Bella Doula

Bella Doula

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Prenatal and Birth Support


With the recent SHA announcement of an epidural catheter shortage, preparation for birth is more important than ever! Here are some things you can do to prepare for an unmedicated birth :

1. Hire a doula. A doula can provide you with all the support, coping tools and birth education you need to help with a smooth unmedicated birth. (Obviously this would be my number one recommendation 😂).

2. Watch birth videos. Instagram is helpful with this one! Watching birth videos normalizes it and can help wash away any fears surrounding it.

3. Listen to podcasts. Again listening to stories normalizes birth, it gives us information on possible outcomes and also gives different perspectives. I listened to and it was one of my favourite sources of education.

4. Reach out to friends who have had unmedicated births. Find your tribe! Friends are there to support and encourage you. They can give you further advice/tips. Ask them to describe the transition phase so you know exactly what to expect! (Make sure these stories are helpful, not told in a way that is trying to scare you).

5. Practice yoga or breathing techniques. Yoga is a great way to practice breathing through discomfort. It will help you get ready for birth both mentally and physically!

Lastly the best thing you can do is learn self trust and understand that birth is a NORMAL physiological process. We were built for this! 🙌


Finally finding time to reflect on my birth experience ❤️can’t believe it has already been ten weeks!
Reflecting on how amazing my support team was and I am so excited to be that support for many birthing women in the future!


Been a bit MIA on here lately but for a good reason! :)
Kaiser Lawrence Cooper was born April 18 8:58pm.
I have been soaking up all the newborn snuggles and will be back to posting more soon! I will start taking clients this September:)

For now I would just like to give a shout out to my own amazing doula Lindsay .
She was such an amazing support person to have ❤️
If you’re questioning whether or not to hire a doula the answer is always YES.


Reasons I love midwifery care ❤️

This is my third baby and first time with a midwife.
Here in Saskatoon there are only 6 midwives! Luckily I was selected to be under their care.
A few things I have noticed and enjoyed about their care compared to my previous experiences with obstetricians.

1. At my very first appointment my midwife gave me a handout titled “informed consent.” I found this such a great way to promote education and awareness around this topic.

2. They have me never once weighed me and I don’t think they actually have a scale in their office! This has allowed me to intuitively connect with my body and baby, rather than worry about numbers on the scale.

3. Currently I am 40 weeks pregnant and they have never once brought up membrane sweeps or cervical checks. It is so nice to be able to fully trust my body rather than have intrusive thoughts that my body isn’t capable of going into labor on its own.

4. My midwife has a couch in her office instead of an examination table. This simple gesture makes our appointments friendly and enjoyable. We get to know each other in a comfortable and welcoming environment :)

Making a connection with your care provider can be so important in a birth experience. We need to feel safe, comfortable and capable, and a good care provider should help us check all those boxes ✅


Asking questions is so important when choosing a care provider, but what kind of questions should we ask?
1. Ask for stats. Ask them their percentage of c-sections, vacuum use, forceps use, episiotomies, vaginal deliveries etc. If their cesarean rate is 60% and you want a vaginal birth then it might be time to find a new provider!

2. Ask them about themselves and get to know them! It is so important to feel comfortable with your care provider. Ideally they should also do the same and make it a priority to get to know you. Make time for small talk about family life, values, education etc.

3. Ask questions about each ultrasound, test or routine procedure that they request. This will help you make informed decisions and will also help you get to know their stance on certain things. (Also helps to do your own research to see if they information they presented was more fact or opinion based)

Bottom line it is SO important to get to know your provider! Find ways to start conversations and don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as possible!


Preparing for birth can be a big task. That’s partly why I’ve been dropping the ball on my social media posts 🤦🏼‍♀️
I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and prepping for birth by reading, listening to podcasts, watching birth videos, doing yoga, exercising, and going for walks.
Do I do this everyday? Heck no
Do I constantly question if I am doing enough? 100%

But learning to self trust is a HUGE part of the process and something I have been working on in this pregnancy.
Trust in myself
Trust in my body
Trust in my baby
Trust in my team
Trust that I have done enough and am enough.

Also… no this photo is not of me. But I do wish I lived in that climate and also wish I could remember to take a nice bump photo this time around 🤪🤦🏼‍♀️


Celebrating the brave, beautiful and powerful women in our lives ❤️
Our bodies are strong and SO capable of anything.

Posting late because let’s face it… I only have time for instagram either before the kids wake up or after they go to sleep 🤪


What does a doula do?

Most people are hesitant to hire a doula because they don’t want them to replace the supportive role of their partner.

But the opposite is true.

A doula does NOT replace the role of a partner, but is there to ENCOURAGE the connection and support that your partner is able to offer you.

A doula will: advocate for your birth preferences, provide food, water, recommendations on position changes, bathroom breaks, emotional support, physical support (if wanted).

This frees up your partners responsibilities so that they can be 100% available to YOU. They can stay connected and can support you without worrying about when the last time you ate/drank/peed was.
A doula is also available to give the partner breaks during a long birth process. Because.. let’s face it.. our partner can’t be fully present if they are tired or hangry.

My personal goal as a doula is not to become your main support system… It is to provide you and your partner with the education, tools and environment that will deepen your relationship during this special rite of passage in your lives.

Overall, a doula’s role is very customizable. Ideally you should meet with your doula beforehand, not only to develop trust and a level of comfort, but to be on the same page about what you expect from them and what they can offer you.

This past weekend I met with my doula, Lindsay in preparation for my third birth. After our meeting I feel so much relief and comfort knowing that I have her on my team. Having her there will allow my husband to be fully present with me and will give me the feeling of safety that I need in order to relax and let go.

We are not made to birth alone. Find your support team and make sure it’s the right fit for you ❤️


It is easy to feel overwhelmed in pregnancy, there is A LOT of information out there.

The best place to start is by talking to others! Connect with women who are pregnant or who have been pregnant. Listen to their stories and learn from them. Think about everything with a critical mind. Ask for recommendations on books, accounts to follow and podcasts.

The best way to learn is from each other. ❤️


When a birthing women says "I can't do this" what she really means is "I can't do this ALONE."
We need our team. We need love, confidence, and unwavering support. We them to know our goals and to encourage us to achieve them, ESPECIALLY in those toughest moments.

New blog post is up! Head to the link in bio to Read more!


I have listened to many women tell me their birth stories over the last few years and I have noticed a common theme. Almost all birthing women will say something along the lines of "I give up," "I can't do this." "When will this be over."
Heck, I said it myself for both of my daughter's births, even when in my heart I KNEW I wanted an unmedicated birth.

We are not failures if we make these statements.... we probably don't even mean what we say. Sometimes just saying the words is all we need. One major influence of our birth process is how our support team will react to our statement of defeat.

Stay tuned for a blog post coming soon touching more on this topic and HOW our team can help us through these tough moments :)


No one should run a marathon without proper fuel. The same goes for birth! We need bursts of energy at just the right moments!
Make it your partners job to give you sips of water every twenty minutes.
If you start hitting a wall, feeling exhausted and depleted then you NEED some extra nourishment. Your body can’t run on empty!
Care providers may tell you “no food” but they are not in charge of your body and they can’t stop you from eating…

The best thing to pack for the hospital is a cooler bag full of food for both you and your partner!

Birth is a marathon! Give your body the tools it needs to cross that finish line 🙌🙌


Check out my first Blog Post featuring Courtney, Darian, Hannah | RDs]] !

For most of a woman's life we have
been told to either lose or maintain
weight. We are constantly surrounded
by images of the
"ideal" body type,
and face societal pressures to look a
certain way… (continue reading through the link in bio)

Before pregnancy I was lucky enough to have Courtney, Darian, Hannah | RDs]] on my team to help me get my get my period and energy levels back! They also played a huge role in my mental health surrounding food and intuitive eating.

Thanks to from Courtney, Darian, Hannah | RDs]] for helping me with my first blog post!


Your Birth Trauma is Valid

I recently read a book where the author recommended telling your children their birth story each year on their birthday.
She said she loved re-living that day and her children always loved hearing it, no matter how old.

I immediately felt sad. How could I share my birth story with my oldest daughter? During her birth I felt helpless, violated and empty. I felt like a bystander to everything that was happening to my body.
I became angry that I have been stripped of the ability to tell my daughter an amazing, beautiful birth story on her birthday.

This made me realize how much trauma I was still holding onto.
I started reading more about birth trauma. One tip was to find all the positives of your birth story.
At first I couldn’t think of any.. besides meeting my baby. 😕
I dug real deep and realized that my birth story IS one of power and strength.
Her birth changed who I am.
It MADE me strong.
It taught me to stand up for myself.
It taught me not to easily follow orders, but to take charge of my body and of every decision I make.
It taught me to do research, ask questions, speak up and not back down.
Since that day I have learned SO much about myself and have worked hard to become a strong, fearless mother who is not afraid to advocate for myself and my family.
I am not passive or weak. I became brave and bold.

So I AM grateful for that day and experience. I would not be who I am without it.
And today.. on my daughters 4th birthday, I will be sharing with her all the powerful lessons she taught me on the day she was born.


Birth tip #3 Create a safe space

What do birth, pooping and s*x have in common?
They are all natural physiological processes of our human body. And all can be greatly affected by stress, and time limits.

Imagine pooping or having s*x in a room full of strangers… not gonna happen! Your body needs to feel safe, comfortable and relaxed.

So why is it so common to birth in a room where there are constant interruptions, bright lights, strangers, invasive exams, and words like “you’re not progressing fast enough.”

Unfortunately the hospital setting is not what I call cozy and comfortable.
More and more studies are showing the safety of home births. A large part of the success of home births is due to the fact that the woman feels safe, comfortable and there are minimal interruptions.

If a home birth is not an option for you that’s okay! Make the most of your setting.

Here’s some things you can do:
1. As soon as you arrive at the hospital take a moment to re-centre. Do this by yourself, in the bathroom , with the lights off. Visualize your safe space.
2. Bring your favourite pillow or blanket, it will be your favourite thing to squeeze during contractions!
3. Dim the lights and play soft music! The little things matter!
4. Feel free to decline vaginal exams. There is no evidence that vaginal exams are beneficial. They can add pressure to the unnecessary “time limit” that many care providers have for a birthing woman. There’s no rush, and birth is not linear, so why measure it in centimetres??
5. Feel free to ask anyone to leave the room at any time. It’s your birth process. You’re in charge. Remove any outside stress.

Overall think like a cat… find a dark cozy corner to cuddle up into! Trust your mammalian instincts and follow your intuition. You can make it your partners job to protect your safe space :)


For some reason people think it’s okay to comment on your weight the moment you become pregnant.
The truth is.. it’s never okay!
What is the worst thing someone said to you while pregnant?
For my current pregnancy I’ve been told that I “look large so it must be a boy!” and every other day someone usually tells me “wow you really popped!”
I have also gotten the twin comment on more than one occasion.
My first blog post touches on this topic, stay tuned I will release it by the end of the month!


Head to my website!
Currently I am offering prenatal classes and birth prep for you and your partner.

I will begin offering birth support in September 2022!

I am expecting baby #3 in April but will still be available to contact by email.


My “Why”

My first birth taught me A LOT. It taught me that "going with the flow" can lead to birth trauma. My carefree and flexible plan ended up leaving me feeling empty, violated and confused. With my second birth I decided to take action, I read books, did research, watched birth videos, I met with a birth doula and listened to other women's stories. Most importantly my partner took the time to prepare with me. This made a HUGE difference. I left my second birth feeling empowered and in control, but I was still puzzled. Why was it so difficult to have a positive birth experience? Why has birth become so complicated and "scary?" Isn't it supposed to be a natural and physiological experience?

Since then, I have decided to learn as much as I can about birth (I could read birth stories all day). I have completed my Doula Certification through the Wise Woman Way of Birth and have begun my journey to spread awareness, information and positivity about the pregnancy, birth and post-partum journey.
My goal is to help women and their partners feel excited, confident, and prepared for their birth experience!

When I'm not busy geeking out about birth.. I am hanging out with my husband and two daughters, or coaching CrossFit Kids at CrossFit Ashlar.
I am a former elementary school teacher and have always felt a passion for caring for others.
I love spending time outdoors. My favorite spots are Cranberry Flats, Furdale dog park or Wakaw Lake!

I look forward to meeting with you and sharing my love of all things pregnancy and birth related!


Welcome to my page!
My name is Kimberly Cooper, I am a certified birth doula and mom of 2 looking to share information on positive and gentle births as well as respectful parenting ❤️

Check out my blog and website! (Link in bio) 🙂


Hello! My name is Kimberly Cooper, I am a Mom of two (three in April), certified doula, CrossFit Kids Coach and teacher!
Whenever I have free time (which I don’t) I love to garden, paint, and CrossFit or just spend time outdoors!

Spending time with my family is my favourite. We love to try to be minimalists and do our best to use respectful parenting strategies.

Our daughters Maisie (3) and Robin (1.5) are hilarious little turkeys who love to sing, dance and act.

I’m looking forward to sharing birth and parenting knowledge with you all!

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Saskatoon, SK

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