Disability Policy Observatory

« We are not born disabled, we are disabled by an environment that denies us »


🇫🇷La DREES publie les premiers résultats concernant les établissements et services médico-sociaux accompagnant les personnes handicapées issus de la dernière édition de l’enquête auprès de ces structures (ES-Handicap) :

◾ Une première étude décrit l’évolution du nombre de places des structures et leur fonctionnement ➡ https://swll.to/SXuWi

◾ Une deuxième étude porte sur les personnels travaillant dans ces structures ➡ https://swll.to/WLhb2E

📈 « 20 000 places de supplémentaires en quatre ans »

🚨 L’augmentation du nombre de places en structures est un indicateur de la ségrégation grandissante des personnes handicapées en France, ce qui est contraire à la convention des United Nations ratifiée par la France.


Ableism in One Picture: A Disappointing Stance by The Economist

The recent cover of The Economist, featuring a walker adorned with the Presidential Seal and the headline "No Way to Run a Country," is a blatant display of ableism. This image, from a publication that prides itself on insightful and balanced journalism, is both shocking and deeply disappointing.

The Implications of the Cover

1. Perpetuating Harmful Stereotypes: The cover reinforces the damaging stereotype that physical disability equates to incompetence or incapability. By implying that a person who uses a walker is unfit to lead, The Economist dismisses the abilities and potential of millions of individuals with disabilities.

2. Undermining Inclusivity: At a time when society is striving to be more inclusive and accepting, this cover sets us back. It suggests that those with physical disabilities cannot hold positions of power or influence, which is not only false but incredibly harmful.

3. Disrespect to Disabled Leaders: Many leaders with disabilities have made significant contributions across various fields. This cover disrespects their achievements and perpetuates a narrative that physical ability is a prerequisite for leadership, which is a gross misrepresentation of reality.

The Economist's Responsibility

As a respected news organization, The Economist has a responsibility to challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity, not reinforce harmful biases. This cover fails in that responsibility and highlights a troubling acceptance of ableism within its editorial practices.

A Call for Accountability and Change

The Economist must be held accountable for this ableist representation. It should:

- Issue a Public Apology: Acknowledge the harm caused by this cover and apologize to the disability community.

- Commit to Inclusivity: Implement editorial guidelines that prevent such discriminatory content in the future.

- Highlight Disabled Voices: Dedicate space to stories of leaders and achievers within the disabled community to counteract the negative message this cover sends.

This cover by The Economist is more than just a poor editorial choice; it is an affront to the progress made towards disability inclusion. It is a stark reminder of the pervasive ableism that still exists in media and society. We must demand better from our news organizations and continue to fight for a world where disability does not define a person's worth or ability to lead.

ID: An image of a walker with the Presidential Seal of the United States attached to it. The cover headline reads "No Way to Run a Country," suggesting a negative stereotype about physical disability and leadership. This is the cover of The Economist magazine for the week of July 6th-12th, 2024.


🇫🇷« Les autorités serrent la vis aux patients atteints de maladies mentales hospitalisés sous contrainte. Les personnes handicapées vivant en institution n’ont pas le droit de sortir lors du passage de la flamme olympique à Paris. »

Lire : https://www-lalibre-be.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.lalibre.be/sports/omnisports/jeux-olympiques/2024/06/29/des-personnes-atteintes-de-maladie-mentale-privees-de-sortie-dans-toute-la-france-avant-les-jo-4UXFCCCSNBGSPAQRQG377FXIJU/?outputType=amp


🇪🇸 On June 13, the Spanish Government launched the State Strategy for a New Care Model: deinstitutionalization 2024-2030. The goal of this strategy is to transform the care and support model in Spain for people who are at risk of social exclusion, including people with disabilities, homeless people, children in care and older people.

The strategy has 5 points :

1-Prevention - addressing the dynamics that lead to institutionalisation
2-Citizenship - building a new vision for Spanish society of what a good life means
3-Transformation - new models care and support required for the future
4-Transition - new services to create the transition to life in the community
5-Enablement - changing the regulatory, financial and governance systems


United Nations


🇫🇷 En France chaque année, la Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie
alloue aux agences régionales de santé (ARS) les crédits nécessaires au financement du fonctionnement des établissements et services médico-sociaux. Avec plus de 30 milliards d’euros en 2024, cela représente environ 80 % de son budget.

Cet argent public sert à enfermer, malgré les préconisations du droit international.

Ces 30 milliards d’euros devraient servir à la mise en œuvre d’une société inclusive.

United Nations



Disability Pride month is an annual global celebration of disability throughout the month of July. With its origins in commemorating the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, it celebrates people with disabilities, their identities and beauty, their culture, and their contributions to society. Disabled people make up an estimated 20% of the world's population, and Disability Pride looks to end stigma, raise awareness and promote diversity and inclusion.

Many of you will not have heard of Disability Pride, but it is an extremely important date in the DEI calendar. Have you planned anything for this celebration? If not, don't worry - it isn't too late! Here are a few suggestions:

- Think about taking those first steps to learning about disability - do some research, book on a course, or book a consultant to support you and your organisations learning

- Have conversations - does your organisation have a working group or DEI team? Ask them what their plans are for disability pride

- Reflect on your prejudice. What can you do to make your thoughts and actions more inclusive?

- Are your communications inclusive?

(1st meeting) 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP17) 06/11/2024

🇺🇳Join us 🇺🇸

Follow the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties ( ) to the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ( ), taking place at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 11 to 13 June 2024, on UN Web TV.

United Nations
Capucine Lemaire


(1st meeting) 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP17) The 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (COSP17) will take place at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 11 to 13 June 2024. Theme: Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future.

Should all Disabled People be allowed to vote? – Street interviews 06/02/2024

Should all Disabled People be allowed to vote? – Street interviews On the eve of the 2024 European elections, many questions about political participation are being raised. For example, do Disabled People have a say in this ...


The facts are clear. Early warnings save lives and deliver vast financial benefits. I urge all governments, financial institutions and civil society to support this effort.” – UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres public page.

Disability Policy Observatory joined United Nations and NGOs to build the Early Warnings for All:Executive Action Plan 2023-2027.

With human-induced climate change leading to more extreme weather conditions, the need for early warning systems is more crucial than ever. Systems that warn people of impending storms, floods or droughts are not a luxury but a cost-effective tool that saves lives, reduces economic losses, and provides a nearly tenfold return on investment.
Early warning systems have helped decrease the number of deaths and have reduced losses and damages resulting from hazardous weather, water or climate events. But major gaps still exist, especially in small island developing states and least developed countries.
The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, in 2022 called for a global effort to ensure that early warning systems protect everyone on Earth by 2027.

🇺🇳We call on everyone with disabilities to come together in community to prepare. We will share our advice by September 2024.


Nous sommes choqués par les écrits du Conseil national consultatif des personnes handicapées en France qui regrette ici par conséquent que les mineurs et les personnes handicapées qui ne peuvent pas s’exprimer n'aient pas accès au su***de assisté.

Nous regrettons que les personnes handicapées françaises et leurs associations puissent encore s’associer à un tel instrument gouvernemental qui n’a rien d’indépendant et qui regroupe des associations gestionnaires, qui vont à l’encontre du droit international.

Le CNCPH doit être démantelé et rendu aux personnes handicapées n’ayant aucun lien avec l’Etat, un parti politique ou une association gestionnaire.

Odile Maurin Handi-Social Nikola Dbrc United Nations Conseil national consultatif des personnes handicapées Les Dévalideuses World Health Organization (WHO) European Network on Independent Living - ENIL



Send us a photo of an activity in your daily life that best illustrates independent living for you. Going to work? Painting? Spending time with a friend or defending your rights? Give it a try and maybe you'll win a great prize !!

Send your entry to: [email protected]

🥇 First prize is a trip to the Freedom Drive in Brussels on 23-25 September 2024 (with travel and accommodation covered, including for one Personal Assistant, if needed)*

📅 Deadline is 31 May, 2024
➡️ Learn more here: https://enil.eu/the-il-day-is-coming/


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are cornerstones of a just and equitable society. However, your efforts to build truly inclusive environments fall short when you overlook disability representation.

Disability is a critical aspect of diversity that intersects with all other marginalized identities, making it the largest marginalized group in the world.

Many of our most powerful thought leaders are also Disabled, embodying strength, resilience, and innovation. Their contributions highlight the immense potential within the disability community and underscore the importance of including Disabled voices in ALL DEI initiatives.

Disability representation is not merely about numbers; it’s about ensuring accessibility, equity, and truly meaningful inclusion. When Disabled voices are prioritized in our policies, initiatives, shared spaces, and everyday practices, we create a world where everyone belongs.

Image description: in a dark green background, the image shows black and white photos of 5 Disabled thought leaders – Stephen Hawking, Franklin D Roosevelt, Frida Kahlo, Harriet Tubman, and Judy Heuman. On top, the image reads “Many of our most powerful thought leaders are also Disabled. Their contributions highlight the immense potential within the disability community and underscore the importance of including Disabled voices in ALL DEI initiatives.”

Photos from Disability Policy Observatory's post 05/23/2024

Today is the first ever Disability Reproductive Equity Day✨

This is such a historic moment due to the history our community has had with sterilization, eugenics, the stripping of our parental rights, and so much more.

Celebrating here with Ayanna Pressley ☀️

“Our systems will not change until we recognize that disability is a reproductive justice issue, and disability rights are human rights. Every issue is a disability policy issue. Our destinies sre truly tied.”

Plus, forced sterilization, and removal of parental rights just based on disability is still happening.

World Health Organization (WHO) World Institute on Disability United Nations

ILO Global summit | DPO 05/19/2024


We ´ll participate in the next global summit on disability at work in November for International Labour Organization 2024 . We are creating a study group for this occasion which will meet in Geneva in September.
Anyone with a disability who wishes to join us can submit their application.

✅📢 https://www.disabilityobs.com/ilo

Adler Capucine Lemaire

🙏🏻Thank you to the entire ILO team for their concern and to our standing commission that has been working rigorously and generously since 2022 on the theme of inclusion at work.

ILO Global summit | DPO DPO's call for ILO 's global summit


Inclusion starts with accessibility.

We celebrate the Global Accessibility Awareness Day by promoting the importance of accessibility for everyone both online and offline, regardless of their disability.

Recently, the European Parliament gave a final green light to the EU Disability Card and the European Parking Card for people with disabilities. This is a huge step towards removing obstacles and ensuring that citizens with disabilities can enjoy freedom of movement.

Both cards will be issued in physical and online formats and the access to information will be guaranteed by a fully accessible website in all EU languages and formats.

Your voices were heard, see more 👉 europa.eu/!fpPdtk



Capucine Lemaire

L’école inclusive française n’existe pas.

Dans l'Humanité, appel à une métamorphose normative pour l’émancipation de tous, par Capucine Lemaire.

Lien 🗞 : https://www.humanite.fr/en-debat/tribunes/vers-une-inclusion-emancipatrice-789999


🇫🇷 Very important word

« Without equality, there is no real freedom to choose, in any sphere. »

➡️ https://www.politis.fr/articles/2024/03/elisa-rojas-notre-mort-est-toujours-consideree-comme-liberatrice-par-cette-societe/


We’re proud to be supporting Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024! 🌟 ♾️
Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences.

UK's Tory government 'demonises' disabled people on benefits, UN warns 03/19/2024

Tory government 'demonises' Disabled people who face 'onerous' benefits system, UN warn.

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities questioned the UK government over policies which have led to 'trauma and preventable mental distress' and in some cases deaths of disabled people

The Big Issue
United Nations

UK's Tory government 'demonises' disabled people on benefits, UN warns The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has warned the UK government over its disability benefits system.


🇺🇸 34 years ago today was the historic “Capitol Crawl,” w/ disabled activists crawling the steps of the nation’s Capitol to secure rights to work, to buildings, & to full inclusion that is still very much a work in progress, even after the passage of the ADA.
Watch Crip Camp !

Killing disability inspiration p**n 03/10/2024

Inspiration p**n is a form of ableism.

« We might have just killed disability inspiration p**n! »

In this video we flip the table to expose inspiration p**n. People with disabilities do not exist to inspire you.

Inspiration p**n is the portrayal of people with disabilities as being inspirational to able-bodied people, on the basis of their life circumstances. Inspiration p**n is a form of ableism. An example of inspiration p**n might be photo of a child with a disability taking part in an ordinary activity, with captions targeted towards able-bodied people such as "your excuse is invalid", "before you quit, try" or "they didn't let their disability stop them".

The term was coined in 2012 by disability rights activist Stella Young in an editorial in Australian Broadcasting Corporation's webzine Ramp Up and further explored in her TEDx Talk. About her decisions in naming inspiration p**n, Young stated: "I use the term p**n deliberately because of the objectification of one group of people for the benefit of another group of people." She rejected the idea that disabled people's otherwise ordinary activities should be considered extraordinary solely because of disability.

Open Future Learning

Killing disability inspiration p**n I think we might have just killed disability inspiration p**n!In this video we flip the table to expose inspiration p**n. People with disabilities do not exi...

Addressing intersections of gender and disabilities 03/09/2024

"The intersection of and disproportionately affects women and girls with disabilities, who constantly find themselves at the nexus of multiple forms of and . Through concerted efforts to dismantle intersecting forms of discrimination and promote inclusive policies and practices can we ensure that no woman or girl is left behind in the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 5 on achieving and empowering all and girls." - Vibhu Sharma

Addressing intersections of gender and disabilities Although Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 for gender equality and International Women’s Day, instilling the spirit of the goal, do not explicitly focus on women with disabilities, they consistently focus on the empowerment of all women and leaving no one behind. How do we ensure that we empowe...


United Nations 🇺🇳

March 7th 2023
Last moments before the hearing of our president Capucine Lemaire at the conference of the Commission on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the general debate on situations of humanitarian emergency risk - Room XVII

United Nations

✅Her oral statement : https://www.disabilityobs.com/un

HOME | DPO 03/06/2024

Very pleased to share our new website with our muse Ellie Goldstein, young model with Down Syndrome.

It’s our birthday !
Other upcoming publications on European elections, our last three years of work and our projects.

HOME | DPO DPO is a NGO dedicated to promote disabled people rights.


“Change never happens at the pace we think it should. It happens over years of people joining together, strategizing, sharing, and pulling all the levers they possibly can. Gradually, excruciatingly slowly, things start to happen, and then suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, something will tip.”

One year ago, one of the most influential people in the history of disability rights, Judy Heumann, passed away.

We remember her actions and her strength.

Judy Heumann 🇺🇸


A few more days before discovering our new website and its new address 🗽


⚫️Disability day of mourning
Today, we honor the memory of individuals with disabilities who have tragically lost their lives due to actions of family members, caregivers, or the failures of a system rooted in ableism.


The Council of Europe’s Commissioner has presented a series of recommendations to member states on ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe👇

🇪🇺 https://t.co/DBaUy1btmI

Close segragation places and developing policies of interdependence can stem a control of sexual and intimate life of disabled persons.

European Parliament


The European elections are in a 100 days from today, 6-9 June 2024. It's time for us to share our campaign in collaboration with the European Parliament.

🗳️ Do I have the right to vote?
People with intellectual disabilities under guardianship have the full right to vote in:
Ireland, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Italy, Finland, France, Austria, Latvia, Spain, Slovakia, Greece, Croatia, Luxembourg, Slovenia.

EU countries granting limited voting rights for people with intellectual disabilities
under guardianship:
Belgium, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal, Denmark, Romania, Czechia, Malta.

👀 Am I on the list to vote?
You can check with your commune to make sure you are on the list.

📘 How elections work?
Find out what European elections are in Easy-to-read.

⏰ Remind me to vote
Sign up now to get voting reminders and ensure you don't forget to use your vote.


United Nations 🇺🇳

Education for all is a global goal.

Every effort must be made to ensure all children can access their right to an education so they can reach their full potential.

Inclusive education must be delivered in ordinary life. Not in institutions of segregation.

United Nations

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