LC Healings

LC Healings is all about helping people create inner change within themselves. Welcome. My name is Louise Charbonneau. I am the Life Coach of
LC Healings.

As a coach, I focus on the body, mind, soul, and emotions. I believe emotional freedom is vital for the soul to heal, transform, glow, and evolve. I believe what we seek from the outside world is found within us first and foremost. My specialty is shadow work, breaking generational cycles, traditions, and creating valuable transformational change that will bring inner to outer healing, peace, and


As we reflect upon 2023 let gratitude be the fuel to bring in 2024.

The good, and the bad experiences of the pass year 2023 are all blessings in disguise to steer our own ship in new avenues of possibilities!

Let us be guided by self-love, vulnerability and authenticity in 2024. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!


Perfection is an illusion

For some strange reason, most humans seek out perfection within themselves and their life course journey.

Why is that? To seek perfection means you want to be, become and create flawlessness’! You wanting what you do to be flawless – to be perfect is that realistic? I personally, today, would say no.

I was one of many of you to seek perfection, especially within myself and the creation of my life direction.

After decades of pursuing perfection, I have come to realize perfection is an illusion. It is not real and feasible, especially to the self. I’ve come to acknowledge that when we seek perfection in all shapes and forms it means it isn’t good enough – I am not good enough.

We tend to belittle ourselves and put our self-esteem down when we don’t achieve this so-called perfection. Perfection doesn’t build confidence. It is an illusion that it does.
Remember perfection means flawless.

No one, I mean no one during their lifetime here on earth will ever be flawless! The more we strive for perfection the less we truly feel about ourselves. Perfection stands in the way of many valuable and tangible assets we possess within the self naturally such as one’s vulnerability, authenticity, identity, and most importantly sensitivity. It robs us of simplicity. It is easier to accept oneself for who we are than to strive for perfection in my opinion.

This illusion to striving for perfection will make one happy and satisfied is deceitful. It is blindness to reality. It is impossible as everything in life has flaws and so does humanity.

When we embody perfection, we set ourselves up for disappointment as we keep going around in circles of never being good enough or it isn’t good enough!

That alone is self-destructive. It is called self-sabotage. When we have a hard time perfecting what we desire to perfect we tend to eventually give up, go into self-pity mode or we criticize ourselves for not being able to achieve the highest potential of our desired outcome. If failure doesn’t feel good, perfection with time doesn’t either especially if we fail to achieve it!

When we accept who we are, the good, the bad, the ugly, and our inner and outer flaws we embrace our authenticity with more ease and grace. Only then, do we have a better chance to accomplish greater things in our lifetime than seeking perfection that restrains our progress as it simply feels never good enough and it is exhausting.

In life, most often, the beauty we seek comes from the imperfection of life itself!

Once we let go of perfection, we become clearer about who we are and what we bring forth to humanity. Only then, I believe one can achieve one’s soul purpose!


We all dream about what we would like to manifest in our lives. Sometimes these desires might feel so far away. Every step we take to manifest our wishes into reality brings us a step closer to the desired outcome we seek.

One might have to climb a staircase that may contain 20, 50, or even 100 steps, but with every step you take, you gain momentum, and you feel more powerful to continue your journey because you develop the strength and courage to seek it through.

When you envision yourself on top of that staircase with every step you take, you become a powerful manifestor of your destiny. Then, one day, you realize you are on top of that staircase that seemed so dreadful to climb when you took that first step.

When we believe in the impossible, everything becomes possible.

If you put your heart and soul into it, you can and will achieve the impossible!


Never give up

Sometimes it seems easy to give up on our hopes, dreams, and wishes. Sometimes we see no way out; it simply feels hopeless. We feel trap in a vicious web.

We ask ourselves, Why even continue to try when it feels so far away from our reach? Even at times, we feel like it’s a waste of time and energy and say to ourselves, I’ll never make it.

We see all the negative aspects of continuing on this path. Especially if we don’t have the resources to move things forward.

In reality, it is really an illusion that we don’t have the necessities. It is the ego mind that wants to keep you in a safe zone by telling you, Don’t risk it; you might be disappointed, regretful, and waste your time trying.

In reality, there is never a waste of time, energy, or money because, whether you succeed or fail, you’ve gained something in the process of trying and not giving up.

You gain knowledge and wisdom so that you can do it better next time. You gain self-confidence and self-esteem by just trying. You gain more trust in your abilities and intuition if you haven’t tried at all.

There is always a solution to every challenge and obstacle we face when we go after our dreams, hopes, and wishes.

That solution is to never give up on what you believe, deep in your soul, you can achieve.

By not giving up, one day you wake up and realise how far you have come in accomplishing what your heart has set out to do.

Believe that anything and everything is possible. Never let go of the warrior in you!

There is always a way out, and a solution is just around the corner. Mindset is your superpower!

I had every reason to give up, but here I am today, further than I could have ever imagined possible within my past life circumstances.

I became a life coach to help others achieve what they believe is impossible. Reach out to me if you want to connect and discuss how I can be of service to you.


The magic comes from the heart.

Life often throws us curveballs from childhood to adulthood. Some and lots of those curveballs create inner pain, suffering, and sorrow in our lives, especially when we carry this from childhood, which I did.

This pain, suffering, and sorrow leave a bad imprint on our hearts. The heart centre is where we feel the most. With time, we close off our hearts because it can no longer support additional traumas. We built walls so high around it—I know I had. We automatically refuse to let go of what has happened to us, so we create other feelings and emotions such as resentment, not trusting others, and often judging ourselves and others. We create blockages to not let anyone in. We even create a sour taste of bitterness because our pain and suffering are so profound. I know I did.

Our heart is large enough to carry a big load of past memories, trauma, obstacles, and challenges, but honestly, it can endure only so much before we close ourselves off from reality and from healing, as it is too painful and unfair, and we oftentimes reside with a sense of blame, shame, and vengeance inside our heart centre.

When, we totally shut off our hearts for a very long period of time to preserve and protect it, like I did, it is extremely hard to open it up again.

And, when you do decide to open your heart, well, the truth is, you’ve got to face your own inner truth and demons.

Lots of old memories, tragedies, obstacles, or past challenges will resurface. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, but lots will resurface, especially if it hasn’t been dealt with and healed in a very long time, like I had.

You can shut down and close off your heart to avoid this, as I have done for many, many years, but the reality is that once you decide to reopen it, you have to face the unavoidable.

It takes courage, strength, willpower, and lots of faith to empty the old baggage the heart has carried forward that has been unresolved for the longest, but it is doable, feasible, and very rewarding to do so.

My piece of advice is to heal as you go. Don’t ever shut your heart off to protect yourself. Deal with the pain, suffering, or sorrow you feel right away. Don’t let it build up as I did because there is a price to pay, and unfortunately, it is not the one who has hurt your heart that pays that price—it’s you.

You simply deny yourself to be free of your past to feel liberated and whole again. You deny yourself the ability to love yourself, others, and the world in general. You become sceptical of everyone, and your judgement is blurry because your heart is closed off.

Release the pain and suffering. Let go of what was; forgive yourself and others. Acknowledge the life lesson behind it and accept that you can’t change it; simply accept and forgive it. That is how you heal your heart centre.

Every time you go within and see the cause and effect of a painful, hurtful, or unacceptable situation, you have the ability to face and heal those wounds and that storyline. Afterwards, you can be free to experience a new, healthier storyline.

Mindset is everything, especially when you’ve come to terms with your past disappointments, huddles, traumas, and tragedies. Once the healing is done and the heart centre is healed and rebalanced, a positive mindset will cause an effect to generate a new start, a new happier storyline for yourself. Then, you are now the master of your own destiny. Only then, the past no longer has a grip or control over you.

The magic resides healing from the heart centre.

As a lifecoach, I had a need to share my life experiences and inspire others on their healing journey.

If I can help one soul avoid the mistake I've done then I'm happy to post my story and experiences.

I'm always available to help others on their journey to self empowerment.


Change your mindset, change your life!


Sing to your own song; be authentically you!

Parable spiritual lesson

Sometimes it is hard to sing one's own authentic song, especially if you are surrounded by people who don't sing or resonate with the same melody as you.

What do you do? Do you sing to their melody?

What happens when you sing to other people’s melodies just to fit in?

You deny a piece of yourself to beat at a higher rythm. Your song is no longer authentic. It is no longer an original. Every time we sing the same song as others that doesn't fit with us, we lose a part of our own creativity. Every syllable you wish to sing becomes out of line with others. Eventually, these syllables vanish in thin air, and you become invisible.

Be original; don’t rob yourself of this privilege. Sing to your own tunes and melodies and see your creativity flow, which wants to make your heart not skip a beat.

It is very easy to copyright, but there is no real value in doing so. An original song will always be a bestseller, especially for those for whom the words and melody resonate with them.

Sing your own song, be original and authentically you, and discover how many more fans you have that are aligned to sing along at the same beat as you do.

Don’t try to fit in just to please others or because you fear your words have no power or value; in the end, it simply undervalues you, not others!

When we embody our authentic selves, no one can take that away from us. Genuiality is a precious gift that life offers to each of us. It is part of our birthright!

The lesson is: do not shy away; dare to speak your truth; be different; and be you!



These are powerful words that have the potential to transform your life in more ways than you could ever imagine.

These words have value. It has positive energy to uplift any grey, bloomy days. It has the magic to transform and elevate your persona, so you can embody your true identity.

These words, with time, take away any self-doubt, judgement, or criticism and have the magic to transmute self-acceptance within the self.

The power behind these words puts to rest the ego mind that tells you differently about yourself.

The blessings that come with expressing these words to oneself on a daily basis are rewarding, blissful, and gratifying.

A new version of you is embodied when we embrace these magical words. You gain self-confidence and self-esteem. You give yourself the inner gift of feeling and embracing your worth. In return, you know you are enough, valuable, and a beautiful, loveable soul just as you are. Love ❤️ is magic!

I AM LOVED and I AM LOVEABLE are meant to be expressed to the self because that’s where the power of magic resides—a sense of wholeness settles gradually within you. I know this to be true from my own experience.

Mindset is powerful and magical when you believe and embody it!

Try it for a month and some, morning and night, every day, and see the changes that transpire within you!

If you seek help, guidance, or simply need to talk, I am available to listen. Please reach out to me.


Your ego only wants to keep you safe.

One reason the ego exists is to keep us safe. That is its positive intent, but at what cost?

Perhaps it is time to let go of the ego that wants to keep you safe in the same old, same old routine because of past trauma, life challenges, and obstacles that are overdue to be healed and released.

In doing so, you can be free to be your authentic self without the need to be protected by the ego, which only wants to keep you blocked, stuck, or at a standstill from achieving your highest potential.

Back in the day, we created a safe zone with positive intent to protect ourselves.
It is possible to break free of this safe mode you are trapped in and explore more on a universal level of where you are in your life.

The ego is like a computer that runs in safe mode; it simply limits your true potential to explore what is real and possible outside of its comfort zone.

The ego will give you limited information. Its database is created to keep you safe from the big, wild world of universal possibilities. The ego doesn’t have real power over you. You can choose to run your computer either in safe mode or universal mode.

It's as simple as that! Once we decide what we truly desire to create, investigate, explore, or perform with our inner database that is larger than life, amazing potential possibilities exist awaiting our command.

To work on a computer in safe mode is limitless in terms of the potential possibilities of creativity. You can perform the same thing with the ego mind in safe mode, again it limits the potential lifestyle you can create during your time here on earth.

Let go of the letter E in ego —eliminate safe mode—and embrace the Go for forward movement to a liberating life.

Remember, your inner database is more powerful than the limitless database of the ego mind. Explore the extravagance possibilities inner wisdom has to offer to enhance your life.

When you become a spiritually awakened soul, the ego is easily pushed aside. You no longer need its protection to keep you safe, as your inner compass is activated to guide you in the right direction that nourishes your soul’s growth and evolution.

The ego mind doesn’t let you grow and evolve; it simply stays at a standstill in a safe mode with no real forward movement. The ego wants you to feel comfortable in protection mode and not let you create the changes you crave for.

Why do we still continue to let the ego mind control the outcome of our life course and destiny?

Remember, the ego’s positive intent was to keep you safe when you needed it the most back in the day?

Today you can create new positive intent that will reprogram your ego mind so that you no longer need that same protection, if you choose to.

There are very few things we have control over in our lifetime, but one thing we do have control over and have the willpower to do is change the programming of our ego to best meet our wants, needs, and desires at this moment in time, the present. That is what our spiritual soul requires of us to have the ability to move Beyond the conscious mind. The treasure of life is found in the unconscious mind, in inner wisdom.

The conscious mind, or ego, sees things in a very limited way. It only wants to keep you safe and boxed in within a certain comfort zone. Most often, the ego mind stops you from achieving your dreams, mission, and purpose because of past trauma, challenges, and obstacles as mentioned above.

Now is the time to reprogram your ego mind and take your powers back if you desire to take your life in a new direction.

There are many tools available to achieve this. If you would like to know more how I have achieve this for myself reach out and let's connect.


Loving oneself is a precious gift that life offers us unconditionally.

Too many don’t always inhibit this within themselves.

It is easy to love outside of our own selves. It is a challenge to love oneself unconditionally.

We tend to put limits, barriers, and conditions on our own self-image and persona when, in reality, we should set boundaries around what or whom puts us down to not see our own inner beauty.

Too much of the outside world influences our inner world. Too many go about their everyday lives seeking outside pleasure or approval to nourish their inner insecurities, such as through people-pleasing, outside affirmation or influence, and most of all, outside mirroring as comparing oneself to others.

We all have a purpose in life. I believe that to be able to accomplish this, one needs to first and foremost love oneself. To get to know who and what one is made of and to be able to accept all parts of who you are—the ugly and the beautiful—when we embrace this oneness within, love becomes pure, and love becomes your mission and purpose in life, not for others but for yourself.

The key to a sustainable, meaningful, joyful, and satisfying life is to learn to love yourself unconditionally. Only then does true love flow towards you in all shapes and forms. Only then can you obtain the quality of life you desire and deserve.

Don’t seek outside approval; seek inner approval and self-acceptance, as only you have this key within you.


It is easy to get sidetracked, be in our head, and become overwhelmed by life.
It is important to take some time out to breathe, be in the present moment, and see the beauty that surrounds us. It helps us see things from a different perspective. Positive solutions or answers are always found within a peaceful mind.


Feel it! See it! Believe it! Embrace it! It all starts from your heart centre.


When we are carefree, we tend to let go of or not involve ourselves in the gossip and drama that surround us.

We have the ability to think for ourselves. We are more able to see the good in others, be sensitive and mature, with the ability to feel into someone else's experience as if we were in their shoes—empathy.

Most importantly, we tend to let go of our own shallow side and develop deeper connections that bring value and respect into our lives.

The benefit of being carefree is that you gain a deeper understanding of who you are. You start to recognise the qualities that inhibit you—your own depth.

Dare to be carefree and fly like a bird—do you! Discover your own inner depth, as amazing things are hidden within you that want to be exposed and brought to light.


We become whole from the inside out when we take the time to ground ourselves.

The benefits of doing so are limitless. We have more control over our scattered mind and can make better decisions from a higher perspective.

You don't need money to buy peace of mind; it is free!

Give yourself a helping hand to put mindfulness into practise. Over a short period of time, you will see the benefits.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose except your scattered mind!


Dreams do come true. We just need to think positively, dream big and envision it as you already have it.

Everyone can dream big and manifest to fruitation. Manifestation isn’t about wishful thinking. It’s about faith—believing it will and can happen. It’s about making your dreams come alive with intentions, actions, and follow-through.

That’s where the magic comes from. That’s how the universe responds.
If you work towards your dreams, the universe will give back twice what you’ve put in.

If you believe in yourself, in the law of attraction, and in miracles, then life will surprise you as well.

Dream big, reach for the stars and believe in the impossible!


Tonight is a new moon. It is a time of introspection and acknowledgment of how far we've come and what we've accomplished since the last new moon.

Excellent time to write in your journal what you want and set new intentions for the month ahead. Proper time to envision and manifest with clarity new beginnings, projects, dreams, goals, and wishes.


Never give up...dreams do come true


Energetically, we create the life we live. If you surround yourself with drama, unfortunately, it will eventually pull you down. We all have a choice. Choose wisely whom you give your energy to.


Resistance is the little devil within us that is indecisive.

It is that little voice within that tells you all the time, "Yes, it is better I stay put, no I can’t, maybe, I don’t know, I’m uncertain, or I’m not ready”. It creates doubt and paralyses any forward movement.

When we are in resistance mode, it creates insecurities. We tend to second guess what we know to be true and valid.

Resistance also creates inner fears, illusions, and false-based facts.

In the past, I resisted breaking off relationships even though I knew they were either toxic, abusive, unhealthy, lacking in respect and value, and not in my best interest.

I resisted expressing my true feelings. I resisted taking appropriate action. Furthermore, I second-guessed and made excuses instead. I told myself it would change. He will change. I will change, or maybe it will get better with time.

In resistance, we lie to ourselves, we refuse to accept the inevitable, and most of all, we fear letting go of the uncertainty of what lies ahead of us.

We tend to look at the past or too far into the future. We decline to make any move in the hope that everything will fall into place.

With resistance, we want to control things or any outcome, and we hold on tight at any cost. It is self-destructive.

The longer we resist, the harder it gets to break free from it. We tend to avoid anything that feels uncomfortable.

In my past, my resistance was associated with fear of lost, change, the unknown, and being on my own!

When we finally embrace our resistance and take positive action, we feel empowered, confident, capable, liberated, and most of all, accomplished, just to name a few.

The outcome outweighs our resistance, which keeps us unhappy, unfulfilled, unloved, unappreciated, undervalued and so forth.

At face value, in resistance, we struggle or oppose change.

The challenge is to embrace your resistance and see your resistance transform.

In the end, you will be glad you conquer it!


When we give ourselves permission to self-love and self-care we feel rejuvenated.

The more we practice this for ourselves the more we gain in return. We feel more patient, balance, nurturing, energetic, alive and vibrant.

It is vital from time to time to put oneself first. Everyone aound you benefits from it.

There are multiples ways we can self-love and self-care. We can go for a walk, take a nice bath, read a book, sit in the sun, take time to write in a journal, meditate, etc..

It is not a luxury but a necessity to do so!

If you do not prioritize yourself no one else will do it for you.

It is time for ME TIME!


Feelings are a precious gift of life. Good and bad emotions are what make us feel alive inside and out. Without emotions and feelings, our lives would be dull and meaningless.

It is what nourish our body, mind, and soul.

We could not coexist without emotions.

There are no real downfalls to emotions and feelings, as they play a vital role in our time here on earth.

As individuals, we are all unique, and we all feel and deal with our emotions and feelings at different frequencies.

It doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are, how successful or unsuccessful you are, or how introverted or extrovert you are; we all experience at some point or another in our lives feelings and emotions that overpower or hurt us to the bones of our souls, and we all feel some of the good feelings and emotions, such as love.

Emotions are not meant to be ignored and pushed aside; they are meant for us to feel, process, heal, transform, grow, and evolve.

That is how we learn and prosper in our individuality throughout our journey here on earth.

Sadly, many of us hide our true feelings and suffer in silence. To not express our emotions and feelings can lead us to a path that is exhausting and dreadful, or expressing them can lead us to a path of inner freedom and liberation.

We all have free will here on earth to choose the path that best meets our wants and needs.

The first step is to ask for help if needed or talk to someone, but don’t ignore or push aside your emotions and feelings, as they won’t evaporate on their own.


Sometime we just need to hear it....


Sometimes, we all need a little reminder to keep us afloat, even me.

Life can sometimes be very busy, hectic, challenging, and destructive, leaving us to question our decision-making and even the direction our life is going.

One thing you should not do is second-guess who you are, what you value, and what you strive to achieve.

Believe in the power of the invisible, in what is not yet seen, and believe in yourself.

Importantly, do not forget that you matter most of all!


What are you thankful today for?


Steer your ship in the direction that will manifest what your soul desires.

Don't let others sink your ship, be the warrior of your own fate!


When we exhibit our true identity, our uniqueness, we stop seeing life in black and white.

We create a new, colorful vision for ourselves that brightens our pathway to the inner truth. Embrace and accept all the facets of who you are.

Black and white is soulless! You were born to be a luminous soul!


Everything we desire starts with an open mind. Your soul knows the way; your intuition will guide you if you listen, take action, and trust the process.


It's time to invest in you.

I thought raising three kids was the hardest job on earth, but today I realised the hardest job on earth is self-healing and self-transformation.

We put so much time, energy, and investment into others that oftentimes we forget we exist.

We tend to give so freely our love, affection, and attentiveness to others that there is little left for us to survive on.

We tend to be so generous to help others in their times of weakness, sorrow, pain, and suffering that we ignore looking in the mirror at our own.

Then, one day, we wake up and realise we have fallen apart. Time flew by, and here we are questioning our past, our choices, the direction we took our lives, and the decisions we’ve made, and we feel empty inside and out as there is nothing left to give.

We feel unbalanced, out of source, unhappy, discontent, and most of all, we feel life is unfair, and we tend to say why? Why me?

It took me years to comprehend that time doesn’t wait for me to take control of my own sanity, to heal my own wounds before others, to give to me, to love and care for myself first and foremost.

If I had known this life lesson, I would not have self-sacrificed for others as much as I did because the baggage I carried for over 25 years took me 15 years of self-healing to understand and transform my life to the point where, today, I feel I have an identity of my own where the past doesn’t interfere with my present.

When you put everyone before you, one day you wake up with this emptiness and heaviness inside. Where you feel you’ve carried all of the world’s burden on your shoulder.

Don’t wait like I did to start your self-healing journey, as we all carry baggage from the past into the present, but eventually it will weigh you down and swallow you alive if you continue to ignore the signs that it’s time to put you first ahead of the game of life.

Heal as you go is the key to avoiding burnout, depression, stress, anxiety, or a lack of knowledge of who you are and where you fit in this world.

Remember, old baggage is carried forward into your present if not taken care of, and eventually it eats away at your identity, destroying your precious relationships, your sanity, and most of all, your self-worth.

Don’t be a victim of your past; be a survivor and a warrior of your present, as your future isn’t here yet.

Choose the present to self-heal and transform your life. If you don't, then that’s when life, one day or another, forces you to be down to the bones.

If you feel it's time to invest in you and you seek guidance where to start on your healing journey, I'm available to help.

Time isn’t on your side, as it doesn’t wait for you!

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