The Dodge Company - Canada

The Dodge Company is the world's most respected supplier of preparation room chemicals, and equipment


On National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day, Dodge would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the compassionate care and service that funeral professionals provide to families. Dodge is proud to be helping you make all the difference.


From Mississauga, Ontario, Randy J. Rogalsky, President of The Dodge Company (Canada), is pleased to announce the appointment of Jacob Rowe as the Atlantic Provinces traveling Field Representative. Jacob will start in March to take charge of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Bill Sampson is and will remain a true ambassador for Dodge after 20 wonderful years with us alongside others who came before him. Jacob will strengthen Dodge's heritage in the Maritimes, visiting you in person to introduce you to all aspects of what Dodge has to offer. The best embalming chemicals made right here in Mississauga, plus our wide line of accessory products, Loved Remembered memorial jewelry, Dodge craft urns, CFS websites and a full line of funeral home and crematorium supplies and equipment. Jacob will also continue the tradition of enriching all of Dodge's technical resources to help embalmers and funeral directors "helping you make all the difference." Join me in congratulating Jacob on his next career with us!

De Mississauga, en Ontario, Randy J. Rogalsky, président de The Dodge Company (Canada), est heureux d'annoncer la nomination de Jacob Rowe au poste de représentant itinérant des provinces de l'Atlantique. Jacob débutera en mars pour prendre en charge le Nouveau-Brunswick, l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, la Nouvelle-Écosse et Terre-Neuve. Bill Sampson est et restera un véritable ambassadeur de Dodge après 20 merveilleuses années avec nous aux côtés d'autres qui l'ont précédé. Jacob renforcera l'héritage de Dodge dans les provinces maritimes, en vous rendant visite en personne pour vous présenter tous les aspects de ce que Dodge a à offrir. Les meilleurs produits chimiques d'embaumement fabriqués ici même à Mississauga, ainsi que notre large gamme de produits accessoires, les bijoux commémoratifs Loved Remembered, les urnes artisanales Dodge, les sites Web CFS et une gamme complète de fournitures et d'équipements pour salons funéraires et crématoriums. Jacob poursuivra également la tradition consistant à enrichir toutes les ressources techniques de Dodge pour aider les embaumeurs et les directeurs de pompes funèbres à « nous vous aidon à faire toute la différence ». Joignez-vous à moi pour féliciter Jacob pour sa prochaine carrière chez nous !


We are excited to celebrate 2024 with a BIG anniversary. In 1934 George Dodge arrived by train at Union Station in Toronto to establish the Canadian Dodge Company. Think of it,.... an era just 5 years prior to WWII. It is now 90 years that we have been a presence in Canada as the leading supplier of our type. We had our start on Front Street in the lower level of the Toronto Transit Commission, later moved to Cumberland Street in Yorkville, and remain at 1265 Fewster Drive in Mississauga in our 51st year. I have the disctinct privilege of being the 5th President of this Company as we continue "Helping You Make All the Difference".

Randy J. Rogalsky, CFSP, MBIE

Nous sommes ravis de célébrer 2024 avec un GRAND anniversaire. En 1934, George Dodge arrive en train à la gare Union de Toronto pour fonder la Canadian Dodge Company. Pensez-y,... une époque à peine 5 ans avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Cela fait maintenant 90 ans que nous sommes présents au Canada en tant que principal fournisseur de notre type. Nous avons débuté sur Front Street, au niveau inférieur de la Toronto Transit Commission, puis avons déménagé sur Cumberland Street à Yorkville, et restons au 1265 Fewster Drive à Mississauga au cours de notre 51e année. J'ai le privilège distinct d'être le 5ème président de cette entreprise alors que nous continuons à « vous aider à faire toute la différence ».

Randy J. Rogalsky, CFSP, MBIE


Dear Friends, Thank you for your friendship and your loyalty over the past year. On behalf of all of us at Dodge Canada, Happy New Year ahead and beyond in 2024!

Randy J. Rogalsky

Chers Amis, Merci pour votre amitié et votre fidélité au cours de l'année écoulée. Au nom de nous tous chez Dodge Canada, bonne année et au-delà en 2024 !

Randy J. Rogalsky


Our entire administrative and customer service staff, our chemist and compounder, our machine technician, and our production and shipping/logistics team celebrated today with a Christmas luncheon. Pictured are the people that we just couldn't survive without. They are all integral to our company. They are all crucial to our 90 year operation in Canada. Each of them are deeply valued. These are the people together with our sales force across the nation, that are the team "Helping you make all the difference". Many of them are that pleasant and efficient voice on the end of the phone that you've talked to but never seen or met. Merry Christmas to every one of you from coast to coast. Thank you for your ongoing loyalty and please know you are just not our customers, you are our friends! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Randy J. Rogalsky, CFSP, MBIE

Tout notre personnel administratif et de service à la clientèle, notre chimiste et préparateur, notre technicien en machines et notre équipe de production et d'expédition/logistique ont célébré aujourd'hui avec un déjeuner de Noël. Sur la photo, les personnes sans lesquelles nous ne pourrions tout simplement pas survivre. Ils font tous partie intégrante de notre entreprise. Ils sont tous essentiels à nos 90 années d’activités au Canada. Chacun d’eux est profondément valorisé. Ce sont ces personnes, ainsi que notre force de vente à travers le pays, qui forment l'équipe qui « vous aide à faire toute la différence ». Beaucoup d’entre eux sont cette voix agréable et efficace au bout du fil à laquelle vous avez parlé mais que vous n’avez jamais vue ou rencontrée. Joyeux Noël à vous tous, d'un océan à l'autre. Merci pour votre fidélité continue et sachez que vous n'êtes tout simplement pas nos clients, vous êtes nos amis ! Joyeux Noel et bonne année!

Randy J. Rogalsky, CFSP, MBIE

L-R (G-D) back, Debbie, Thas, Brad, Aaron, Sudesh, Harry, Alex, Arvin
Front, Beverley, Randy


On behalf of all of us at Dodge Canada, Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American colleagues, friends, and associates.


Happy Thanksgiving to all of Dodge's customers and friends.
It is a time of year to be thankful for all of the blessings we have had over the past year. I for one have much to be thankful for and I am sure we all do. Enjoy your family, your friends, and good food as you join together.

Photos from The Dodge Company - Canada's post 09/24/2023

Dodge Canada and our nation wide team of representatives has been very busy this summer and fall. Provincial and Regional Conventions, seminars, graduations, award ceremonies, and charity/golf tournaments have made this quite the tour. Kevin Armstrong, Jody Lewis, Steve Beckett, David Bald, Vincent Faucher, and Bill Sampson are an amazing team of representatives for us. From FSAC in June through to this fall, the CTQ, FCFQ, College Boreal,Atlantic Provinces, and shortly the OFSA and OACFP I'm sure most of you have visited with your regional Dodge rep at some point this year. The Unforgettables tournament (OACFP), The Gunderson Memorial, and rural Manitoba funeral directors tournament and some regional golf get togethers kept everyone busy and also having lots of fun. Jack Adams is presenting in Calgary and Edmonton in October. He is definitely unparalleled. Thanks for your loyalty and continued business friendship. See you somewhere soon!

Randy Rogalsky

Dodge Canada et notre équipe nationale de représentants ont été très occupés cet été et cet automne. Les congrès provinciaux et régionaux, les séminaires, les remises de diplômes, les cérémonies de remise de prix et les tournois de charité et de golf ont fait de cette tournée une véritable tournée. Kevin Armstrong, Jody Lewis, Steve Beckett, David Bald, Vincent Faucher et Bill Sampson forment pour nous une formidable équipe de représentants. De l'ASFC en juin jusqu'à cet automne, en passant par la CTQ, la FCFQ, le Collège Boréal, les Provinces de l'Atlantique et bientôt l'OFSA et l'OACFP, je suis sûr que la plupart d'entre vous ont rendu visite à votre représentant Dodge régional à un moment donné cette année. Le tournoi Unforgettables (OACFP), le Gunderson Memorial, le tournoi des directeurs de pompes funèbres rurales du Manitoba et certaines rencontres de golf régionales ont occupé tout le monde et ont également eu beaucoup de plaisir. Jack Adams fera une présentation à Calgary et à Edmonton en octobre. Il est définitivement sans précédent. Merci pour votre fidélité et votre amitié commerciale continue. A bientôt quelque part !

Randy Rogalsky

Photos from The Dodge Company - Canada's post 06/20/2023

It was a perfect day to enjoy a round of golf. The OACFP charity tournament with all proceeds going to The Unforgettables Fund is funeral services largest golf event. Held this year in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Dodge Canada’s Aaron Rogalsky, VP of Operations, OACFP’s former President Steve Reynolds and his son Sean, and Legacy Trust’s Andy MacIntyre had a fun filled round followed by dinner and awards.


From all of us at Dodge Canada, Merry Christmas!! Enjoy your families, and may everyone have a great 2023 ahead! We thank you for your patronage over the past year and years!


From Dodge Canada to Dodge America, we all hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to all our friends and customers!!

Bonne fin de semaine de Thanksgiving à tous nos amis et clients!

Photos from The Dodge Company - Canada's post 09/26/2022

The Dodge Canada representative Ryan Lawson was busy presenting awards in Winnipeg and Regina two nights back to back. These two lovely ladies were the winners.


The Dodge Company Canada’s reps have been busy attending conventions the last week. The OFSA, CTQ, and the OACFP. Sponsoring and supporting our associations is a major part of what we do at Dodge.

Les représentants de la Dodge Company Canada ont été occupés à assister à des conventions la semaine dernière. L'OSAN, le CTQ et l'OACFP. Le parrainage et le soutien de nos associations sont une partie importante de ce que nous faisons chez Dodge.


Dodge Canada proudly participated in and sponsored a hole at the recent Gunderson memorial golf tournament in Drumheller.


Dodge Canada's Kevin Armstrong and Ryan Lawson proudly presented the Dodge Award of Excellence to Charis Williamson at last night's AFSA graduation.


Dodge Canada is all over the country these days. Also in other parts of North America. Adam has an extremely busy speaking itinerary this spring. Here he is in Georgia with Charlie Sanders. Charlie’s dad and me (Randy) conducted many body present seminars in hotels in years past. Who would ave believed that. It’s nice to reunite with people.


Dodge Canada is closed today. We are still in the middle of a blizzard. Looks like close to 60 cm of snow. Please call your rep for assistance. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Dodge would like to congratulate Glenda Stansbury for receiving the ICCFA Education Foundation's Lasting Impact Award. Dodge is a proud partner of Glenda and Insight Books. The award will be presented to Stansbury at a reception held in conjunction with the 2022 ICCFA Annual Convention and Exposition in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 23 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Read the full press release here:


Dodge Canada is excited to announce a new and improved line of AIR BRUSH cosmetics and equipment. Airbrush cosmetics are formulated in a similar fashion, and inter-changeable. Over the years we have offered a variety of airbrush machines, and the best is yet to come! We look forward to providing you with ongoing information as to inventories of airbrush makeup that we will have in stock at all times.

Dodge Canada est ravie d'annoncer une nouvelle gamme améliorée de produits cosmétiques et d'équipements AIR BRUSH. Les cosmétiques Airbrush sont formulés de la même manière et interchangeables. Au fil des ans, nous avons offert une variété d'aérographes, et le meilleur reste à venir ! Nous sommes impatients de vous fournir des informations continues sur les stocks de maquillage aérographe que nous aurons en stock à tout moment.


In merely 4 months since launching, Dodge's Loved Remembered line of memorial jewellery has been a huge success because of you, our customers who put your faith in us!! As 2022 unfolds, we anticipate tremendous growth in his gorgeous line of product. Happy New Year from Loved Remembered.


Happy New Year to all of our Canadian friends from coast to coast and our colleagues and friends in the USA and around the world. We hope 2022 will be an amazing year!

Bonne année à tous nos amis canadiens d'un océan à l'autre et à nos collègues et amis aux États-Unis et dans le monde. Nous espérons que 2022 sera une année incroyable !


The Rogalsky Family wishes all of our friends a BEAUTIFUL Christmas. I wish I had pictures of all of our reps and extended family, but we haven't been together for nearly 2 years. The day will come soon we all hope and pray. But all of us thank you for your loyalty and friendship! Thanks so much!!

La famille Rogalsky souhaite à tous nos amis une Belle Noël. J'aurais aimé avoir des photos de tous nos représentants et de notre famille élargie, mais nous ne sommes pas ensemble depuis près de 2 ans. Le jour viendra bientôt, nous espérons tous et prions. Mais nous vous remercions tous pour votre fidélité et votre amitié ! Merci beaucoup!! 11/25/2021

On behalf of everyone at Dodge Canada, Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends, colleagues and associates.

Fingerprint Scanner 10/29/2021

Watch this amazing video and see how simple we have made it for all of our new Loved Remembered customers. This tutorial helps you set up your Motorolla phone and the finger print scanner. The beauty is your customer and you own the print. No more fee's to buy out prints. Loved Remembered allows you to own the prints! The prints are stored infinitely and no $50 or more charge that other companies have if you want a tattoo or another piece from someone else.

Fingerprint Scanner Scan fingerprints easily with SignaMio Fingerprint Scanning and Management Solutions. Use app to capture fingerprints easily and securely store for future use.

Loved Remembered : 10/27/2021

Dear Friends, and Loved Remembered Customers, this new online catalog is absolutey beautiful. We are so privileged to be partnered with cutting edge jewellers. Everyone notices the quality immediately, far surpassing anything else out there. We thank you for coming over to join us with this magnificent line. Take a look!

Loved Remembered : Loved Remembered :

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1265 Fewster Drive
Mississauga, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 8am - 5pm

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