Dolphin Basketball Classic, Richmond, BC Videos

Videos by Dolphin Basketball Classic in Richmond. Richmond Basketball Tradition since 1986....this annual tournament is set in mid July every summer

Short clip from the “Dolphin Park Documentary” film by Sean Campbell. This years Dolphin Classic is from July 21-23, 2023 South Arm Community Centre (SACC)

Other Dolphin Basketball Classic videos

Short clip from the “Dolphin Park Documentary” film by Sean Campbell. This years Dolphin Classic is from July 21-23, 2023 South Arm Community Centre (SACC)

Pink Whistle Legacy Fund
We are very supportive of our good friend and head referee Ken Dhillon’s Pink Whistle cancer awareness campaign. This is a wonderful initiative to help raise awareness for his wonderful cause.

Fri night opening games

Throw Back Thursday to when @stevenash pulled up to @dolphinclassic widely considered as BC’s greatest player of all time, 2x MVP, NBA 75th Anniversary Team, 2x FIBA Americup MVP, 8 time NBA All Star, 3x All NBA First Team, 5x NBA Assists leader, former GM of Canada’s Men’s National Basketball Team“Dolphin Park Documentary” film by Sean Campbell

Throwback to when 3 time NBA sixth man of the year Jamal Crawford pulled up with his Seattle squad. “Dolphin Park Documentary” by Sean Campbell

🐬 Park Basketball Classic origins. A short clip from "Dolphin Park Documentary" Film by Sean Campbell.

Come join us for good vibes at 🐬Dolphin Basketball Classic on Fri, July 22 to Sun, July 24th Southarm Community Center