Armenian Missionary Association of Canada, Montreal, QC Videos

Videos by Armenian Missionary Association of Canada in Montreal. Armenian Missionary Association of Canada (AMAC) is a Federally recognized charitable organization.

Marina & Grace Sagherian About AMAA Summer Internship 2024

During July 2024, Marina and Grace Sagherian, members of the First Armenian Evangelical Church - Montreal, participated in AMAA Summer Internship Program in Armenia.

We invite AMAC friends to view this short video where the Sagherians share about their “great” and unforgettable experience in Armenia.

Other Armenian Missionary Association of Canada videos

Marina & Grace Sagherian About AMAA Summer Internship 2024
During July 2024, Marina and Grace Sagherian, members of the First Armenian Evangelical Church - Montreal, participated in AMAA Summer Internship Program in Armenia. We invite AMAC friends to view this short video where the Sagherians share about their “great” and unforgettable experience in Armenia.

Bread Show
Հացի զուարճալի ցուցադրութիւն մը, ներկայացուած ԱՀԱԸ֊ի եւ ԳՀԱԸ֊ի Արցախի Եփրեմ եւ Զապէլ Պասմաճեան մանկապարտէզի երեխաներու կողմէ։ Թող մանկապարտէզի աշակերտները մեզի սորվեցնեն հաց պատրաստել։ ___ A delightful bread show performed by the children of the AMAA-AMAC Yeprem and Zabel Basmajian Kindergarten in Askeran. Let the Kindergarten children teach us how to make bread!

Salpi Nercessian - Successful Children, Happy Parents