Chetan Wealth Management of RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

Growing your Wealth. Protecting your Legacy. We help you to achieve your good life.


Convert your retirement savings into guaranteed and tax efficient income for life, while still leaving an inheritance for your loved ones.

Create a guaranteed fixed-income stream for your retirement that is guaranteed for life, no matter how the markets perform with help from Chetan Wealth Management ➡️


While it is true that GICs are currently paying very handsome returns, interest income is fully taxable at the investor’s highest marginal tax rate, the money is locked in and inaccessible for the duration of the GIC, and there is no upside potential. Due to inflation and taxes, we usually refer to GICs as ‘guaranteed loss certificates’ within our team.

As a result of interest rates, bonds have presented themselves as a much more attractive option for a few reasons:

✔︎ Discounted bonds are currently yielding a pre-tax equivalent rate of return of over 7% in non-registered accounts

✔︎ While principal and interest are both guaranteed (as they are with a GIC), liquidity is not a concern. Bonds can be sold at any time if access to cash is required

✔︎ Since interest rates and the prices of bonds are negatively correlated, these bonds are currently available at a discount, while the full amount of the face value of principal is still guaranteed upon maturity. This presents a unique opportunity to secure a capital gain by buying the bond at a discount and holding it to maturity at face value. Capital gains are taxed much more favourably at half the rate of interest income (what you get when you buy a GIC)

Ready to take advantage of guaranteed investment income and pay less tax? Book a consultation with Chetan Wealth Management today, at
..and be sure to connect with us on LinkedIn at


Are you looking to secure your financial future? Work with Chetan Wealth Management to increase tax-free savings during your working years, supersize retirement income, create a plan to allow tax-free withdrawals from your corporation and ensure that more of your wealth goes to your beneficiaries as opposed to taxes, upon your passing.

Find us on LinkedIn at and get started with a consultation by booking today at


Why do you need a corporate executor? We'll tell you:

1. Maintain sibling relationships after parents pass: Appointing one child may lead to favoritism concerns, while appointing all may cause disagreements.

2. Minimize legal risks: Executors have a fiduciary responsibility and can be held personally liable.

3. Ease the burden on loved ones: Being an executor is time-consuming and settling an estate can take years with many duties involved. Using a corporate executor allows children to grieve and focus on moving forward.


What is your business worth to you? You may be surprised that it is worth even more to someone else.

Chetan Wealth Management is here to guide you through the process of selling your business, plan ahead of time to minimize the tax upon sale, and support your retirement by strategically investing the proceeds and creating a tax-effective income stream.

If you're considering sale, pre-planning can make a material difference. Connect with us today to learn about how our team of experts can help.


We’ve all heard stories about those who didn’t have adequate insurance when tragedy struck, but we still tend to procrastinate when it comes to insurance. Smart finance helps you control what you can, while insurance coverage helps you to prepare for the unexpected, and can be a powerful estate planning tool to reduce taxes on your estate.

Living benefits insure your income when injury or illness inhibit your ability to work. Life insurance pays a benefit upon passing to ease the financial burden on your loved ones left behind. Insurance inside your business can provide for the continuity of the business if illness or death of one of the partners should occur.

Whole life insurance can be used to grow and transfer wealth from your estate to beneficiaries while avoiding capital gains and probate taxes that reduce assets that flow through your will.

Furthermore, owning personal insurance within your corporation allows you to receive the same benefits at a significantly reduced after-tax cost of insurance.

Follow along and connect with us on LinkedIn for more tips on "Growing Green":


Preparing the next generation for financial success in their future is key to making the most of the wealth you pass down, which is why we encourage clients to discuss financial literacy and wisdom with their children and grandchildren. In fact, we even work with families to help educate all members on wealth management, allowing younger generations to have access to valuable advice earlier on in life than their parents may have.

What is the legacy that you want to leave for your kids? Start today, at


Don't let your assets be frozen should a family earner pass away. Instead, ensure your family maintains access to accounts when they need them with appropriate account structures and beneficiary designations. Joint non-registered accounts naming both spouses in a marriage, or joint gift with beneficial right of survivorship (JGBRS) designees are both vehicles with which to circumvent frozen assets.

Learn more about how Chetan Wealth Management can help you, at


Business is booming, and that is great. But are you sure that your business earnings are continuing to work for you personally? While you take care of business, it's our business to take care of your personal finances. By taking a holistic view of your family's personal and business wealth, you can take advantage of the strategies that allow you to invest, grow and keep more of your earnings.

For example, although keeping your earnings in your corporation can limit personal taxes, investment income generated in your corporation attracts the highest tax rates. Fortunately, there are strategies to reduce the taxes payable, and with the right plan, a booming business can generate financial security and generational wealth for your family. If you're looking for more wealth management resources as a business owner, talk further with Anita and Richard, by booking your 30-minute 1-on-1 today, at


... without the right plan in place. Whatever your reason for selling, it’s important to realize that the tax payable on the sale could be the largest one-time expense you will ever have to manage. Owners who begin planning and implementing strategies for sale of their business 3 to 5 years in advance are generally able to extract more value and keep more of their sale proceeds than those who sell with less preparation. The year of sale and year after sale each present unique tax considerations that must be prepared for to minimize liabilities and maximize returns.

Looking for more wealth management resources as a business owner? Schedule a 1-on-1 session to receive our FREE Business Owner's Guide to Wealth Management:


Here are 3 ways savvy business owners maximize the value they derive from their business:

1. Maximize and multiply their Lifetime Capital Gains Exemptions

2. Pull funds tax-free out of their corporation by making use of a Capital Dividend Account

3. Minimize tax upon the transfer of their business to the next generation

We don't expect to make our clients experts on these topics, but we do help them identify what's right for them and then help them expertly implement these strategies. To learn more about what we can do for you, connect with us at


No? Let’s change that.

Alternative investments are a viable way to hedge against market volatility. In fact, many alternative investments, like private real estate, infrastructure, private credit, and private equity, continued to appreciate during the 2022 market downturn. Alternatives have the twofold benefit of being less tied to the performance of large-cap companies and adding overall diversity to a portfolio. That said, if you aren't used to these asset classes, it can be hard to know where to begin.

Connect with a Chetan Wealth Management advisor to talk more:


Spending time with loved ones, travelling the world, enjoying luxuries, supporting your favorite causes—living your best life looks different to different people. However you define your "best life", reducing your risk and tax burden while growing your wealth is a great place to start, and our team is here to help get you there. After all, it's not just what you earn, it's what you keep.

Are you striving for more? Discuss further with Anita and Richard, by booking your 30-minute 1-on-1 today, at


For many years, private market investments have been widely used in institutional portfolios with the aim to reduce volatility and seek to deliver consistent, long-term performance. In recent years, individuals have begun investing in private assets to take advantage of these benefits.

Only accredited investors with financial assets greater than $1M or whose annual net income before tax exceeds $200K are able to access these investments. Improved diversification, income potential and the ability to mitigate volatility under different types of market stress are just some of the many benefits these investments can offer.

Chetan Wealth Management’s go-to Alternative Investments Primer, the 'Essentials of Private Markets' brochure by Blackstone helps to explain the fundamentals of private market investing. Receive our FREE primer today, by contacting us at


Planning ahead can protect the business you've worked so hard to build, help you achieve your business goals and ensure your future prosperity.

With our Business Owner's Guide to Wealth Management, you'll have all the tools you need to unlock the potential of your business and leverage it to ensure a secure financial future for your family.

Request access to your Business Owner’s Guide to Wealth Management, at today!


You have questions, we have answers! Chetan Wealth Management's Richard and Anita Borrelli are here to give you the scoop with FREE 30-minute AMA sessions.

Get expert advice on retirement, business succession planning, and more. Schedule your AMA session with Richard and Anita, at today!


A secure financial future starts with a strong, comprehensive retirement plan. Our Retirement Checklist has all you need to ensure you're on the right path to a secure retirement, including:

✔︎ Government benefits
✔︎ Employer pension and benefits
✔︎ RRSPs, RRIFs, locked-in accounts and TFSAs
✔︎ Non-registered assets
✔︎ Estate planning
✔︎ and more!

Ready to do retirement the right way? Visit to get in touch and request your checklist, today!


When designing a robust portfolio to hedge against market volatility, it pays to diversify beyond stocks and bonds for stability and better returns.

Alternative investments including private equity, private credit, and real estate offer lower correlation to public market movements, thereby reducing portfolio volatility. Explore Chetan Wealth Management’s go-to Alternative Investment primer by Blackstone to learn more about aligning alternative assets with your financial plan, risk tolerance, and investment goals.

Request yours at


Without a Power of Attorney for Property, your family, including your spouse, cannot automatically step in to make financial decisions for you.

Powers of Attorney and up-to-date wills are critical components of a well-thought-out estate plan. These will not only help to ensure that your wishes are carried out both during your lifetime and after your passing, but also help to ease the burden on your family during times of emotional stress.


The TRUTH about DIY Investing: Home Bias

Some investors have a strong HOME bias and load up on Canadian stocks, associating familiarity with low risk and missing out on opportunities to better diversify and improve their risk-return scenario by investing in non-Canadian stocks.

This is amplified by Canadians who have stock purchase plans and people who heavily invest in the companies they work for. In doing so, take on the risk of having both their income and assets reduced if their company goes through a period of financial difficulty.

How much Canada is too much? Follow along and like our pages on Facebook and Linkedin to stay tuned for more truths about DIY investing.


How confident are you that you're keeping what you're earning?

Whether you're just starting out on your financial planning journey or you're a seasoned business owner looking to minimize your tax burden, we all want the same thing: to keep more of our hard-earned money. Confidence in your tax optimization strategies is essential to your financial peace of mind, and the Chetan Wealth Management philosophy is grounded in just that.


One of the most fulfilling moments as a parent can be watching your kids take on the responsibilities that were once yours, becoming leaders themselves.

Today, we thank the hardworking fathers everywhere who are part of turning the next generation into the independent, capable individuals they're destined to be.

Are you ready to take the next step in passing on your legacy? Speak with a Chetan Wealth Management advisor at or call 905-615-5961 today.


Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments are a growing segment of the market.

When we look at where to invest, ESG performance is just one of the many factors we weigh in our decisions. In fact, about 75% percent of an individual stock's price movement is due to extra-financial factors like history, management team, strategy, corporate culture, employees, reputation, and brand, among many other variables.

Learn more about our approach to sustainable investing, at


The TRUTH about DIY Investing: Short-Sighted Bias

It is easy to get swept away with enthusiasm. When you are watching your own investments, it is all too easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the bigger picture, distorting the judgment of many DIY investors.

Of the many forms of myopia, the tendency to chase trends is arguably the strongest bias. Given that most investors now have the ability to check on their portfolio’s valuation in real time with great ease, they subject themselves to the pain of losses with great frequency. This pain, caused by myopic loss aversion, can easily cause them to stray from a well-thought-out investment plan. This is especially true in bear markets when the frequency and intensity of the pain are high. Thus, investors become susceptible to buying high and selling low.

Follow along and like our pages on Facebook and Linkedin to stay tuned for more truths about DIY investing.


“I have been dealing with Anita and her team at Chetan Wealth Management for several years. When I first met with Anita I immediately felt that I could trust her to help me with my financial decisions. Whenever I have a question or a request, Anita and her team are there to assist. Anita has answered my questions with knowledge, options, and wisdom. I am extremely happy with Chetan Wealth Management’s services and highly recommend Anita as your wealth advisor.”

–Peggy S., Client of Chetan Wealth Management since 2005

When it comes to financial decisions, you deserve to feel confident, informed, and assured your needs are met. We bring decades of financial expertise to every interaction to offer sound wisdom, but more importantly, we work hard to give you peace of mind so you can focus on what matters most to you.

Experience the Chetan Wealth Management difference for yourself:


Since every personal situation requires a customized approach, it pays to understand which tax-advantaged savings vehicles are available to you and which are best for your needs.

Our comparison tool at offers valuable insights into popular registered savings accounts and how they compare to one another. For even more help making the most of your savings, connect with Chetan Wealth Management today.


If you have debt, consider whether the interest is tax-deductible. If it is not, there may be a way you can restructure your loan and your assets to reduce your interest costs or make the interest tax-deductible.

When you borrow money, there are 4 requirements that must be met in order for the interest cost to be tax-deductible:

1. The money you borrow must be used for the purpose of earning income
2. You must pay the interest during the year in which you are claiming the deduction
3. There must be a legal obligation to pay the interest
4. The interest rate charged must be reasonable. The CRA defines the parameters of what is reasonable.

With greater knowledge, you can become a more informed investor and make better decisions with respect to borrowing decisions. Contact Chetan Wealth Management today at +1 905-615-5961 or to learn more.


Procrastination can damage your legacy.

Nobody relishes the idea of confronting their mortality, and going through the estate planning process can be intimidating, but inaction will almost certainly result in your wishes not being carried out as you would prefer. The benefits of a well defined estate plan can include minimization of taxes upon death, ensuring true equalization of your estate, and easing the burden on your family and executors when they are required to act.

At Chetan Wealth Management, we take you through our Legacy planning process to take the mystery and challenge out of estate planning. The Legacy Toolkit helps you to take stock of important information that will ease the burden on your executor and limit guesswork. Kickstart your estate planning by completing this complimentary resource and sharing it with your executor.

Contact us at to secure your free Legacy Toolkit today, and for additional estate planning resources, visit


"As volatility continues in global markets, many high-net-worth investors are looking to increase diversification beyond stocks and bonds in an effort to stabilize returns and reduce risk. Alternative investments—such as private equity, real estate, and infrastructure—may provide higher yields than bonds and more stability than stocks.

Investors looking to add alternatives to their portfolio should have a clear understanding of the products, which can be best offered through professional managers who specialize in the asset class, and who can also help determine if that asset class is the right fit for your overall portfolio."

Visit our LinkedIn page at to read the full write-up.


As your parent ages, it's important to start thinking about their estate plan. It may be a difficult topic to bring up, but delaying it can lead to consequences that may harm your family's legacy.

You don't want your loved ones to be left scrambling to make important decisions. Taking the initiative to plan ahead can save your family from unnecessary hassle and expenses in the future.

That's why Chetan Wealth Management has designed the Legacy Toolkit—a comprehensive resource to simplify the estate planning process. The Family Inventory tool is particularly helpful in organizing paperwork, making the process less daunting for you and your aging parent.

By proactively setting up your family's estate plan, you're ensuring that your parents' legacy is preserved and that their wishes are carried out so your family can enjoy peace of mind.

Contact us at to secure your free Legacy Toolkit today, and for additional estate planning resources, visit

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