PTI Canada

PTI Canada

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Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Canada"Justice, Humanity, Self-Esteem" General Members of the Organization have the right to vote in the organization.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Canada is a Non Profit Organization registered in Canada under Part II of Canada Corporations Act. The Objectives of the Corporation are:
(a) To raise funds, Support and advance interests of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf political party in Canada and abroad. (b) To inform and educate people in Canada and abroad about Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf political party. A General Membe


Jan 5, 2019 - PTI Canada East Brampton Chapter inaugural successful event. The event was attended in large numbers by members from Brampton. PTI Canada East Central body was also present on the event and wished Brampton team success in implementing the Chapter Strategy and Plan for 2019.


Masud Raja (Convenor of PTI Canada)


Khawar Chaudhry - Vice President PTI Canada East


Saif Mabood (PTI Canada - East)


Bushra Taimoor - Information Secretory PTI Canada - East


Imtiaz Awan (General Secretory PTI Canada - East)


Imran Raza - Brampton Chapter


Zulfiqar Mirza (President PTI Canada - East)


Imran Raza - General Secretory of Brampton Chapter and Nasir Khan - coordinator Brampton Chapter


PM Imran Khan addresses buisness community in Ankara, Turkey


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan Speech at Business Forum of The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) in Ankara Turkey (03.01.19)

Prime Minister Imran Khan has said enhancement of the scope of bilateral trade between Pakistan and Turkey to high level is the need of the hour.

Addressing a business forum of Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity in Ankara on Thursday night, he said his government will provide all possible assistance to Turkish investors in Pakistan.

Imran Khan said that Pakistan has huge opportunities of investment and steps are being taken to provide business friendly environment to foreign investors in the country.

He said tremendous trade and economic activities will be started due to Pakistan China Economic Corridor in Pakistan. He said Special Economic Zones are being establishing through this mega project.

The Prime Minister said the government is focusing on good governance in the country and we are ensuring the easy trade in Pakistan in foreign investors.

Imran Khan said that there is a huge opportunity in the field of tourism while half of 20 highest peaks are also in Pakistan which reflects its potential for international mountaineers.

He said Pakistan has 120 million young populations which can play vital role in the economy of the country.

The Prime Minister said 50 million affordable houses will be constructed within next five years.

وزیراعظم عمران خان نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان اور ترکی کے درمیان دوطرفہ تجارت کو اعلی سطح تک بڑھانا وقت کی اہم ضرورت ہے۔انقرہ میں ترکی کی یونین آف چیمبرز اینڈ کماڈٹی کے بزنس فورم سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے کہا کہ حکومت پاکستان میں ترکی کے سرمایہ کاروں کو ہرممکن تعاون فراہم کریگی۔انہوں نے کہاکہ پاکستان میں سرمایہ کاری کے وسیع مواقع موجود ہیں۔انہوں نے کہا کہ پاکستان میں پاک چین اقتصادی راہداری کے باعث شاندار تجارت اور اقتصادی سرگرمیاں شروع ہوئی ہیں۔انہوں نے کہا کہ اس اہم منصوبے کے ذریعے خصوصی اقتصادی زونز قائم کئے جارہے ہیں۔انہوں نے کہا کہ حکومت ملک میں اچھے نظم ونسق پر توجہ مرکوز کررہی ہے اور ہم پاکستان میں غیر ملکی سرمایہ کاروں کیلئے تجارتی سہولتوں کو یقینی بنارہے ہیں۔عمران خان نے کہا کہ پاکستان میں سیاحت کے شعبے میں وسیع مواقع موجود ہیں اور ملک میں دنیا کی 20بلند ترین چوٹیاں موجود ہیں جس سے بین الاقوامی کوہ پیمائی کے مواقع کا پتا چلتا ہے۔انہوں نے کہا کہ پاکستان میں 12کروڑ نوجوان موجود ہیں جو ملکی معیشت میں اہم کردار ادا کرسکتے ہیں۔وزیراعظم نے کہا کہ آئندہ پانچ برس کے دوران ملک میں پچاس لاکھ سستے گھر تعمیر کئے جائیںگے۔


The economy in 2019

Hammad Azhar's article (Federal State Minister for Revenue of Gov't of Pakistan) on Pakistan's Economy. What policies led the country to a 'near bankruptcy' position last year? how it was successfully averted? And the prospects and policy framework for 2019. The economy has slowed down, the Rupee has been devalued, interest rates have gone up and there has been some increase in the rate of inflation in the country. Why has this happened? And what...


Roshan Pakistan Opinion Polling on Twitter “Our topline numbers from our Overseas Pakistanis Opinion Poll. When asked which party they would back at a general election, 64% chose PTI, followed by PML(N) at 19% and PPPP at 5%.”


92 News UK

کرتارپورراہداری کھلنےسےسکھ کمیونٹی کےدل میں پاکستان کامقام اور بھی بڑھ گیا۔۔۔۔
کینیڈاکےشہربریمپٹن BRAMPTON میں مقیم سکھ کمیونٹی نے وزیراعظم پاکستان عمران خان،،،آرمی چیف جنرل قمرباجوہ اورپاکستانی عوام کا شکریہ اداکرنے کیلئےخصوصی تقریب ہوئی۔۔۔۔
تقریب میں شرکانےپاکستان زندہ بادکےنعرے لگادیئے۔

تفصیلات نمائندہ 92نیوزداؤد جان کی اس رپورٹ میں


GNN on Twitter

بریکنگ نیوز: نواز شریف کو فلیگ شپ میں بری اور العزیزیہ میں7 سال کی سزا سنا دی گئی۔۔۔ “بریکنگ نیوز: نواز شریف کو فلیگ شپ میں بری اور العزیزیہ میں7 سال کی سزا سنا دی گئی۔۔۔ ”


PM Khan telephones UN chief, expresses concerns over situation in Kashmir Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday expressed his concerns over recent spell of barbarism by Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir, ARY News reported.


Asad Umar on Twitter “Total number of tax returns filed this year till dec 17, 2018 which was the last date for filing tax returns : 1,492,507. This is an increase of 34% versus same period last year. Thanks to all those who filed their returns.”


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

[ Finance Minister Asad Umar Exclusive Interview on BBC News HARDtalk with Stephen Sackur ] (12.12.18)

Is Pakistan's economy heading towards the right direction? Will Asad Umar be able to take our country towards what Imran Khan envisioned as an economically self-sufficient Naya Pakistan ... Watch how Asad Umar appears on BBC's Hard Talk and defends the narrative of Pakistan on international front.


Toronto 360 TV

Barhwan Khiladi "بارہواں کھلاڑی" with Fayyaz Walana - EP 51 - Toronto 360 TV

تحریک انصاف کی حکومت کے پہلے سو دن
اوورسیز پاکستانیوں کی امیدیں ، توقعات اور خدشات
مہمان تھے
پی ٹی آئی کینیڈا کے مرزا ذوالفقار چوہدری اور امتیاز اعوان
پیپلز پارٹی کینیڈا کے راو طاہر
مسلم لیگ نون کے کامران ملک

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of Toronto 360 TV


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

100 days unprecedented perfomance revitalised economic growth of Pakistan.

Many discussions regarding the deteriorating situation of Pakistani economy have lost surface when dozens of MOUs are signed with in 100 days of newly elected government.


Mr. Samiullah Chaudhry, Provincial Minister of Punjab for Food, on PTI 100 days performance.


Canada One TV

Community Roundup with Faisal Majid. Subject: The opening of the Kartarpur Corrido & Sikh Community in Canada

کرتار پور کوریڈور بننے پر ٹورانٹو کنیڈا میں رہنے والی سکھ کمیونٹی انتہائ خوش۔۔ سکھ کمیونٹی کا وزیراعظم عمران خان کا کرتار پور کوریڈور بنانے پر اظہار تشکر۔۔71سال پرانا خواب پورا کرنے پر سکھ کمیونٹی کا پوری پاکستانی قوم کا شکریہ۔۔کیا کرتاپور کوریڈور دونوں ملکوں کے لوگوں کو قریب کا سکے گا؟۔۔۔۔پیار بڑھاؤ قدم بڑھاؤ کے نعروں سے گوردوارا گونج اٹھا۔
پی ٹی آئ کینڈا کے عہدیداران کا اونٹاریو خالصہ دربار میں سکھ کمیونٹی کے لئیے پھولوں کا تحفہ۔۔۔اونٹاریو خالصہ دربار کے عہدیداران کے انٹرویو اور سکھ کمیونٹی کے تاثرات۔۔دیکھئیے کمیونٹی راؤنڈاپ میں فیصل مجید کے ساتھ۔۔۔۔۔
Community Roundup with Faisal Majid. Subject: The opening of the Kartarpur Corrido & Sikh Community in Canada



Muslim community of Canada Congratulate to all Sikh community of Canada


92 News UK

Toronto:Gulpreet Singh talked to 92News and thanks PM Imran Khan,Narendra Modi and Navjot Singh on decision of Kartarpur border.


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

Live Stream: Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan Exclusive Interview with Senior Panel of Journalists (03.12.18)

Prime Minister Imran Khan says all indicators of the government are moving in the positive direction and the results of economic policies will start producing results in the coming months.

Talking to senior anchors and journalists in Islamabad on Monday, the Prime Minister said direction of government has been set clear in the first 100 days. He said we have changed the direction from an elitist system to one that represents people at the grassroots level. He said the system that had been skewed to favour upper class is now more focused on masses.

Imran Khan said reforms in education and health have been made and provision of health card will go a long way in providing free health services to the poor segments. Similarly, legal aid authority has been set up to provide legal assistance to those who are unable to afford for their legal problems.

Prime Minister said Pakistan has a huge potential in the livestock sector and it can tap its share in trillion dollars halal industry worldwide. Replying to a question, he said the price of dollar rose due to depreciation in rupee made by State Bank of Pakistan in their autonomous decision.

He said the previous government left a deficit of 19 billion dollars. Imran Khan said the past government spent 7 billion dollars alone to maintain the value of rupee artificially. Imran Khan said the rupee depreciation is a temporary phenomenon and the economic condition will improve as a result the government's steps to enhance exports and investment and introduce strict laws against money laundering.

Replying to another question, Imran Khan said state owned enterprises are suffering huge deficits due to wrong policies of the previous governments. Now, the government has established Sarmaya Pakistan Company to run these organizations on profitable lines by curtailing their losses and running these on professional lines.

The Prime Minister said all functionaries of government are accountable to people for their deeds. On the issue of Federal Minister for Information Technology Azam Swati, the Prime Minister said if the minister is proven guilty in a case, he will resign from his position. Imran Khan said doors of Chief Minister Usman Buzdar are open for public all the time and the province has never seen such a chief executive.

He told a questioner that censorship is hiding of information by such people who do not want to disclose the things to public. The Prime Minister said only public can keep the government in control.

Replying to a question, Imran Khan said the government wants to give an open field to businessmen and investors by enhancing the Ease of Doing Business in the country. The government has assured the foreign investors that their investment will be protected in the country.

He said now FBR would collect taxes and Ministries of Finance and Commerce will make policies. Prime Minister told a questioner that Pakistan can have no future if the system of corruption is allowed to run. Giving the example of China, he said the country would have become an economic giant as if it had penalized the corrupt elements.

Imran Khan said NAB is working independently and government has no influence over it. He lamented on low conviction rate of NAB comparing it with other anti-corruption watchdogs in the world. The Prime Minister said government is acting against big wigs and so far encroached land worth billions of rupees have been retrieved from the land grabbers.

Prime Minister said the bureaucratic reshuffling has been made purely on merit and there was no other motive behind these transfers and postings, as projected by a section of media.

The Prime Minister assured the nation that Pakistan's economy will improve to a great extent as these policies start giving fruits. Imran Khan on a question regarding the appointment of Chairman Public Accounts Committee said the demand of opposition to appoint Shahbaz Sharif is unrealistic and it will cause embarrassment to the country in the comity of nations. He said it will not be fair to appoint a person as Chairman Public Accounts Committee who is facing multiple corruption charges. He said if agreement is not reached with the opposition, the government will set up its standing committees.

Imran Khan said the opposition has been trying to put the government under pressure from day one. He said the opposition only wants to get an NRO in order to get rid of corruption cases. However, this will not materialize. The Prime Minister said civil-military relations are very good and civil and military leadership is on same page regarding key national issues.

He said the Kartarpur Corridor was opened to give the Sikhs living in India a passage to visit their holy place and offer their religious rituals freely. The Prime Minister said he was happy to see the pleasure on the faces of Sikh pilgrims.

When the Prime Minister was asked on the role of Pakistan in mediation efforts in the Yemen conflict, he said we have conveyed our offer of mediation to both Iran and Saudi Arabia as Pakistan believes that conflicts between the brotherly Muslim countries should be resolved.

Imran Khan said he received a letter from US President Donald Trump in which Pakistan's assistance has been sought on resolution of Afghan conflict. He said Pakistan has rendered huge sacrifices in the war against terror which are unparalleled. The Prime Minister said resolution of conflict in Afghanistan is also in the best interest of Pakistan. Pakistan has always made serious efforts to bring peace in the neighbouring country.

Imran Khan said he visited Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia and China in order to seek benefits for Pakistan. He said during his meetings with leadership and business personalities of these countries, they expressed keen interest to invest in Pakistan. He said a good investment from Malaysia is expected soon.

Imran Khan told a questioner regarding the role of establishment in shaping of foreign policy that even in the United States, Pentagon has a role in setting the foreign policy direction. Advice from establishment is taken in issues where security situation is involved. The Prime Minister said the establishment believes in strengthening of democracy. He said the issue of missing persons is being resolved in consultation with the establishment and many persons have been released.

On Pak-India relations, the Prime Minister said dialogue is the only way to resolve all issues between the two countries, including Kashmir. He said there can be no nuclear war between the two neighbours as it will destroy everything and no sane mind can think over this option. He said Indian leadership is not ready to hold talks due to upcoming general elections in that country. The Prime Minister said unless dialogue is started, various options on resolution of Kashmir cannot be discussed.

Prime Minister on a question regarding the arrest of leadership of Tehreek-e-Labbaik said when the issue of contest of controversial caricatures in Netherland surfaced, the government launched a full scale campaign to force the Dutch government to cancel this competition which became successful. Pakistan raised this issue at the forum of OIC and the United Nations.

However, the certain religious parties were doing politics on this issue and their activists created mayhem and chaos in the country during the protests. He said these parties were using the issue of blasphemy for their vote bank. He said every Muslim believes in the finality of Prophethood (PBUH).

On another question, the Prime Minister said legislation is being introduced to complete the civil cases in one and half years' time at the maximum. He said a whistle blower act has also been introduced in order to expose the corruption.

When he was asked about formation of new province in southern Punjab, the Prime Minister said South Punjab province will be created after holding consultation with all stakeholders. He said PSDP expenditures in Rahim Yar Khan are 2500 rupees per capita in comparison with 70,000 rupees per capita in Lahore. He said administrative facilities are being provided for the creation of South Punjab as this area has lagged behind in development.

The Prime Minister said the issue of razing the walls of Governor House was made to break the symbols of colonialism. These buildings were erected to rule the people during colonial times. Dismantling of these walls will reduce distance between rulers and people. He said first 100 days were really challenging and the government took big measures to overcome the problems it inherited.


PTI Canada East - Overview of the journey on completing its first year!!!


First 100 Days of PTI in government - Performance Report Here is the complete performance report of first 100 days of PTI government.


Imran Khan (official)

100 Days of Khan


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

ARY News Report on 100 Days of PTI Government.


Minister Food Punjab Samiullah Ch. visit PTI Canada East Markham Chapter Coordinator, Aftab Qureshi house in Pakistan for condolences for his mother.
Aftab’s brother Fayyaz Qureshi , Ejaz Qureshi and nephew Dr. Anas were also present.


November 10, 2018: PTI Canada East Markham Chapter Coordinator Aftab Qureshi met with Mahmood Khan Bangash, President all Pakhton Community and VC Mutiheda Ulema e Mushaiq Council of Pakistan.


PTI Canada Mississauga Chapter Core Team Meeting


Imran Khan (official)

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan Adressing Ceremony for Shelter Home Project in Lahore (10.11.18)


November 8, 2018: PTI Canada East Markham Chapter Coordinator Mr. Aftab Qureshi met with Hafiz Hussain Ahmad Madni , Secretary , Inter Board Committee of Chairmen in Islamabad and discussed examination system.


November 8, 2018: PTI Canada East Mississauga Women Wing Meeting was held in Mississauga today which was attended core members. The main agenda of the meeting was to strengthen membership base, build up powerful foundation of the party and enhance productivity. Members also discussed the ideas to organize future events that can provide a meaningful platform to let community know PTI Canada East aims and objectives and how to join hands to play their role better as overseas Pakistanis.


Canada One TV

وزیر اعظم عمران خاں جو خود علامہ محمداقبال کے داعی ہیں ۔ کیا وہ علامہ اقبال کا فلاحی مملکت کا خواب پورا کر سکیں گے ؟ کیا تعلم کے بغیر معاشرے میں موجود سماجی ناہمواریاں ختم ہو سکتی ہیں ؟ معاشرے میں عدم برداشت کیوں بڑھ رہا ہے ؟
اس دور میں ہے تعلیم امراض ملت کی دوا
ہے خون فاسد کے لئیے تعلیم مثل نشتر
اقبال انٹرنیشنل سوسائٹی اور ٹورانٹو قونصیلیٹ کے زیر اہتمام 141 اقبال ڈے کی شاندار تقریب۔۔۔دیکھیئے کمیونٹی راؤنڈ اپ فیصل مجید
Iqbal Day Special in Community Roundup with Faisal Majid

اقبال ڈے اسپیشل: وزیر اعظم عمران خاں جو خود علامہ محمداقبال کے داعی ہیں ۔ کیا وہ علامہ اقبال کا فلاحی مملکت کا خواب پورا کر سکیں گے ؟ کیا تعلم کے بغیر معاشرے میں موجود سماجی ناہمواریاں ختم ہو سکتی ہیں ؟ معاشرے میں عدم برداشت کیوں بڑھ رہا ہے ؟
اس دور میں ہے تعلیم امراض ملت کی دوا
ہے خون فاسد کے لئیے تعلیم مثل نشتر
اقبال انٹرنیشنل سوسائٹی اور ٹورانٹو قونصیلیٹ کے زیر اہتمام 141 اقبال ڈے کی شاندار تقریب۔۔۔دیکھیئے کمیونٹی راؤنڈ اپ فیصل مجید
Iqbal Day Special in Community Roundup with Faisal Majid


Allama Iqbal

Message by Mr. Imran Khan (Prime Minister of Pakistan) on Iqbal Day.

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