Abbott Homes

Whether Buying or Selling, Chris Abbott will put his experience and expertise to work to bring you maximum results! visit at;


Did you know that 95% of your Success is Mindset and only 5% is Strategy? You may ‘know’ what to do but there’s a reason why you’re not doing it!

JOIN US for a FREE MASTERCLASS this Tuesday, June 18th at 4pm (Vancouver) and 7pm (Toronto) for an impactful 60 minutes!


• Learn how to build a profitable business!
• Tap into a Winner’s Mindset to shift your results!
• Attract clients to you instead of chasing all of the time!


High Performance Mentor • 20 Years of Experience as a Top 1% Realtor • Real Estate Investor • Speaker

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag


Throwback almost 12 years ago… dedication to the business and a focus on constant learning paid off 👍



Have a read, give it some thought. YOU control YOU.

Don’t keep repeating the same habits and expect a different result. Take CONTROL over your life and your DECISIONS. If you don’t like something, change it. You are not a tree, you can set your mind to anything you desire.

Stop blaming others or external conditions for your current circumstances- take back control, stop being a victim. If you don’t know ‘HOW’ don’t worry, you just have to figure out your ‘WHY?’ and take action... TODAY!

Reach out to learn more about my high performance coaching and mentoring program and how it will take you where you WANT to go!


Book a call with Chris today!


NEW? Or… more of the same?

Today marks ‘Day One’ for me getting back to the gym after a self imposed break. I considered it to be a ‘reset’ so that I could rest my body and enjoy the holidays. Three weeks later and here I am. Did I ‘indulge’ while taking a break? 100%!

So, I am back and resigned that my 2024 version will be leaner, meaner, lighter and much more flexible. My goals are to have ENERGY, to feel GREAT and to be READY for anything! Body follows Mind so what is yours telling you needs to happen this year? What do you KNOW about you that has been neglected and needs immediate attention and change? The ‘stuff’ that only you know about that if you don’t address will eat away at you and rob you of your best self. My friendly message to you is to GET AT IT… NOW!! Let’s GO!


Book with me for a FREE Discovery Call;



Great song btw, but seriously, WHO are YOU?

We don’t come with instruction manuals or directions on how to design and build our lives. That part of the equation is largely ‘provided’ to us by others (parents, teachers, etc...). For example isn’t it interesting that if you grew up in certain parts of the world you would pray to a certain God, eat certain foods, wear certain clothes and hold certain beliefs? Take a look at your likes/dislikes and ask yourself how these beliefs came to be? Politics is a big one for example. We are influenced both genetically and environmentally and this ‘formula’ produces what we call our ‘Self Image’. This is also why we see things such as generational poverty, addiction, abuse, success, failure, etc... our programs set the STANDARDS we use to navigate life, they operate like a compass and filter. One person sees a rainy day and says ‘WONDERFUL’ and another looks at it and says ‘YUCK!’... clearly their perspectives on life have been conditioned very differently. My question for you is how would you describe your dominant character traits? How would others describe them? There are many assessment tools available out there and that I can provide such as the DISC Personality Profile that will show you your four distinct behavioural characteristics which is great for not only you but your manager or partners, etc... I just reviewed mine from 2015 and it’s still in line with today’s assessment which is consistent with my goals for how I wish to conduct myself and interact with others which is nice to know!

If you’re interested in learning more about your traits and likes/dislikes, attitudes and behaviours reach out to me to discuss in further detail. It is an effective baseline tool to start making changes that align with your true self- STOP working against your natural instincts and embrace them or modify how and where necessary. Let’s GO!


Photos from Abbott Homes's post 01/02/2024


The Abbott Family chose to start the year off by soaking in the freezing cold Pacific and embracing it!

What are YOU going to do that pushes your limits this year? Let’s GO!!




The year-end has just about arrived. Now is the time to start thinking about and EVALUATING how you are doing. If you were to sit quietly and honestly ask yourself what went exceptionally ‘well’ and also what didn’t go so well this year, you can start to clearly IDENTIFY what NEEDS TO CHANGE... NOW!

Are you still dragging around the same old doubts, fears and results that aren’t serving you? Are you feeling like an IMPOSTER because you put up a good front but ‘behind the curtain’ you feel like a sell out? Sure, on the outside everything looks ‘good’ but you KNOW that you’re selling yourself short and not fulfilling your potential! Your conditioning has you trapped in a version of yourself that can’t make mistakes, appear vulnerable or imperfect... that my friend is called PRESSURE and it’s a recipe for burnout and stress. I mean, God forbid if our colleagues or friends saw that we didn’t have it all figured out or that we were vulnerable and ‘human’ and not super beings (show me someone... anyone... who is!). We need to constantly be pushing and growing ourselves by taking calculated risks, by stretching (even when uncomfortable) and leading by example. Personally I admire those among us who are MAVERICKS and they are willing to fall flat on their faces and don’t sweat what those on the sidelines think or have to say. These people are INSPIRING and help to push others to ask why they aren’t giving life their ALL. I say go out there and be willing to look foolish, fail, fall... this is called SUCCESS and I can guarantee you that these people are living their life to the fullest!

What do YOU need to change in 2024? Finances? Relationships? Career change? That ‘thing’ that you’ve put on the shelf for way too long? Whatever it is, let’s connect and together we can work to...


Let’s GO! Book your FREE Strategy Session with Chris today!



You CAN’T Have It!

Without being the type of person who CAN achieve what you want, you’ll NEVER get ‘there’! Keep coming up short on your goals? Let me help you to understand the ‘why?’ behind your results and inability to create exactly what you want.

Whether you realize it or not, your SELF IMAGE is operating at all times like an internal GPS mechanism that literally controls 95% of your thinking and actions which of course produces the RESULTS in your life. Whether these are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are for you to examine more closely but I’m willing to bet that there are several areas in your life that you are not completely satisfied with. There are the repeated behaviours and patterns, negative self-talk or procrastination that keeps you STUCK- the good news is, once you understand where your results come from and why, you can get to work on CHANGING THEM!

In this episode, Chris does an in-depth session about your subconscious mind, your programming and what’s really driving your performance! Grab your journal and pen and get ready to take some serious notes, this is a good one! Let’s GO!

*Listen on Spotify, search—> CHANGE YOUR STORY



For those of you with kids, you’ve probably heard the term ‘FOMO’ or ‘fear of missing out’. I don’t know about you but I definitely HAVE missed out on several things that I still regret to THIS DAY because at the time I let FEAR stop me in my tracks... what an absolute shame!

We all know that we can’t get time or certain moments back, they’re just gone. The problem with fear is that it leaves a nasty stain every time you let it ‘win’. Sure, you might not ‘see’ the stain but it is most definitely there, permanently impressed in your subconscious mind. Others may not know it, they may not see it but YOU definitely DO and maybe you’ve become so adept at masking it you trick yourself some of the time but the truth reveals itself in your ACTIONS (or lack of action). You see, letting fear get the best of us erodes our self esteem, it reinforces lack and develops an overpowering sense of defeat that we DON’T EVEN START, we don’t even TRY anymore!

If you’re ‘masking’ some uncomfortable truths and not being your AUTHENTIC SELF because you’re too ‘scared’ to show the world who you really are, you are living in fear and I can tell you- you WILL have regrets! Not doing the thing you were meant to do, be or have will leave you sitting in a quiet room one day further down the road full of remorse and regret over what COULD HAVE BEEN. If you take one thing away from this post it’s this- if you think you ‘can’t’ tell yourself that you MUST! If you think you lack the ‘how’, take the FIRST STEP and do it anyway. When you drive down a country road at night and you can only see 60’ in front of you, you keep driving because you know that the road will light up ahead as you go so use this metaphor to propel you FORWARD! Life is for living so get your butt out there and take ACTION... NOW!

I specialize in helping others achieve the best versions of themselves, if you’re ready to grow reach out to me today for a FREE 30 minute Discovery Session;



But HOW?

Flashback to 12 years ago(!) being a panelist at the Mega Agent Forum sharing my journey to reaching the Top 1% in the real estate industry.

One of the best things you can do to become great at what you do is to become a student of the game and find yourself a Mentor! Look around your surroundings right now and ask yourself WHO could help you to reach that next level? Most Top Performers are more than happy to help others who seek help. That’s a big part of why they are so successful to begin with. They approach all situations looking to add value and contribute. Take advantage of this whenever possible and then one day you will be the one giving back.

If you’re going to do anything DECIDE to be the best you can at it. Don’t take half measures and don’t be satisfied with ‘OK’- go for it!!

If you’re ready to take the leap and tap into your full capabilities reach out to me today! I’ve had many Mentors and Coaches and love watching others SOAR! Let’s GO!!




On tough days, slow days, those days that you’re working hard and not feeling or seeing the results… remain persistent!

All good things take time and must follow the Law of Gestation. Gestation is the amount of time it takes for formless energy to manifest into form. This Law declares that there is a set incubation or gestation period for every seed (physical or spiritual)—a specific span of time that it needs to follow its blueprint to come into physical form.

Once you are dialled-in to the correct path things WILL happen! Don’t doubt and don’t give up! Let’s GO!!



Game. On. 💡✨


Wow! It’s been quite the journey to ‘here’. I wanted to share that after a wonderful 20 years in real estate, I have just stepped down from active practice and will continue to be an active real estate investor but no longer a Realtor. I have been coaching Realtors, Sales Professionals and Individuals for the past six and a half years and the time was right for me to lean into that role full-time. When I reflect on some of my favourite aspects of working with others, I would have to say that helping, guiding and coaching was an integral part of what I loved to do. I probably should have been a teacher if I’m being honest with myself! If you are looking to make a change personally or professionally, follow me on my new page and I hope to connect with you soon! Thank you to all of you who helped me along the way and for those who have supported me- I cannot thank you enough. Looking forward to catching up with you soon, reach out anytime! Cheers and all the best! With gratitude, Chris. 😊✨

Photos from Abbott Homes's post 08/28/2022

Bear Mountain Resort Community!

Stop in at the Westin for a nice brunch- the recent renovations are fabulous and the views are spectacular!

Photos from Abbott Homes's post 08/27/2022

Those who know me know that I am a massive book nerd with an enormous library at home. Part of discovering your community is getting out and exploring. I love finding hidden gems and sharing them with others. Sometimes people who have lived here for years are amazed at what I stumble across and they get out and enjoy it too! Normally it’s food, outdoors, specialty shops, great clothiers, small business, etc… I have a growing list of ‘go-to’s’.

Today’s find was Beacon Books in Sidney. I spent a solid hour there and grabbed three new books for my collection.

If you’re up this way, grab a bite and maybe grab a book… or two!

Photos from Abbott Homes's post 08/02/2022

Bear Mountain Masterpiece!

Resort living with an all-access membership included to the award-winning Jack Nicklaus designed golf courses nestled at Mt. Finlayson

Call if you’re looking to elevate your surroundings and finding a home that truly is a castle!

778.966.6988 ☎️

Primary Agent: Julia Abraham
Primary Broker: RE/MAX Camosun


Create the problem, claim to provide the solution and distribute $45M in bonuses and pay raises to your staff all through the pandemic…

Sound ridiculous? Well, you’d be shocked to know that this is exactly what happened while small business operators were going out of business, home owners were struggling financially and the Bank of Canada (BOC) was printing Billions of dollars of money resulting in a devaluation of our currency and negatively impacting those who don’t own assets in an inflationary bubble. Home ownership, cost of living from food to gas to consumer goods and travel have all been massively impacted in a negative way. True economic growth in terms of GDP is unclear also as there is a rebound effect from the COVID recovery- knowing the actual net-new growth is yet to be determined.

In light of this situation, it all seems very unusual that the Bank of Canada not only printed 40% of the currency in circulation since our country’s inception in the past couple of years but now it has also taken the stick to Canadians with a 1% increase in the prime rate @ (4.70%). An interesting dilemma don’t you think? Print money, devalue savings, create inflation, pump up the prime rate to control the economy and then reward yourself for a job ‘well done’. In my role, I get compensated for producing results- period, end of story- effort, etc… does not apply.

We are without question entering a period of uncertainty but what I do know having done this job for 20 years is that those who have a plan, seek out professional advice and are willing to apply calculated moves with their real estate decisions are always rewarded. Fortune and opportunity favour the bold (and by ‘bold’, I really mean ‘informed’).

I am constantly in contact with a team of highly skilled professionals who know exactly what is happening in terms of financing, stats and development in the real estate market.

If you’re contemplating a move, are feeling uncertain and want to employ a trusted guide to help you move forward with the knowledge you need to feel confident, let’s connect! 778.966.6988


Modern Oceanside Living!

ELIZA at Royal Bay offers a unique lifestyle opportunity to enjoy an elegant, well-built home close to shopping, schools, parks, and the rich natural environment just outside your door.

Embraced by the master-planned community at Royal Bay, your condominium home at ELIZA includes amenities for every stage of life. Conveniently, just steps from your door, will be the vibrant new retail village called The Commons at Royal Bay; plus new schools and beautiful greenways entwined with biking and walking trails—all within view of the Island’s stunning coastline. It’s an ideal setting for the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of. Be part of the first oceanside condo living at Royal Bay, a community for your heart, mind and soul.

Call Chris direct for more pricing and release info! Direct: 778.966.6988


The BC Real Financial Services Authority has just announced another hurdle for Home Sellers in an effort to give the appearance that it is working on helping Home Buyers- the sad reality is that you cannot regulate your way through a supply issue by adding more and more regulations.

In this particular case, the BCFSA has implemented a THREE DAY COOLING OFF period for Home Buyers who submit an Offer that is subsequently accepted. The reason for this law is to “ensure that the Home Buyer can conduct a home inspection and secure financing”. Once the Buyer satisfies those terms, only then can an Offer from a Buyer be formally accepted.

Further, the BCFSA says that this law will prevent Home Buyers from feeling pressured into making ‘ no subject offers’ in multiple-bid situations.

If a Buyer backs out after making an offer during the three-day period, they will have to pay 0.25 per cent of the previously agreed-upon purchase price to the Seller as a penalty- this is insufficient compensation in my professional opinion considering Home Buyers already enjoy the right to request a pre-Offer home inspection with an inspector of their choosing as well as prepare and pre-qualify their financing. If a Home Seller has four Offers and the accepted Offer walks, $2500 of compensation (based on a Million dollars) is nothing if the second Offer was one that would be formally accepted without question between the Purchaser and the Seller.

The best solution to remedy this problem is to increase the housing supply to meet the demand that has presented for years now- especially if we are targeting 400,000+ new Canadians annually.

What do you think?


We are currently seeing an inflationary environment affect consumer confidence and wallets all across the country. Presently, we are at an 8% inflation rate with a target of 2% which is putting pressure on home owners in many ways. Not only are mortgage payments on the rise with hints that there may be three more rate increases to come, food, gasoline and overall living expenses are adding up and impacting on people's choices as they navigate this climate.

Housing prices are dropping rapidly from coast to coast however the worst hit areas are Ontario and Montreal and we are now seeing that move into BC's Interior and Lower Mainland regions. So... what's the 'good' news? Well, we are now entering into a more balanced Buyer/Seller Market, those homes that were listed at inflated prices that didn't warrant it will no longer be rewarded simply for being available, negotiations are back on the table, choice is back on the table, multiple Offers are not an everyday thing and home owners looking to move can list and sell FIRST now and know what their equity position will be when pursuing other properties and submitting Offers- this brings more control to the situation.

What concerns should you be aware of? First, all boats float when the tide is high- make sure that you select a Realtor who has the experience and expertise to help you navigate a 'real' Market. Skill sets are critical when it comes to managing, marketing, negotiating and guiding you through these conditions! Our industry will see many leaving the business and those who have an established set of credentials and a team of Professionals are what you should be going with in these uncertain times.

I am happy to provide you with a no-obligation consult on your situation and to help you achieve your goals. I have been through two decades of up and down Market cycles and will help you find the real estate success that you are looking for! If you know what to do, as the Chinese proverb says, 'Crisis=Opportunity'. Let me be your trusted guide for real estate ~ Let's connect 778.966.6988.


Home of the Day in beautiful Bear Mountain! Home 🏠 ✨


Ucluelet sits on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and is known as an outdoor person’s paradise.

With a rich history, it is one of the most beautiful spots to visit in Canada. Many people visit once and then find themselves coming back to enjoy the laid-back West Coast lifestyle along with all of the rugged beauty and rainforest on the ocean provides.

Visit for more!



Situated within the traditional territory of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, Tofino is known for incredible sunsets.

When I think of both “tropical” and “Canada”, the first place that comes to mind is Tofino. One of Canada's most westerly towns, Tofino faces the Pacific Ocean and is home to some of the best surfing in the country as well as whale watching, hiking, paddling, and so much more!

Oh Canada!! 🇨🇦


So many different housing styles are available in the Greater Victoria area from towns to singles and detached, rural and custom… you name it, it’s here! West Coast exterior finishing that blend modern and traditional features all surrounded by unparalleled natural beauty! What’s not to love?!


New Website is live! Your online real estate resource!


Welcome to picturesque Victoria! Located on the southern-most tip of Vancouver Island making it the most southernly city on the west coast of Canada.. The City's climate is also the most temperate in Canada and it boasts gardens that bloom year-round in a setting surrounded by mountains, the ocean and natural beauty!

Lifestyle options are diverse and you can relocate into any number of scenarios from a thriving core where business and the hustle and bustle is there if you want it OR... you can convene in a more serene setting with quiet landscapes, mature forests, hiking, mountain bike trails, kayaking, boating, fishing and more- the choice is yours!

I am originally from Ontario and have travelled extensively through our beautiful country and all I can say is that I am so glad that my family and I chose to move to such a wonderful environment!

Let me be your trusted guide when you are considering your next real estate move. I've got 20 years of experience and expertise in helping my clients navigate different market conditions and making their experience smooth and stress-free.

Reach out anytime, I look forward to connecting with you!
Direct: 778.966.6988


STUNNING! Bear Mountain living at its finest!

This home is a showpiece and exquisitely crafted from top to bottom! Oh… did I mention that it backs onto an award-winning Jack Nicklaus designed golf course nestled at Mt. Finlayson?

This one is a absolute dream- call if you’re looking to elevate your surroundings and finding a home that truly is a castle!

778.966.6988 ☎️

Primary Agent: Chris Gillespie
Primary Broker: Macdonald Realty Ltd. (Sid)


When you’re thinking about BUYING or SELLING a home… you are focused on just that and don’t necessarily have the time, energy or resources to know what is happening in your market area in real-time.

We are in a time of change when it comes to the Market in terms of inflation, market activity, financing qualifications and requirements and the time on market for homes in different price points.

LET ME and my TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS assist you in taking the stress out of this process so that you can enjoy the best parts and let us handle the rest! It’s our job to make this journey a complete success!

Let’s CONNECT to discuss your next steps…

Photos from Abbott Homes's post 07/10/2022

Phase two… Brand Identity can be built in many different ways. My preference is always through personal connections and referrals earned by producing fantastic results and creating outcomes that make my clients completely happy!

Another step forward in getting local in my neighbourhood and community is getting completed today! Taking it old school with some good old fashioned bus benches to compliment my mailing program and online digital strategy.

Wheels up!! Let’s GOOOO!!!


If you’re relying on the headline news to know what the ‘right’ move is for your real estate situation, DO NOT rely on the ‘experts’ who are often those who take aggregate data and dismiss the local area metrics that are more reliable and more local. For instance, there are opportunities in every market and your situation may be more flexible than other’s situations. Before ruling anything out or jumping to conclusions, you owe it to yourself to consult with an active Realtor and Mortgage Broker to gather real-time facts and information as well as determining a financial strategy that will allow you to get into the real estate market to begin creating long-term wealth and equity. Let’s CONNECT!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

The BC Real Financial Services Authority has just announced another hurdle for Home Sellers in an effort to give the app...
Home of the Day in beautiful Bear Mountain! Home 🏠 ✨
Ucluelet sits on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and is known as an outdoor person’s paradise. With a rich history, i...
Tofino.Situated within the traditional territory of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, Tofino is known for incredible sunse...
New Website is live! Your online real estate resource! Visit #buying #vancouverisland #abbo...
Welcome to picturesque Victoria! Located on the southern-most tip of Vancouver Island making it the most southernly city...
STUNNING! Bear Mountain living at its finest!This home is a showpiece and exquisitely crafted from top to bottom! Oh… di...
When you’re thinking about BUYING or SELLING a home… you are focused on just that and don’t necessarily have the time, e...
Happy Canada Day! So blessed to live in this diverse, generous and beautiful country!#abbotthomes #realtor #realestate #...
Life. Lifestyle. The last I checked, we all get one life and second guessing that little voice that says ‘maybe there’s ...
Is the Sky falling?!In short- no. The reality is that this situation with the markets hasn’t been a question of ‘if’ but...
Preferred Bear Mountain Location. This 4158sqft custom home offers the finest of finishings and an amazing opportunity t...



137-1325 Bear Mountain Pkwy, Victoria, BC
Oakville, ON

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Your Home Sold at 100% of Market Value Guaranteed! Call +1 647 622-8024