Gene Bio Medical

Canadian biotech firm with global reach, specializing in R&D and manufacturing of medical devices. Innovation. Advancement. Revolutionizing Healthcare.

Gene Bio Medical is a one-stop comprehensive in vitro diagnostic biotechnology R&D manufacturing company based in Richmond, BC, Canada. We have independent laboratories in Canada, several medical device production lines, 100+ production technical specialists, 60+ sales associates, and a sales network all over North America. We focus on developing reliable and high-quality testing technologies to help healthcare systems overcome this pandemic and prevent outbreaks in the future.


🦟 Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Virus: A Rare but Serious Threat 🦟

EEE is a severe viral disease spread through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Though rare, it's extremely dangerous—around 30% of people who develop severe EEE die, and many survivors experience long-term neurological issues. 😔

⚠️ Key symptoms include fever, headaches, vomiting, seizures, and behavioral changes.

🚫 There is no vaccine or treatment for EEE, so the best way to protect yourself is by preventing mosquito bites.

Living in EEE-affected areas? 🏡 Here are a few steps to safeguard yourself:
Use insect repellent.
Wear long sleeves and pants.
Avoid outdoor activities during peak mosquito times.
Stay safe and proactive! 🦟🌿
Encéphalite équine de l’Est (EEE) : Une maladie rare mais grave
L'EEE est une maladie virale sévère transmise par la piqûre de moustiques infectés. Bien que rare, elle est extrêmement dangereuse : environ 30 % des personnes atteintes de formes graves en meurent, et beaucoup de survivants souffrent de troubles neurologiques à long terme.
Symptômes : fièvre, maux de tête, vomissements, convulsions et changements de comportement.
Il n'existe ni vaccin ni traitement contre l'EEE, donc la prévention des piqûres de moustiques est essentielle.
Vivez-vous dans une zone à risque ? Protégez-vous en :
Utilisant des répulsifs anti-moustiques
Portant des vêtements longs
Évitant les activités extérieures aux heures où les moustiques sont actifs


🔍 Candida albicans: The Hidden Health Threat 🔍
What is Candida albicans?
Candida albicans is a common yeast found in the mouth, gut, and va**na. Normally harmless, it can cause problems if it overgrows due to a weakened immune system, antibiotics, or hormonal changes.
⚠️ Why Care?
Mild Infections: Oral thrush and va**nal yeast infections can be uncomfortable.
Serious Risks: In people with weakened immune systems, Candida can enter the bloodstream and cause severe infections.
🛡️ Stay Protected!
Practice Good Hygiene: Keep areas clean and dry.
Use Antibiotics Wisely: Only when needed.
Watch for Symptoms: Seek help if you notice unusual discomfort.

Be informed, stay healthy! Share this to help others understand Candida albicans and how to stay safe.
🔍 Candida albicans : La Menace Cachée pour la Santé 🔍
Qu'est-ce que Candida albicans ?
Candida albicans est une levure courante dans la bouche, les intestins et le vagin. En général inoffensive, elle peut causer des problèmes si elle prolifère en raison d'un système immunitaire affaibli, d'antibiotiques ou de changements hormonaux.
⚠️ Pourquoi s’en préoccuper ?
Infections bénignes : Muguet oral et infections va**nales peuvent être inconfortables.
Risques graves : Chez les personnes immunodéprimées, Candida peut entrer dans le sang et provoquer des infections sévères.
🛡️ Protégez-vous !
Hygiène : Gardez les zones propres et sèches.
Utilisation des antibiotiques : Utilisez-les seulement si nécessaire.
Surveillez les symptômes : Consultez un professionnel si vous ressentez un inconfort inhabituel.

Informez-vous, restez en bonne santé ! Partagez pour aider les autres à comprendre Candida albicans et à se protéger.


🌍 As 2024 begins, we face another intense influenza season. Respiratory diseases like , , and are at the forefront again.
At Gene Bio Medical, we monitor outbreak reports from the CDC, ECDC, and WHO. In Europe, influenza, RSV, and COVID-19 activity remains high, with influenza expected to rise further. COVID-19 and influenza trends are staggered, posing unique challenges.
Our data shows a decline in influenza B, while influenza A(H1)pdm09 is on the rise. U.S. patterns align with these findings, though influenza B prevalence is higher than in Europe.
Understanding these trends is crucial for developing effective diagnostics and treatments. Gene Bio Medical is committed to advancing technologies to combat these diseases and protect public health.
Stay informed and healthy!
🌍 Alors que 2024 commence, nous faisons face à une autre saison intense de grippe. Les maladies respiratoires comme la grippe, le COVID-19 et le VRS sont de nouveau au premier plan. L'impact récent de la pandémie de COVID-19 souligne la menace persistante de ces virus.
Chez Gene Bio Medical (Gene Biotechnology Enterprises Ltd.) nous surveillons les rapports d'épidémies du CDC, de l'ECDC et de l'OMS. En Europe, l'activité de la grippe, du VRS et du COVID-19 reste élevée, avec une augmentation attendue de la grippe. Les tendances du COVID-19 et de la grippe sont décalées, posant des défis uniques.
Nos données montrent une diminution de la grippe B, tandis que la grippe A(H1)pdm09 est en augmentation. Les modèles américains s'alignent sur ces conclusions, bien que la prévalence de la grippe B soit plus élevée qu'en Europe.
Comprendre ces tendances est crucial pour développer des diagnostics et des traitements efficaces. Gene Bio Medical (Gene Biotechnology Enterprises Ltd.) s'engage à faire progresser les technologies pour combattre ces maladies et protéger la santé publique.
Restez informés et en bonne santé !


🌟 Welcome to the Future of with Gene Bio Medical ! We're breaking new ground in Point-of-Care (POC) diagnostics with cutting-edge . Our goal? To deliver precise, efficient, and accessible diagnostic tools.

🔹 Shining Fluorogenic RNA Aptamers: Our high-affinity aptamers boost fluorescence for real-time RNA tracking, enabling clear single-molecule imaging and RNA-protein interaction studies.

🔹 CRISPR & Electrochemical Biosensing: Combining gene editing precision with electrochemical detection, our POC devices offer rapid, accurate diagnoses for various conditions.

🔹 Isothermal Amplification Magic: Simplifying nucleic acid amplification, our techniques reduce costs and make diagnostics accessible, even in remote areas.

🔹 Innovative Future: From enhancing aptamer systems to exploring RNA interactions, we're pushing the boundaries of biosensing for deeper insights into disease mechanisms.

At Gene Bio Medical, we're not just advancing diagnostics—we're revolutionizing them. Join us in transforming healthcare with pioneering biosensor technology!

🌟 Join the Diagnostic Revolution with Gene Bio Medical!
🌟 Bienvenue dans le futur des soins de santé avec Gene Bio Medical ! Nous innovons dans le domaine des diagnostics au point de service (POC) avec des biocapteurs de pointe. Notre objectif ? Fournir des outils de diagnostic précis, efficaces et accessibles.

🔹 Aptamères fluorescents brillants : Nos aptamères à haute affinité augmentent la fluorescence pour le suivi en temps réel de l'ARN, permettant une imagerie claire des molécules uniques et des études d'interaction ARN-protéine.

🔹 CRISPR & biosensibilisation électrochimique : En combinant la précision de l'édition génétique avec la détection électrochimique, nos dispositifs POC offrent des diagnostics rapides et précis pour diverses conditions.

🔹 Magie de l'amplification isotherme : En simplifiant l'amplification des acides nucléiques, nos techniques réduisent les coûts et rendent les diagnostics accessibles, même dans les régions éloignées.

🔹 Un avenir innovant : De l'amélioration des systèmes d'aptamères à l'exploration des interactions ARN, nous repoussons les limites de la biosensibilisation pour des insights plus profonds dans les mécanismes des maladies.

Chez Gene Bio Medical, nous ne faisons pas qu'avancer les diagnostics — nous les révolutionnons. Rejoignez-nous pour transformer les soins de santé avec une technologie de biocapteurs pionnière !

🌟 Rejoignez la révolution diagnostique avec Gene Bio Medical !

Photos from Gene Bio Medical's post 07/02/2024

🌟 Salmonella: The Hidden Foe in Your Kitchen! 🌟
This summer, while enjoying BBQs and picnics, remember that Salmonella is a sneaky threat lurking in your food!
🦠 What is Salmonella?
Salmonella is a bacteria found in poultry, beef, eggs, and unpasteurized dairy products. It can cause serious health issues, especially in young children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems.
🚨 Symptoms to Watch For:
- Abdominal pain and cramps
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
🛡️Prevention Tips:
- Cook Thoroughly: Ensure eggs, poultry, and meat are well-cooked.
- Avoid Cross-Contamination: Use separate utensils for raw and cooked foods.
- Keep Clean: Wash hands and surfaces often.
- Store Properly: Refrigerate perishables promptly.
- Wash Produce: Rinse fruits and veggies under running water.

Stay safe and enjoy your meals! 🍽️✨
For more information, visit the Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization.


What is disease? 🦠 It's a bacterial infection spread by tick bites, causing symptoms like a bull's-eye rash, fever, and joint pain. Cases are rising in North America due to climate change and expanded tick habitats. Ticks are most active during the warmer months, increasing the risk of bites and subsequent infections. During the summer, it's especially important to follow preventive measures like using repellents, wearing protective clothing, and performing regular tick checks. Stay safe by using repellents, wearing protective clothing, and checking for ticks after outdoor activities. Exciting news: a new vaccine is in the works! 💉 Learn more about prevention and treatment to protect your family!
Qu'est-ce que la maladie de Lyme?
🦠 La maladie de Lyme est une infection bactérienne transmise par les piqûres de tiques, provoquant des symptômes tels qu'une éruption cutanée en forme de cible, de la fièvre et des douleurs articulaires. Les cas augmentent en Amérique du Nord en raison du changement climatique et de l'expansion des habitats des tiques. Les tiques sont plus actives pendant les mois chauds, augmentant le risque de piqûres et d'infections. En été, il est particulièrement important de suivre des mesures préventives telles que l'utilisation de répulsifs, le port de vêtements protecteurs et la vérification régulière des tiques. Restez en sécurité en utilisant des répulsifs, en portant des vêtements protecteurs et en vérifiant la présence de tiques après des activités en plein air. Nouvelle excitante : un nouveau vaccin est en préparation ! 💉 Apprenez-en davantage sur la prévention et le traitement pour protéger votre famille !


We are excited to announce our CEO Jessica Hu's participation in the inaugural Canadian Women’s International Network ( ) Global Summit presented by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada!
Centered around the theme “Beyond Boundaries: Gender Inclusive Prosperity in Canada and Asia,” the summit will include high-level keynote speakers, panel discussions, a showcase of innovations from women entrepreneurs, and networking between women leaders from Canada and Asia.


🚨 Vaccination and testing are crucial for ! Alberta's highest flu death toll in 15 years, with 167 deaths this season, highlights the dangers of declining flu vaccination rates. Less than a quarter of Albertans got their flu shot this year.
Meanwhile, Canada is preparing for potential H5N1 bird flu by engaging vaccine suppliers and enhancing surveillance measures, including wastewater monitoring.
Ensuring adequate testing capabilities, overcoming logistical challenges, and having a robust vaccine strategy are essential steps to be prepared for a potential outbreak.
Let's learn from the past and ensure we're ready for the future! 🦠🩺
For more information, check out the full reports from
and Global News.
🚨 La vaccination et les tests sont cruciaux pour la hashtag ! Le nombre de décès dus à la grippe en Alberta est le plus élevé en 15 ans, avec 167 décès cette saison, soulignant les dangers de la baisse des taux de vaccination contre la grippe. Moins d'un quart des Albertains ont reçu leur vaccin contre la grippe cette année.
Pendant ce temps, le Canada se prépare à une éventuelle grippe aviaire H5N1 en collaborant avec des fournisseurs de vaccins et en renforçant les mesures de surveillance, y compris la surveillance des eaux usées.
Garantir des capacités de test adéquates, surmonter les défis logistiques et avoir une stratégie vaccinale robuste sont des étapes essentielles pour être prêts à faire face à une éventuelle épidémie.
Apprenons du passé et assurons-nous d'être prêts pour l'avenir ! 🦠🩺


🌟 Day 3 at BIO International Convention 2024! 🌟
Greetings from sunny San Diego! 🌞 Gene Bio Medical (Gene Biotechnology Enterprises Ltd.) team is having an incredible time at the BIO International Convention 2024. We've been diving deep into fascinating sessions on AI in drug discovery, groundbreaking biotech investments, and the latest in radiopharmaceutical innovations. 💡🧬

Today marks the third day of this amazing journey, and we're more excited than ever about the future of healthcare. We've met brilliant minds, exchanged innovative ideas, and yes, we've also enjoyed some fantastic tacos! 🌮😉

Moreover, we had the pleasure of attending the Life Sciences BC reception yesterday, connecting with fellow innovators and discussing the future of life sciences. It was an inspiring and energizing event! 🌐🤝

Stay tuned as we continue to explore, learn, and share our insights. The adventure isn't over yet! 🚀


Gene Bio Medical is gearing up for the BIO International Convention 2024 in San Diego from June 3-6! 🌟 Don't miss this opportunity to connect with over 20,000 industry leaders, discover the latest biotech innovations, and explore new partnerships.

Join us in shaping the future of biotechnology!


🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

Gene Bio Medical is thrilled to announce our participation in the BIO International Convention 2024 in San Diego from June 3-6! 🌟 Join us at the largest global event for biotechnology, where we'll be connecting with over 20,000 industry leaders, sharing our latest innovations, and exploring new partnerships.

Key Themes:
🔹 Advancing Global Regulatory Decision-Making
🔹 AI's Role in Drug Discovery
🔹 Building Biotech Foundations with Venture Investments
🔹 New Approaches in Radiopharmaceuticals

We're excited to hear from industry visionaries like Robert A. Bradway (Amgen), Jenelle Krishnamoorthy (Merck), Ted W. Love (BIO), David Moore (Novo Nordisk), Kate Rubins (NASA), and Nauman Shah (Johnson & Johnson).

Stay tuned for updates and join us in advancing the future of biotech! 🌐✨

Photos from Canada’s International Trade - Global Affairs Canada's post 03/27/2024

Today marks the beginning of the second half of our incredible Trade Mission in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and we couldn't be more thrilled to share this journey with you! 🚀

Our day kicked off with an enlightening introductory session on the vibrant Vietnamese market and the ins and outs of doing business in the dynamic Indo-Pacific region. The insights gained were invaluable, setting the stage for what promises to be an enriching experience. The afternoon was bustling with meetings with local businesses, opening doors to countless opportunities and collaborations. 🤝💼

Did you know? Vietnam is not only one of the fastest-growing economies in the Indo-Pacific but also Canada’s largest trading partner within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This highlights the importance and potential of our connections and interactions during this mission. 📈🌍

We're excited to continue exploring these opportunities, fostering relationships, and contributing to a prosperous future for both Canada and Vietnam!

Photos from Gene Bio Medical's post 03/01/2024

🌟 Thrilled to Reflect on the HKCBA Vancouver Spring Gala! 🌟

A heartfelt thank you to McMillan LLP for inviting us to an evening filled with enriching conversations and networking. It was an honor to speak with YANG Shu, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Vancouver, and Richmond City Councillor​ Chak Au 區澤光 - Richmond City Council, alongside other esteemed business partners.

The gala underscored the importance of strong, cross-cultural partnerships and left us inspired and optimistic about future collaborations.

Grateful for the connections made and looking forward to what lies ahead!


🌏✈️ Exciting News from Gene Bio Medical! ✈️🌏

We are thrilled to announce that Gene Bio Medical has been officially selected to participate in the upcoming Team Canada Trade Mission to Malaysia and Vietnam, taking place in March, 2024. This prestigious opportunity marks a significant milestone in our journey towards expanding our international footprint and further diversifying our market presence in Asia.

Our participation underscores Gene Bio Medical 's commitment to exploring new horizons, fostering international collaboration, and driving growth through global trade. We are eager to engage with potential partners, understand local market dynamics, and uncover new opportunities.

We want to express our gratitude to the Trade Commissioner Service - Global Affairs Canada for this incredible opportunity and to our team, partners, and clients for their ongoing support.

Follow our journey as we prepare for and embark on this exciting trade mission. Stay tuned for updates, insights, and stories from Malaysia and Vietnam!


🌟 A new study has shown that the HPV vaccine is proving to be a game-changer in the fight against cervical cancer, marking a significant milestone towards eradicating the disease.
With an impressive decrease in cases among vaccinated populations, this breakthrough underscores the vaccine's effectiveness and the importance of public health initiatives.
It's also crucial to remember the importance of regular check-ups for early detection and prevention. A healthier future is on the horizon! 💉🔬
Une nouvelle étude a montré que le vaccin contre le VPH s'avère être un élément décisif dans la lutte contre le cancer du col de l'utérus, marquant une étape importante vers l'éradication de la maladie.
Avec une diminution impressionnante des cas parmi les populations vaccinées, cette percée souligne l'efficacité du vaccin et l'importance des initiatives de santé publique.
Il est également crucial de se rappeler l'importance des contrôles réguliers pour une détection précoce et une prévention. Un avenir plus sain est à l'horizon !

For more details, you can visit the original article here: Global News Article

CRAFT 2.0: Unity Health Toronto joins centre for research on microfluidic devices for human health 02/12/2024

🌟 Big news from the healthcare frontier! 🌟

Gene Bio Medical is buzzing with excitement over the recent Unity Health Toronto & CRAFT collaboration. 🚀

As Canada's leading biotechnology company, Gene Bio Medical (Gene Biotechnology Enterprises Ltd.) is specializing in , although we are not partners yet, we're eagerly willing to join forces, enhancing Canadian healthcare through our expertise. This partnership aligns with our innovation goals and the transformative work of the CRAFT initiative. Moreover, it symbolizes our shared commitment to enhancing healthcare and diagnostics, promising a brighter future for Canadian patient care.

CRAFT 2.0: Unity Health Toronto joins centre for research on microfluidic devices for human health The Centre for Research and Applications in Fluidic Technologies (CRAFT) has been extended to 2028 and has expanded to formally include Unity Health Toronto, an academic hospital network and leading…

Photos from Gene Bio Medical's post 12/27/2023

🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟
Team Gene Bio Medical (Gene Biotechnology Enterprises Ltd.) is thrilled to announce that we've been selected as finalists for the RESI JPM San Francisco Innovator’s Pitch Challenge (IPC)! 🏆💼

Our dynamic duo, CEO Jessica Hu and Chief of Staff Ian Yang, FCSI®, CIM®, MBA, MFIN, are gearing up to present our groundbreaking innovations to a panel of investor judges, live and in-person, on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024. 🚀🎤

This is a remarkable opportunity to showcase our vision and dedication to transforming healthcare through innovation. We're ready to take the stage, share our passion, and make a lasting impact. 💪💡

Stay tuned for updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and the incredible journey as we prepare for this exciting challenge. Your support means the world to us! 🌍🙌
Learn More:

L'équipe de Gene Bio Medical est ravie de vous annoncer que nous avons été sélectionnés en tant que finalistes pour le Défi de Présentation des Innovateurs (IPC) lors de la conférence RESI JPM San Francisco ! 🏆💼
Notre duo dynamique, composé de la PDG Jessica Hu et du Chef de Cabinet Ian Yang, se prépare à présenter nos innovations révolutionnaires devant un panel de juges investisseurs en direct et en personne le mardi 9 janvier. 🚀🎤
C'est une opportunité remarquable de mettre en avant notre vision et notre engagement pour transformer les soins de santé grâce à l'innovation. Nous sommes prêts à monter sur scène, à partager notre passion et à laisser une empreinte durable. 💪💡
Restez à l'écoute pour les mises à jour, les aperçus en coulisses et le parcours incroyable alors que nous nous préparons à ce défi passionnant. Votre soutien signifie tout pour nous ! 🌍🙌

Photos from Gene Bio Medical's post 12/27/2023

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 Gene Bio Medical (Gene Biotechnology Enterprises Ltd.) is gearing up for the Biotech Showcase in San Francisco! 🧬🔬

📆 Mark your calendars: January 8–10, 2024
📍 Where: San Francisco, CA

The Biotech Showcase is where innovation meets investment, and we're thrilled to be a part of it! 💼🌍

This premier investor conference is dedicated to providing a platform for private and micro-mid-cap biotechnology companies like ours. It's an incredible opportunity to shine a spotlight on our groundbreaking innovations and connect one-on-one with investors and biopharmaceutical leaders. 💡🤝

We can't wait to share our vision, exchange ideas, and explore new horizons in the world of biotechnology. Stay tuned for updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and exciting developments as we embark on this remarkable journey at the Biotech Showcase!

Join us to meet one-to-one!
Le Biotech Showcase est là où l'innovation rencontre l'investissement, et nous sommes ravis d'en faire partie ! 💼🌍
Cette conférence des investisseurs de premier plan est dédiée à offrir une plateforme aux entreprises de biotechnologie privées et de micro-cap à moyen-cap, comme la nôtre. C'est une occasion incroyable de mettre en lumière nos innovations révolutionnaires et d'entrer en contact direct avec les investisseurs et les leaders de la biopharmacie. 💡🤝
Nous avons hâte de partager notre vision, d'échanger des idées et d'explorer de nouveaux horizons dans le monde de la biotechnologie. Restez à l'écoute pour des mises à jour, des aperçus en coulisses et des développements passionnants alors que nous nous lançons dans ce voyage remarquable au Biotech Showcase ! 🚀💙

Photos from Gene Bio Medical's post 12/19/2023

🚨 Exciting News for Saint John, NB! 🚨

We're thrilled to announce that Swiftswab is now available for purchase at Steeves' Pharmasave - Parkway Mall! 🏥

Why Swiftswab? 🦠✨

Our cutting-edge technology ensures high accuracy in detecting not only the familiar strains but also the latest viruses, including Delta, Omicron, and the new JN.1 variant. Your health and safety matter, and Swiftswab is here to provide you with the assurance and peace of mind you deserve.

Stay proactive and protect yourself and your loved ones with Swiftswab. Get yours today at Pharmasave Stevees! 💙💉

🚨 Nouvelle passionnante pour Saint John, NB ! 🚨

Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que Swiftswab est désormais disponible à l'achat chez Pharmasave Stevees ! 🏥

Pourquoi choisir Swiftswab ? 🦠✨

Notre technologie de pointe garantit une grande précision dans la détection non seulement des souches familières, mais aussi des derniers virus, notamment Delta, Omicron et la nouvelle variante JN.1. Votre santé et votre sécurité comptent, et Swiftswab est là pour vous offrir l'assurance et la tranquillité d'esprit que vous méritez.

Restez proactif et protégez-vous ainsi que vos proches avec Swiftswab. Procurez-vous le vôtre dès aujourd'hui chez Pharmasave Stevees ! 💙💉


🦠 Important COVID-19 Update 📢: The latest COVID-19 variant, JN.1, has sparked global concerns as it spreads. Chinese experts anticipate a rise in infections, but a severe worsening of the situation is not expected.

Initially identified in Luxembourg, JN.1 has reached the UK, Iceland, France, and the US.

In the US, as of December 8, 2023, JN.1 accounted for 15-29% of circulating SARS-CoV-2 viruses, up from less than 0.1% in October, per the CDC.

The US foresees a potential increase in COVID-19 cases in the coming month.

Moreover, a newly discovered variant, BA.2.86, with 30+ spike protein mutations, poses a significant immune evasion risk compared to other variants. Japanese scientists' research suggests JN.1, too, possesses immune evasion potential due to the L455S spike protein mutation. They hint at JN.1 potentially becoming a dominant global variant.

Stay informed, stay safe. Follow guidelines and get vaccinated! 💪

Photos from Gene Bio Medical's post 12/11/2023

🌟 Celebrating Excellence at GBM 2023 AGM! 🌐

We're delighted to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who graced the GBM 2023 AGM with your presence. 🙏

This event was nothing short of exceptional, bringing together esteemed investors, representatives from the provincial government of British Columbia, the BC Investment Promotion Office, and our cherished business partners, both from home and abroad. 🌎

Reflecting on the past year, we're thrilled to share some remarkable achievements:

Expanding exports to 14 countries 🌍
Signing 7 bilateral free trade agreements 🤝
Forming exclusive partnerships with 4 renowned research centers 🧪

Our unwavering dedication has earned us a place among the top 14 biotechnology companies in Canada, and we take immense pride in having the only female biotechnology entrepreneur in British Columbia among us. 🇨🇦🙌

Not to forget, our investors have enjoyed a phenomenal 250% return on their investments. 📈💰

These milestones are the fruits of a decade of relentless pursuit in the international trade arena, made possible by our brilliant team of scientists and entrepreneurs. Today, we celebrate our achievements while remaining grounded and steadfast in our commitment to excel in research and development. 🚀🧬

Our heartfelt thanks go out to our incredible team and all our partners for their invaluable support. Together, we're crafting a promising future in the realm of biotechnology. 🌟👏


🚀 Exciting News! Our Chief of Staff, Ian Yang, is gearing up for an incredible opportunity at the RESI J.P. Morgan San Francisco Innovator's Pitch Challenge (IPC) representing Gene Bio Medical. 🧬

🌟 This is a fantastic platform for showcasing our cutting-edge innovations in the world of medical genetics and behavior research. We're thrilled to be a part of this event that brings together top minds in the industry.

🔬 Stay tuned as Ian presents our groundbreaking work, connecting the dots between genes and behavior, at IPC. 🧠 Let's make strides together in advancing healthcare innovation!

Photos from Gene Bio Medical's post 11/30/2023

🌟 Today's itinerary has been full of excitement! 🌟
This morning, we had a captivating fireside chat about the new generation of leadership. The discussion was led by the Ambassador of Canada to the Republic of Korea, H.E. Tamara Mawhinnery, and the CEO of NAVER Corporation, Soo Yeon Choi. It was an inspiring conversation that shed light on the future of leadership in a rapidly changing world.
After the insightful chat, we visited Ewha Womans University, immersing ourselves in the beautiful campus and a sea of knowledge. In the afternoon, we had the incredible opportunity to tour an innovative tech giant, NAVER Corp! Naver is a leading South Korean ICT company known for its cutting-edge technologies, including its popular search engine, online services, and digital platforms.
During our visit, we also learned about Naver's groundbreaking projects, its commitment to future technology and innovation. It's been a thrilling experience.
Feeling incredibly enriched today and looking forward to more adventures ahead! 🌸🏢
Ce matin, nous avons eu une conversation captivante sur la nouvelle génération de leadership. La discussion a été dirigée par l'Ambassadrice du Canada en République de Corée, Son Excellence Tamara Mawhinnery, et la PDG de Naver Corporation, Soo Yeon Choi. C'était une conversation inspirante qui a éclairé l'avenir du leadership dans un monde en rapide évolution.
Après cette discussion enrichissante, nous avons visité l'Université Ewha Womans, nous plongeant dans le magnifique campus et un océan de connaissances. L'après-midi, nous avons eu l'incroyable opportunité de visiter un géant de la technologie innovante, Naver ! Naver est une entreprise sud-coréenne de premier plan dans le secteur des technologies de l'information et de la communication, connue pour ses technologies de pointe, notamment son moteur de recherche populaire, ses services en ligne et ses plateformes numériques.
Au cours de notre visite, nous avons également découvert les projets révolutionnaires de Naver, son engagement envers la technologie et l'innovation futures. Cela a été une expérience passionnante.
Nous nous sentons incroyablement enrichis aujourd'hui et avons hâte de vivre de nouvelles aventures à venir ! 🌸🏢

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Videos (show all)

🌟 Welcome to the Future of #healthcare with Gene Bio Medical ! We're breaking new ground in Point-of-Care (POC) diagnost...
🌟 Day 3 at BIO International Convention 2024! 🌟Greetings from sunny San Diego! 🌞 Gene Bio Medical (Gene Biotechnology En...
🚀 Exciting News! 🚀Gene Bio Medical is thrilled to announce our participation in the BIO International Convention 2024 in...
SwiftSwab Rapid Test Kit ® can detect over 40 COVID-19 variants, including the seven most prevalent strains. With a dete...
RETAIL READY!! Covid-19 otc antigen Self TestDetecting for Omicron (B.1.1.529) versus Delta (B.1.617.2) variantGene Bio ...
Vancouver Healthcare SummitWe are proud to be a part of this exciting event happening on September 22 and 23 at theCoast...
Gene biomedical automated production line for SwiftSwabAt Gene Bio Medical we have different automated manufacturing lin...
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Maker of rapid flow lateral tests

Viva Pharmaceutical Inc. Viva Pharmaceutical Inc.
13880 Viking Place
Richmond, V6V1K8

Viva Pharmaceutical Incorporated is a leading manufacturer of custom-made pharmaceuticals and health food products catering to its customers worldwide.

Technomed Trading Equipment and Parts Technomed Trading Equipment and Parts

TECHNOMED is associated with a large network of equipment companies through which allows us to provide dealers/ clients/end user consumers with the best services

Segra Segra
#108/21300 Gordon Way Richmond
Richmond, V6W1M2

Segra is a cannabis tissue culture nursery and the trusted source for clean genetics.