
Coaching Millennials through lifes transitions using Human Design/ Gene Keys, traditional Algonquin Medicines and Ayurveda.

These modalities help to align your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Photos from Elation.guide's post 07/29/2024

If you resonate with any of these,

know that my coaching container may be the right fit to help support you through your transition.

It’s more than just a coaching program, it’s a holistic approach to a transformative journey that will awaken your inner strength, clarity, and purpose.

Using a unique blend of Human Design, Gene Keys, Ayurveda, and Traditional Algonquin medicine.

Comment : SCC for more details

Photos from Elation.guide's post 03/01/2024

When you begin to own your life you also begin to take ownership of your roles and things you can control.

Your attitude is a start,
It is fueled by the beliefs you hold
Which is the lens through which you see the world and interact with it.

To take responsibility is to own the stories in your life and how it has all played out,
To find meaning in them,
To gain your power back so your energy is not leaking.

And to understand those emotions that move through you as clues to your values, to your boundaries and to bring you into alignment.

Happy owning 💕


Value of the Present moment is everything…

Getting stuck in the past
you miss the present,
Focusing only on the future,
You miss the present
Aiming to be more present in your day and life
This is the magic
This is where the actions are
Where you create changes

Take a daily pause,
notice the birds, the wind, the flowers,
release the tension in you face and body,

Release expectations of what could or should be,
enjoy what currently is,

and if there’s not much to enjoy
bring your awareness within
see what you can shift right now,
What can you control in this moment

Do you need rest,
breathe into your belly,
declutter, eat, hydrate, etc
check your state and meet your needs in the now.

Keep showing up even when it feels like nothing is current working,
nothing is tangible,

Nothing is also everything


Incase you needed to hear this today 💕

Keep going, keep up the work, you got this 💕

❤️ 💯


If you are feeling trapped in story,

The things that have happened in your life,
Keep playing in your mind,

Consuming your thoughts, emotions and causing bodily sensations?

These are all signs that your emotions are trapped, they have been repressed and stored in your bodies. They are seeking acknowledgement, and release.

I’ve been there, it’s how I started my journey of self-discovery.

I wanted the stories to stop looping,
I wanted to stop shaking and being cold when having certain discussions.
I wanted to be able to breathe fully, deeply.
I wanted my life back and not feel like I was going to loose another 10 years due to suffering.

Suffering that felt very much out of my control. I was in victim mode, we all start there.

But you don’t have to stay there, it can be better, it all can change.

In order to resolve them and allow them to release there needs to be some work done on the subconscious level. Where you gain the wisdom from the story and allow it to be and bring resolution into your life.

This is my passion, this is my work.

Acknowledge the pain, find the meaning, resolve the stories/ limiting beliefs, find your innate gifts and LIVE your life with more Joy, Curiosity, and Love


I can’t say it enough…
I’ve been here,
I just crossed the bridge to the other side last year!
So I’m new and it’s been a long journey to get here.

Now i choose to no longer play small, and be silent,

It was HARD,
I had to go against the grains of all the things I knew and have COURAGE to move through my FEARS

But I took ACTION, I kept showing up for myself, moving through the resistance, moving through all the s**t that makes us crawl back inside our comfort zone.

But this side of the bridge is way more beautiful,
the gratitude,
the freedom to be,
to speak,
to find joy where before there was only gloom.

It’s your turn! I got you, I’m here to help guide you across, should you choose to.

All you have to do is DECIDE today, that you want something to shift,
and SHOW UP,
keep showing up
and don’t stop,

at some point you jump and it’s the best thing you do.

Complete surrender,
faith in your ability to fly because you’ve practiced a million times already.

Comment : READY or your favorite emoji

Claim it, it’s yours 💕💕


You don’t have to stay in struggle/ survival mode!

When we transmute our pain into wisdom we move forward with clarity and more ease.

The events no longer take from us but enrich us with our own golden nuggets.

This gold is part of our growth, part of the journey.

Attitude is everything
but to change the attitude
you have to change the perspective,
to change the perspective
you have to change the internal signal.


Let me know 👇


Together we look at life’s circumstances to find meaning,

This leaves you empowered

Because you move from victimhood; which is the belief that it’s happening ‘TO YOU’

To understanding how it has happened ‘FOR YOU’
The lesson, wisdom and as part of your evolution.

The power to change your narrative comes from taking responsibility for your ‘thoughts, emotions, and feelings’ about the circumstances and changing your attitude towards it.

This is the Power of Choice

Comment : POWER 💪🏻
If you are ready to own your narrative and change it!


How to move from low Self-worth to CONFIDENCE : 👇

This one is affected by all previous three wounds, which translates into how you value yourself and what you will get out of life.

The wound:
feeling unsupported by parents,
overly critical or controlling parents,
emotional or physical abuse,
unrealistic expectations placed on you

How it can manifest in your life:
✨Low confidence,
✨Limited beliefs around what you’re good for
✨Sabotaging yourself
✨Beliefs of why you don’t deserve certain things
✨Feel like you’re not good enough, or worthy,
✨lack of eye contact,
✨self criticism,
✨joking about yourself in a negative way,
✨negative social comparison

The healed version: ✨ CONFIDENCE ✨

If you no longer want to waste your energy managing all your symptoms. If you are looking to resolve the issue at the root.

Join me Wednesdays
starting FEB 14 @10:30am PST
where we dive each week into one core wound and resolve it.

The ULTIMATE self love gift 💕

Leave a :💕 below 👇



Going from Betrayal to ✨TRUST✨

This is the emotional centre wound.

How the wound began:
Broken promises,
being let down by those who you trusted to take care of your needs,
and they didn’t .

Instances of physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual abuse.

✨Manifests as how much you are able to TRUST yourself, others and the world you live in.✨

Ways it shows up in life:
trust issues,
Emotionally distant,
trouble recognizing, expressing, or managing emotions,
attachment issues,
Shutting Down,
Feeling disconnected from your intuition
Withdrawing or Stonewalling.

Once healed:
✨connected to your intuition,
✨trusting yourself and others.
✨Connecting to your emotions in a healthy way.
✨You begin to feel safe in your nervous system and in the decisions you make.

Join me in this transformative 4 week workshop, starting ✨FEB 14! ✨Where we heal the 4-core wounds.
Online via ZOOM

The ULTIMATE self love gift 💕
Comment : SELF LOVE


The Abandonment wound manifests as dependency. You will do anything as long as you’re not alone.

How the wound began: (womb - age 7)

emotional neglect,
inconsistent caregiving,
feeling unsupported in relationships.

Ways you might experience it now:
fear of loneliness,
have a hard time maintaining healthy relationships , putting up with things so people won’t leave you, seperation anxiety,
over thinking/ over analyzing words/behaviors , jealousy

It doesn’t have to keep playing out this way!

Join me in this transformative 4 week workshop, starting FEB 14! Where we heal the 4-core wounds.

The ULTIMATE self love gift 💕

Moving yourself from abandonment to security.

To feel secure in who you are, what you want and how to open yourself up to receive it all.


Together as a group we will look at
How the wound began:

Examples include:
Having critical parents,
being bullied,
having parents who were/are emotionally unavailable

Ways it currently manifests in your life:

low self-esteem and trouble believing in yourself, people pleasing,
having a hard time reaching out,
trying to be perfect for others,
sensitivity to criticism,
put unrealistic expectations on others,
compare yourself negatively to others,
aggressive behavior,
social anxiety

If any of these resonate you would benefit from the
✨4 -Core wounds workshop that starts Feb 14! ✨

Give yourself the ultimate gift of 💕LOVE💕

We go from Rejection to Acceptance

Keep your eyes out for the link to join this workshop

Or comment ✨WAITLIST ✨

and you will be the first to know when it’s released 💕


Starting Feb 14 - Your Ultimate self love is here!

This is the one workshop everyone needs to take.
Everything starts with these 4- core wounds!

We all have varying degrees in each wound.

These 4-core, shape how you see the world and how you interact with it.

When you choose to heal parts of these core wounds you begin to change the signal you emit, which creates new healed outcomes in your life, a pattern disruption.

Once you begin to resolve them in your subconscious , only then can you consciously make better decisions.

Remember your subconscious runs the show !

That’s where you need to go to change the outcomes!

Join me for 4 weeks to resolve these!

DM : SELF-LOVE for link with details



Are you good at making decisions or do you rely on others to decide for you?

Depends on the situation, right?!

All day we are faced with decisions, how often do you give away your personal power?

Sometimes the inability to make decisions feels like it’s out of our control and that has a part to do with your experiences thus far in your journey.

There is a belief you hold deep in your subconscious that is running the show.

As kids we often had very little control over our day, the adults around us made decisions for us. Leaving us feeling powerless,

but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore, you can take back your power and control the outcomes of your life.

The question is - do you want to?!
Are you ready to?

It takes courage to step up and take charge of your life and how where you want it to go.

It requires leaving victimhood behind and moving up to the next level of your evolution.

When you take responsibility for your decisions, you control the direction of your life.

I can help you move through this, I’ve been there!

Learn to take your power back and feel empowered in your life. We also work on feeling safe enough in your nervous system to integrate this change.

Book a personal healing session with me, so we can resolve this. Link in bio .

Or DM : READY and we can discuss this further 💕



Allowing people to see all parts of you, is HARD.

At some point in your life when you were vulnerable, you were shamed for it, rejected, or betrayed.

In order to protect yourself and feel safe you developed a coping mechanism that stopped you from going there. It was too painful.
You shut down,
You deny,
You reject parts of yourself

Because it’s easier…. Or you believe it’s easier on a subconscious level.

This has been a big part of my growth in the last 2 years, overcoming these aspects and feeling safe enough to be vulnerable and open .

I see you, I’m here for you, if I can do it, I know YOU can too. It’s scary and uncomfortable but so humbling, less lonely and opens more doors.

If this resonates DM me for a deeper chat 💕

With love from my heart to yours !

Photos from Elation.guide's post 01/05/2024

These are a few of the ways I help my clients move the needle in their life.

Setting goals, adding new habits and setting those intentions is one thing, but if you find that it never lasts

The motivation dwindles
The momentum slows down
It doesn’t stick

Then we look at the subconscious aspects that are running the show and see what’s really holding you back. How and why you are sabotaging yourself, from achieving all that you want!

If this is something that resonates, and it’s a pattern that plays out in different aspects of your life.

Book a healing session with me, where I can support you in resolving that pattern.


Regardless of where you are in your Journey at this moment.

If you approach it with a sense of curiosity,
you will be more open to receive the answers and outcomes you are trying to achieve.

Being curious means you ask yourself better questions and with better questions come better results.


If you feel that your questions are not getting you results on your path,

then come on over

and I’m happy to ask you better questions to get you the results you seek.

Photos from Elation.guide's post 12/18/2023

If any of this resonates,
this is my speciality,
this is why I do the work I do.

I was born with these burning questions and my journey has led me to grow a huge toolkit and specialize in holistic healing.

Holding sacred space and guiding the transformation for other women to discover themselves.

There is nothing more beautiful than walking this life with confidence , in knowing who you are and what you are here to do.

I will be opening my coaching container with limited spots in the new year!

If this has been on your mind let’s chat! See if we are a fit and how I can support you 💕

DM : Chat



Authenticity is taking the world by storm!


✨Authentic Self, made it into the Websters dictionary this year! ✨

How are you embracing your authentic self this holiday season?

what expectations are you living up to? Are they yours or the input of others’?

Having to drop the mask in specific situations and environments, because you no longer feel the need to fit in.

Embracing your authentic self is a turning point that is both scary and exciting!

the real you is fun, free and energetic.

Showing up with confidence in your life, your gifts, your light, integrating your spiritual self and physical self.

You got this! 💕



Theme for the remainder of 2023 : ✨PLAY✨

What does this word mean to you?
Does it make you uncomfortable?
Does it feel foreign?
Does you body have a reaction when you hear this?

This has been coming up a lot lately

How are you allowing yourself to Play?
What does it even mean to you?
When is the last time you got lost in a free flow state of something your inner child needs?

This month we PLAY!
*explore this side
*do something you haven’t done since you were a kid ( that used to bring you joy)


The reward of continued exploration of self is more than ‘rewarding’

It is what brings drive into the things you do because you know yourself so well that noone can deter you.

You can take in information with a clearer filter
Ask yourself :
✨Does this resonate with who I am?
✨Does this feel expansive/ aligned?
✨Does this get me where I want to be or go?

Asking only yourself the questions,
giving yourself permission and
making decisions for your higher good.

Not to say that others don’t play a part and can’t support along the way.

But once you’ve worked through enough of the issues, your environment is healthy and supportive in your higher good anyways.


Why a Spiritual Soul Purpose Coach?

Spiritual life coaching offers a unique and holistic approach to personal development, combining spiritual principles with practical tools.

Whether you are feeling lost, lacking direction, or simply wanting to bring more meaning into your life, spiritual life coaching can provide the guidance and support you need.

It is a holistic approach that takes into account the mind, body, and spirit, helping you develop a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

Photos from Elation.guide's post 10/21/2023

Taking care of ourselves doesn’t always have to cost money or take huge amounts of time.

Here is my list of FREE self-care rituals

✨KEY: Actions with Awareness


What moments took your breath away?

Moments of impact, shock, stress, trauma, cause us to hold our breath.

Our capacity, and ability to breathe with ease is a depiction of our current state of being.

I’ve always had a hard time with my breathing. A self restriction due to stressful moments that caused me to hold my breath, carried through decades. As part of my Journey I’ve had to work hard to be mindful of my breath- it’s not perfect, as it has been a lifetime of poor breathing that I am working through.

However adding a breathing practice as simple as bringing your attention to your breath during a stressful situation/ moment will help to move the tension through your body rather than store it.

Now I try to breathe deeper in moments that take my breath away in a beautiful way. Bringing more of that type of Breath into my life is refreshing.

Mindful Breathing To You 💕

Photos from Elation.guide's post 09/16/2023

Based on Ayurveda, we have all three of these Doshas in varying amounts.

However we have one or two dominant ones. These are helpful in understanding how we naturally are and how to utilize them when working with our dharma.

Go to : www.iamsahararose.com to take the Doshas quiz and find out more

Vata: air -- quick, fast-moving , unpredictable, cold - creative, visionary, think outside the box.

Affirm: I am mindful and calm

Pitta: fire- sharp, transformational, direct, hot. Ambitious, natural leaders, determined, entrepreneurial, organized.

Affirm: I trust and surrender

Kapha: earth- grounded , anchored, slow, cool. Emphatic, loving, giving, humorous, good natured. They’re for everyone but feel like they have no one to talk to about what’s going on with them.

Affirm: I release the expectations of others and love myself first


Are you continuously searching content but really looking for contentment?

The only place to find it is within.

When we know our passions and move towards them all else ceases to exist.

Our focus on contentment is personal.

✨How can you bring more satisfaction into your life?

✨What leaves you feeling satisfied?
(Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually)

✨What are you currently interested in?

✨Who are you following on social media and what is the content?

✨Where do you feel this contentment in your body?

With Love from my Heart to Yours 💕


By holding a sacred space for you to work through obstacles, acknowledge your strengths, celebrate your wins and explore your passions.


Being too much in our masculine, (survival, micromanaging, competing and go go go) has become normal.

Learning to lean into our feminine (our intuitive centre, ability to receive and create) almost becomes a much needed relearning.

It requires us to soften up and recognize that we are meant to ask for support and lean into community.

✨What does this support look like for you?

✨What area can you outsource and give yourself a break?

✨How will you connect to that intuitive centre today?

Put 💕 in comments below 👇 for some extra self- love today


Fear of rejection is one of the 4 core wounds we work through.

Each wound has many layers embedded within.

Reminder: there is no shortcut or quick fix, it’s all a process.

However once we understand the root cause of this fear of rejection, we move into understanding how it is trying to redirect us and teach us.

✨What are you missing out on because of this fear?

Instead of the fear of rejection and not changing. You learn to embrace the redirection and where it will lead you instead.

Growth over fear

If this is something you’ve been looking to work through. I’ve been there, im here to hold space for you as you navigate through this path.

Much love 💕


The more you step into your purpose and the life you want to live. Old versions of you no longer have a role. Leaving the comfort zone is needed at this time. You can do this!

BREATHE, focus on your breath throughout the day.

Transitions lead to a crossroads, a test if you will.
Are you going to keep going in the direction that lights you up or give in to the fear and comfort of what you know?

It’s a path you have not been on before, all it takes is courage, and consistency, a small step today! What is your small step today?

Affirm: I’ve got this!
In the comments below 👇

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Peachland, BC

Opening Hours

8am - 4pm

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