Home in Ottawa 02/06/2024

I am not even sure where to start with this post! Check out this great list from A Little Bit of Momsense

Valentine’s Day at Home in Ottawa This Valentine's Day, celebrate as a family at home with a delicious local meal from one of these Ottawa area restaurants


Do you include a bath as part of your bedtime routine every night?

If you are running out of time, don’t be afraid to skip it. Everything after the bath will be the same on bath nights as on non bath nights - you will still put on a fresh diaper (depending on the age of your child), moisturizer and clean pjs. Go through the rest of your routine and then get your little one into bed. It is better to skip the bath than to push bedtime later.


I am at the third stage (and not for long) - and it is wild

The evolution of the mom hug. (Dads too obvs)
I’m currently at stage 1 and 2.

Have a restful Sunday everyone 🤍

Lower Sugar Banana Bread (So Easy, So Good!) 02/03/2024

Here's another recipe we love in our house from Yummytoddlerfood . I make two loaves at a time and give one to my parents :) *my pan is a little smaller that this recipe calls for, so I split the recipe and it is exactly enough!

Lower Sugar Banana Bread (So Easy, So Good!) Bake up healthy comfort food with this super easy and super delicious lower sugar Banana Bread (made with whole wheat!).

How to Treat Eczema, a Paediatric Dermatologist Weighs In 02/01/2024

Eczema is a topic that comes up often in local mommy sites and during our consultations. Many families we work with have concerns about sleep training and itchy/irritated skin. The change of the season can bring flare ups, but there are some things you can do to bring ease to your baby’s skin. We reached out to Dr Craw, paediatric dermatologist, and asked if she would weigh in on a few of the top questions we receive– and here are her answers:

How to Treat Eczema, a Paediatric Dermatologist Weighs In Many families we work with have concerns about eczema. The change of the season can bring flare ups, here are some tips to handle eczema.

Favorite Gingerbread Muffins - Yummy Toddler Food 01/31/2024

My kids loved these muffins from Yummytoddlerfood

Favorite Gingerbread Muffins - Yummy Toddler Food With mellow, yet flavorful warm spices and a super easy method, these Gingerbread Muffins are (dare I say it) a perfect holiday breakfast.

Safe Sleep Guidelines: New and Updated Information 01/31/2024

Good Night Sleep Site follows the US Safety Sleep Guidelines, but we also follow Canadian standards as well. We strongly suggest researching products before you buy anything.

Safe Sleep Guidelines: New and Updated Information The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has new legistaure to help with safe sleep products.

How Much Formula Should My Baby Have: A Guide by Age 01/31/2024

“How much formula should my _______ month old have each day?” Here is a great breakdown for the first year.

How Much Formula Should My Baby Have: A Guide by Age How much formula should my baby be drinking? This is a very common question! We found a fantastic resource - click to read more.

Pregnancy and Sleep — Fitmama Strong Ottawa 01/30/2024

I shared some tips to help you get the rest you need during pregnancy with Fitmama Strong Ottawa

Are you getting good sleep during your pregnancy? Feel free to DM me if you haven't shared the news with everyone yet :)

Pregnancy and Sleep — Fitmama Strong Ottawa Is a good night’s sleep eluding you now that you’re pregnant? Certified Sleep Consultant, Jamie Contarini at Good Night Sleep Site has some great insights on how to improve sleep during pregnancy.

7 Fun Bedtime Activities to Connect With Your Child 01/30/2024

When our kids are little, our bedtime routine often consists of a bath (maybe not every night), fresh diaper, clean pjs, maybe a feed, a story and a song. As they get older, life gets busy – rushing from school to practices or lessons and then home can create a lot of chaos at bedtime. As kids get older, they don’t alway want us to read to or with them. Bedtime can be difficult because we are all tired by the end of the day, and without time to unwind, it can be hard making time to connect with each other. Not only have we worked hard at adulting and parenting, but the kids have used a lot of energy to learn, play, and listen to directions all day.

UNO Flip is our favourite bedtime game right now! Have you played it?

7 Fun Bedtime Activities to Connect With Your Child Bedtime can be difficult because we are all tired by the end of the day, here are 7 fun bedtime activities to connect with your child.

Should the Bedroom Door Open or Closed for Sleep? 01/29/2024

Families often ask us if it is okay to keep the door open for sleep. Our suggestion is always to close the door completely and there are a few reasons for that.....

Should the Bedroom Door Open or Closed for Sleep? Families often ask us if it is okay to keep the door open for sleep. We suggest closing the door - read more to find out!

Bedroom Environment for Better Sleep: Tips for Tweens and Parents 01/29/2024

As sleep changes with age, many tweens will struggle with sleep and the adjustment. They are growing, becoming more active at school and participating in more extra curricular activities. Getting the right amount of sleep can help improve their cognitive ability with increased learning and memory. Healthy sleep begins with a conducive sleep environment. Setting up your tween’s bedroom for sleep success is the first step in creating healthy sleep habits.

Bedroom Environment for Better Sleep: Tips for Tweens and Parents As sleep changes for tweens, setting up a conducive sleep environment in their bedroom can help your tween form healthy sleep habits.


Do you need some sleep tips? Want to find out more about working together? Let's set up a free discovery call! I have some time this week to chat!

The Safest and Most Practical Sleep Sack by Age 01/27/2024

Welcoming a new baby into your life can be complicated. Choosing appropriate sleep clothes and bedding doesn’t have to be. The invention of the wearable blanket has been around since the nineties, and the wide range of options to choose from can leave you with decision fatigue. Here we explain the safest and most practical sleep sack options by age, starting with the most vulnerable newborn stage.

Who makes your favourite swaddle and/or sleep sack?

The Safest and Most Practical Sleep Sack by Age Welcoming a new baby into your life can be complicated, but choosing the appropriate sleep sack and bedding doesn’t have to be.


Elvis may not have written his song about your child’s bedtime routine, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply! Do you ever feel that getting through your child’s bedtime routine leaves you feeling drained and ready for bed yourself? Check out these easy fixes to make bedtime a peaceful and calm transition that would make anybody fall in love.

Photos from Baby College Ottawa West's post 01/25/2024

Check out Baby College Ottawa West - registration starts Monday!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Good Night Sleep Site is a Family and Paediatric Sleep Practice providing you with emotional and educational support to help your baby or child with their sleep needs. Our philosophy is that there isn't one program or method approach to sleep training. We don't choose one over another. Choosing the method is only one small step in creating your sleep plan and customizing proper sleep hygiene for your baby, child, and family. Our goal is to work with you and set up a Sleep Plan that you are comfortable with to help your baby or child become a GREAT sleeper.

Jamie Contarini is dedicated to helping the world sleep easier and better. She finds what works for you and your family. Whether you are a first time parent, a been-there-done-that parent, or a parent of multiples, you and your child are about to start a wonderful sleep journey and she can't wait to join you!

Videos (show all)

How is sleep going with school starting? Are nerves and or excitement causing sleep disruptions? The sleep clinic is now...
Want to find out more about how we can work together? Let's set up a free call!
What time was your little one up today?
Preparing for Daylight Savings Time
Once Upon a Twin - Twins Skipping Nap
Let's talk about safe sleep
Change your toddler clocks forward


150 You Can All Sleep Better Lane
Milton, ON

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