Dr. Julian Somera Dentiste
Implant Rehabilitation, Cosmetic and General Dentistry/Implants Dentaires, Dentisterie Cosmétique
Nuvo Smile Terrebonne
Proud to announce the opening of
Our 3rd clinic Nuvo Smile Terrebonne. A 5000 sq.fr space with the latest technologies. As always we remain patient centered focussing on our patients well being. Thank you to our amazing team for all your hard work. I will be practicing at all 3 of our locations as of
monday June 19th
Fier d’annocer l’ouverture
De notre 3ieme clinique Nuvo Smile Terrebonne. Un espace de 5000 pieds carres equipe avec les plus recentes technologies.
Nous demeurons comme
Toujours une pratique centre sur le bien etre du patient. Merci a notre merveilleuse equipe pour votre travail. A partir de lundi le
19 juin je partagerais mon temps dans nos 3 succursales.
Changing lives with dental implants
Centre dentaire Westminster
Smile Rendez-Vous
Excellence comes with team work
Centre dentaire Westminster
Smile Rendez-Vous
The daily grind! Implant Dentistry
Another very natural implant result. Centre dentaire Westminster;Nuvosmile
A before and after of the rehabilitation of a severe wear case. Bottom teeth are in the next phase of treatment.
Centre dentaire Westminster
And Nuvosmile
A before and after of a patient who was congenitally missing her lateral incisors. Invisalign followed by implants was done to give her a beautiful smile
Un avant et après d’une cas où les incisives latérales étaient manquante. Invisalign suivi d’împlants on crée un jolie sourire naturelle.
As of March 1st, 2022 I will be transferring my practice to centredentairewestminster.com and nuvosmile.com
A partir du 1ier mars, 2022 je transfer ma pratique au centredentairewestminster.com et nuvosmile.com
Consultation pour implants sans frais/Free implant consultations
A quick before and after picture of a recent case. Patient would have required orthognathic surgery and orthodontics to correct his underbite, but was not interested in pursuing that avenue, so he opted to open his bite witha full crown rehabilitation of the upper teeth. We will be doing the lower teeth soon as a second step.
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Montreal, QC
Opening Hours
Monday | 8am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 5pm |
Thursday | 12pm - 9pm |
6111 Monkland
Montreal, H4A 1H5
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Montreal, H1J1H5
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1003 Boulevard Décarie
Montreal, H4A0A9
Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada is providing pediatric orthopaedic ultraspecialized care for complex disorders such as osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), seve...
7978 St-Denis
La clinique de Montréal n'est ouverte que les mardis matins.
215 Rue Saint-Jacques Bureau 333
Montreal, H2Y1M6
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