We are a cannabis health clinic that offers full consultation and product services. BBS provides free consultations and product services to patients.

BBS offers only the highest quality products to assist patients in their health journey.


Big news.....Best Buds Society will be opening our first shop in Vancouver next month!!!

We are proud to be in North Van, Capilano area, on Squamish territory.

Soverign land shop to help patients with Charter protected access to medicines.

Let's go.


Come on people.....propaganda isn't just about creating fake news, it is also about hiding real news and events.

Have a look at what is actually happening.


Guess who's back.....front page.....


Hey everyone. Happy Cannabis Day;)

Just an update for everyone, we are all OK, we have been FINTRACd again with our accounts and have been getting harassed again. Megs and the girls are back at Grandparents in Sask.

Our lawyer checked in and we do not have any warrants. They have been digging around because we have been putting up a fight about not getting our property back from now over 3 months after our case was done. There was over $460k worth of property taken from the raids.

We will be making another formal request, with Court Order to get our property back tomorrow.

We should be able to make an appointment to get the property this week. I will be going in with my team and a lawyer to get our property back. We will request to also talk to the Chief.

We will keep you posted and try and get some coverage for this.

If anyone has media contacts, please give me a hand, I would appreciate it.

Thank you for your continued support!


We have very little chance for the future in Canada if we continue on the trajectory we are on politically, economically and socially. Our current, unqualified, drama teacher lead government is corrupt and in the process of bankrupting us on every level.
Our only option for next election, the Conservative party lead by Milhouse's evil twin, only about 5% different from Justin. He is also unqualified and has a lot of criticism of Justin, but provides very little solutions to the issues at hand and next to no options for changing our continued twirling around the toilet bowl.

We need a firm hard change in Canada to head in the right direction. With better, more experienced and qualified leaders in this country with some real options. There has to be some options....... even I have about 10x more life experience, qualifications and knowledge about what goes on in our country than these two clowns. I don't think it would be too hard.....

What would I do as PM of Canada?

- Health Canada -

*No options being Presented in this area from our current political parties.*

I would drop the Bill trying to get rid of supplements. This bill is to keep people dependent on Big Pharma.
Allow many Peptides, SARMS and entheogenic medicines and treatments to be legalized instead of prosecuting. These medicines would replace many unnecessary, expensive and often dangerous or harmful pharmaceuticals.
A comprehensive Health Canada website with a web of information to keep people up to date and informed on supplements, food nutrition, fasting, cold water therapy, breathwork, self care, natural medicines vs pharma, exercising methods, meditation etc.
Shut down the Fentanyl and methadone type programs and get people into entheogenic treatment and care instead.
Sell 3000 of the useless government buildings and start housing the homeless with many and sell the rest to fund the project.
Trash and revamp the Cannabis Act to be actually legalized with less stupidity and restrictions. Lead by the actual industry leaders and OGs. Get rid of the corporate and BS gatekeeping. Better prices and access with coverage and no sin taxes for patients.
Efficiency overhaul, from easier prescription filling, online appointments, to less bureaucracy and workers because of abolishing some department and positions.
Investigate and prosecute any corruption and treasonous actions from the CVid era.

- Immigration -

*Justin wants this area open, PP only talks about emigration, not immigration and presents no options or reasonable way to control.*

This major problem in Canada is a major issue and it affects our housing and economy to social well being, safety and Criminal Justice system. We have to get on the hard and immediately.
If you do not deserve or need to be here....F off, we are full.

These temporary resident and workers visas are abused by the likes of foreign owned and big corps like MCDonalds, BK, Tim Hortons, A&W, 7-11 and all these types of companies that get up to 70% coverage for subsidized wages of foreign workers. They are using your money to subsidize the profits of these companies is messing up our economy, health and small business. Funny the prices have only ever went up at these place, when your money paid for workers.

We have 4.3 Million of these temp workers, visas, residents and otherwise. If I was elected I would immediately revoke these permits and give a set time period, maybe 90 days for them to leave. If not, they would be fined $50k and have to work it off at a government farm, detention center. The same farms we would have corrections have the inmates working for their food and skill development. The foods produced at these farms would feed corrections, customs detainees, the homeless and low income families. Possibly be used to keep grocery store giants fair and reasonable too. After the bills were paid for fines, they would be flown out of Canada....on their bill, of course. Any landlords or businesses that were found to be housing and hiring these undocumented foreigners would also be fined $50k and would be fully investigated for other violations.

Anyone that is accepted as a citizen or resident on visa or otherwise will be subject to good behavior laws. These laws will be out into place so old garbage fighting and qualms, from other counties is not brought here. You are on probation for 15 years. You get charged and convicted of crime, see you, time to go.

This would all help the economy, social culture, housing and crime rates in Canada.


Our housing problems are because of immigration problems and CMA Mortgage fraud.....the biggest unprosecuted crime in Canada, one that discriminates against Canadians and allows for foreigners to get huge advantages in the real estate industry, to the detriment to our country.

Foreigners can lie about the mortgages and banks do not investigate, allowing them to get multiple houses to rent to Canadians. To get a CMA backed loan, you have to live in the house......these foreign investors, do not, just keep bills in their name and rent as 'utilities included' .
Regular Canadians cannot get away with these frauds as easily because of all their financial reports and history being available from here in Canada. These loans are backed by our government and tax dollars. and hurt our economy by raising prices.
I would make laws to combat this crime and have police investigations on the industry and banks. Any banks allowing these frauds and not doing their due diligence will receive huge fines and suspensions.

- Justice System-

Work on system efficiency problems.
Corrections inmates to work farms to learn skills growing food and other trades.
Hold corrupt police officers and departments accountable for actions and goals.
Investigate and prosecute corruption from politicians to government workers.
Charge treasonous actions as such. Maybe start hanging again for treason.
Investigate and prosecute false information and claims from politicians. Independent panel of experts, veterans and industry experts to decide.
Media and politicians to be banned from using hypnosis, subliminal and other such techniques and practices from mainstream media, speeches etc.
Lobby groups to be made illegal and prosecuted.
No more treating people special. Everyone treated fairly and protected under the Charter of Rights.
No Ideological flag flying or agenda promoting to minors.

-Government Spending/ Voting-

To cut down on our bloated government spending, we will be getting rid of many government positions, travel expenses, voting costs and many money hemorrhaging issues. Our overspending is sinking our country; things must change.

To cut back on these crazy expenses, I would create and implement a very well structured voting and government information APP.
Most Canadians have a cell phone, which is registered to your name, by way of Driver's License or Passport. We can work on online services or drop in stations for any citizens without a phone.
All government voting and related issues for true democratic operations in Canada can be achieved this way.
We can cut down on spending massively and do not have a need for many politicians.
CSIS, veterans groups as well as a panel of experts would maintain legal and ethics continuity of the programs and sites.

-Taxes & Food-

Double Tax on junk food and fast foods; no taxes on whole foods and healthy foods.
No taxes on Utilities.
Income tax of 20%. Could do this with all other savings.
No inheritance taxes.
More regulations on sugar, dyes, poisons, pesticides etc. Like Europe.

- Oil & Gas-

Get the industry firing up again and make our local supplies better utilized and get LNG and other products into international markets.


Smaller class sizes. Promote better subjects like taxes, cooking, nutrition, law, banking, etc. Promote more trades in high school.

I could go on with more....

What other suggestions do you have that would work to help take Canada back to being a world class place to be?
Please share and explain your ideas and position.

Please share this post and let's see what answers we can come up with.


Patrick Warnecke


To Everyone involved in Neil Magnuson 's celebration of life are all amazing heros and legends of humanity!

How do you really put words to describe such a legend of humanity and selflessness? The world will miss him dearly and could take a lesson.

I am sorry I could not attend today, but I had some s**t going on. I would have loved to have spoken about Neil and tell you my own story.

Years ago, at a ine of the 420 events, I was enjoying myself, eating some mushrooms, hanging out at the Liberty Farms and Skunk & Panda booths. Neil walks by and I yell, "Hey Keith!" Being a hockey player, and as I was buzzing, I forgot Neil's name and yelled the name of his hockey player cousin.... Neil turned to me and laughed and said, "No, I am Neil, that is my cousin." We had a good laugh, I explained I was buzzing. He then told me he has been watching our work with Best Buds snd he knew that Jerry Martin and I were not seeing "eye to eye on something and he thought we should talk."

So Jerry and I met up, ate some mushies, enjoyed some cannabis products and went out to the PNE together to enjoy the night and talk about joing forces to fight the Charter Challenge together.

As you know, we did our thing with that.

We will miss you Neil, you were a humanitarian like like no other.

God bless you and Jerry too. Burn one in heaven together and say hi for me. We will meet again someday for a 420 sesh.


Oh Canada, our justice system is in a joke.

After 6 years in court, a successful Charter Challenge and having the criminal court charges stayed, we have lost our forfeiture case....

The provincial court will not try to recover the taxes we payed to the federal government, apparently that is not criminal money, but the money they took from us was, even though we were not convicted.

In the end, the only crime committed is theft. By the government.

The only victims are the taxpayers, patients and our family.

We will turn the page and regroup to help patients.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Happy 420 Everyone!!!

As we celebrate let's also recognize the need for continual cannabis protests and voices in the community.

We have all witnessed that cannabis legaLIESation was about control and money; nothing has really changed for patients access or legal prosecution of patients and the cannabis community in general.

Continue to fight and protest against legal and medical discrimination of cannabis patients and consumers.

We need patient access, as much now as ever before.

Be safe, have fun, speak your voice.


After 6 years fighting in court, getting a Charter Challenge win, the Crown will be staying our charges from the 2018 raids at Best Buds Society. They say it is "no longer in public interest."

A very interesting thing to say, as we were about to bring a lot of evidence and exposure of programs to court that would not be in their favor, if the general public had knowledge of.

I will talk about everything more in depth after everything is cleared and official next week.

In the meantime, we will be getting our property back and we need to make claim of everything we can. Any of our old staff or patients that still have a copy of their prescription from in 2018 can come forward and we will make a claim for your "property".

It was a very long and draining battle, but in the end, we won.

With this all coming to an end, we will be putting this behind us and getting ready to help open plant medicine churches starting this Spring.

These churches will allow us to continue helping patients with their rights to access the plant and frog medicines they need.

Please stay tuned for the first churches coming soon.

Thank you for all the love and support along the way. We appreciate everything you have done.

We hope to see you in Church soon;)


Dive into transformation at our 2-day Kambo ceremony in Edmonton, with the option to amplify your journey with a 3rd day.

Experience the ancient healing of Kambo, celebrated for its mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Find relief from depression, anxiety, addiction, autoimmune disorders, stress symptoms and more.

Immerse yourself in a supportive community of like-minded souls, guided by experienced facilitators. Megan and Chris are dedicated to your healing journey.

✨ Pricing:

• 2-Day Access: $555
• Add the optional 3rd Day: Total $700
• Secure your spot with a $200 deposit.

Don’t miss this chance to heal, grow, and awaken your spirit.

Book now:

By connecting with Chris at Healing Spirits Kambo


Megan at Lemura Soul

Join us on this profound journey of healing and transformation.
Lunch will be served each day!


Unleash the Power Within and embark on a transformative 3-day Traditional Kambo Healing Journey in Yorkton, Saskatchewan on Oct 21 and 22

Join Healing Spirits Kambo as we guide you through ancient rituals and unleash the healing potential within. Led by Facilitator Chris Jordan, an Advanced Kambo Practitioner trained in Mexico & Peru.

Benefits of Kambo:

Improve mental clarity
Reduce stress
Enhance concentration
Emotional balance
Connect with your inner self and nature
Purify your mind, body and spirit
Gain insight and spiritual revelations

Cleanse your body, mind, spirit and Illuminate your path with Kambo's wisdom and let your spirit soar. 🌿🌟 Please DM me, text at 306-690-FROG to book your spot.


Hey Everyone, we have been waiting for this day for a few months now after getting delayed multiple times because of another case. Hopefully the last day of 'remedy' arguments today at 14:00 Sask time, 13:00 BC time.

If you want a link, DM me.

Let's make some positive change. Here we go!

Thank you for the support.



We just got a call from our lawyer, Mark Baerg, he let us know that the Crown contacted him and said he will be DROPPING ALL of our CBD related charges.

There was a very interesting "off record" conversation that occurred that I will be discussing with all of you at a further date, maybe not publicly....for now.

This was the thorn we were waiting to get out as the Charter decision in our favor already for the other charges. We still have a ways to go, but we are confident that Best Buds Society will be back to help patients very soon and we will be able to talk publicly about our experiences as soon as conditions, orders and bans are dropped.

Thank you EVERYONE for your continued support!!!

One love!


Hello Everyone,

It has been a very long road, many emotional moments with ups and downs over the last 4.5 years that we have been dealing with the results of our 2018 raids at Best Buds Society.

We are very happy to finally be getting to the decision in our Charter Challenge case after all the adjournments and other delays. I don't know if I have ever been so nervous and excited for anything in my life. Regardless of what we have went through as a family and community, I am grateful for our entire experience and the tools it has given to me for the future.

We are hoping that the publications ban as well as gag order will be removed so that we can once again start to post information and start expressing our voice as cannabis patients.

Thank you to Everyone that supported us along the way, we appreciate you.

We will be posting the decision and what is happening as soon as we know. If you want to join us in court, you can join our group page, Canadian Charter Challenge, where we post the address and info.

Decision is Monday at 10:00 Sask Time.


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Hunter's Story




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Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 10am - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
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