Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC

I provide chiropractic care to the entire family at Universal Chiropractic in Mississauga Dr. Duliunas is an energetic and passionate chiropractor.

Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC grew up in Mississauga, Ontario playing basketball native to her Lithuanian roots. She began playing basketball at the tender age of three for the VYTIS Lithuanian basketball club, which her grand father started. She continued to play for many years for the top rep and regional basketball teams of Ontario. Unfortunately, Dr. Duliunas was forced to stop playing basketball du


Surprise! Did you know that chiropractic care can cut your headache days in HALF? 🎉 This June, join us for National Migraine Awareness Month and discover the life-changing benefits of unpinching, unblocking, and unobstructing your nerves! It's what we do! Feel the difference and book your appointment now!


Tag a friend who needs to hear this! Say goodbye to headaches and migraines! This June, join us in celebrating National Migraine Awareness Month. Did you know that chiropractic care can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches? Discover the natural, long-lasting relief that so many of our patients have found and why we're getting busier each day! Book your appointment today and start living headache-free! 💆‍♂️💆‍♀️


🌞 Kick Off Your Summer with a Spark! 🌞
Imagine your summer filled not just with fun and sun, but also with top-notch nerve function thanks to a simple chiropractic adjustment. It's natural, it's quick, and it might just be the key to enjoying your best summer yet!
👍 Like if you’re ready for a vibrant summer, book your adjustment today, or share this with a friend who loves summer as much as you do!


Clear Your Mind with Chiropractic Care! Ever feel like your brain is in a fog? Regular chiropractic adjustments might just be the secret to a clearer mind. They help calm your nervous system, which means more room for mindfulness and focus! 🧠
👍 Like if you love clear-minded days and book your spot now! Or share this with someone who needs a little clarity boost! 📅


Beat Stress with Chiropractic Care! 𝗙𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱? A simple chiropractic adjustment could help soothe your nerves and reduce stress. It's like pressing the reset button on your body!
👍 Like if you need a stress reset or book your appointment today! Don't forget to share the calm with friends who could use some peace too!


Stress begone! Dive into a session and feel the tension melt away. Chiropractic isn't just about your spine; it's about your mind.


Feeling the weight of stress? 🤯 Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce cortisol levels, making you feel lighter and brighter! ✨


Ever wonder why stress hits you like a ton of bricks? 🤔 It's all about your nervous system's reaction. Slide into a state of zen with chiropractic adjustments - because when your spine's aligned, stress is out of line. Your world where calm is the norm. ✨🧘


Think of movement as an investment in your future self. Chiropractic care helps keep your body aligned and moving well, so you can stay active and independent for years to come.


🚀 Quick Fact: Dancing isn't just fun—it's brain food! 💃🕺 Just 5 minutes of grooving boosts your mood and sharpens your mind.

Photos from Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC's post 12/31/2023

Cheers 🥂 to an epic 2 0 2 3 🫶🏻!⁣

This year was full of growth, expansion, ups, downs, success, failures, play, travel and more!🫶🏻⁣

I seriously wouldn’t change one thing. Was 2023 perfect? No. And it was perfect for me. The downs brought be strength and learning. The successes brought me confidence, gratitude and humility. ⁣

Here are a few of the moments that stand out in 2023⁣
- I got engaged 💍 to the love of my life🥂⁣
- I bought my first home 🏡 with my fiancé in our dream area⁣
- I paid off my student debt 💸 ⁣
- my grandmother 👵 passed 6 months after her brother this year, she was 96! I am so grateful to have known her for 35 years and grateful for all the lessons she taught me. She brought myself and my family together for her celebration of life which is exactly what she would have wanted.⁣
- I became a better chiropractor and leader and expanded my practice and business. I joined .barbaraeaton boot camp for chiros which has helped me grow and expand even more. And the growth has just begun! ⁣
- I travelled to Cuba 🇨🇺, Banff 🇨🇦, Italy 🇮🇹 and Florida. Travel 🧳 is my love language⁣
- We got our fur baby 🐱 cat - Kapusta who I am absolutely obsessed with. ⁣

I am excited for 2024 and all the unknown it has to offer! Surrendering snd trusting. ⁣

Wishing you all a happy new years! 🥂⁣

Dr J ❤️


M O B I L I T Y 🙆‍♀️ ⁣
Is the thing as adults we HATE TO DO. 🙋🏼‍♀️⁣
Can you relate?🙋🏼‍♀️⁣
Side note: It’s easier or harder if your kitten 🐱 joins (Kapusta joins me every night and gets in the way all the time.)⁣
Mobility and home care are not easy BUT necessary to achieve recovery and to improve and maintain our range of motion - especially as we age🙏🏻⁣
In practice, we see patients everyday who sit at a desk for hours on end and they become stiffer and stiffer. Things that were once easy- like tying their shoe 👞 become more difficult.⁣
Does this sound like you? 👉🏻⁣
This does not get better with time.👎🏻⁣
This is why✨⁣
-Mobility daily⁣
-Chiropractic adjustments⁣
Are essential for longevity and quality of life.🫶🏻⁣
The sooner you start the better off you are!🫶🏻⁣
I started using for my mobility. It helps keep me accountable! I aim for 60-90 mobility minutes a week.⁣
I move everyday. 10k steps 🏃🏼‍♀️ a day (I’m on day 41), I workout 🏋️‍♀️ 4-5x a week (weights, cardio, plyometrics)⁣
I get adjusted 2-3x a week, yea chiropractors need Chiro too! 👩‍⚕️⁣
Do you do mobility daily?⁣
Dr J♥️


I N V E S T in your health.✨🦋⁣

Your health is not an expense- it’s an investment. ⁣
It’s something we all have taken for granted at some time or another. 🙋🏼‍♀️⁣

Investing in your health now saves you a heck ton of money later. ⁣

This is why we get to save for our health and never make any sacrifices when it comes to our health.✨⁣

Yes it can feel ‘expensive’, or overwhelming at times. But what’s the alternative?⁣

Pain, lack of energy, poor health, poor quality of life? ⁣

No thank you. ⁣

You are worth the investment - ALWAYS.🦋⁣

Make a way out of no way and save for and invest in yourself always and forever. 🫶🏻⁣

Your body will thank you!🙏🏻⁣

How do you invest in your health?✨⁣

Dr J ❤️


T E X T N E C K 📱 ⁣

Is one of the most common conditions we see in clinic as chiropractors.😣⁣

Why? ⁣

Because we are constantly on our phones 📱, computers 🖥️, have terrible posture when reading 📖 and we are more sedentary.⁣

Text neck symptoms:⁣
👉🏻headaches, forward head posture, neck pain, back pain, numbness among other things.⁣

It is a serious condition that we all can do better with.⁣
And you know who’s doing the worst with if? You’re kids!! They have way more access to technology then you did at their age! 😣 ⁣

Ways to help eliminate text neck✨⁣
👉🏻hold your phone, device or book 📕 at eye 👁️ level as much as possible ⁣
👉🏻sit squarely to your work screen 🖥️ ⁣
👉🏻avoid looking down for long periods of time⁣
👉🏻take posture breaks⁣
👉🏻set a timer on your phone to remind yourself to take breaks every 20-30 mins ⁣
👉🏻see a chiropractor to help with your postural patterns!⁣

👉🏻Do you notice that in pictures your head is going more forward? ⁣
👉🏻Do you notice you’re a bit shorter lately? ⁣
👉🏻Do you or your kids complain of neck pain? ⁣
👉🏻Do you work at a desk? ⁣
👉🏻Do you have a cellphone?⁣

If you answered yes to any of these- get in with your chiropractor now! And if you don’t see a Chiro find one in your area now. I can help you! 🙏🏻⁣

Text neck does not get better on its own and typically gets worse with time. ✨⁣

We are accepting new patients. DM me to find out more!🫶🏻⁣

Dr J ❤️⁣


Being a C H I R O P R A C T O R 👩‍⚕️ ⁣

Is the greatest honor, privilege and test.🫶🏻⁣

It is an honor bc people entrust me with their body, their temple, their health, their secrets, their dreams.🙏🏻⁣

It is a privilege to care for my patients and is something I never take for granted. 🙏🏻⁣

It is a test. As a chiropractor 👩‍⚕️ I wear many hats 🧢 and play many roles. I am responsible for adjusting for and caring for my patients and often I can be their ‘therapist’, confidant, shoulder to lean on. I also am responsible for the business, training my staff etc. my limits are constantly being tested and expanded. ⁣

Truthfully as tough as it can be I love this the most. That everyday is different and comes with a different type of spice and sass. 💁‍♀️⁣

My greatest gift as a Chiro is being able to help others and help them be the best they can be. ❤️⁣

We all get to strive for more and are capable of more. Our bodies are these amazing machines we all take for granted.✨⁣

I get to tap into that magic with every single one of my patients. 🫶🏻⁣

I get to help them realize that their body is a self-regulating, self healing mechanism. Meant to heal from the inside out.♥️⁣

And I get to help with that process.✨⁣

Pretty freakin’ cool.😎⁣

👉🏻What’s your favourite thing about chiropractic?⁣

👉🏻If you don’t see a Chiro, what are you waiting for?⁣

Dr J♥️


I once hated my body✨⁣
Can you relate?🙋🏼‍♀️⁣
To the feelings of ‘My body sucks, she’s not working for me, I am fat, I am in pain.’🙏🏻⁣
I felt this too. 🫶🏻⁣
In 2012 when I gained about 30lbs in 6 weeks after doing fitness comps and modelling. I spiraled. Hated my body. I was in pain physically and emotionally. I was also in one of the most Intense doctoral programs in the world. ❤️⁣
I have endo and so after sustaining a concussion in basketball my hormones went nuts. My body was fighting and telling me something. I didn’t know I had endo at the time. 🦋⁣
My body was screaming at me and I didn’t listen. I kept pushing with diets and workouts that weren’t honoring what my body needed.✨⁣
It wasn’t until I got the right support through chiropractic, naturopathic care and found the right OBG who had a more natural approach that aligned with my health views that I started to see changes. I also did some deep inner work to love my body regardless of her appearance and trust that I would get my body back to what I was desiring.❤️⁣
Your body is your temple.✨⁣
Your body is meant to heal from the inside out without the use of drugs and surgery.🫶🏻⁣
Your body can heal. Even when it feels impossible. Trust me I know this first hand.🙋🏼‍♀️⁣
I once hated my body and now I have an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude for my body.❤️⁣
Because she is all I have and the only thing that matters.🙌🏻⁣
So I ask you this. Do you hate your body? Do you love your body?⁣
& Why? And if you hate your body what steps can you take today to move in the direction of love and gratitude?⁣
I am a chiro. A coach. A body-love advocate. I am here to serve. ♥️⁣
DM me if you need support.⁣
Dr J❤️


It doesn't take long to adjust someone's spine. ✨⁣
Its true.✨⁣
Why? Well We train for hours and hours in chiro school and then perfect and hone in on our skills in practice to become extremely efficient at it. The skills we master take years to learn.🙌🏻⁣
We know what to adjust, where to adjust and it can take in most cases a couple minutes to correct the mis-alignments occurring.🫶🏻⁣
Often times the same adjustments take place with some differences depending on the time and case. Because most peoples' patterns have been in place for potentially decades and we are unwinding and correcting those patterns with each adjustment, little by little to create more favorable patterns.💪🏻⁣
There are times of course a patient comes in who's had an injury, slept wrong, has higher stress than usual and we adapt our adjustments accordingly,✨⁣
Some days certain adjustments that always worked well for a patient don't on a certain day and we adapt and use a different technique. ♥️⁣
This is why I adjust in 3 different ways; manual, drop piece and spring loaded instrument because everybody and every BODY is unique.🔥⁣
We are trained to find the root cause of your issue through our palpation, testing, x-ray analysis etc. and so it doesn't take us long to find and correct the misalignment. ✨⁣
So no it doesn't take us long to adjust you, but the value you get from the adjustment we perform is priceless. 🦋⁣
When we remove that road block or nerve interference from your body- your body begins to heal and thrive. And can begin to heal on its own which is so cool & YES this only takes a couple of minutes. W/ repetition your patterns begin 2change and these changes become more long lasting. ♥️⁣
Pretty 🤩 freaking cool. ⁣
Was this helpful? Got Qs? I have answers. DM me anytime!⁣
Dr J♥️


No show and no call 📞 … c’mon people!! 😂😂😂⁣

We love being your chiropractors and your care is important to us! ⁣

We are grateful that 90% always call 📞, email 📧 or text if they can’t make it in! ❤️🙏🏻⁣

This reel is to good though! 🤣⁣


I will no longer…✨⁣
Ask permission to be authentically me.⁣
Feel guilty for how much money I make or don’t make. ⁣
Let my boundaries be crossed by patients, friends, family, anyone.⁣
Put myself second.⁣
Put sleep on the back burner.⁣
Skip workouts and chiropractic adjustments.⁣
Stay small to protect my ego.⁣
Procrastinate on my dreams, goals and desires.⁣
Argue for my limitations.⁣
Make excuses as to why I can’t and instead create solutions for how I can and will.⁣
Make scarcity a reality.⁣
Doubt myself as a chiropractor and leader.⁣
Not speak up.⁣
Dim my light.⁣
Surround myself with disingenuous, soul-sucking people even if we have history.⁣
Compare myself to others.⁣
Accept anything mediocre.⁣
Not ask for help.⁣
These are my diminishers. The things and thoughts that hold me back from being the successful, abundant, joyful woman leader I know I am. And the chiropractor I am.🙏🏻⁣
I love finding out the diminishers in my patients lives because we get to work together to no longer make those things a reality. We get to change the narrative.🫶🏻⁣
👉🏻What do you no longer accept in your life?⁣
👉🏻What is not working for you anymore?⁣
I’d love to know. How can I support you?⁣
Dr J♥️


EVERY woman NEEDS to lift weights 🏋️‍♀️ ⁣
Even if you don't want to, or you don't like to, you NEED to! Harsh reality I know. 🙏🏻⁣
Why resistance training is ESSENTIAL for every woman (especially as we age):✨⁣
👉🏻Women build muscle mass at half the rate of men⁣
👉🏻When we stop producing estrogen in menopause, muscle mass decreases rapidly⁣
👉🏻less muscle=less stability= decreased quality of life=more fall potential=longer recovery⁣
👉🏻weight lifting builds bone and decrease the risk of osteoporosis (women are 4x more likely then men to develop osteoporosis)⁣
👉🏻boosts your metabolism and burns more calories, even at rest⁣
👉🏻lifting weights gives you muscles and muscles are SEXY⁣
Cardio, walking etc. are great and not enough. WE NEED RESISTANCE🙏🏻💪🏻⁣
You will not get bulky but you will add life to your years.❤️⁣
Do you lift weights?✨⁣
If not, why not?✨⁣
I understand weight lifting can be daunting for many women. We can do hard things!🫶🏻⁣
We get help, get support, and we do the damn thing. 💪🏻⁣
DM me for support.⁣
Dr J♥️

Photos from Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC's post 08/07/2023

T R A V E L 🌎 ⁣
Is my love language!! 🫶🏻⁣
I love the adventure, the food, the culture, the sites! ⁣
I have learned the most about myself and have grown the most through my travel experiences. I value it so much!❤️⁣
I have done many solo trips (Australia, Europe, Asia etc) and have so many places on my bucket list.✨⁣
👉🏻Where is your favorite place you've been?⁣
👉🏻What's on your bucket list?⁣
Dr J♥️

Photos from Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC's post 08/03/2023

B E T T E R P O S T U R E✨⁣
Your posture is a mirror to your spine and your nervous system.🙏🏻⁣
We measure your posture in 3 different ways ⁣
1. We visually look 👀 for patterns⁣
2. We take posture photos 🎥 and digitize them to even more specifically find out your true posture patterns⁣
3. If indicated, we send for x-rays 🩻 and take the time to explain those x-rays to you.⁣
We measure your posture in 3 ways because it is just that important.🫶🏻⁣
👉🏻Did you know that forward head posture can increase your risk of falls?⁣
👉🏻Did you know that a rounded upper back can actually decrease your lung 🫁 capacity and lead to back pain?⁣
👉🏻Did you know that an un-level and rotated pelvis can lead to low back pain, knee pain and foot 🦶 pain?⁣
Chiropractors are the best at assessing and correcting unfavorable posture patterns.👩‍⚕️⁣
If you have a desk job, have a job with terrible posture patterns (dentists, electricians, hair dressers etc.) or you just notice in pictures that your posture is not great- GO GET A POSTURE CHECK AND PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT BY YOUR CHIRO NOW!✨⁣
These patterns will not correct themselves and will likely get worse over time.⁣
We are doing a 'SUMMER PROMO' at UC. ⁣
50$ for an initial comprehensive assessment (almost 50% off!).⁣
We have limited spots available.✨⁣
DM me 'SUMMER PROMO' to claim your spot!⁣
or call 9055678535⁣
I am excited to hear from you!⁣
Dr J❤️


W A L K After E V E R Y Meal 🍽️ ⁣


Many reasons.⁣

Here’s 3:⁣
👉🏻boosts your metabolism⁣
👉🏻aids in digestion ⁣
👉🏻adds to your daily step count and overall movement for the day⁣


👉🏻helps lower blood sugar ⁣
👉🏻boost your mood⁣

Even just a 2 minute walk post meals can do wonders. ⁣

We all have 2 minutes. ⁣

Do you walk after meals?✨⁣

Dr J ❤️


E M B R A C E T H E S U C K✨⁣
Let's face it- it SUCK'S starting something new or doing something different⁣
It sucks how hard we have to work &how steep the learning curve is.⁣
It sucks that we don't get it right away.⁣
It sucks that we don't see results yesterday.⁣
It sucks that we have to work for our health.⁣
etc etc etc.⁣
On the other side of SUCK is magic.✨⁣
We can do hard things and when we do things that are different and new it may suck...at first.⁣
And we get to continue, and work and push through and NOT QUIT🙅‍♀️⁣
I see so many people& patients quitting before they've even started bc it may suck a bit at first. It feels uncomfortable.⁣
I am not perfect. I am just like you & I want to quit all the time. & I don't.⁣
Because my goals are bigger then my excuses🙏🏻⁣
👉🏻I will continue to grow as a chiropractor and expand my practice to serve more and more people⁣
👉🏻I will break the chains of generational scarcity in my family⁣
👉🏻I will be healthy in my mind, body &soul⁣
👉🏻I will have the most connected and aligned relationship with my spouse even when sh%t gets hard⁣
None of these things are easy &can &will suck at times. I will be my word &keep pushing forward. ⁣
✨Embrace the suck when you take control of your health &you go to the gym &your body hurts- do it anyways 🏋️‍♀️ ⁣
👉🏻Embrace the suck when you go to the chiro for the 1st time & the recommendations are more then you expected, yet your issues have been there for decades- you got this 💪🏻 ⁣
👉🏻 Embrace the suck when you do the entry level job, -build relationships, learn, grow &expand- this will translate in joy and abundance. ⁣
Embrace the SUCK so you can experience the magic✨⁣
Where in your life do you get to push yourself to embrace the suck ? LMK!⁣
Dr J ❤️


What is chiropractic care?🫶🏻⁣

Chiropractic care focuses on and directly impacts your nervous system.⁣

Hey doc- ‘What in the heck is a nervous system?’ 🧐⁣

Your nervous system is the master control system that controls everything about you. The way you think, feel, heart ♥️ beating to your lungs 🫁 allowing you to breathe. There is not me thing it does not touch. Including the areas you may feel pain, why you get headaches etc.⁣

So chiropractors in affecting the spine affect the nervous system - help it to function optimally without the use of drugs and surgery. 🙏🏻⁣

To not only get you out of pain, but to keep you there long term. To add life to your years.🙌🏻⁣

Sounds pretty freakin’ cool right?😎⁣

I think so (not that I’m biased or anything 😂)⁣

Seriously, we help a lot of people and are so grateful and blessed to do so. ☀️⁣

If you haven’t had your spinal check yet, what are you waiting for?⁣

DMs are open to answer any Qs!⁣

Dr J ❤️


Hey 👋🏻 I’m Dr 👩‍⚕️ J. In case you’re new here.
I’ve been a little MIA &so I am re-introducing myself.
Here are 10 things you may not know about me.
1. I am a chiropractor 👩‍⚕️- I am Licensed in Canada 🇨🇦, US🇺🇸, Australia 🇦🇺 &New Zealand 🇳🇿. I help families heal their bodies from the inside out. I have the best job in the world 🌎
2. I am the youngest of 3. I have 2 older sissy’s 👯‍♀️ who are my best friends.
3. I am fluent in 3 languages- English, Lithuanian 🇱🇹 & sarcasm 😆.
4. I love to travel. I have been to 17 countries &am going to Italy 🇮🇹 in August (I will likely eat my body weight in pasta 🍝 and pizza 🍕).
5. I have a kitten 🐱 named Kapusta (yes this means cabbage in Lithuanian, Russian &polish). He’s white with blue eyes & I am obsessed with him.
6. I have endometriosis. This has wrecked havoc on my life & I’ve also learned how to thrive with it although everyday is not perfect. This helps me connect w. patients who may have endo or any other dysfunction that is affecting their lives. I help them navigate it w. ease &grace💜
7. I hate celery & love olives 🫒(random I know)
8. I love reading books 📚. Non fiction; on leadership, Chiro, mindset, finances, health. I read 15 pages every morning & have read 32 books since 2021 (about 13-15 a year, aiming for 24- one day 🙏🏻)
9. I have 3 tattoos. My first one ☝🏻 is of the Lithuanian coat of arms ‘VYTIS’. & is also the name of the basketball club my grandfather started and camp. He opened the first basketball camp VYTIS basketball 🏀 camp in Ontario in 1968.
10. I love lifting heavy things 🏋️‍♀️. I do CrossFit type workouts 4-5x/week, love getting outside and hiking 🥾 and biking. Movement is life.
Tell me something I don’t know about you!🤩
Dr J ♥️

Photos from Dr. Janina Duliunas, DC's post 07/26/2023

Just because something is common DOES NOT make it normal. ⚡️
I clarify this with each of my patients in their very first initial assessment. 👩‍⚕️
These things can become normal for us and it's my job to change that narrative bc..
👉🏻Having consistent headaches
👉🏻Back pain
If any of these things are a part of your 'normal' reach out. You deserve better and you deserve answers.🙏🏻
Ask yourself.🧐
How would my life change if I didn't have headaches, back pain or felt fatigued all of the time?🤨
I bet it would be pretty awesome.🤩
Chiropractic care is a perfect solution for all of these problems.🫶🏻
DM me to find out more!
Dr J♥️


C H I R O P R A C T I C 💫⁣
Is health.⁣
H A N D Delivered. 🤚 ⁣

We use various techniques to suit everybody and EVERY B O D Y. ⁣

Common things people come in with:⁣
⭐️Neck pain ⁣
⭐️Back pain⁣
⭐️Sleep issues ⁣

And much more 🙏🏻⁣

We have a WINTER 🥶 PROMO happening that is about to end! ⁣

50$ off of a comprehensive initial assessment ! (50% discount!)💫⁣

DM me to claim (limited availability)⁣

Have you seen a chiropractor 👩‍⚕️ yet?⁣

Dr J 💜


It’s not selfish to work on Y O U. 🧡⁣
For Y O U.💙⁣

It’s self honouring.⁣
It’s self love.⁣
It’s necessary. 💫⁣

You are worthy. 💜⁣
You are deserving 💙⁣
You are loved ❤️⁣

Share this with someone you think needs to hear this right now 🙏🏻⁣

Dr J ❤️⁣

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Stress begone! Dive into a session and feel the tension melt away. Chiropractic isn't just about your spine; it's about ...
Feeling the weight of stress? 🤯 Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce cortisol levels, making you feel lighter and br...
Ever wonder why stress hits you like a ton of bricks? 🤔 It's all about your nervous system's reaction. Slide into a stat...
Think of movement as an investment in your future self. Chiropractic care helps keep your body aligned and moving well, ...
🚀 Quick Fact: Dancing isn't just fun—it's brain food! 💃🕺 Just 5 minutes of grooving boosts your mood and sharpens your m...
M O B I L I T Y 🙆‍♀️ ⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣Is the thing as adults we HATE TO DO. 🙋🏼‍♀️⁣Can you relate?🙋🏼‍♀️⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣Side note: It...
I N V E S T  in your health.✨🦋⁣⁣Your health is not an expense- it’s an investment. ⁣It’s something we all have taken for...
T E X T  N E C K 📱 ⁣⁣Is one of the most common conditions we see in clinic as chiropractors.😣⁣⁣Why? ⁣⁣Because we are con...
Being a  C H I R O P R A C T O R 👩‍⚕️ ⁣⁣Is the greatest honor, privilege and test.🫶🏻⁣⁣It is an honor bc people entrust m...
No show and no call 📞 … c’mon people!! 😂😂😂⁣⁣We love being your chiropractors and your care is important to us! ⁣⁣We are ...
W A L K  After  E V E R Y  Meal 🍽️ ⁣⁣Why?🤷‍♀️⁣⁣Many reasons.⁣⁣Here’s 3:⁣👉🏻boosts your metabolism⁣👉🏻aids in digestion ⁣👉🏻...
What is chiropractic care?🫶🏻⁣⁣Chiropractic care focuses on and directly impacts your nervous system.⁣⁣Hey doc- ‘What in ...




1900 Minnesota Court Unit 110
Mississauga, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 11am
2pm - 6pm
Tuesday 2pm - 6:45pm
Wednesday 8am - 12pm
Thursday 8am - 11:15am
2pm - 6:45pm

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150 Lakeshore Road W. Suite 104
Mississauga, L5H3R2


IHG-Mississauga Chiropractic and Physiotherapy IHG-Mississauga Chiropractic and Physiotherapy
3180 Ridgeway Drive Unit 38
Mississauga, L5L5S7

We provide holistic intelligent health solutions to optimize human potential through an integrative

Shoreside Wellness Centre Shoreside Wellness Centre
287 Lakeshore Road E
Mississauga, L5G1H3

Shoreside Wellness Centre is a wellness clinic located in Mississauga offering acupuncture, massage therapy and chiropractor services.

Kinetix Wellness Kinetix Wellness
5390 Terry Fox Way, Unit 7
Mississauga, L5V0A5

Care Plus Physiotherapy Care Plus Physiotherapy
3465 Platinum Drive
Mississauga, L5M2S1

Rehab Collective Rehab Collective
2170 Dunwin Drive Unit 7
Mississauga, L5L5M8

Dr. Erin Woodburn at Functional Body Institute Dr. Erin Woodburn at Functional Body Institute
1728 Lakshore Road West
Mississauga, L5J1J5

Dr. Erin Woodburn is proud to be a part of the new interdisciplinary clinic Functional Body Institut

CANT STOP Performance & Rehab CANT STOP Performance & Rehab
1515 Matheson Boulevard E
Mississauga, L4W2P5

𝘼𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙖 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙚, 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚

The Health First Group The Health First Group
200 Matheson Blvd. W, Unit 104
Mississauga, L5R 3L7

Activa Clinics Activa Clinics
250 Dundas Street West, Unit 108
Mississauga, L5B1J2

GMG Health and Wellness Center GMG Health and Wellness Center
350 Burnhamthorpe Road East
Mississauga, L5A3S5

GMG Health and Wellness - Chiropractic - Acupuncture - Massage Therapy - Sport Injuries -Injury

Activa Clinics Activa Clinics
6400 Millcreek Drive #9
Mississauga, L5N3E7