Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists

We represent and support the more than 20,000 occupational therapists (OTs) who work or study in Canada. #OT365


New podcast episode! 🎙️

Join Holly Reid, an Indigenous OT and PhD candidate, and host Justine Jecker, to explore collaborative relationship-focused occupational therapy.

Listen today!


Nouvel épisode balado! 🎙️

Rejoignez Holly Reid, ergothérapeute autochtone en études doctorales, et l'animatrice Justine Jecker, pour explorer l'ergothérapie axée sur les relations collaboratives.

Écoutez-le dès maintenant! (disponible en anglais)


Participez à un Forum sur la santé mentale dans les collectivités rurales et éloignées et sur la santé liée à la consommation de substances avec l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale CMHA National / ACSM National et le Centre for Community Based Research.

🧠 Tu souhaites contribuer à améliorer la santé mentale dans les collectivités rurales et éloignées? Joins-toi à l’ACSM National et au Centre for Community Based Research à l’occasion de l’un de nos forums régionaux virtuels pour faire connaître tes idées et aider à façonner une stratégie nationale. Veillons ensemble à répondre aux besoins uniques de nos communautés! 🌾 Pour en savoir plus et t’inscrire aujourd’hui, clique ici :


Attend a Rural and Remote Mental Health & Substance Use Health Forum with the Canadian Mental Health Association CMHA National / ACSM National and the Centre for Community Based Research.

🧠 Want to make a difference in rural and remote mental health? Join CMHA National and the Centre for Community Based Research in one of our online regional forums to share your ideas and help shape a national strategy. Let’s address the unique needs of our communities together! 🌾 Learn more and register today:


We are pleased to announce the appointment of Irving Gold as our new CEO following an extensive search process-

CAOT’s current CEO, Hélène Sabourin, is retiring this fall after an impressive 41-year career in the health care sector and nearly six years at the helm of CAOT. The CEO handover will take place on October 15, 2024.


Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la nomination d'Irving Gold Ă  titre de nouveau chef de la direction, Ă  la suite d'un processus de recherche exhaustif.

La cheffe de la direction actuelle de l'ACE, Hélène Sabourin, prend sa retraite cet automne après une impressionnante carrière de 41 ans dans le secteur des soins de santé et près de six ans à diriger l'ACE. La transition aura lieu le 15 octobre 2024.

Photos from Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists's post 18/09/2024

You’ll learn about the challenges and opportunities presented at the intersection of occupational therapy, women’s health, and the refugee experience, as well as the crucial role mentorship plays in trauma-focused occupational therapy practice.

Read the July/August issue of OT Now-


Vous découvrirez les défis et les possibilités qui se présentent à l’intersection de l’ergothérapie, de la santé des femmes et de l’expérience des personnes réfugiées, ainsi que le rôle crucial du mentorat dans une pratique de l’ergothérapie axée sur les traumatismes.

Lisez le numéro de juillet/août d'Actualités ergothérapiques-


Hélène Sabourin, CAOT CEO, and Candice McEwen, Government Relations Manager, met with Senator Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia today to advocate for the inclusion of occupational therapists in the Canada Student Loan Forgiveness Program.

A former physician in Newfoundland and Labrador, Senator Ravalia understands the importance of OTs in team-based care – particularly in rural and remote communities.

Wonderful to meet you and thank you for your time Senator Ravalia!


Hélène Sabourin, cheffe de la direction de l'ACE, et Candice McEwen, gestionnaire des relations gouvernementales, ont rencontré le sénateur Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia aujourd'hui pour plaider en faveur de l'inclusion des ergothérapeutes dans le Programme d'exonération des prêts d'études.

Ancien médecin à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, le sénateur Ravalia comprend l'importance des ergothérapeutes dans les équipes de soins, en particulier dans les communautés rurales et éloignées.

Nous sommes ravis de vous rencontrer et nous vous remercions de nous avoir accordé de votre temps sénateur Ravalia!


We’re hiring: CAOT-British Columbia Regional Director-

The full-time CAOT-BC Regional Director will represent the occupational therapy membership of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory by working with an Advisory Committee and local occupational therapy leaders. The major areas of responsibility include the advancement of professional practice services and resources, and advocacy, representation, and engagement.

Find out more and apply by September 25, 2024.

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists


Gain the core skills needed to delivery exposure therapy confidently and effectively while incorporating the occupational therapy lens-

You'll learn about:

âś… Core features of anxiety disorders
âś…Cognitive and behavioural maintenance factors
âś…Identifying core fears
âś…Overview of exposure therapy
âś…Outlining exposure therapy process, session agendas
âś…Developing an exposure menu
âś…Designing exposure plans
âś…Troubleshooting when things don't go as planned

➡️ Exposure therapy for anxiety disorders: A beginner’s guide for occupational therapy
November 8, 2024 or April 17, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(Eastern Time)
Presented by occupational therapists Aliza Ladak & Nathania Lukman

Register now.


Now you have the option to pay monthly, instead of in one lump sum!

Explore your membership options with CAOT-


Vous avez désormais la possibilité de payer votre assurance mensuellement, plutôt qu’en une seule fois!

Explorez vos options d'adhésion à l'ACE!


Appel à intérêt pour une directrice ou un directeur intérimaire du conseil d'administration - Québec-

Nous acceptons à présent les candidatures pour un mandat commençant immédiatement et se terminant le 25 septembre 2025!


Call for interest for an interim Québec Board Director-

We are now accepting nominations for a term starting immediately to September 25, 2025!

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists


Is there an organization, or a group of drivers who you think would benefit from participating in a CarFit Event to learn about person-vehicle fit?

We offer live, virtual events that are available on request (subject to availability)!

Submit yours today-


Current best practice for Long COVID and ME/CFS involves a symptom management approach, in which occupational therapists play a vital role within interdisciplinary teams.

By applying best practices in symptom management, you can empower your clients to safely and sustainably participate in occupations that align with their strengths and unique needs.

Participate in our one-day workshop to learn more-

➡️ Long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): An occupational therapy approach
October 17, 2024
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(Eastern Time)
Presented by occupational therapists Jennifer Mauritz & Jennifer Hodges

Photos from Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists's post 13/09/2024

This open-access issue of OT Now highlights the breadth and scope of support and services that occupational therapists can and do provide to those who experience trauma.

Read it now-


Ce numéro en libre accès d’Actualités ergothérapiques met en lumière l’étendue du soutien et des services que les ergothérapeutes peuvent fournir aux personnes ayant subi un traumatisme.

Lisez-le dès maintenant-


Occupational therapist Tania Percy unpacks the toolbox of measures to assess functional cognition in our upcoming workshop-

Familiarize yourself with the utility and application of each measure for determining an individual’s suitability and challenges for employment.

➡️ Occupational therapy assessment of functional cognition for employment: Unpacking the toolbox
September 12, 2024 or June 19, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET
Presented by occupational therapist Tania Percy

Register now!


We’re seeking an Indigenous Director to fill a NEW position on the CAOT Board-

We are now accepting nominations for a term starting immediately to September 30, 2025.

Nominate a colleague today!


Nous sommes Ă  la recherche d'une directrice ou d'un directeur autochtone pour occuper un NOUVEAU poste au sein du conseil d'administration de l'ACE-

Nous acceptons les candidatures pour un mandat commençant immédiatement et se terminant le 30 septembre 2025.

Proposez des collègues dès aujourd'hui!


April Vander Veen and Debbie Laliberte Rudman are recognized for their outstanding article in the Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy titled “Rethinking Driving Against Medical Advice: The Situated Nature of Driving After Stroke.”

Congratulations! 🎉


April Vander Veen et Debbie Laliberte Rudman sont honorées pour leur article exceptionnel dans la R***e canadienne d'ergothérapie intitulé « Rethinking Driving Against Medical Advice: The Situated Nature of Driving After Stroke ».

Félicitations! 🎉


Gain an understanding of self-stigma and to learn how self-stigma may impact your clients who are experiencing chronic pain-


The Canada Disability Benefit Regulations have been published, and the Government of Canada is inviting you to read and comment on both the proposed regulations which details how the Canada Disability Benefit would be administered and delivered and the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS)-

The RIAS is a description of the proposed regulations, rationale for the approaches, as well as an assessment of their cost and positive and negative effects.

The deadline to share your thoughts is September 23rd.

Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 158, Number 26: Canada Disability Benefit Regulations June 29, 2024, Part 1, Volume 158, Number 26, Canada Gazette


Attend the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) 2024 Annual Conference in Kansas City, MO from October 5-7-

This is your chance to:

👉 Network at the largest auto mobility industry expo in the U.S.A.
👉 Experience the best auto mobility dealer education anywhere.
👉 Engage with the top auto mobility operators in the world.


La conférence annuelle de National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) se tiendra à Kansas City (MO) du 5 au 7 octobre 2024 et aura pour thème "The Era of Auto Mobility Excellence"!

Pourquoi participer ?
👉 Réseautez au plus grand salon de l'industrie de la mobilité automobile aux États-Unis.
👉 Faites l'expérience de la meilleure formation pour les concessionnaires de mobilité automobile.
👉 Rencontrez les meilleurs opérateurs de mobilité automobile au monde.


If you’re ready to expand your knowledge and skills and take a leadership role with the CarFit program in Canada, complete our virtual CarFit Instructor training.

Sign up for this free, 40-hour self-paced training today-


Childhood trauma can have a significant effect on the sensory systems, attachment and capacity for regulation, and on school performance.

Take our online course to be able to:

➡️ Explain the connection between attachment and trauma and the impact of trauma on the developing brain.
➡️Recognize what trauma looks like in the school setting.
➡️Re-frame student behaviour through the trauma lens.
➡️Describe how trauma impacts occupational participation in the school setting.
➡️Implement practical strategies for supporting children and youth with trauma in the school setting.

This is a fully asynchronous online course that you can complete at a time that is convenient for you, in the 90 days following purchase. Estimated time to complete the course is 7.5 hours.

Start today-

Photos from 9-8-8: Su***de Crisis Helpline Ligne d'aide en cas de crise de su***de's post 10/09/2024

🦋 World Su***de Prevention Day is observed on September 10th every year, to provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent su***de. It aims to inspire individuals, communities, and organizations to engage in open and honest discussions about su***de and suicidal behaviour.

👉 Join us on Thursday for a forum facilitated by our Addressing Su***de in OT Practice Network and 9-8-8: Su***de Crisis Helpline, Canada’s new three-digit service .

FREE for all CAOT members-


🦋 La Journée mondiale de la prévention du su***de est célébrée le 10 septembre de chaque année afin de susciter un engagement et une action à l'échelle mondiale en faveur de la prévention du su***de. Elle vise à inciter les individus, les communautés et les organisations à s'engager dans des discussions ouvertes et honnêtes sur le su***de et les comportements suicidaires.

👉 Joignez-vous à nous ce jeudi pour un forum animé par notre Réseau de pratique sur le su***de et l’ergothérapie et 9-8-8 : Ligne d’aide en cas de crise de su***de, le nouveau service au numéro à trois chiffres du Canada .

C'est gratuit pour tous les membres de l'ACE-


Photos from Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists's post 09/09/2024

đź“– Have you read the July/August issue of OT Now yet? It's now open access!-


📖 Avez-vous lu le numéro de juillet/août d'Actualités ergothérapiques? Il est maintenant en libre accès!-


It's true, you can now find us on Instagram. Follow us to catch the latest in Dal School of OT news and happenings. Dal HealthCanadian Association of Occupational TherapistsNova Scotia Society of Occupational Therapists (NSSOT)Dalhousie UniversityCanadian Institutes of Health


Gain practical skills, and learn about a structure for occupational therapy assessment and interventions, and clarify outcomes for mental health discharge.

In our upcoming workshop, you will be guided through entry points to assess mental health function and needs such as behaviour activation, assessing/improving function, coping strategy training, and promoting four mental health outcomes to decrease relapse and readmission.

Four coping modules will be reviewed specifically to target outcomes for successful transition to the community. Small group discussions and practice opportunities will be utilized throughout the workshop to support your learning.

➡️ Delivering occupational therapy services in mental health: Clarifying roles, assessment, interventions, coping strategy content, and teaching process
📆 October 24, 2024 or June 6, 2025
🕰️ 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(Eastern Time)
Presented by occupational therapist Theresa Straathof


Recently SOT Director, Paula Rushton was given the opportunity to offer a keynote presentation at the Latin American Seating Symposium called Wheelchair Skills Program: EvoluciĂłn de Evidencia en PediatrĂ­a y Recursos.

This presentation described the evolution of the Wheelchair Skills Program pediatric wheelchair skills training resources, including a Pediatric Handbook, Storybooks, Instructional Posters, and Training Workbooks, and how these resources can be used in clinical practice and research.

➡Resources can be found here:

Canadian Association of Occupational TherapistsDalhousie UniversityDal HealthNova Scotia Society of Occupational Therapists (NSSOT)Occupational Therapy Scotia Health


The Personal offers personalized home, vehicle, pet, and travel insurance coverage and quality service to CAOT members at attractive discounted rates-


La Personnelle offre aux membres de l'ACE une couverture d'assurance personnalisée pour l'habitation, les véhicules, les animaux de compagnie et les voyages, ainsi qu'un service de qualité à des tarifs préférentiels intéressants.


Submit an abstract to present at CAOT Conference 2025 in amiskwacîwâskahikan/Edmonton, AB-

This is an opportunity for you to share your knowledge and strategies for:
👉 promoting occupational participation
👉 advocating for change
👉 introducing innovations
👉 influencing health care delivery

Are you clinician? We’d love to share your perspective too!

Find out more and submit your abstract by November 1st.


Soumettez un résumé à présenter au Congès de l'ACE 2025 à amiskwacîwâskahikan/Edmonton, AB-

Il s'agit d'une occasion pour vous de partager vos connaissances et vos stratégies pour :
👉 promouvoir la participation occupationnelle
👉 défendre le changement
👉 introduire des innovations
👉 influencer la prestation des soins de santé

ĂŠtes-vous clinicienne ou clinicien? Nous aimerions aussi partager votre point de vue!

Renseignez-vous et soumettez votre résumé d’ici le 1er novembre.


Marie has greatly influenced the occupational therapy profession, the hand therapy specialization, and beyond through her innovative clinical practice, dissemination of knowledge, and generous and collaborative leadership in rehabilitation settings and professional organizations. Her vast experience and contributions to the profession makes her a deserving recipient of this award.

Congratulations, Marie! 🎉


Marie a grandement influencé la profession de l'ergothérapie, la spécialisation en thérapie de la main et plusieurs autres aspects de la profession par l’entremise de sa pratique clinique innovante, de la diffusion de ses connaissances et de son leadership généreux et collaboratif dans les milieux de la réadaptation et les organisations professionnelles. Sa vaste expérience et ses contributions à la profession font d'elle une lauréate méritante de ce prix.

Félicitations, Marie! 🎉

Videos (show all)

we make it easy to pay your dues (Facebook).mp4
we make it easy to safeguard your lifestyle (Facebook).mp4
CAOT Conference 2025 call for papers (Facebook).mp4
5000 signatures (Facebook).mp4
we make it easy to get the latest occupational therapy news (Facebook).mp4
FINAL ENGLISH Share your voice - video_audio (Facebook).mp4
FINAL FRENCH Share your voice - video_audio (Facebook).mp4
we make it easyto save money (Facebook).mp4
we make it easy to get involved and make a difference (Facebook).mp4
we make it easy to protect your practice from risk (Facebook).mp4
we make it easy to access a world of resources and discounts (Facebook).mp4
we make it easy to build your library of knowledge (Facebook).mp4


103-2685 Queensview Drive
Ottawa, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00