Croatian Martys Parish, Mississauga Ontario Canada Župa Hrvatski Mučenika, Mississauga Ontario Canada

Photos from's post 08/06/2024

SRETAN DAN POBJEDE I DOMOVINSKE ZAHVALNOSTI I DAN HRVATSKIH BRANITELJA... U zajednistvu sa mons. Zelimirom Puljicem, zadarskim nadbiskupom u miru i zupnikom Blata don Zeljkom Kovacevicem, slavili smo danas blagdansku misu u zupnoj crkvi u Blatu...
Nadbiskup Zelimir Puljic rado se sjeca svojih dolazaka u Mississaugu dok je bio dubrovacki biskup te pozdravlja Hrvate u Mississaugi i cijelom Ontariju...

Photos from's post 07/16/2024

Hrvati u Južnom Ontariju (Kanada) okupili su se u nedjelju, 14. srpnja, na veličanstvenom slavlju mlade mise dvojice braće svećenika Krešimira i Marka Bušića u hrvatskom župnom parku Father Kamber u Mississaugi. Župa Hrvatskih mučenika s velikom je radošću dočekala dvojicu svojih župljana koji su tu rođeni i odrasli te su odgovorivši na Božji poziv krenuli putem svećeništva.

Photos from's post 07/07/2024

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM in Father Kamber Park as we celebrate the first mass ‘Mlada Misa’ of our dear Fr. Krešimir and Fr. Marko Bušić, who have recently been ordained into the Catholic priesthood 🙏 ❤️‍🔥
See their journey in the video below:

Photos from's post 05/15/2024

FATHER KAMBER PARK - jucer predvecer mala ali jaka grupa volontera podigla je sator u Parku .... hvala vam puno na pomoci ... veseli nas kad znamo da je to za nase ljude ...

Photos from's post 05/15/2024

Ulazna cesta u Father Kamber Park se asfaltira, polako ide kraju, Bogu hvala :-) pokrenuto je prikupljanje novaca za ovaj posao preko, hvala svima koji ce dati svoj doprinos.... Father Kamber Park je Park svih Hrvata, nas zajednicki... Cijena radova je $80,000 ....ima nas, za svaku kucu treba puno cigli... Cigla po cigla, malo pomalo napravit cemo....
Bit ce uskoro Mlada misa nasih mladih svecenika Kresimira i Marka, lijepi poklon svima nama za taj svecani dogadjaj....

Photos from's post 03/31/2024

Sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs! 🐣✝️

Svetoj Žrtvi uskrsnici
dajte slavu krštenici!
Janje ovce oslobodi,
Krist nas grešne preporodi.

Sa životom smrt se sasta
i čudesna borba nasta:
Vođa živih pade tada
i živ živcat opet vlada.

Marijo, o reci što je?
Što ti oko vidjelo je?
“Grob ja vidjeh Krista Boga, svijetlu slavu uskrsloga.

Anđele i platno bijelo u kom bješe sveto tijelo
Ufanje mi uskrslo je,
Krist, moj Gospod i sve moje;
Pred vama će tamo gdje je cvjetna strana Galileje.”

Znamo da si doistine uskrsnuo, Božji Sine;
Pobjedniče, Kralju divan, budi nama milostivan!

Amen, aleluja!

Radost vam i mir Krista Uskrsloga🙏

Photos from's post 03/29/2024

Svemogući i vječni Bože,
Ti si nam dao ovo sveto vrijeme
da bismo se prisjetili Posljednje večere Tvoga Sina, našega Gospodina Isusa Krista.
Te noći, On je ustanovio Euharistiju i svećeništvo,
ostavivši nam dragoceni dar i trajno sjećanje na Njegovu ljubav.
Dok se prisjećamo događaja te kobne noći,
ispuni naša srca zahvalnošću za dar Svete Euharistije.
Učvrsti našu vjeru u stvarnu prisutnost Krista
u posvećenom kruhu i vinu.
Podaj nam milost da vjernije živimo
otajstvo koje slavimo,
kako bismo uvijek nalazili hranu i utjehu
u Sakramentu Kristova Tijela i Krvi.
Molimo Te po Kristu, Gospodinu našemu.


Almighty and eternal God,
You have given us this sacred time to commemorate the Last Supper of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
On this night, He instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood, leaving us a precious gift and a lasting memorial of His love.
As we recall the events of that fateful night,
fill our hearts with gratitude for the gift of the Holy Eucharist.
Strengthen our faith in the real presence of Christ
in the consecrated bread and wine. Grant us the grace to live more faithfully the mystery we celebrate,
that we may always find nourishment and comfort
in the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Photos from's post 03/25/2024

Palm Sunday blessings to all, may the symbol of this palm cross remind us of Christ’s sacrifice and love. 🙏🌿

Blagoslovi Cvjetnice svima, neka nas simbol ovog palminog križa podsjeti na Kristovu žrtvu i ljubav. 🙏🌿

Palm cross and roses made by Julijana Seketa

Photos from's post 03/16/2024



Milošni Bože,
Danas započinje razdoblje unutarnjeg promišljanja i ispitivanja. Dani se protežu preda mnom i pozivaju me unutar sebe, u onaj tihi, sveti prostor koji čuva Tvoj Duh. Ovo posebno vrijeme mami me da promatram svoj život kroz Kristove oči i istinu i stvarnost Tvog utjelovljenog ljubavi. Podari mi milost da uđem u prostor ovih dana s iščekivanjem našeg susreta. I kada otvorim svoju dušu Tvom prisustvu, pusti da Tvoja ljubeća dobrotvornost teče nada mnom i prožme džepove moga srca. Molim te to za ljubav Tvoju.
Amen. ♥️🙏

Photos from's post 02/14/2024

O slavni sveti Valentin, bio si poznat po svojoj ljubavi i suosjećanju. Molimo tvoje zagovaranje na ovaj dan posvećen ljubavi, da bismo mogli učiti voljeti nesebično i iskreno kao što si ti činio. Pomogni nam da utjelovimo pravi duh ljubavi u svim našim mislima, riječima i djelima. Blagoslovi naše odnose i vodi nas u izražavanju nježnosti, dobrote i razumijevanja jedni prema drugima. Kroz tvoj primjer, neka rastemo u ljubavi i produbimo svoju predanost Bogu i jedni drugima. Amen. 💘💘

O glorious St. Valentine, you were known for your love and compassion. We seek your intercession on this day dedicated to love, that we may learn to love unselfishly and wholeheartedly as you did. Help us to embody the true spirit of love in all our thoughts, words, and actions. Bless our relationships and guide us in expressing affection, kindness, and understanding to one another. Through your example, may we grow in love and deepen our commitment to God and one another. Amen.💘💘

Photos from's post 12/25/2023

O Bože, u ovoj četvrtoj nedjelji Došašća, molimo te da otvorimo svoja srca poput Blažene Djevice Marije. Neka nas njezino predanje tvom planu potakne na vjeru i spremnost. Hvala ti za dar Isusa, kojeg smo čekali tijekom ovog posebnog vremena priprave. Molimo te da nas ispuniš nadom, radošću i mirom dok očekujemo dolazak tvog Sina. Amen.


O God, on this fourth Sunday of Advent, we pray that we may open our hearts like the Blessed Virgin Mary. May her surrender to your plan inspire us to faith and readiness. Thank you for the gift of Jesus, whom we have anticipated throughout this special season of preparation. We ask that you fill us with hope, joy, and peace as we await the coming of your Son. Amen.

Photos from's post 12/18/2023

Nebeški Oče, na ovu Gaudete nedjelju radujemo se nadi i radosti simboliziranoj roza Pastirskom svijećom. Unatoč izazovima i očiglednom odsustvu, pomozi nam pronaći nadu u tajni spasenja. Dok razmatramo Evanđelje, nadahnjuj nas znakovima Tvog kraljevstva u Isusovoj službi.

Kao što roza Pastirska svijeća sjaji, neka i naši životi zrače radošću i nadom. U trenucima obeshrabrenja, podaj nam snage da vjerujemo i u sadašnje i buduće ispunjenje spasenja. Neka naši napori u pripremi Tvog kraljevstva donesu istinsku radost. Hvala Ti na daru Isusa, koji nas je spasio i vodi prema vječnom životu u Tvom kraljevstvu. Amen.


Heavenly Father, on this Gaudete Sunday, we rejoice in the hope and joy symbolized by the pink Shepherd’s Candle. Despite challenges and apparent absence, help us find hope in the mystery of salvation. As we reflect on the Gospel, inspire us with the signs of Your kingdom in Jesus’ ministry.

Like the Shepherd’s Candle, may our lives radiate joy and hope. In moments of discouragement, grant us strength to trust in both the present and future fulfillment of salvation. May our efforts in preparing for Your kingdom bring us true rejoicing. Thank you for the gift of Jesus, who has saved us and guides us towards eternal life in Your kingdom. Amen.

Photos from's post 12/10/2023


Photos from's post 12/10/2023

Nebeški Oče, na ovoj Drugoj nedjelji došašća, dok palimo svijeću VJERE, molimo za hrabrost i vjernost kako bismo bili znakovi tvoje ljubavi i suosjećanja u svijetu. Neka unutarnja transformacija, potaknuta pokajanjem, ukloni prepreke koje nas sprječavaju da u potpunosti prepoznamo tvoju beskrajnu, bezuvjetnu ljubav. Gospodine Isuse, budi s nama tijekom ovog došašća, obasjaj naš put svojom svjetlošću i oblikuj naše srce prema tvom svetom primjeru. Amen.

Heavenly Father, on this Second Sunday of Advent, as we light the candle of FAITH, we pray for the courage and fidelity to be signs of Your love and compassion in the world. May the inner transformation, inspired by repentance, remove obstacles that hinder us from fully recognizing Your boundless, unconditional love. Lord Jesus, be with us throughout this Advent, illuminate our path with Your light, and shape our hearts according to Your holy example. Amen.

Photos from's post 12/03/2023

Dragi Nebeski Oče, dok palimo svijeću nade ove prve nedjelje došašća, prihvaćamo obećanja dostavljena kroz tvoje proroke i s nestrpljenjem iščekujemo dolazak Krista. Neka ovaj dan bude ispunjen razmišljanjem, molitvom i dubokim shvaćanjem nade utkane u tvoj božanski plan spasenja. Vodi nas na našem putu vjere dok meditiramo o obećanju slavnog povratka Krista. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, as we light the candle of hope on this first Sunday of Advent, we embrace the promises delivered through your prophets and eagerly anticipate the arrival of Christ. May this day be filled with reflection, prayer, and a deep understanding of the hope embedded in your divine rescue plan. Guide us in our journey of faith as we meditate on the promise of Christ's glorious return. Amen.


Come enjoy the music after our Parish banquet this Saturday after 9pm!! 🎶


All Soul’s Day is a holy day, called the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. Once a person dies their soul goes to Heaven (they died in the state of perfect grace and communion with God), Hell (they died in a state of mortal sin, and are naturally condemned), or to Purgatory (they died free of mortal sin, but still in venial sin). Purgatory is thought to be where most people souls go before they enter Heaven.

Let us pray for all the faithful departed, so that their souls may be cleansed, and may enter Heaven 🙏

Photos from's post 11/01/2023

Today is All Saint’s Day, a solemn and holy day that the Catholic Church celebrates! Learn more about this day on Catholic Culture and the activity of “Praying for the Dead and Gaining Indulgences during November” 🙏🙏


Bless these two devoted young men, filled with faith and purpose, as they step into the sacred role of deacons. May the divine light guide their discernment, and may they find strength in their journey through the wisdom of our Lord. With gratitude, we celebrate this passage with a special holy mass, embracing the blessings of fellowship and divine guidance. Amen.


Dear Heavenly Father,

On this day of thanksgiving, we come before You with hearts overflowing with gratitude. We thank You for the bountiful blessings You have bestowed upon us, for the love that surrounds us, and for the endurance of love that sustains us through life's trials.

In Your infinite wisdom and boundless love, You have shown us the way to endure, to persevere, and to cherish the love that binds us together. We are thankful for the strength You provide and the unwavering love that You shower upon us each day.

Lord, help us to be instruments of Your enduring love in the world. May our actions and words reflect the love and gratitude we feel in our hearts. Guide us to spread kindness, compassion, and understanding to all those we encounter, so that they too may experience the enduring love that comes from You.

We offer this prayer with hearts full of thanksgiving and love, trusting in Your divine plan and eternal love. Amen.

Photos from's post 09/27/2023

Meet the teams who crafted and cooked some of the best Kotlovina at this past weekends cook-off!

Swipe through to see:

Meso Majstore
Goranski Kuhari
Dobro Bros
City boys
Kamanjska Kuhinja
‘Kotel’ Mikuljan


THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support the park at our first Kotlovina Cook Off Competition! 🍽️

Your support and generosity has made a huge difference and we cant wait to see you all at the next fundraiser ❤️🤍


These are the dates for the MANDATORY parent meetings for Prva Pričest and Krizma! Be sure to sign your child up and attend the meetings 🙏


You’re invited!!

We are celebrating the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and our parish picnic in our Father Kamber Parish Park tomorrow (Sunday, September 10) with Holy Mass at 11:30. Holy Mass will be celebrated by a special guest, Don Damir Stojić, Salesian. Please join us as we celebrate this wonderful feast of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a community of believers ❤️🙏

Photos from's post 09/07/2023

What some of you parents might have been waiting for! Here are the important dates to remember. Be sure to register using our website links.
For any questions please contact Carla Šeketa - Sacramental Preparation Coordinator
at [email protected]

Photos from's post 09/07/2023

What some of you parents might have been waiting for! Here are the important dates to remember. Be sure to register using the link in our website.
For any questions please contact Carla Šeketa - Sacramental Preparation Coordinator
at [email protected]

Photos from's post 08/05/2023

🇭🇷❤️‍🔥🕊️ 5. kolovoza 1995. Dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti i Dan hrvatskih branitelja

Lord, we acknowledge that it was through your divine guidance and grace that they stood strong in the face of adversity, defending their land with unwavering courage and determination. We are eternally grateful for their sacrifices, selflessness, and unwavering commitment to protect our nation and its people.

We pray for the souls of those who gave their lives in the line of duty, asking that you embrace them in your loving arms and grant them eternal peace. May their memories be forever cherished, and their valor serve as an inspiration for generations to come.

We also offer our gratitude to the families of these soldiers, who endured immense pain and loss while supporting their loved ones in their noble mission. May you comfort them, O Lord, and grant them strength and solace in their grief.

As we reflect on the victory of our homeland, we ask for your continued guidance and protection for our nation. Help us to be mindful of the importance of peace, unity, and love among all our people.

Amen 🙏

Photos from's post 07/10/2023

Sretan rođendan našem dragom župniku, pastiru naše katoličke župe. Neka vas Bog obdari radošću, dobrim zdravljem i obiljem blagoslova.

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Videos (show all)

Kraljice Hrvata - Moli za nas 🙏
From the 11am Christmas Day misa ❤️🇭🇷Reposted from Ivan Grbešić on Facebook
Bože čuvaj Hrvatsku ❤️‍🔥🙏
Today we welcomed Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia, Gordan Grlić-Radman. We thank you for coming to o...
Registration for First Communion 2022 now open!! Online registration: form avail...
Registration for Confirmation 2022 now open!! Online registration (link in bio):
Sunday 05/09/2021 - Sesta uskrsna nedjelja - Majcin dan, Mississauga



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