Kuri K9 Trail & Train

Work their mind, feed their soul. Hiking and training solutions for your best friend.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/10/2024

Another beautiful afternoon brought some very high energy out of these pups. E-collar training can help a great deal with re-call and keeping a high-energy crew well behaved. We practiced sharing while taking turns at the water dish.

Take to the trails with Cindy: Maui, Maple, Di'ya, Sadie, Banga, River, Rosie, Nya, Kippin.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/09/2024

Happy Monday!

We got through the morning hike mud free, yippee! 🙌🏻

We also welcomed Gus to the Trails with us! Gus is an experienced pack hiker and has done loads of training. He fit in perfectly with this crew and was ready and eager to learn how we do things with Kuri K9. I’m looking forward to getting to know ya Gus! ❤️

Take to the Trails with Ellie: Gus, Nacho, Lucy, Odie, Fossi, Coco, Ellie and Ellie, Mako and Maggie

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/08/2024

We had a super fun Sleep-paw-ver hike this morning, with a big crew! They got along famously and were super low maintenance for the day.

Would you believe, we had a deer run through the pack and everyone either just stared after it, or called off immediately?! I was completely stunned, and extremely proud of the whole crew!! 🤩

When we got home later today, Rupert was so tired he laid down in the yard. This is the dude who is ALWAYS running.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/07/2024

We launched our drop in Saturday hike this morning and boy did we have fun!

This being a new group meant we had a bit of management to do, as well as getting Ellie and Rosie the sisters comfy on trail together. This looks like lots of practicing our sit stays and a leash rotation schedule to remind everyone that we do in fact have rules to be followed.

The extra time spent organizing everyone pays off into some beautiful time on trail where we can all frolic together ❤️

Ellie and Rosie had an absolute win today, being sisters and from the same house they can become a little bit reactive when out with each other but they both handled today like absolute champs, making things smooth and easy for their human Ellie! 🐾

Take to the Trails with Ellie: Bailey, Rupert, Manny, Tucker, Rosie, Leo, Maple and Ellie

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/07/2024

Phewee that was a hot one today! We headed straight for a watering hole on this afternoons walk though so not to worry!

It was a treat meeting new to me dog Nacho today, what a sweetie pie!
The pups had a blast and I'm sure they are all now snoozing soundly at home!

Take to trails with Lara: Manny, Janey, Rupert, Leo, Abby, Maple, Nacho, Di'ya

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/06/2024

Happy Friday Yall!

Something must’ve been in the air today with this pack; everyone just looked so darn cute!!!

We got a perfect group shot, definitely a favourite of mine and spent some time at the creek splashing around. All was going well until we came up on the swamp a little sooner than I thought we would… meaning a few of our members got a good romp in the swamp.. I’m looking at you Fossi!

As messy as these guys can be I’ve devoted my life to the dog mess and take all the dirt as a blessing and that dog confetti I’ll never get rid of! 😅🤎

Take to the Trails with Ellie: Fossi, Beau, Daisy, Lucy, Tilly, Frank, Flint and Vivian

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/06/2024

What a fun little training hike this afternoon!

We had staff dog Aio, our Sleep-paw-ver helpers Leo & Rupert, and our first timers Moose & Rikoh 🥰

Moose is just a baby, and is a bit shy of other dogs but reaaaally wants to hang out with them. His engagement and drive to stick with the pack was excellent today, with a few spooky moments if one of the others ran in his direction or past him a little too fast. He quickly realised they weren’t actually paying him attention though, and began to feel much more relaxed about their movement around him 🙌

Rikoh has had some awesome training, and other than being a little quiet, you would think he had been attending pack hikes forever! I’m really enjoying the fact that he looks like a mini-Wini (from our afternoon pack today) 🥰

Our experienced helpers did a great job of just ignoring their new buddies, which made everyone feel so much more relaxed!

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/06/2024

"HOT DOG" we had 8 of them today. No worries, I packed plenty of water, and we stayed in the shade. Staff dog Sadie was out in front and set an easy pace for the pups.

Take to the trails with Cindy: Tucker, Wini, Bailey, Lea, Taco, Sadie, Maple, Lucas.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/05/2024

We snuck down to a marsh this morning and had a good splash around getting cooled off!

Kingsley had her THIRD day of Kuri K9 activities in a row, very spoilt! Hopefully she is sleeping well for her humans this afternoon 😴

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/05/2024

Today's afternoon pack were all little gems! I love my Wednesday crew ❤️

Dash had a few zoomie moments that got Holly and Maui excited but Pixel was quick to let them know we had places to go and other trees to deliver mail to.
Finn is such a love, always offering everyone kisses even if they told him he didn't have consent and Birdie was exceptional on long line today. Franklin didn't skip a beat and it was a treat to meet sweet Raffi.

Take to trails with Lara: Dash, Maui, Pixel, Birdie, Raffi, Hollandaise, Franklin and Finnegan.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/04/2024

The fall weather is upon us… maybe?

This morning was breezy as usual with this pack, even with everyone a little extra excited to see me after my week off.

Seeing these guys after some time off will never get old and I’m so happy to say this is my office and these are my coworkers!

Take to the Trails with Ellie: Copper, Ben, Reese, Ralph, Bri, George, Mako and Diya

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/04/2024

Beautiful afternoon for a hike.
We had several high-energy pups in the pack. We worked on recall, good manners, and follow the leader. This crew gets along great 👍

Take to the trails with Cindy: Sadie, Yukon, Moon, Maple, Nanuk, Bailey, Kingsley, Taco.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/03/2024

We had such a chill and cruisey hike to kick off the week! These guys were super stars, requiring minimal guidance from me - even gathering up around me when a dirt biker pulled up to chat, and completely ignoring him 🙌

On that note, Mikey deserves a special shout out today! He has been notorious for announcing the presence of other people on trail, from quite the distance. He looked at the man, looked at me and came over without a peep for his cookie 🤩 then as we all moved off to give the man space to pass through, he just happily trotted along.

Rock star buddy!! Keep up the good progress!

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/03/2024

First up, we have some photos from Wyatt’s bonus Sleep-paw-ver hike that I missed posting yesterday!! He’s been dragging a longline for quite a while now as we make sure he’s settled and listening well, but yesterday he got to run completely free and he ACED it. Good boy Wyatt 🥹

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 09/01/2024

Today, while Aunty Mel was off competing in disc with her crew, we stayed close to "home" with the slee-paw-ver dogs for adventure time.

All dogs had a great time running around interacting in the field. Coco staff dog amd Wyatt wrestled lots, Maui played with her brother Loki and rolled around in the cool dirt under the trees sweet Pepper played a little with Wyatt and Coco but mainly followed me around looking for snuggles.

The cabin is all clean and cool ready for the pups to snuggle down for nap time.

Take to field with Lara: Coco, Wyatt, Maui, Pepper and Loki

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/31/2024

Today's adventure kept me on my toes a little having 2 intact males! All in all the hike went smoothly though.

We had 1 encounter, all dogs recalled nicely although the people had an intact female that JUST finished her heat so the 2 boys were keen to have a closer look!

It was a hot one but luckily I brought heaps of water for all plus we found a HUGE puddle in a river bed ❤️

Take to trails with Lara: Vivian, Pepper, Di'ya, Lucy, Abby, Janey, Manny, Wyatt.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/30/2024

Wonderful morning for a hike. As the pups filed out of the van, I noticed a twinkle in there eyes. That twinkle can only mean one thing, yes they headed straight for the mud.

Take to the trails with Cindy: Tilly, Rupert, Leo, Franklin, Flint, Beau, Daisy.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/30/2024

Today's hike, all the pups were laid back and relaxed. I guess all the sunshine made them think it was hot. They still found the energy for the odd zoomy. We funneled that energy into a game of follow the leader. It took a bit of practice, but the crew pulled together and stayed in line.

Take to the trails with Cindy: Maple, Taco, Maggie, Tucker, Lea, Wini, Wyatt, Sadie, Lucas.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/29/2024

We had a beautiful and quiet morning on trail!

These guys are still working on riding in the van nicely together, but once we get them out on the trails they are engagement rivals even that of my Wednesday morning crew 🙌


Well this is exciting! There are only two spots still available for our first drop-in hike on Saturday 7th September. Who is going to jump on the last two?!

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/29/2024

We had 3 encounters today with the same couple (they were lost!), however everyone listened well and stayed close to me..such good puppers!

Maui had the zoomies several times (everyone loves a game of chase!) but was quick to settle once asked.

Birdie was a little sweetie sticking close, sitting perfectly, taking treats nicely.

I love my Wednesday group

Take to trails with Lara: Franklin, Pixel, Dash, Maui, Finn, Birdie, Holly.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/28/2024

Pepper was pretty darn happy to see her old pack this morning! We had a lovely, chill hike with nothing much to report. The best kind of hike 🙌

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/28/2024

Fantastic afternoon for a hike. Sunny but not too hot, and most importantly; we still have mud puddles. Bailey sure perked up after we found them, like 3 black dogs weren't enough? We must have hiked hard because most pups lied down for the group photo.

Take to the trails with Cindy: Gunner, Bailey, Yukon, Nanuk, Pepper, Taco, Maple, Maggie.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/27/2024

Oh the dogs were happy this morning! The local herd of elk had been through the area so recently, we could see all the hoof prints and there was plenty of fresh p**p to try and sneak a mouthful of 💩

While Ruxton did get a short burst of leash time, and Norman got a lesson in pay attention of get ‘left’ behind (all an illusion for his benefit, I promise!), I was super impressed with how well everyone still focused and listened! Such well behaved pups.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/27/2024

Monday afternoon crew was full of excitement. We played follow the leader with Maple leading the pack they all stayed in line. The rain held off until after the group photo, I was prepared with my raincoat.

Take to the trails with Cindy: Maui, Nya, Allie, River, Banga, Rosie, Maple, Di'Ya.

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/26/2024

Today was a true Monday, with an unwell Ellie, me forgetting my rain jacket and the van running into some mechanical trouble - but you’d never know judging by the pups’ faces!!

Especially Odie… I’m really lucky your pawrents are understanding Mr Mudmonster 😂 he had an absolute blast in all the fresh puddles.

Little Pepper is on leash only when she comes to stay, so she got to tag along in the staff dog spot 💜

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/25/2024

We had a full pack for the Sunday Sleep-paw-ver Hike! Besties Rocky, Daisy & Mom tagging along.

I love that we had a Pocket Bully, American Bully and an American Pitbull in the crew - although I forgot to get a photo of them all together!

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/24/2024

I was feeling a little (lot!) exhausted last night, and slept far longer than usual.. I figured to make up for it we better get out asap for a nice long hike, but everyone else was sleepy and mellow too!!

Must have been all the partying in the yard last night 🥳

Photos from Kuri K9 Trail & Train's post 08/24/2024

With zero encounters it gave me a chance to get to know this afternoons group really well.

Janey is quite nervous meeting new people but shortly after arriving on trail I had her taking treats from my hand no problem and within 15 minutes she was trotting along with her tail wagging and a smile on her face.

Maggie had a blast trying to get the party started a few times but with a tiny bit of leash time she realized it was more fun to hang with the pack and walk nicely.

This group had a few different members but all did great together and I really look forward to spending my Friday afternoons with the pack ❤️

Take to trails with Lara and Cindy: Di'ya, Allie K, Abby, Finn, Vivian, Maggie, Janey and Manny.

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Nanaimo, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

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